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posted on Sep, 3 2003 @ 03:45 PM

We thought we could "go it alone", but has Iraq turned into too much of a mess for us to handle? Even the biggest supporters of the war seem to be jumping ship.

So what do you think, should we let other nations help us with this mess since we can't handle it? It's too late to just pull out.

Also I found a copy of tonight's White House Dinner Menu:

Baked Crow with lemon sauce
Crow soup with vegetables
Caesar Salad with Crow Dressing
Chocolate Cake

posted on Sep, 3 2003 @ 04:06 PM
Personally I'm glad that the UN will be coming in. Apparently there are groups of animals on the loose in Iraq taking potshots at our soldiers. We've lost more soldiers since this crap supposedly ended than we did in the entire conflict itself. So viewing this from an economic standpoint, if someone else is willing to come take some losses too... what the hell! Come on in folks. They need to understand, as we can see from last weeks events, the groups perpretating most of these attacks hate the UN just as much as they hate the US. Sad situation.

posted on Sep, 3 2003 @ 04:11 PM
this is the funniest # i've heard in hours, lets disobey the UN and then a couple months later want them to help cuz control a place we weren't sanctioned by the UN to invade, lol it's like telling someone their absolutely stupid and then asking them fer help with rocket science the next minute, lol who cares about "american loses" how about humanity loses instead, silly nationalism, maybe if they weren' so worried about their dollar going down they wouldn't have started sumtin they can finish

posted on Sep, 3 2003 @ 04:24 PM
The US isn't exactly asking the UN to do something they don't want to do. And the UN was happy to admit there isn't a damn thing they can do about the US going ahead with their plans without the UN consent. This can be proven by the fact that the UN was requesting an active role in the setup of a government in Iraq after Saddam's downfall. To me this signified a quiet acquiesence, which is fine. The message sent was "we didn't want you to do this, but now that you did, maybe we can help out too and make it work." Very honorable. But what was shown once again was that in reality (and i mean reality, not "international law papers") there is absolutely nothing practical the UN can do to the US for not following their policies. What could be done anyways? Economic sanctions against the most powerful country in the world, or maybe the smaller countries can boycott the superpower that ships them aid each year

posted on Sep, 3 2003 @ 04:40 PM
I find it sickening and vile that now we ask the Un to come in and assist. BOO to Bush. He started a war we will never finish, now he asks the hated UN to come in and assist? What the hell is the UN gonna do? Like they can sort out this mess?


posted on Sep, 3 2003 @ 04:45 PM
I just hope this doesn't turn into a situation like some of the other international messes and end up with 30-40 years of guerilla warfare and people shooting each other up every day. If it becomes frustrating for the US citizenship we will end up with more and more people saying it's not worth our time and lives anymore, so get our troops the hell out of there and leave Iraq to do whatever happens. Of course if this happens sooner there will not be a Dubya version 2.0

posted on Sep, 3 2003 @ 05:01 PM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
I find it sickening and vile that now we ask the Un to come in and assist. BOO to Bush. He started a war we will never finish, now he asks the hated UN to come in and assist? What the hell is the UN gonna do? Like they can sort out this mess?


But you see thats where your wrong.We could finish that war whenever we want.The problem is that too many people wouldn't except our means of doing it.

posted on Sep, 3 2003 @ 05:05 PM
This whole thread's color looks like the inside of an otter pops package.

As much as i'd love to jump in on the liberal back patting, you for got one thing on the way to toke your hippie gravity bongs.

1. Jerry Garcia is dead.
2. So is janis.
3. would you guys rather spend 9 billion for clean up, or let the assholes who wouldn't lift a finger do it?

Oh , and we are the un people. we are it's entire budget.

thanks and go back to smoking the good #.

posted on Sep, 3 2003 @ 05:18 PM

But you see thats where your wrong.We could finish that war whenever we want.The problem is that too many people wouldn't except our means of doing it.

That statement alone explains your screen name.
I'm sure you have some grand master plan that will solve all of the problems tomorrow. I'm also rather confident that your "master plan" would involve killing countless thousands of people needlessly. Am I close?

posted on Sep, 3 2003 @ 05:49 PM
My whole attitude towards the US military occupation of Iraq is:


You went in on your own. You got Blair to try and snooker the British public (a tough one, Brits are merciless in their criticism and mistrust of government (kudos!)), and then you assembled a laughable Coalition of the Willing. Go Poland! Onward Bulgaria! To arms, Pulau! En garde, Marshall Islands!

And because the UN wouldn't sanction your illegal war, after you sent all your envoys to their countries, begging them to join or to vote your way at the Security Council (ask Turkey about how they turned down their bribe), you said "Well, if nobody is going to take care of this great and terrible impending evil, we will do the honorable and just thing, and we will go in and do it ourselves. And we'll install a democracy, make a new, kinder, gentler Iraq. Um, right after we call Halliburton and Bechtel on speed-dial."

But there wasn't any terrible and impending evil. No WMD's, no mushroom clouds, no choking clouds of mustard gas. Just tired and beaten Iraqis, without even an Air Force to fight against the 24-7 bombing runs.

You dropped MOABs, 24,000 pound bombs, on targets, you dropped cluster-bombs, you dropped napalm, you used depleted Uranium "bunkerbusters" and then your President cheerfully declared the war was over, in his spotless pilot's uniform aboard an aircraft carrier, banners fluttering in the breeze as Wolf Blitzer vigorously pleasured himself under the desk at the CNN command center in Qatar.

And now, Iraqis are angry that they're STILL without power (or have it very intermittently). They're angry that they're low on fuel supplies. They're angry that the streets aren't safe after dark. They're angry that their water is largely untreated and their children are dying of dysentery and scarlet fever. They're angry because they keep getting shot and killed at roadblocks, they keep having their houses searched by armed soldiers in the middle of the night as they watch their wives being roughly frisked by Corporal Cletus from North Carolina.

And now, there are daily attacks against occupying troops. Twenty-five a day, and they aren't by "foreign terrorists", they used the same ploy in Vietnam to try and convince the US public that it wasn't actual Vietnamese but "insurgents". They're by Iraqis who figure they have no other alternative, or are filled with anger and hatred and desperation. What makes you think all these suicide attacks and ambushes are by militant Islamists? What about Mahmoud the shoemaker down the street who just watched his son get blown away at a checkpoint?

And you want ME to let MY countrymen go in and HELP you? Wow, you SHOULD feel ashamed. What am I, a moron? Wasn't I THERE while you lied and lied to me and your people about all the reasons to go to war? DO you expect me to trust you now?

You broke Iraq, you bought it. If it destroys your economy, hey that's too bad. Hell, I'm in Canada, so I'm sure it'll affect me too.

But you know what, having to scrimp and save to afford that new car doesn't compare to having to watch as your country is invaded and occupied by soldiers who don't respect you or your culture or your religion or your history. Hell, most of them probably think Mesopotamia is a Lipton Cup-A-Soup.

So go it alone, Yanks, and if you don't want to go it alone, talk to your Congressman and tell him what you think, and what you want him to do. And get Shrub to apologize while he's at it.

Not to me, and not to the UN, but to Mahmoud the shoemaker. Because with 110 degree heat and no electricity for air conditioning, he's only getting madder.


posted on Sep, 3 2003 @ 06:38 PM

Originally posted by Fry2

But you see thats where your wrong.We could finish that war whenever we want.The problem is that too many people wouldn't except our means of doing it.

That statement alone explains your screen name.
I'm sure you have some grand master plan that will solve all of the problems tomorrow. I'm also rather confident that your "master plan" would involve killing countless thousands of people needlessly. Am I close?

Actually no.This could be over alot sooner if we were not tip toeing around the liberals.Oh and about the smartass comment about the name,take a look at yours buddy,I could come up with countless grammar school slams on yours.But that would be a little too juvenile don't you think?

posted on Sep, 3 2003 @ 06:42 PM
I think the french should get off thier asses and help for once, rather than just complaining all the time.

If Bush lost an election because the US economy sank due to the war, it would be terrible. [/sarcasm]

They need help. The UK has been there from the start, I think all European countries should be in there cleaning up.

posted on Sep, 3 2003 @ 06:52 PM

Actually no.This could be over alot sooner if we were not tip toeing around the liberals.


Where the hell did you get that idea?

What do you suggest they do to "finish that war whenever we want"? I'm really curious....

posted on Sep, 3 2003 @ 07:51 PM
Well this wouldn't have happened if the damn-liberal-media didn't keep showing soldiers dying all the time.
I don't get this country. So a few hundred americans what??? Dont you know that Halliburtons stocks have gone through the roof! This translates into more jobs for Americans, you idiots!! Don't you know how this country works???!!
You tree-huggin liberals whining every day about how much it costs, and Iraqi people's freedoms, and Bushie's lies, and no one in the world likes us...Give me a break! If it wasn't getting so damn close to election time we would have just gone on ignoring you, but that damn-liberal-media might be biasing the American public just enough that we might lose this election (ha, like we actually won the last one). Well we can't have a silly thing like democracy standing in the way of OUR GRAND VISION.
So here's what will do. We will put up a fake concession to the UN. Give their corporate governments a taste of our "Spoils of war". I mean, thats what the problem was all along with France and didn't really think it was a moral issue did you? You did? Damn our propaganda machine is really firing on all cylinders these days!
We will make sure that the UN flag is flying high at all Iraqi checkposts, especially the ones that have reporters with cameras nearby. Then will make sure to have some darkies (you know Indians, Turks, Africans) in uniform on the front line taking the bullets. Chances are the Iraqis will think there middle-eastern men(cause they're stupid?) and won't shoot, but if they do then its just more 'n-word's dying and nobody in this country gives a f**k when that happens anyway. Really a win-win situation if you ask us.
In fact we will make sure that the american media quickly loses focus on all the dirty little things happening there. Let them put it in their "International" news section now on page 9 or 10 in the back. Most American red-necks can't turn pages anyway. CNN and FOX will also do as they're told.
Then will hide problems and illegalities under strange foreign names and multi-national politics that require to much searching for the average journalist and WAY to much thinking for the average American.
After two or three months most people will forget the whole situation and we can get back to focusing on all the positives for the upcoming election. Not to mention the holiday shopping season!!! Lets get our focus back to where it needs be folks. Get some more credit cards and lets get this economy going again! Its the patriotic thing to do...we can prove it!

Go back to sleep america your government has figured it all out for you! Again.....

[You are all absolutely free]

[Edited on 4-9-2003 by Voice_of Doom]

posted on Sep, 3 2003 @ 08:01 PM
Nice use of sarcasm there
I agree with some of what you said, but not all.
I have no doubt that France, Germany and Russia were looking at the bottom line when this all went down. I also have no doubt that the US was doing the same.
I guess the best thing you could do at this point is look to Dragonriders posts on the subject. He has a pretty good handle on it and I can't see any holes in the theory.

P.S. My cat could kick your cats ass

[Edited on 4-9-2003 by Fry2]

posted on Sep, 3 2003 @ 08:02 PM
Maybe...The UN and the rest of the world were just posturing to keep from having every county's citizenry go up in arms against the attack.
Maybe it was all just an act to get it done,and it was decided that the US was to take the heat for it,in order to get policies and other things into place for a bigger plan we cannnot yet see...
Maybe I am just uNBaLaNCeD.

posted on Sep, 3 2003 @ 09:20 PM
Wow, I leave and when I come back there's 15 comments!

Um, really everything that I could say has been said. I do agree that if I were the UN I'd take the "you break it, you buy it attitude". It's like when an adult tells a child not to make a mess, but the kid does it anyway. Then afterwards, the child comes whining to the grownup for help because they can't deal with the mess they made.

But really, I don't see why the crazies are attacking the UN. They're only trying to help the Iraqi people. THEY didn't attack Iraq. But of course, most of the people doing these attacks are probably from countries besides Iraq *coughsaudiarabicough*.

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