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Want a job? the move to Iraq!

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posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 01:53 PM
I was at the job search office yesterday, scrolling through job listings, and I came across something that really pissed me off and confirmed what I had feared: Privatization.

I looked at jobs overseas. And was surprised that there are many in Iraq. truck driver, eletrician, Aoache helicopter mechanic. CIVILIAN jobs.

We have a military over there. We have truck drivers and apache mechanics, and electricians. Soldiers who could be doing that job already. So why arent they being used in this capacity?

We need more money to occupy Iraq so we can pay civilian contractors to do what our military is already trained and better qualified under fire to do. Are they #ing mad?

I looked at the paygrade too, what us be making if u moved to Iraq and worked for a private company. I couldnt #ing believe it. 8000 dollars a month for a truck driver. An army truck driver makes, depending on rank, anywhere from 1200-2000 bucks a month. Much cheaper than a civilian truck driver! And army is better equipped to hand ambushes and heavy fire.

What this spells out is ALOT of money being wasted and spent on private contractors. I fail to see how this is cheaper than the military costs. If the contractor company can afford to pay a truck driver 8000 a month, that means the govornment is REALLY paying them something fat to be there. REALLY fat.

Thats why the big bill for the occupation of Iraq, folks. Its so our govornment can pay it civilian contractos #loads of money to do what the military is better trained for, and can do much cheaper.

So since they are bringing in civilian,s what the hell are military truck drivers, apache mechanics, and others doing? Is this the future of the military, total privatization? What a disaster!

posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 02:06 PM
How to get a job over There. This guy starts off with:

"I'm looking for work in the rebuilding of Iraq, in the areas of Power, oil/natural gas or industrial equipment maintanence, but cannot find any contacts on the net or otherwise. I'm sure that companies are at least accepting resumes in order to build their base of possible employees, for when things get started over there....."

and we get....

"I found the link to the Iraq jobs listed on the Halliburton web site. The jobs are listed under KBR jobs. There are about 109 positions."

[Edited on 5-9-2003 by ktprktpr]

posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 02:28 PM
Makes me wonder how much the=is occupation of Iraq would cost if there werent any civilians be contracted. Would it be cut in half?

posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
Makes me wonder how much the=is occupation of Iraq would cost if there werent any civilians be contracted. Would it be cut in half?

Skandi.. did you know that reason why military is using civilian contractors to do things like these is because.. about 90% of people they have trained to do things like these stay in service only the "min." time and go to work in civilians sector.

It is very expencive to train helicopter mechanics if they bail out at the very moment they can..

[Edited on 5-9-2003 by FULCRUM]

posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 02:46 PM
Now why would 90% of the people bail out so quickly?

posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 02:52 PM
If the military didnt have so many bull# issues, people would stay in abd become lifers.

Still, Uni, the military has these personell already trained, and is cheaper to employ them in rebuilding than hand it out to civilian contractors.

Military high turnover rate is normal, though. Thats natural. People who leave are replaced with new people. Thats normal. It doesnt excuse the govornment for not making use of them. Hiring civilians is NOT good. Not for something like this.

posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 10:04 PM
From an alternative angle, the unemployment rate in the Iraqi domestic workforce is currently being cited as 60%.

Don't know to what extent that creates a perspective on the labor pool available for reconstruction projects. Don't tell me there are not suitable qualified people!

Something in the whole equation is rather imbalanced...

posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 10:26 PM

Something in the whole equation is rather imbalanced...

Yeah. Like why if, they are hiring American civilian comoanies to lord over the reconstruction, are these greedy companies not hiring cheaper Iraqi slave labor?

If they do plan on reconstruction.....perhaps they plan on doing things they dont want Iraqis to know about?

If civilian companies are going to do the job, surely it would be far cheaper to hire locals to do the work. Even with anti American sentiment, i doubt unemployed Iraqis are gonna turn down a job. Especially a very good paying job.

So why only AMERICANS THEN? American civilians. the military could very well handle the jobs. but since civilians are doing it.............

Imperial colony? Even skilled iraqis reduced to house cleaners and street sweepers?

posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 10:33 PM
Imbalanced,yes,somehow that word just......sounds.....

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