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Should men be cleanshaven? Why not beards?

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posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 02:27 PM
I have a fourteen year old son who is just starting to shave. Of course, right now, he thinks that shaving is "pretty cool". After all, he gets to use shaving cream and drag a sharp razor across his face. Heck, it's one of the last rites of passage that Western man has left! Nevertheless, my son's keen interest in shaving has prompted several questions; Is it better to be cleanshaven? Why not beards? After all, beards are natural and, frankly and strictly speaking, it is unnatural to shave.

It's interesting to note that Islam and several Jewish sects promote the growth of beards. Why? And why does modern society in general frown at beards? What do you have to say on this hairy topic?

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 02:39 PM
Clean shaven is better. Beards are nasty. They get leftover food objects in them and also scratch when you go to kiss that person.

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 02:42 PM
I shave almost every day. I do slack off on the weekend sometimes. It doesn't look that bad (my wife might think differently) if you haven't shaved for a couple of days. I suppose it would be frowned upon at work if I came in looking like a bum. I think that's the image people seem to be getting. You're lazy if you don't shave. I think I would still shave almost every day if I didn't have to, but it would be nice to have the choice.

I feel for the guys that have horrible skin irritation from shaving. My face handles it pretty well, but it's murder for some. Shouldn't they get a pass? Na! Society expects it from them. Only professors and madmen have beards.

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 02:45 PM

Originally posted by eeper69
Clean shaven is better. Beards are nasty. They get leftover food objects in them and also scratch when you go to kiss that person.

Wow....using this logic, people should have their teeth removed because leftover food objects get in between your teeth. Well, people with teeth do brush them (or at least they should) and, likewise, men with beards do groom and keep them clean (at least they should). As for the scratchy aspect, well a fully developed beard doesn't seem to bother my wife. Besides, she says it makes me distinguished.

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 02:45 PM
I don't care either way. I've kissed bearded, moustachieoeoeoeo...(how many vowels are in the darn word anyway?!)..clean-shaven, kissed 'em all, still no preference really.

Then again, I also hate that society drums it into us that women absolutely must shave their armpits and legs, otherwise they will forever remain untouchable.

It's quite silly.

If you want to shave? G'head.
If you don't? That's cool too.

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 03:00 PM
Women change their mind about this constantly, it depends on their time of the month. And this is a scientific fact.

Around their time of the month women are more attracted to the scruffy, buff/strong looking types.

Afterwards, they are attracted to a clean shaved man, who smells good, and looks clean all over.

I for one can attest to that.
Some days I like Brian all scruffy and dirty looking, other days I want him clean as a whistle.

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 03:10 PM

Originally posted by TrueLies
Women change their mind about this constantly, it depends on their time of the month. And this is a scientific fact.

Around their time of the month women are more attracted to the scruffy, buff/strong looking types.

Huh. Wasn't the case with me or my sisters

But yeah, I can understand that...fluctuations in hormones would perhaps influence whether a woman is looking for bearded (ie, more testosterone-y) rather than smooth.

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 03:33 PM
I have a mild case of Rosacea, so daily shaving really just got to be a pain in the butt.....a constant irritant that I mindlessly conformed to...

Well, after I grew my hair out past my shoulders, I figured - Hey, what the hell! Let's complete the Jesus look

And I keep my leftovers in the fridge...not in my beard....

Sure it turns some women off, but for every woman that doesn't like the feel of a beard, there's on that it works itself out...

I can understand the desire for a "beardless environment" though in some industries...If I were still working behind the line in a kitchen, I certainly wouldn't be sporting a bush of pubic hair around my face - That never bodes well when someone finds it in their soup, regardless of how often you may condition it....

But people will always judge you by your appearance, even if you appear "perfectly normal", by all possible means of that phrase, there's still some social gap you're gonna fall into when you leave the water cooler....

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by Tinkleflower
Wasn't the case with me or my sisters

But yeah, I can understand that...fluctuations in hormones would perhaps influence whether a woman is looking for bearded (ie, more testosterone-y) rather than smooth.

I apologise, didn't mean to say everybody. I'm trying to break the habit of generalizing pardon me.

The more testosterone part of it is exactly correct. Personally, at certain times exhibiting more testosterone is a major turn on, other times it's completely appalling.

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 03:44 PM
Best of both worlds... I have a goatee, and clean shaven on the rest of the face. There are a host of problems with beards (and I had a full one for a little while). No thanks.

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 05:21 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
Best of both worlds... I have a goatee, and clean shaven on the rest of the face. There are a host of problems with beards (and I had a full one for a little while). No thanks.

Goatee here too. doesn't seem to make any difference with the ladies.....

i am still single whether I have one or not!

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 11:19 PM
I have a beard, both my g/f and I like it better that way. Since the whole metro sexual thing came about its one of the few ways to actually be different, and with us both involved in the film industry where everyone is all so neat and trim(after hours in the makeup chair that is) I like being one of the different unkempt looking ones. I WILL NOT CONFORM! lol

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 11:22 PM
before the day of disposable razors beards were the norm. But acutally shaving has seveal benifits as improved hygine, more youthful apperance, and father-son bonding

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 11:23 PM
Bearded is better.

I have had my beard for fifteen years,except for 12 months five years ago when the kids wanted to see what I really looked like...they almost didn't recognise me.It was also amusing to walk past a friend in the street who didn't recognise me.

During that cleanshaven period i had severe rashes from shaving so I was happy to go back to being a scruff.

I heard once 94% of women prefer a shaved face,but you only need one who doesn't mind so that's ok.In societal terms beards are frowned upon as men look like they're trying to hide my case a head like a dropped pie.

I am a man with a beard,that's who I see in the mirror each morning when I brush my face,and I am happy to remain so.

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 11:35 PM
Well... I'm 16, and two weeks without shaving and I look like Santa. I like having a goatee, which I have in the members pics thread. I have a thicker one now. Anyway, I don't like how I look clean-shaven, but I don't like too much hair on my face.

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 11:37 PM
I got a thick Santa Claus Beard which I have had since about 12 years old, although it was just a few whispy hairs then. I dont Shave because it iratates my face and my wife likes my Beard.

I havent ever given it much thought what anyone else thought

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 11:42 PM
Everyone I know seems to like it, and others a little jealous. The only time I shave everything is when I need to redo it, like if I cut it too short or something. I typically do that the first day of the first four day weekend that comes up. That way it's regrown by the time school comes round.

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 11:49 PM
I don't really have a problem with beards on other people. However if I go too long without shaving, I get all itchy.

I'd like to see a President with facial hair of some kind (assuming it's a man). The whole cleanshaven, suit and tie thing is getting a bit old.

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