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O' Rhesus Negative Blood/ First Humans

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posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 06:56 AM
Hi all.

I've posted before about my illness; Hypokalaemic Periodic Paralysis, and decided to look on the net to see if it has anything to do with the blood.

Previous thread (if interested):

Anyway, as I mentioned I was looking for information about blood and found a pretty strange site that had some odd info to offer.

Being O' Rhesus Negative myself I found it quite interesting.

Could it be possible that people with this blood group are descendants from the "First" humans?
Either way, believe it or not, it's still a pretty interesting read.

Any thoughts?

I just found another site about the Rhesus Negative Blood type but this one has something to do with reptillians. I know a lot of you laugh at the reptillian theory, but just give it a look. It certainly gets you thinking.

This is probably a dumb question but does anyone believe this information to be credible?

[edit on 14/9/2005 by redize]

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 07:40 AM
Redize, who wrote that bloodgroup article? Is there more info regarding it? It was a very interesting read and I have read others like it.
I don't know if I put much stock into the Draco/alien gen mod version but it does lend some interesting ideas.
I too am a O Neg and I had to get 2 RH shots when I was pregnant with my son. Unfortunately I haven't had his blood tested so I don't know his blood type. To my knowledge I am the only RH neg in my family.

They say we are the anomolies consisting of only 7% give or take of worldwide population and yet the RH positives carry a monkey protein. I like to think that I am unique if anything. At least we baffle scientists

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 07:54 AM

Originally posted by DDay
Redize, who wrote that bloodgroup article? Is there more info regarding it?

I'm not sure who wrote that article but I went to the homepage and found this:

About halfway down the page it goes blank, but if you highlight it all you can see what is written???? Don't know why they've done this.

My mum just said that she had to have the same shot's during her pregnancy and when I was born. I came out with O' rh neg the same as my mum, so maybe your child has the same blood group.

They say we are the anomolies consisting of only 7% give or take of worldwide population and yet the RH positives carry a monkey protein
That is funny
We're not related to monkeys! Just kidding.
Maybe we are special, i've definitely felt like i'm not part of the populace before. Maybe we do carry the original bloodline.

Sorry for waffling, I just find this stuff pretty interesting!

[edit on 14/9/2005 by redize]

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 08:03 AM
very interesting reading indeed. I am also of the 0-neg group and as much as i like some monkeys on this planet i can see where the writer was coming from

Interestingly, when you have 0-neg, everybody wants your blood.....dem monkeys...

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 08:59 AM
Here is some more info for your reading pleasure.

It's a little more comprehensive.

Thanks for bringing this up again. I have visited some threads about this a while ago and it was very thought provoking then so I am glad I am revisiting this now.

Makes you go HMMM...
Do any of you share the similarites of traits stated in the article?

I have green eyes, blonde hair but with red undertones that drive me crazy.

very low blood pressure 90/68 commonly

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 09:02 AM
I just found another site referring to O' rhesus negative people as part reptillian and "The Lost Children Of Israel".

Realistically thinking, if any of this is true, then could the O' neg's be the direct descendants of some other ancient race.
If these ancient astronauts did mate with the inhabitants of earth then surely their bloodline could still exist having been passed down through the generations.

You just posted the same link I did. I removed it now.
That site is quuite intriguing.

I've got dark brown hair and blue/grey eyes, though i'm not sure of my blood pressure.

[edit on 14/9/2005 by redize]

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 09:09 AM
I just showed my mum that site and she read about the mothers body rejecting the unborn and why this happens. She's informed me that happened with me also. Her body was rejecting me so the hospital had to give her Anti-D shots.

This is the part she read:

All animals and other living creatures known to man can breed with any other of their species. Relative size and color makes no difference. Why does infant's haemolytic disease occur in humans if all humans are the same species? Haemolytic disease is the allergic reaction that occurs when an Rh negative mother is carrying a Rh positive child. Her blood builds up antibodies to destroy an ALIEN substance (the same way it would a virus), thereby destroying the infant. Why would a mother's body reject her own offspring? Nowhere else in nature does this occur naturally. This same problem does occur in mules - a cross between a horse and donkey. This fact alone points to the distinct possibility of a cross-breeding between two similar but genetically different species. (/quote)

This site raises a good point. If humans are the same species then why should this happen?

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by DDay
Makes you go HMMM...
Do any of you share the similarites of traits stated in the article?

lets see :

* Predominance of green or hazel eyes that change colour like a chameleon, but also blue eyes, piercing. BROWN

* True red or reddish hair BROWN

* Low pulse rate & low blood pressure CHECK

* Keen sight or hearing HEARING YES, BUT IM BLIND AS A BAT

* ESP, UFO connections, Abduction, Para-normal occurrences CHECK

* Extra rib or vertebrae HMMMM

* Love of space and science MORE OF AN INTEREST

* A sense of not belonging to the human race CHECK (most of the time)

* Empathetic illnesses WHATS THAT?

* Compassion for fate of mankind CHECK

* A sense of a 'mission' in life THERE IS A CERTAIN ITCH...

* Unexplained body scars A FEW

* Capability to disrupt electrical appliances DEFINATELY SOMETHING THERE

also, to my knowledge i have nothing to do with Basque people of Northern Spain and Southern France, or the Eastern/Oriental ancestors are slavic.

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 09:27 AM

Keen sight or hearing HEARING YES, BUT IM BLIND AS A BAT

Nuk that's hilarious! Not that your blind but the way you said it.

Empathetic illnesses WHATS THAT?

Usually means when someone else is sick you are ill as well. Like a sympathy sick. Although I have never had that per se I have had feelings of ill about people I don't even know. Very hard to explain and probably doesn't belong in this post.

ESP, UFO connections, Abduction, Para-normal occurrences CHECK

You've had these? You should tell us about them. I have never had an encounter.

I just showed my mum that site and she read about the mothers body rejecting the unborn and why this happens. She's informed me that happened with me also. Her body was rejecting me so the hospital had to give her Anti-D shots

Yes, that happened to me as well. My husband is O+ and I am O-. According to the article when this happens there is a high risk of miscarrage which is what happened to us the first time around.
After that they gave me the shot to prevent the attack on the baby the second time around and it worked.

What is strange to me is that this one antigen has the ability to abort life. How can this be when we are genetically the same?

I will keep digging for more info. This is a great topic

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 10:47 AM
I just found this site which is a little more informative regarding blood types:

(quote) Type O people have red blood cells with neither antigen, but produce antibodies against both types of antigens. Because of this arrangement, type O can be safely given to any person with any ABO blood type. Hence, a person with type O blood is said to be a "universal donor" but can only receive blood from the corresponding O type people shown in the blood compatibility table below. Thus, for example, an O-negative person can only receive blood from another O-negative person. (/quote)

After reading the above statement I find myself a bit baffled.
Many years ago, I decided I should start giving blood, so I went to my nearest donor centre to apply. They did a few tests on my blood and then told me that being O' rhesus negative meant that I couldn't donate?!?

I thought that was a bit odd so consulted my doctor and he agreed. I forget most of what he said then, but he said that people with O' neg could not donate blood.

Is it possible my doctor got it wrong somehow?? I've always believed since then that i'm not suitable as a donor.

I think i'm going to have to do a bit more research on blood types and their relation to genetics. I find this stuff awesome to think about.

p.s: I don't know why "astronomy" is in the link above??

[edit on 14/9/2005 by redize]

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 12:02 PM

Empathetic illnesses WHATS THAT?

Usually means when someone else is sick you are ill as well. Like a sympathy sick. Although I have never had that per se I have had feelings of ill about people I don't even know. Very hard to explain and probably doesn't belong in this post.

Yep, that happens to me as well, but only if im in love with that person.

ESP, UFO connections, Abduction, Para-normal occurrences CHECK

You've had these? You should tell us about them. I have never had an encounter.

hehe, be carefull what you wish for

Although i must say i havent been probed or anything bad like that, i just wet my panties

i had an encounter along with more than 50 people next to me, but apparently i was the only one that actually remembered it. I think the friggin aelieens are erasing peoples memories when they are done, or people themselves choose to erase disturbing memories from their heads....or surpress them....anywayz back to the VERY interesting topic.


posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 01:22 PM

Originally posted by redize
Many years ago, I decided I should start giving blood, so I went to my nearest donor centre to apply. They did a few tests on my blood and then told me that being O' rhesus negative meant that I couldn't donate?!?

I thought that was a bit odd so consulted my doctor and he agreed. I forget most of what he said then, but he said that people with O' neg could not donate blood.

Is it possible my doctor got it wrong somehow?? I've always believed since then that i'm not suitable as a donor.

After the Canadian Red Cross found out that I had O Neg. they would call me up from time to time (about every 3-4 months) and ask if I would come in and donate.
I'm not sure on this, but I had heard that my blood could be given to any other person (universal donor) on Earth, but I could only receive blood from someone that was a match with me.

That list above that nukunuku ran down is weird. Almost every item is a hit with me.

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 01:27 PM

After the Canadian Red Cross found out that I had O Neg. they would call me up from time to time (about every 3-4 months) and ask if I would come in and donate.

Me too! I served in the US Navy and once the found out my blood type the came after me like blood hounds. (no pun intended)

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 01:39 PM
>Could it be possible that people with this blood group
>are descendants from the "First" humans?

If so it would be a bit difficult to reconcile with the fact that RH deficient blood wasn't first observed until WWII. I think it would be easier to justify that it's a recent mutation, or introduction.

I suppose it would be helpful if anyone had any idea what that particular protein was did, but the only reference I've found is this one which suggests that it might possibly be involved in ammonia transport. But last I checked...the human body didn't use ammonia.

[edit on 14-9-2005 by LordBucket]

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 01:50 PM

Originally posted by LordBucket
But last I checked...the human body didn't use ammonia.

It does not use amonia, but it does produce it. If levels get to high the patient can be comatose from high levels. The liver has the primary job of eliminating it.

The link below is a University Of Arizona Biology Department primer of human blood types etc. While there is no links to greys or reptilians
its a good read if you want to get down to the nitty gritty.

Blood Types

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 01:50 PM
I guess my doctor must've got it wrong then. Typical

I also relate to a few things on nukunuku's list. Although i've not directly had an experience with aliens, I have had some strange things happen.

I've been looking about some more regarding the O+/O- incompatibility (related to pregnancy) but no luck so far.

It really does interest me that when these two blood groups procreate there is a much larger risk that it will complicate the pregnancy process.

You are right. If we are all the same species, then why do the blood types react the way they do?!? You'd think that the blood types would be able to differentiate between human/animal (or other species) dna.
Thereby accepting the human gene and rejecting anything else.

Have I got that right? I've read so much about it today, I think it's all causing a brain block

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 02:10 PM
I too am o-negative. Have deep red hair naturally (like redwood). Green eyes with flecks of aqua and amber. My family are all negative, mostly o.
however my some have A neg and also Ab neg.

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by DDay

After the Canadian Red Cross found out that I had O Neg. they would call me up from time to time (about every 3-4 months) and ask if I would come in and donate.

Me too! I served in the US Navy and once the found out my blood type the came after me like blood hounds. (no pun intended)

Thats what i was saying in my first post....i only donated blood once in high school which was like 13-14 and more years ago and they still send me invitation to the blood sucking every year since then....oooohhhh, makes me feel so special

Ill go next year i promise....(myself every year)

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 05:07 PM

Originally posted by DDay
What is strange to me is that this one antigen has the ability to abort life. How can this be when we are genetically the same?

DDay, your comment mentioned above has been making me think. It is indeed a very odd occurence. I've looked at so many other sites today regarding this but have yet to find anything specific.

I'll get there in the end!

I also just e-mailed my local blood donor centre and asked them a few questions that have popped up in this topic. Hopefully i'll get a reply tomorrow or something.

Oh well, back to the searching

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 05:33 PM
>If we are all the same species, then why do the
>blood types react the way they do?!?

Tissue rejection is a major problem with organ transplants. I think it's reasonable that the absense or presence of any particular protein in blood would be sufficient difference to trigger an immune system response. It happens not to for many combinations of blood composition, but it does here. If you want to say that RH- is a result of human-alien hybridization or genetic manipulation, ok...but it's certainly not neccesary to explain things. Random mutation, or mutation induced by circumstances of the war would make convincing explanations as well. question is what does that protein do? So far as I know, people with RH- blood don't have any particular health apparantly missing that protein isn't causing any major problems. I'm not ready to thrown mine away, but depending on y our perspective of might be something to the effect of an evolutionary dropping of something no longer useful.

Again...assuming that the RH- type genuinely didn't exist prior to 1940, as opposed to it having simply gone question is why exactly did the entire population have a blood protein that apparantly doesn't do anything useful? Evolutionary leftover? Like a tailbone?

>It does not use amonia, but it does produce it. If levels get to
>high the patient can be comatose from high levels. The liver
>has the primary job of eliminating it.

Ok. Do RH- people have different liver function? Are they better able to handle an excess of ammonia?

I guess we don't know. I'll say again that I think the simplest answer is that RH- blood is simply a mutation that happens only to be mildly dysfunctional.

If anyone wants to say it's the result of hybridization or genetic manipulation...ok, that's great. But I still want to know want that protein does in the general population, and what consequences are of the lack of it. In a vague, general, uninformed sort of way...having more proteins sounds like a good thing to me...but that might not be how it is.

Does anyone know if any animals share that particular protein? It might be useful to have something to compare to.


Nuku Nuku??? ^_^

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