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OP/ED: This Whitehouse Spokesman Thinks You're an Idiot

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posted on Sep, 5 2005 @ 07:23 AM
In a glaring display of bad judgement, Scott McClellan, a Whitehouse spokesman, tried to lie for the administration that employs him (self-preservation at its finest). McClellan started by proclaiming that water is, in fact dry, and that the sky is green. After warming up, McClellan, with a straight face, said "Flood control has been a priority of this administration from Day One." And the award for Worst Performance by a Supporting Criminal goes to...

Being lied to by government officials has a way of ruining the taste of eggs in the morning. It really sets a sour flavor on the tongue, and makes the very act of consuming eggs seem unpleasant. Normally I love eggs. Needless to say, I was upset. Having turned me off my breakfast, this McClellan fellow found himself the unwitting target of my ire for the day.

I consider myself a rather proficient liar. I learned from a master, and take the art of deception very seriously in and of itself, I have an appreciation for the nuances often overlooked by amateur fibbers. In other words, I posess the necessary qualifications to judge a lie on its merits, in and of itself.

The best lies, the ones that slip smoothly over doubt, are the fabrications based on truth. If you use the truth as an framework, from which to build extensions of fiction, the fiction benefits from, at the very least, a connection to the truth, at most, such lies blend perfectly into the truth and become a natural extension thereof. The lie told by McClellan couldn't have stuck out more if he'd tried, because not only is flood control not a high priority to this administration, but this administration wanted to gut the programs and hang the skins for decoration! When one considers that three quarters of a major US city are under 6-20 feet of water, it should become obvious that flood protection was not a priority.

If you say something is a priority, that leads people to think you value it. All we've been hearing for days is that the Whitehouse wanted 80% cuts in flood control, and has pushed the cuts at least three years running. It was a priority alright, front of the line to be butchered. Carved up and redistributed to corporations, and the politicians who maintain a vested interest therein. We've got an oil pipe maker who used to defend superfund site defendants in court, running the Department of the Interior! We've got a Horse Trader as FEMA chief, a civillian for a SoD, and many, many more travesties of appointment. Buncha beady-eyed homonculli crafted in the shadows and weaned on Reagan's teat, now all grown up with big teeth and bigger appetites.

When officials get up to the mic, and utter lies so transparent as to be insulting, I see cracks forming in the armor of an administration that has risen to power through lie, after lie, after lie. Broken promises have always been a dime a dozen in Washington, but the level of insult has reached staggering new heights. Either the politicians in question have the situation on lockdown, past the point of public opinion having any bearing on their plans, or they've literally bit off more than they can chew. I believe the former to be true, actually. However, I maintain hope that it's the latter.

It would be interesting to see the supporters of this administration actually pay attention to the contradictions and double-speak, see the enormous conflicts of interest for what they are, start to understand the anger exhibited by 'the other half', the anger they've decried so vocally as being immature and irresponsible, even unpatriotic. It would be interesting indeed, if partisans nationwide became aware of the enormous deception inherent in a two party system controlled from the top down by ONE corporate agenda.

This is where we get back to the principles of lying for a moment before we end. If you're going to lie, try to keep it small, the little lies fare better under scrutiny, and attract less attention all around. However, if you must lie big, lie REALLY big. Past a certain point, an enormous lie becomes believable, in part oweing to its sheer size. It's a strange phenomenon that works on the principle of expectation. Nobody expects to be told enormous lies, they can't bring themselves to believe anybody would risk telling a lie so big.

But this fool, McClellan, he screwed up big time. He told a medium lie, a very obvious, stinky-like-fart-in-car lie that could never be mistaken for anything but what it is. Anyone who has been following the news for the past several days has heard the information regarding cuts in the budget. Now they're confronted with this obvious contradiction, uttered by a man in the employ of the POTUS. And by the way, if you're still enjoying your eggs this morning, please, for my sake (misery loves company), take pains to remember that all this nonsense has been funded exclusively by the American taxpayer.

Paying taxes, to pay salaries, for professional liars, to lie to the people paying taxes! This guy McClellan must really think you're an idiot, if he's going to tell this crap lie to you, the people of the United States of America, the folks who pay his salary. If he didn't think you were an idiot, he would have told a smaller lie, maybe even one resembling the truth, or connected in some way to the truth. Instead, he chose to show his contempt for you, and by proxy, the administration's contempt for you, by telling this outright, indefensible, heinously obvious LIE.

"Flood control has been a priority of this administration from Day One."

No, Scott, it hasn't been, as if the facts of the budget weren't enough to prove the case, there's the minor detail that an entire city is now under water due to poor infrastructure and planning. You're a liar Scott, and I don't appreciate your assumption that I'm an idiot.

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posted on Sep, 5 2005 @ 07:47 AM
Not entirely untrue, just the wrong liquid! They have been too worried about the flow of the thick black liquid, and not the clear thin one….

posted on Sep, 5 2005 @ 08:33 AM
oh but Wyrde they picked the best man for the job in all cases! Didn't you see how much our beloved FEMA director contributed in campaign funds? Bollux to that fired from the civilian world thing, they just don't appreciate proper delegation of responsibillity (aka we passed the buck to the guy who wasn't in the office today and didn't write up my reports in proper triplicate last time due to, pfft, being in the field)
And besides how were we supposed to know salvaging a major metro area was an issue? Everyone knows gallup is slow to generate polls on the week leading to a holiday weekend! We are being entirelly too insensitive to the needs of our politicians to have a break from their stressful lives of hard and fast policy making decisions!

Meanwhile in the real world, yes we're angry, some will tell us we have no right to be and they responded as quick as they could. To this I say, you are the same people who would argue for your own immediate execution if charged with treason. Facts don't lie and in the end the facts will be overwhelming for the american people. To those of you who insist on maintaining blind faith I can only hope all your relatives and friends are safe and dry tonight. because for some people at the end of the day this is all it would take for them to be happy.

posted on Sep, 5 2005 @ 08:35 AM
Thank you wyrdeone. I fortunately had my breakfast and my stomach has an iron consitution but I haven't had such a good laugh in quite awhile...really the only way to deal with these buggers (and that is not to say anything bad about buggers) is to point out their lack of clothing and laugh at them...can you imagine what it would do if Bush minor got up before a crowd to spout blather and they all laughed at him?

posted on Sep, 5 2005 @ 08:55 AM
Good one, Wyrde !

I'm thinking there's more to come......CNN is reporting some thing about the Gov. of LA being asked to turn over control to the allow the LA National Guard to be 'federalized'. Gen. Honore didn't seem to be in favor of it.......

Not too sure where this is going, but I'm betting some one is setting up the Gov. to 'take the fall'.....but I had heard on earlier broadcast that she had actually declared a state of emergency before the hurricane made landfall. I thought that was what FEMA required......Between this and what Scott Mc. was saying, they may be trying to cover Mr. Brown's **s.

posted on Sep, 5 2005 @ 08:59 AM

Originally posted by grover
Thank you wyrdeone. I fortunately had my breakfast and my stomach has an iron consitution but I haven't had such a good laugh in quite awhile...really the only way to deal with these buggers (and that is not to say anything bad about buggers) is to point out their lack of clothing and laugh at them...can you imagine what it would do if Bush minor got up before a crowd to spout blather and they all laughed at him?

Excellent point:

There is something thes so called buggers hate most of all,,,,being laughed at and disrespected...makes their egos want to kill and they almost look like one of those Scanner people from the movie Scanners about to pop.

Also if it ever comes to bringing these power elite to justice....killing them or incarcerating them forever isnt the worst thing you could do to them....taking their wealth and power away is the worst thing you can do to them. Especially if you give the wealth to the so called "undeserving people" namely the weak and down trodden.

posted on Sep, 5 2005 @ 09:25 AM
No eggs this morning M8 but it sure sours the taste of my coffee creamer.

MR. McCLELLAN: Well, first of all, I would point back to what I said a minute ago and what the President said in his State of the Union and has consistently said, his number one responsibility is to protect the American people. And the best way to win the war on terrorism is to stay on the offensive and take the fight to the enemy.

And that's exactly what we are doing. We are removing threats before it's too late, by the actions that we are taking. It is also important to make sure we are doing everything we can to protect the American people at home and secure the homeland. And we have committed significant resources to that effort. And the President will talk about how we will -- how we are going to continue committing significant resources to those efforts in our '05 budget proposal.

posted on Sep, 5 2005 @ 12:54 PM
from your post:

"Flood control has been a priority of this administration from Day One"

i'm afraid i read that statement a bit different than you...

i reckon i read official statements thru the lens of the 'Clintonese'
twisted meanings

1st, that 'flood control' has a priority, actually means little as the
level of priority is not guaged against any other 'priority'.
It could mean that 'flood control' ranks #200
and requiring metric standard mechanical pencils at DHS ranks #188
in contrast to a Corporation tax increase ranked # 981

2nd, the 'flood control' the administration is engaged with
might just mean; the control of recently increased run-off water
(that they can interpert as Flood-water) that needs to be controlled.
because the 'wetlands' / buffer-zones have been defined out
of existence in the eyes of the law,
or elsewise in the bureaucratic slight-of-hand switching trick,
the old 'wetlands' areas were traded for equal acreages of newly designated 'wetlands' (in places like Alaska...which does LA no good!)

3rd, the 'flood control' in question, is the act of actually causing
by way of 'benign neglect' and by diverting funds for levee
upgrades & maintenance to the Army Corps of Engineers,
and the Louisiana Authority responsible for the ports & levees,etc.
-> as it appears that a secret agenda is currently revealing itself,
that in the last 5 and possibly 13 years, the possibility of the city
of NewOrleans getting flooded after a hurricane hit was enhanced
thru a series of benign neglect decisions.
to not prevent a catastrophic result...which just recently happened

4th....He never meant or intended to say 'Flood Prevention'
he only addressed 'flood control'

i did like your OP-ED

posted on Sep, 6 2005 @ 11:02 AM
This is an excellent Op-ed

Very well stated...

I will try to make my point without steering things away from this thread, but I am amazed by how much Political corruption has washed over from the Reagon, G Bush SR and Clinton years... It is like you see the same RATS over and over again ... Why? they contribute money and/or support...

I am extremely interested to see how many of the new land investors that are rebuilding New Orleans are members of the Bush Buddies Boys club...

We all know KBR got the cleanup contracts from their connection to Cheney, so I predict many more surprises around the bend (not really surprises, except that no one is shouting "CROOK" when it happens)

posted on Mar, 3 2006 @ 03:51 PM
The White House's Katrina involvement is back in the news again, so I thought I'd bump this little gem.

Just more lies and subterfuge. :shk:

posted on Mar, 3 2006 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by WyrdeOne
I consider myself a rather proficient liar. I learned from a master, and take the art of deception very seriously in and of itself, I have an appreciation for the nuances often overlooked by amateur fibbers. In other words, I posess the necessary qualifications to judge a lie on its merits, in and of itself.

Then, why, one might ask, should we believe anything you say? If you are such a skilled and gifted liar, what is to convince us that you have not lied to us about the alleged liars? Please forgive me for not having read further than that admission.

posted on Mar, 3 2006 @ 05:33 PM

If you are such a skilled and gifted liar, what is to convince us that you have not lied to us about the alleged liars? Please forgive me for not having read further than that admission.

Excellent question. The answer is that I'm also a reasonably skilled fencer, and I don't go around stabbing people all day long, because it doesn't make any sense to do so.

That being said, you should never truly believe anything anyone says until you've corroborated it. You should take in all information and let it roll around, making useful connections. If something I or anyone else says makes sense, go with it until something comes along that makes more sense.

Would you believe me if I told you that Gold follows the path of least resistance down a river?

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