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Radio 666, Canberra and The New World Order

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posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 06:27 AM

Originally posted by Mayet
Jeremiah, No one disputes this fact. It is taught to us in school, I had a flight and two day trip to Canberra when I was in 5th Class back in the 70's with my school but had probably learned that fact long before on one of my many trips through and to Canberra with my dad. I also acknowledged that particular fact in my ATSNN fact cheet on Australia.

I never said it was disputed. I was merely answering mashup's question, that's all. As I said, my students are always asking me that question and a lot of people don't know the answer, but I never said it was disputed.

Tangible evidence has been given.

If you have tangible evidence that the New World Order exists, then by all means I would love to see it. But so far, amongst all the NWO threads I have ever seen, there has been speculation and assumption, but no hard evidence. My statement was not about Masons, I simply said that I had never seen a shred of evidence that the NWO exists, and I haven't. If you have some, kindly share.

The tunnels under Canberra are bizarre. To quote my husband (they go under all the embassies) ok Jeremiah, if you are correct then why the embassies? I can see the hospital, i can see the ones under Black mountain tower, I can see all the system under parliament house ..but to waste money and put tunnels under embassies?

Well, I assume the tunnels under the embassies serve one of three functions: as a means of escape during a massive attack, including nuclear attack (this would be especially true if the tunnels led to a series of bunkers); as a means of allowing covert monitoring of foreign embassies by our government, or simply to serve utilities, which embassies require as well as any other building. Again, I do not see how their existence suggests anything sinister.

The tunnels exist and we are not being told about them. This alone is enough to have me personally wondering. Why aren't they public knowledge? Are there any plans that show these tunnels?

There are many things the public is not told about, nor should the public be told. If the tunnels serve some national security purpose (linking buildings with bunkers, for example) then they should remain secret, even from the Australian people. Just because something is a secret does not mean that it is part of a NWO/Masonic plan. Most things that are kept secret from the public are done so for very good reasons.

The legend of Black mountain? of course there is a legend, in every tribe of every area there was legends.

Whether the legend existed or not is irrelevant. The point of the quote was that the author did not know that such a legend existed, but that he made it up because it seemed cool. Only later did he discover that his fabrication tied in with local mythology more than he thought. The point is that the article is not exactly coin of the realm when it comes to accuracy.

I am not trying to be argumentative, but I have seen many NWO threads and never seen a shred of evidence that amounts to anything more than "Well, he had Masonic connections" or "Look, the city is laid out according to occult designs". I am quite prepared to accept any revelation, so long as there is hard, concrete evidence to support it. Anything else is pure and idle speculation, which is fine, but it is not the truth.

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 06:33 AM

Originally posted by Mayet

The new parliament house was designed back by Burley Griffin. Hugely modern building and idea for the early 20th century don't you think? Why wasn't it built back then? Because umm, well it was kinda well well well before its time. Can you imagine a building like that built back then? Not really standard architecture was it? Would have looked rather...umm ...alien

[edit on 14-9-2005 by Mayet]

Actually it wasnt. It was designed in the 70's by an american architect , Romaldo Giurgola. The Fraser govt held a competition and he won.

Wikepedia- New Parliament house

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 06:39 AM

Originally posted by Jeremiah25
Well, think about it. The one place in Australia where fireworks and hard-core porn is nice and legal

Hardcore porn or X rated is sold all over sydney there are 100's of adult book shops just in the city not to mention Kings cross so how does that work ? Thats not under the counter, in full view ?

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 06:40 AM

Originally posted by mashup
I did a small project on Canberra a while ago, and noticed they considered Melbourne and Sydney for the capital but chose Canberra for some reason. I thought it was weird....

The short version is both Sydney and Melbourne wanted the prestige of being the capital so no decision could be reached, they eventually compromised and built one halfway in between the two, probably best to keep the pollies as far away as possible, even the PM one J Howard doesn't live bother to live there.

Not that different from the US with boring Washington being the capital rather than something like New York which is more well known and would seem a more 'obvious' choice.

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 06:49 AM

Originally posted by Masonic Light

For the moment, you're all safe down there. Apparently, you were unaware that we in the NWO are all allergic to kangaroos.

This is the first time i`ve seen ML say a joke i laughed my butt off

I dont believe the Masons here on ATS are that privy to know, settle down i dont give them that much credit, they may know some things other than what they let on?But not to that extreme imo.

I did`nt even know until recently Canberra was designed by Mason`s,i can see clearly the compass in the map in both Canberra and D.C. but that link with the pic of Parliament house where its supposed to look like the head of Satan i can see the horns but thats it.

Do i hold my tongue to the right or left whilst squinting or something?

Other than that why do they (Mason`s)get these jobs for designing important Gov building`s etc? Dont Gov project`s have to be tendered out?I think they do i could be wrong?,if so how is it they win them?

Oh they won it through a comp how convenient

[edit on 14-9-2005 by gps777]

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 07:29 AM

Originally posted by helium3
Hardcore porn or X rated is sold all over sydney there are 100's of adult book shops just in the city not to mention Kings cross so how does that work ? Thats not under the counter, in full view ?

Oh, seriously? Well, you would know better than I, since I have never been to Sydney. Here in Brisbane, though, anything with an X on it is strictly forbidden in terms of legal sales.

It would seem as though, on this point, I was in error and stand corrected.

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 07:50 AM

Originally posted by suzy ryan

Masonic Light's "kangaroo coment" would make me laugh if it didn't make me think he doesn't want folk to think too deeply about Mayets post. MS, you useually post deep arguments and relevant points. That 'joke' was way below your useual standard.

Ah, mon chere', you give me too much credit.

In all seriousness, though, I made a post not long ago concerning the so-called "Masonic architecture" of Washington, D.C.

There, I argued that anyone can take any street plan, superimpose symbolic images on it, then claim it's some sort of conspiracy (even though I'm not exactly sure why a street layout would even be a conspiracy).

In reality, Masons don't care anything about street layouts forming archaic symbols. Such a thing simply has nothing to do with our fraternity.

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 08:11 AM

Originally posted by Jeremiah25

Mayet - The tunnels exist and we are not being told about them. This alone is enough to have me personally wondering. Why aren't they public knowledge? Are there any plans that show these tunnels?

Jeremiah - There are many things the public is not told about, nor should the public be told. If the tunnels serve some national security purpose (linking buildings with bunkers, for example) then they should remain secret, even from the Australian people. Just because something is a secret does not mean that it is part of a NWO/Masonic plan. Most things that are kept secret from the public are done so for very good reasons.

Did I hear you say there is things that the public should not be told? How so? Why is this? Why should there be 'secrets' kept from the people? How could anyone assume even that the public should not know what exactly is going on? Are you insinuating that the public has no right to the truth? Are you saying the public is not intelligent enough to know the truth? Forgive me but this attitude stuns me.

That attitude of a need to know basis is what is crippling society and creating these bonds that this New World Order is creating, whether this "New World Order" is created artifically or not. My User name is of Mayet. I have that nick because she is truth and justice as well as the godess of the world order. The world order as nature created it, not a group of priests to take it and lie and create falsehoods and to imprison and chain and bleed mankinds soul like some Orwellian novel.

Mankind has strayed so far from nature, from everything that is right. balance..... the most important thing. These masculine sun worshipping cults make me laugh. One thing about the sun, attributed to fire, is the ability of fire to burn, to destroy to consume, the sun and fire is the ultimate consumer. its one thing to have sun worship.... but sun kills, the earth, the crops and the animals upon her.

They forgot the water, the feminine element. The clouds that bring precious rains. And most of all they forgot the spark between the two, the action of fire upon water, changing the three states, going from solid to liquid to gas. Or the action of water upon fire, smothering it creating steam as the result.

Then comes a rainbow .... full of colour
electicity and butterflies... so far apart yet so close.. nature .......balance..... nature is balance.......

*rant over about secrets and secret societies of priests....

So yeah it kinda piddles me when man wants to come along and chain the soul of this planet in secrets and lies and created falshoods.

Sorta only want the truth.... I have no time for this need to know secrecy.
Who is it protecting ultimately? I have no time for lies told. How many lives are lost needlessly to lies and coverups? The New World Order is well documented in snippets of minutes of meetings, of witnesses and of many other things over the years. I doubt the Government is going to actually stand up just yet and announce "Welcome to the New World Order" Do you think the people are ready for that yet? Do you think the government is ready for that yet? If this NWO does exist population control figures have to be taken care of first. A few disasters here and there, maybe a good old earthquake, in say New Zealand or South America somewhere.... or some other country that needs to be bought to it's knees for refusals to play the game. a rna disease here and there, a political coup or economic crash perhaps....

Although most agents of this new world order would be in the places by now. This could all go back to Mother England from when she first sent ships out to conquer the new world in the name of the empire. It could go back to the origins of masonry, It could go back before the birth of Jesus, well the bible certainly speaks of something happening.

The thing is, it's their secret, their lie and they really do not wish for it to be seen, otherwise it wouldn't be such a secret, such a lie and we would know and there would be no need for a conspiracy website because everyone would know everything that really treally goes on in this world... I don't understand how people can advocate secrecy and allow such a lie.

But on the same note...why would people even dream up in such massive tone, and with such volumes of info and thoughts and yes evidence of such a huge conspiracy? Where there is smoke, there is fire, there is heat and it burns.....

Sorry if I went off topic slightly

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 09:06 AM

Originally posted by Mayet
Did I hear you say there is things that the public should not be told? How so? Why is this? Why should there be 'secrets' kept from the people? How could anyone assume even that the public should not know what exactly is going on? Are you insinuating that the public has no right to the truth? Are you saying the public is not intelligent enough to know the truth? Forgive me but this attitude stuns me.

I can see how it would stun you, but perhaps you mistook my meaning. In saying that there are things which the Australian public should not be informed of, I mean because of the danger that such knowledge might subsequently place the public in. To illustrate:

Say, for the sake of argument, that the tunnels under Canberra were bunkers, put there in case of a nuclear strike to ensure continuity of government. Disclosing this information to the public might make foreign agents aware of the tunnels' existence, purpose and location. In this scenario, the information is, in my opinion, best kept a secret from the public. True disclosure of all classified information would be detrimental to Australia's national security. And yes, I know how stormtrooper-ish that sounds, but it is true. Should the government reveal our defence secrets to the public? At some point they have to make a decision what to reveal and what not to reveal and, in the end, that is one of the things we elect them to do.

Sorry if I went off topic slightly

Don't apologise. You are more than entitled to your beliefs and you express them with both eloquence and passion, which is a rarity in these times. You are rather to be praised for standing firm behind your principles.

[edit on 14/9/05 by Jeremiah25]

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 09:08 PM
Yes I do think the population has the right to know about any nuclear strike bunkers that exist for the government. Then they can also made informed desicions about their own safety.

The public should not be misled or lied to about any government moves. They are the people and have as a right to truth.

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 09:31 PM

Originally posted by Mayet
Yes I do think the population has the right to know about any nuclear strike bunkers that exist for the government. Then they can also made informed desicions about their own safety.

The public should not be misled or lied to about any government moves. They are the people and have as a right to truth.

I disagree. As I said earlier, this information may be kept classified due to the fact that, were it to be released to the public, it would find its way into the hands of those who would use it against Australia. In the example of the bunkers, they should remain under classified status because if the public knew their exact location and had access to their specifications, then so too would agents of foreign nations, who might conceivably use that information against Australia. I think the public has a right to know whether or not such bunkers exist, but beyond that, I think the government is right to keep them a secret. After all, the public does not need access to this information to make an informed choice regarding their own safety. Even a cursory scan of the internet will advise citizens in what to do in the event of a nuclear attack.

The people do have a right to the truth, but I ask you: Where do we draw the line? How do we decide what should be released to the public and what should remain classified? Again, I use the example of Australia's military secrets. Should the public know everything about Australia's defensive strategies? If this kind of information was freely available, it would seriously endanger Australian lives. Surely some information is best kept secret if, by doing so, Australian citizens are safeguarded.

I await your response.

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 10:43 PM

Originally posted by Jeremiah25

Originally posted by helium3
Hardcore porn or X rated is sold all over sydney there are 100's of adult book shops just in the city not to mention Kings cross so how does that work ? Thats not under the counter, in full view ?

Oh, seriously? Well, you would know better than I, since I have never been to Sydney. Here in Brisbane, though, anything with an X on it is strictly forbidden in terms of legal sales.

It would seem as though, on this point, I was in error and stand corrected.

There are heaps of things like that here. brothels, hooking on the street can get you arrested but there are brothels EVERYWHERE in sydney and just recently a suburb 5 minutes from the city (marrickville) passed a law to even have them near schools which was previous banned by local council. Sydney is gross but i love it all the same

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 11:04 PM

Originally posted by Mayet

Yes I do think the population has the right to know about any nuclear strike bunkers that exist for the government. Then they can also made informed desicions about their own safety.

The govenment needs to keep secrets. has any read the Brookings report ? that what happens when people are TOLD THE REAL TRUTH and not the sanatized version we are given daliy. 99% of people need to be kept in there safety zone just to maintain order. Do you think there going to build bunkers for the 20 odd million people here in Australia ? Sorry just the people required to run the counrty in case on a nuclear strike which unfornatly is properly any of us. In that case do they need crazed people trying to figth for those spaces in there bunkers NO.

[edit on 14-9-2005 by helium3]

posted on Sep, 15 2005 @ 05:27 AM

Sydney is gross but i love it all the same

Hahahaha i have to agree... I cant really say i dont like sydney as i live here, and love living here, but it has its bad spots, just like anywhere else i guess

posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 07:26 PM

posted on Mar, 6 2008 @ 09:19 PM
i like reading the free mason newsletters when i go to my grandparents house, they dont seem that bad

posted on May, 29 2008 @ 09:19 PM
Ok So what if NWO is true, Canberra is the headquarter what can be done by the individual to stop this from happening. I live right in the heart of the city in Canberra will this work for me or against me????
I have done a lot of research and to tell the truth I deeply concerned about what the next few years might have install for us.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 04:12 AM
reply to post by Jeremiah25

THE NWO IS ALL TO REAL ASK...... BUSH OBAMA BUSHsr BLAIR BROWN ROCKERFELLA all of these and hundreds more constantly refer to it.. ALL IT MEANS IS A ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT ====== UNITED NATIONS.............!!!!

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 05:17 AM
The tunnels under Canberra are general knowledge for most Canberrans.
The vast network beneath parliament house serves several purposes including secure parking, mail delivery and other administrative tunnels for secretaries, cooks, postmen etc to get to offices without trampling the tourists. Think of them as servants hallways.
I know that these tunnels do extend out to Campbell park. This is a secure defence site and more than likely the tunnels connecting this to parliament house is to ensure that in the event of attack our governmental leaders can interact effectively with our defence personnel. There may be bunkers - at least one would hope that the command centre is contained within a bunker - it is all kind of pointless otherwise. This command centre would be just like the one that the Americans have buried deep under Washington. A safe place for our generals to engage in war and track troop movements.

Like many others here I am failing to find the conspiracy on this topic.

I am yet to see any evidence of any masonic involvement in the design of Canberra's streets, and even if that were true why are they assumed to be so evil?
Most towns that I have visited in Australia have masonic halls out in plain sight. Surely if they were this evil, top secret corporation on a quest to overthrow all the free governments of the world they would hide themselves just a little bit better.

posted on Aug, 12 2008 @ 07:38 AM
They chose Canberra because it was halfway between the two cities. It was a comprimise.......and aussis decided that keeping the politicians as far away from the majority of us as possible....

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