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Bush family involvement with bohemian grove. Why not more outcry from the Christian community?

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posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 01:33 PM
Just saw Alex Jones video "Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove" and I have to say "wow". Is that stuff for real? I've always known about bohemian grove, even back when Reagan was president but I never really thought about it seriously until I watched Alex's video. I've been doing some research and MANY high level political figures have attended BH over the years but many, like Reagan, refused to be regulars. From what I can gather the Bush family attends this thing on a "regular" basis. I mean come on.. Standing around drinking, burning bodies (children) in "effigy" at the altar of "moloch the owl god" and celebrating the "cremation of care"?? Here are a couple of good sites to read and I urge everyone, if you have not seen Alex Jones video, watch it.. ( I used to think Alex was a little nutty, maybe he isn't after all.

One more thing...

1co 10:14 Wherefore, my beloved, FLEE FROM IDOLATRY. For this cause, my dear brothers, give no worship to false gods.

1co 10:15 I speak as to wise men; judge ye what I say. What I am saying is for wise men, do you be the judges of it.

1co 10:16 The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not a communion of the blood of Christ? The bread which we break, is it not a communion of the body of Christ? The cup of blessing which we take, does it not give us a part in the blood of Christ? and is not the broken bread a taking part in the body of Christ?

1co 10:17 seeing that we, who are many, are one bread, one body: for we are all partake of the one bread. Because we, being a number of persons, are one bread, we are one body: for we all take part in the one bread.

1co 10:18 Behold Israel after the flesh: have not they that eat the sacrifices communion with the altar? See Israel after the flesh: do not those who take as food the offerings of the altar take a part in the altar?

1co 10:19 What say I then? that a thing sacrificed to idols is anything, or that an idol is anything? Do I say, then, that what is offered to images is anything, or that the image is anything?

1co 10:20 But [I say], that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to demons, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have communion with demons. What I say is that the things offered by the Gentiles are offered to evil spirits and not to God; and it is not my desire for you to have any part with evil spirits.


1co 10:22 Or do we provoke the Lord to jealousy? are we stronger than he?

I ask any and all of my fellow Christians.. HOW can you support bush or anyone associated with bohemian grove or skull and bones while knowing this? I know we all fall short of the Glory of God but this obviously crosses the line. It's obvious this is not just some college frat club but an ongoing institution and manifistation of evil. Or did you forget what evil is? Are you really Christians?? Bush's election success was sealed because of the "religious right" I urge all "Christians" that voted for Bush to take off your blinders and see bush for what he really is.

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 01:48 PM
I have a vague understanding of the "Bohemian Grove" conspiracies. I have come across it many times but have been reluctant to open that can of worms... too busy with other conspiracies (you know how it is)..

But i want say, the first thing that occurred to me was.. "hey maybe this ties into the hidden owl on the one dollar bill"

Just food for thought...


posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 03:04 PM
There's a problem..........religion is brought into this issue without proof that religion is real and not a type of control structure for the masses.

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 03:47 PM
Bush sure does have most Christinas hoodwinked, doesn't he? Skull And Bones member---Bohemian Grove member---rumored long-term homosexual----possibly still a drinker and drug user---rumored to be the biggest coke dealer on campus when he was at yale---yet the religious right is supporting this guy to the hilt. I'm not a Christian myself, so perhaps I'm not the best one to comment on this phenomenon, but I would really be interested to know, as well, why andy serious , hard-core Christians continue to support this guy. Oh, and the Alex Jones Bohemian Grove video is really disturbing, glad to see I'm not not alone in finding it seriously troubling.

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 09:36 PM

Originally posted by RyanC
Bush sure does have most Christinas hoodwinked, doesn't he? Skull And Bones member---Bohemian Grove member---rumored long-term homosexual----possibly still a drinker and drug user---rumored to be the biggest coke dealer on campus when he was at yale---yet the religious right is supporting this guy to the hilt. I'm not a Christian myself, so perhaps I'm not the best one to comment on this phenomenon, but I would really be interested to know, as well, why andy serious , hard-core Christians continue to support this guy. Oh, and the Alex Jones Bohemian Grove video is really disturbing, glad to see I'm not not alone in finding it seriously troubling.

Because most Christians don't know nothing about the Bohemian Grove or Skull and Bones. Most Christians now days are ignorant and trust anything the government says. Bush is just using the faith to get people behind him just like Hitler who was into the occult used the faith.

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 09:58 PM
Most unneducated people go about their daily lives and dont care whats going on in the world.
I dont think it has anything to do with religion, i just think that most people dont care at all. When i talk to some about this they laugh it off and ask if i'm nuts. Now i deal with intelligent people, the not-so-intelligent, family, friends, etc., and nobody is interested in this subject or many subjects at all...
So, since i am alone in the world apparently when it comes to conspiracies, and obvious truths, I come here and like to share with people who think alike for the most part.

If i ever met a fellow "conspiracist" i'd want to take them home so we could talk.

Try as i may, there arent any, and you simply cant go up to people and say, "hey, how do you feel about man-made hurricanes"?
I also tried that and it was laughed off.

Its lonely when you beleive all these things or the possibility of these things being real and even my husband
waves me off as some kind of a nut.

posted on Sep, 13 2005 @ 11:27 PM
anyone have this video?

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 12:00 AM
My reason for there not being an outcry?

Because Christians think Bush is one of them, and if you try to tell them the truth they accuse you of paying attention to the "liberal media."

I know firsthand. I tried to tell my former pastor about Bush and Skull and Bones, and he looked at me like I'd grown another head and told me that the "liberal media" made it up, or something to that effect. :shk:

Basically anything negative said about Bush, most Christians will chalk up to The Liberal Media.

posted on Sep, 15 2005 @ 06:57 AM
Ah yes, Bohemian Grove, so many questions. . .

There is one answer for sure: they are definitely not worshiping the good Lord with their horned idol and mock child sacrifice.

posted on Sep, 15 2005 @ 07:24 AM
we beat the grove to death on ATS some time ago, make sure you read the older topics on the subject and see how the local freemasons reacted

theres no "proof" of wrongdoing, theyre just camping, dressed in red and black robes with no women or children around

posted on Sep, 15 2005 @ 08:38 AM

Originally posted by ferretman
There's a problem..........religion is brought into this issue without proof that religion is real and not a type of control structure for the masses.

Ok, some of you need a deeper understanding about religion, and i know this is difficult to understand
, the true reason for religion is personal enlightenment and thus, if enough follow this path, the whole group does, I dont know when they(people who throw religion around and have no idea) got this idea, that it is 'control' and all this crap. Thats the problem with religion, people who use it or attack it for personal agendas and gains. Thats kind of the wonderful thing about eastern philosphys, is that you either understand or dont, and arent left pondering the meaning of a metaphoric story or being able to seperate what may be metaphoric from realistic. If i can give you the best piece of advice, the answers lie within, not in the surrounding world.

posted on Sep, 15 2005 @ 10:08 AM
Notice how our more Christian ATS members shy away from this thread.
Ideology is a strange entity. When confronted with anything that threatenes said ideololgy, avoid it at all cost. Also wraped up in "ideology" is the comfort comfort zone concept, where threatening concepts are simply denied or as Amythest said; constructs of the "liberal media"

This avoidence mechanism isn't relugated to just conservative Christians but is embraced by the fringe and counter-culture groups as well.

It is very easy to spot when posters slip into this "avoidence" mode; they convienietly steer the thread in another direction more in their "comfort zone" Not really a proper way to "deny ignorance."

My thoughts on membership in secret groups that screen their members is
"what are you attempting to hide and why." Bohemian Grove claims that they don't exclude anybody but just try and join if you are below a certian income level. The screening process asks some very odd questions and referals are mandatory from current members. Seems elitest to say the least and maybe, dare I say it; conspiratorial. On the other hand maybe its just a bunch of country club types playing a fast round of grab the little monkey and make it squeal like a pig. I'm sure it's all just harmless ribald fun and the worshiping of the big owl is just theater. hummmmm....

[edit on 15-9-2005 by whaaa]

[edit on 15-9-2005 by whaaa]

[edit on 15-9-2005 by whaaa]

posted on Sep, 15 2005 @ 10:09 AM

I don't care how much BH has been beaten to death on ATS before this and I HAVE read a bunch of prior threads. (Alot of the responses including stuff from "freemasons" are laughable)

"no proof of wrongdoing"?? What's your definition of wrong doing? (that's hilarious)

So let me guess, bohemian grove is just some "halloween party" for the elite where all the "big boys" go to have a good time temporarily ditching their "dull cares". If you believe this, especially after watching Alex's video you are truly dilusional.

Why are these people so secretive about what really goes on in BH? Can you answer that? I can. (Want to see what you have to say)

One more thing I want to mention.. Remember back in World War II? Most people thought natzism was cute and harmless until it was too late.. Just like hitler, the antichrist will rise to power in deception. In case your feeble brain does not understand what that means let me clarify it for you: The antichrist will lie through his teeth and make it seem he is all for peace until he has complete power, after which he will reveal his true colors. At this point it will be too late. This is one of evils favorite strategies: sugar coat your true intentions until you have power. Comprende?

A really good website to read through, will probably start a new thread on this one:

I think we have a severe case of spiritual blindness going on here. (Let me insert my very own smily face)

[edit on 15-9-2005 by TxSecret]

posted on Sep, 15 2005 @ 10:22 AM
Nixon described it as "faggy" (his term--just quoting). Supposedly there's homosexuality that comes into play there.

None so blind as those who will not see, huh?

posted on Sep, 15 2005 @ 10:52 AM
The thing that scares me the most and I don't want to get into too much detail but folks in general just don't seem to be able to "discern" the difference between good and evil. Some people are just way out there for one reason or another (circumstantial) and some have it more together but its still a little hazy to them. My point is this: You have to have spiritual "vision" or insight to truly "discern" good and evil. Bohemian Grove? On the surface it seems like some harmless "halloween party" if you will but beneath the surface (If you can "see" it) something FAR more sinister is going on. Now, if you consider the fact AGAIN that some very important people that affect our daily lives in a HUGE way are associated with these shenanigans makes it HUGELY disturbing. Not sure if you know who this is but Marcus Lamb is one of my favorite preachers. (He is president and CEO of Daystar, the fastest growing Christian TV network in history) Could you see Marcus attending a bomemian grove "outing"? I didn't think so.

I have a new quote: "Evil is evil no matter HOW you sugar coat it"

Don't be morons people.

[edit on 15-9-2005 by TxSecret]

posted on Sep, 15 2005 @ 11:29 AM

if you did read any of the prior topics you should know where i stand on the subject. I am in no way advocating what goes on there, to me its scary as anything to know that the most powerfull people in the world meet there and do this rituals, and god knows what else. The only word i got for it is EVIL.

I just dont want to go trough everything again so im urging readers to check the older threads becouse theres a lot of info there, pics and all


[edit on 15-9-2005 by nukunuku]

posted on Sep, 15 2005 @ 11:53 AM
Nuku, I respect your angle. Again however, I HAVE read a bunch from prior threads concerning this subject. I just wanted to bring this to the "forefront" again and inject my OWN insight and angle. I feel this is a VERY important issue. The theme of my insight is spiritual awareness. It's funny, in the Bible it states God uses evil for the benefit of mankind, HOWEVER, if you are ignorant to it's ways it will destroy you. In other words, we really can't grow the way God wants us to without evil but in order to use evil as a footstool as it was intended, we have to walk on God's path. In a nutshell, experiencing evil and growing from it in "knowledge" are TWO totally different things. Hope that makes sense.
Back to bohemian grove..... I might not be as bent out of shape with it if it weren't for the child sacrafice in "effigy" thing going on and it's ties to Moloch from back in the Ammonite days. For those of you who don't beileve it's a child sacrafice need to look at the literature (circulars) that are given to participants. On the front you will see a small child like skeleton figure depicted burning in the flames of the altar. This pictures says it all:

Halloween is one thing but this is sicko crap man, no matter HOW you look at it.

[edit on 15-9-2005 by TxSecret]

posted on Sep, 15 2005 @ 12:20 PM
I wonder if we could see "anything" by using Google satellite maps during one of their "gatherings". If its at night, I'm sure they'll have a fire burning. No?

Anyone know "the special dates" that they may meet at "the grove"?


posted on Sep, 15 2005 @ 12:38 PM
"This" "is" "a" "good" "site" hehe

Its amazing what you can find/see.


posted on Sep, 15 2005 @ 12:48 PM
Mocking me and "my quotes"...?

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