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Everybody should watch this !

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posted on Sep, 1 2003 @ 10:21 AM
Grand-Theft America :

posted on Sep, 1 2003 @ 10:28 AM
yep i belive that to be unfortunately 100% true... bush is an illegitimate president...

something shouldbe done about it...

posted on Sep, 1 2003 @ 04:42 PM
Wow, that is kind of amazing.. I wonder what the US will look like in 20 years..

posted on Sep, 1 2003 @ 04:43 PM
probably a nuclear wasteland if bush carrys on...

posted on Sep, 2 2003 @ 04:24 AM

Great presentation, great content....

Does anyone in the Bush Admin. do anything legally.....Ever???

posted on Sep, 2 2003 @ 04:37 AM
Great presentation!!

I want something done about this. I am sick and tired of them getting away with this stuff. I will not sit around and let them get away with this stuff. We need to have something done about this. I am not going to let them get away with it. Who is with me to brining justice. The corruption needs to be stoped and it needs to be stoped now.

posted on Sep, 2 2003 @ 05:20 AM

Originally posted by ilovepizza
Great presentation!!

I want something done about this. I am sick and tired of them getting away with this stuff. I will not sit around and let them get away with this stuff. We need to have something done about this. I am not going to let them get away with it. Who is with me to brining justice. The corruption needs to be stoped and it needs to be stoped now.

Ok, but now what are you going to do about it?
It pisses me off too, but other than calling it to the attention of my friends, family, and neighbors and mailing my congressional representatives and senators about it I am stumped as to what to do.

posted on Sep, 2 2003 @ 05:34 AM
E- mail Mr bush himself

[email protected]

posted on Sep, 2 2003 @ 05:43 AM

Originally posted by asala
E- mail Mr bush himself
[email protected]

"How can you shoot the devil in the back. What if you miss!"-The Usual Suspects

posted on Sep, 2 2003 @ 01:03 PM
Don't bother e-mailing him. They have a backlog from about 2001 and no intention of clearing it. I'd imagine 90% is sheer abuse. (well the one's I sent were :roll

posted on Sep, 2 2003 @ 09:47 PM
Well its a doggy dog world, not very suprising. Al Gore is probably pissed as hell right now.

Bush pulled it off, yep, god bless republicans

posted on Sep, 3 2003 @ 06:16 PM
is vote shrubs sorry vote stealing butt outta office!!!
They can't toss all of our votes outta a window without some serious legislation being tossed about!!
A fellow former Marine brother who lives in Florida, he was among those who had their votes erased, yet he has no arrest record and has never been a felon or even accused. He is still fighting to have his name cleared, smeared by this biotch and her dirty deeds. Does anyone know how someone so snake like cxould get any votes after what she did? All of Florida should question the 2002 congressional elections that allowed this viper into office!!

Vote for the one man who already has great ideas, a platform and a winning trackrecord of success, vote for Howard Dean. He has nothing but contempt for shrub and his gang of GOP criminals!! The Man has balls and will stand up to these criminals and see to it that they are defeated and tried for the injustices they have allowed or have done themselves.

Don't let the bushcrimefamily steal another election!!!

Dean for America in 2004

posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 06:30 AM
Hmm. Just don't get it? There is the Aristocracy aka Nobility that rules this Plutocracy in which totalitarian corporations act as supervisors of the lower (than the Aristocracy) classes. There is no earthly power greater than the Aristocracy. That's not all bad. It's not easy to feed 258 million people.

In so much as the Aristocracy has all but defiled the very idea of Nobility, the society at large has lost the meaning of Nobility and fairness in all societal transactions whether they be economic, social, or otherwise. We must reclaim the meaning of the word and put in place social constructs to insure that the Truth of the Virtues remains unobstructed from the eyes and ears of the public.

And having identified the seven deadly sins, it is our duty to form similar social constructs to give people recourse rather than opportunity to commit them.

Our war should not be against the Aristocracy, but in the name of Virtue we must conquer our own inadequacies and those of our society.

posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 06:39 AM
I don't know much about US politics, but that seems pretty plain to me - kind of disturbing how easily it can all be manipulated.

posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 06:52 AM
Is this true? Should he be impeached? How can he possibly justify that? I'm surprised you Americans are standing for it.

Where's your freedom and liberty? You had no choice in the vote. essentially, they removed your basic rights.

This typifies the Bush administration, imho.

posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 07:39 AM
This is absolutely true...

If only we could "scrub" the votes of idiots, she would have never been elected as a Representative....

There is little doubt from most sane individuals, that the voting "problems" in Florida were orchestrated to effect a Bush victory.

Yes, they will get away with it, for many reasons.

1. The public at large is too stupid to realize it, even when presented with the facts.

2. It's in the past, and the public is too focused on trivial matters like Kobe' Bryant....

3. Who controls the mass press?

4. There are no other viable Democratic candidates, so the idiot will likely get re-elected!

posted on Sep, 5 2003 @ 04:42 PM
The machine is operational. Issues are discussed. It is not 'our' machine. They are not 'our' issues. Money and mother nature make a difference. Both are difficult to understand, and even more difficult to influence. We ask those with money to use it philanthropically. It is up to them to do so. Often they do, and as a result we have law which is one of the guiding principles of money. The lesson is to think before you spend.

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