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The Other Side of Deception

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posted on Aug, 30 2003 @ 07:19 PM
Mossad case officer Victor Ostrovsky was in Larnaca, Cyprus in 1980 on an operation involving cooperation with Belgian authorities to halt shipments of arms by leftist Belgians to Palestinians. One night in the hotel he decided, on his own, to strike up an acquaintance with a Palestinian businessman from Amman who had just arrived from Libya.

To Ostrovsky's surprise, the Palestinian described to him a Mossad scheme to force down a plane flying top Palestine Liberation Organization leaders from Tripoli, Libya, to Lebanon. The Israeli intelligence agency's plan to capture PLO leaders would fail, the Palestinian businessman told Ostrovsky, because the PLO was aware of the Mossad's plan. Ostrovsky tried to warn his superiors that the Palestinians had knowledge of the plan, but failed to reach them in time to halt it.

The Palestinian, as it turned out, was right. When Israeli aircraft forced the small plane to land in Israel, the PLO leaders were not aboard, and the Israeli act of aerial piracy over international waters caused it great embarrassment

posted on Aug, 30 2003 @ 07:20 PM
My friend ordered the book. pretty freaky stuff in there. i have an old link to the website.

Mossad scarier than CIA

posted on Aug, 30 2003 @ 07:41 PM

Originally posted by Skadi_the_Evil_Elf
My friend ordered the book. pretty freaky stuff in there. i have an old link to the website.

Mossad scarier than CIA

they certainly are. I'm thinking of ordering the book myself.

posted on Sep, 1 2003 @ 02:22 AM
Did all of us geniuses know that the big scawy mean mossad generally does not have more than 35 agents functioning at any given time. I'll take the fact that you're all such professionals in matters of international affairs as a yes. So... being that you consider the mossad (an operation of 35 active field agents) scarier than the CIA with it's trillion dollar budget, you obviously consider mossad the far more effective operation. Correct?

posted on Sep, 1 2003 @ 02:31 AM
I don't know the Mossad all that well.

Through ATS, I invited their agents to come and visit me for afternoon tea one day, but they haven't accepted yet.

Whether their operation is 35 field staff, or 3500 field staff of which only 35 are on record and accounted for, I believe they are far more effective in obfuscating, inciting, drilling deep, scapegoating and generally all around making things happen - than their CIA counterparts - yes.

But I'm no expert.

posted on Sep, 1 2003 @ 06:01 PM

The Nazi party started out with only a handful of guys too. And ultimately, it was only a handful that really seized power.

The numbers game is irrelkevant, and the offical count of Mossad is only 35, but they have a huge black budget as well.

Yes Mossad is WAY scarier than the CIA.

posted on Sep, 1 2003 @ 09:07 PM
Skadi & MA:

Yeah the 35 I was talking about are the actual operatives paid for and under full control of the Mossad themselves. I, and no one else, really knows the full amount of people they pick up in other countries to work for them. That's kinda hard to tell. My point here was just that they are microscopic in comparison to the the intelligence agencies of USA, UK, etc etc.

posted on Sep, 2 2003 @ 12:50 AM
Victor Ostrovsky is a painter too. He seems to prefer these film noir images.

They look really cool. Check them out:

posted on Sep, 2 2003 @ 02:10 PM
Like the old saying goes: size dont matter. Smaller in many cases can be deadlier.

The AIDS Virus is tiny, yet look how it spreads and devestates and wrecks defenses of an entire human body.

We dont know the true extent or size of the Mossad, but judging by the ripples of thier actions.......


posted on Jan, 25 2009 @ 04:16 AM
reply to post by Djarums

You guys must read his first book "BY WAY OF DECEPTION " then you'll know how many they are & why they don't need to hire more people,
And you'll not be surprised !

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