This is a translation of the official french free-mason site :
(there are several sites. If you can understand espanol or german, you will find some informations there...)
Italic text are my coments
Important warning:
One does not return in Freemasonry to see or make a turn, it is neither a hobby, nor a curiosity which one practises at wasted time. It is an
engagement of life which has its requirements. A Freemason devotes on average two meetings per month, it agrees to add at least an additional meeting
of instruction to the symbols during the first two years. Moreover, the various maconnic Cabins organize conferences with personalities of the world
civil which come to expose on political subjects, social, scientific, etc, extremely interesting. One can thus say that a serious Mason devotes one
evening per week to his maconnic activity in a direct way, to which is added many hours of research, reading and writing according to his
availability, since it acts above all of a work on oneself.
How to become Freemason?
What it is necessary: - to be major, to have more than 18 years for France - to have a virgin criminal record - to be free and of moralities, i.e., to
exert a job, which is not dirty of deshonorability
like deputy, senator..., even if it's a job authorized by the law, or to have resources of
honest source, allowing to provide for its needs.
- A through the recommendation of a Freemason, with which you have a family relation, friendly or professional, which will be able to direct you
according to your sensitivity towards a serious Obedience, corresponding to your waitings. - By making a request with a known Obedience, such as the
Large Cabin of France, the Great Orient of France, the Large Traditional Cabin and Symbolic system (as regards male Obediences), of the Large Female
Cabin of France (as regards female Obedience) or to finish with the Human Right (as regards mixed Obediences). This list of recommendations is not
exhaustive, but let us quote we them for their seniority, their importance and their presence on the whole of the French territory thus that the
serious one of which they make proof. And in all the cases, it is a guarantee to avoid with the citizen eager to join Freemasonry to fall into the
trap from certain swindlers or other traps sectarian. These same Obediences exist in Belgium and Switzerland like in Canada and for a certain number
of them, in several countries of the world.
How much does that cost?
On average, in France, the cost is lower than 2.000 per annum F (305 �, approx 300 $) and nothing other. It is not given, but maconnic Obediences
receive neither subsidies, nor of assistances other than the annual contributions their members. In addition, a significant part of this contribution
is allocated with the maintenance and the loads of the places of meeting, the expenses of secretariat and of the Post office.
How to leave Freemasonry?
It is possible (and even desirable) if a mason resigns that members of its Cabin ask him why, if something disappointed, and especially if it is not
because of financial difficulties... But that will not go further. For which wants to leave Freemasonry, nothing simpler: It is enough to cease coming
to the meetings, sending a letter of resignation and ceasing paying its contributions! (Completely between us, to cease coming without sending
apologies, or to cease paying whereas one does not have financial difficulties is also enough, but in this case one is made erase instead of
resigning. It is a bad idea that one is likely to regret if one day one wishes to return!)
If you some people are interested about free-masons I'll translate the maconnery history and some other informations wrote by the masons
themselves. Ask me if you want.