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Cool Custom Computers and Cases

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posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 09:46 PM
Do you have a picture of your pc or some interesting computer pictures?

My PC:

A few cool pics:

posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 10:03 PM
Heres a site that delves extensively into case modding:

posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 10:04 PM
I dont have a pic of my computer but as soon as I get a pic of it I'll post it.

posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 10:10 PM
The pic of my pc is a Koolance (liquid-cooled) case.

Under full load the temp stays in the 28�C - 39�C range.

posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 10:12 PM
Some mighty fine looking cases there. Currently I'm in the process of looking forwards upgrading my home system. The 'Alienware' variety of cases/systems seems to have my vote at present.

Though I have a friend who runs an IT/Computer Parts/Service business...and has floated some ideas as to systems/cases he could custom build for me.

He has made a few already, will have to snap some digi-pics and link them when I get a chance. One case I have seen in looks like a large Office Building, with windows and lights that come on at various well as a - get this - working elevator inside it. You can see these little figures going up inside this elevator through a perspex viewing section...

He is also in the process of making two full custom cases for another in the shape of a Doctor Who 'Darlek', another in the shape of a Star Wars Storm Trooper helmet.

He also looking at marketing custom various forms like Alien Heads, Lady Bugs, Starship Enterprise, Darlek, cars etc etc.

He wants to make me a high-gloss black case with chrome highlights/trim with a dark fluro-green 'alien head' perspex cut-out on the sides, lit with fluro lights and complete with custom painted (matched) keyboard and 'alien head' mouse of course. Sounds cool.


posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 10:14 PM

Originally posted by alien The 'Alienware' variety of cases/systems seems to have my vote at present.

Alienware is cool as hell!

posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 10:17 PM

Originally posted by Hyperspace

Originally posted by alien The 'Alienware' variety of cases/systems seems to have my vote at present.

Alienware is cool as hell!

Cool as hell yeah but waaaayyyyy too overpriced if you ask me. I could assemble the machine myself from the same parts alienware uses and save a couple hundred bucks and have the same machine.

posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 10:19 PM

Originally posted by TheyWatchYouToo
Heres a site that delves extensively into case modding:

Awesome site dude! Thanks, I�ve been looking for a site like that!

posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 10:21 PM

Originally posted by Ocelot

Originally posted by Hyperspace

Originally posted by alien The 'Alienware' variety of cases/systems seems to have my vote at present.

Alienware is cool as hell!

Cool as hell yeah but waaaayyyyy too overpriced if you ask me. I could assemble the machine myself from the same parts alienware uses and save a couple hundred bucks and have the same machine.

I agree that's it's overpriced; but it's still eye candy!

posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 11:26 PM


Has some nice cases, I found the link on ATS bottom banner ad.

Alienware... I'd love to own one... but i don't have enough bling bling to blow on one :p

posted on Sep, 9 2003 @ 11:31 PM
Model PACE 16-24D

posted on Sep, 10 2003 @ 02:01 AM

Originally posted by Hyperspace

Originally posted by Ocelot

Originally posted by Hyperspace

Originally posted by alien The 'Alienware' variety of cases/systems seems to have my vote at present.

Alienware is cool as hell!

Cool as hell yeah but waaaayyyyy too overpriced if you ask me. I could assemble the machine myself from the same parts alienware uses and save a couple hundred bucks and have the same machine.

I agree that's it's overpriced; but it's still eye candy!

I love the alienware area51 laptop. Too bad its way over my budget...

posted on Sep, 10 2003 @ 02:26 AM

this forum has some wicked case mods and overcloking.

alien ware is pretty cool but as we say here "arsch teure!"

why mod your case when you can mod out your entire OS!

I was bored and thought I'd throw a screenshot of my desktop!

posted on Sep, 10 2003 @ 12:23 PM
Aaahhhh....Who needs a cool case?! Or any case at all for that matter?!

I am personally using what I like to call "Guerilla Style" caseless computer construction. Trasportation is certainly a pain in the @SS while quick access to all components has never been easier!

posted on Sep, 11 2003 @ 04:59 AM
I guess if you dont mind dust getting on your components and eventually wearing out your machine , then go for it.

Personally I'd just like a computer that doesn't make any damned noise. The one I have is so loud its like being in a wind tunnel.

posted on Sep, 11 2003 @ 05:39 AM

Originally posted by TheyWatchYouToo
I guess if you dont mind dust getting on your components and eventually wearing out your machine , then go for it.

Personally I'd just like a computer that doesn't make any damned noise. The one I have is so loud its like being in a wind tunnel.

Dust is the least of my worries. In fact I don't know how many times you've opened up your case but the next time you do, take notice to the dust inside!! Because of the fans and the fact that your computer acts like your TV screen with Static Electricity, I can assure you the amount of dust is incredible. Dust isn't much of a worry either except when it gets so bad that it clogs your CPU fan from spinning. In fact it seems to gather less dust without being in a case. The only real worry is heat, as a case with correct fan placement does keep the heat down a bit more.

I've been a Certified PC Tech for about 4 years now so I've experimented in crazier ways than this with no ill results. Believe it or not, most computer components are not as fragile as you might think.

BTW your noise problem is going to be a fan. More specifically it's probably the ball bearings in the fan that have become worn. If it is really that loud than I'm guessing it's the power supply fan. It could be the small fan over the CPU but that is usually much more quiet, but should be checked also. Get a new Power Supply and maybe a new CPU fan also if it's gunked up (spinning slow) or making noise. It's pretty common and VERY ANNOYING, I understand your frustration. But it's a easy fix and she'll be purrin like a kitten in no time.

posted on Sep, 11 2003 @ 05:42 AM
Thanks... I've switched to using my laptop which is (relatively) quieter than my mega beast of an HP media center pc with its TWO count em TWO fans.

posted on Sep, 11 2003 @ 06:53 AM

Originally posted by TheyWatchYouToo
Thanks... I've switched to using my laptop which is (relatively) quieter than my mega beast of an HP media center pc with its TWO count em TWO fans.

Don't mention it!

Not sure how old your HP is but Two fans is quite common now. By that I mean Power Supply Fan, CPU Fan, and TWO extra fans (front and back), because the speed of processors has gone up so much they generate heat like crazy!!! Even with the special Heat Sink and Fan for the CPU's now Two extra fans are often required to also create a tunnel of fresh air in a current crossing over the CPU to keep it cool enough. I've had to battle a couple machines that rode that fine edge. Nothing is worse than a machine that shuts down every 10-30 min. cause of overheating. It always seems to happen just when you were gonna save too!!!!

posted on Sep, 11 2003 @ 07:15 AM
Some cool cases (not mine)

and behold....the caffeine machine!

Mine is like this, un-modded yet.

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