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The Largest Political Conspiracy in the U.S.

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posted on Aug, 12 2005 @ 03:52 PM
I don't know if this has already been posted, I tried a search but I am not 100% sure I did it right.

In my opinion the largest political conspiracy in the U.S. is the groups that the politicians try to put us in. You probably have heard of some of these groups but I'll list several. Conservative, Liberal, Baby Boomer, Senior Citizen, Generation X, Generation Y, Latch Key Child, Veteran, African-American, Hispanic, Asian-American, Soccer Mom, Pro-Gun, Anti-gun, Pro life, Pro Choice, Angry White Male .......etc. There are many many more.

The idea behind this is to keep the people who make up these groups at odds with one another so that they can be exploited politically. This enables the politicians to cater to the groups that will benefit them while at the same time removing credability from the groups that oppose them. This is a tactic used by both the Democratic and Republican parties on the local, state and national levels.

How many times has media attention been drawn to Congress like the check kiteing scheme in the 90's just to be pulled away because some Congressman has changed his mind on abortion. Remember when Schwarzenegger was running for governor of California and all of the sudden there were a few women who said that he had made improper sexual advances to them? The purpose was to turn the women's rights group away from voting for him. It was never proven one way or another but that didn't matter all that mattered was the media coverage that it recieved. This happens all of the time. This is the basis for the Political Correctness movement that is getting totally out of control.

Ask this question. Hows come it is acceptable for an African-American, Hispanic-American or an Asian-American to be proud of their racial heritage, but if a Caucasian is proud of their racial heritage they are branded a racist.

All of this is just a conspiracy to keep Americans fighting amongst themselves so that we do not have time to seriously look at what the politicians are really doing.

posted on Aug, 12 2005 @ 03:56 PM
Humans labeling each other and disliking each other due to differences has been around since time began. Although some gov'ts may attempt to pit the groups against each other the fact is, we humans do quite well at it without there being any conspiracy behind it. If you eliminated all labels and gov'ts today, humans would still find ways to trash each other, it just comes natural for some sad reason.

posted on Aug, 12 2005 @ 05:45 PM
When all peoples accept that we are part of the human race, then and only then will we know the sanctity of true peace and prosperity.

Just my thoughts . . . ?

posted on Aug, 12 2005 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by JIMC5499
Ask this question. Hows come it is acceptable for an African-American, Hispanic-American or an Asian-American to be proud of their racial heritage, but if a Caucasian is proud of their racial heritage they are branded a racist.

Great...not this again.

Oh you mean how they're branded racists for celebrating St. Patrick's day, and during German, Russian, Greek, etc. festivals?

You mean how they're branded racists for belonging to organizations like these:

Since when have "caucasians" not been allowed to be proud of their heritage?

And don't blame me for hijacking the thread, you're the one who put something unrelated to the rest of your point in your post.

posted on Aug, 12 2005 @ 06:59 PM

Great...not this again.


At the end of the day the guy that started the thread is right...

You only have to fart in the wrong direction these days and you're branded a racist...

But let's make it clear that I'm not in favour of racism by a long shot. People are people whatever the race....


People are people whatever national "thing" they celebrate

If we could break this racism, we would truly be able to conquer the Governments that try to control things by setting us against one another...

That's where the true evil lies.

posted on Aug, 13 2005 @ 10:00 PM
This is work of the old communist tactic of "divide and conquer". Pit the people against one another so they are to busy to identify the true enemy. The communists have used this in just about every country they attacked since WW2. Examples of this in the USA is the civil rights movement in the 60's and the American Indian movement in the 70's. So lets not fall for their own scam and try to beat them at their own game.

posted on Aug, 13 2005 @ 10:06 PM
Dividing the population into groups isn't as sinister as you seem to believe (not everything is done for the sake of a conspiracy). What the politicians are trying to do is win elections by figuring out a mix of policies that appeals to enough of the population to produce a victory. They do this by having one policy that appeals to a majority of soccer moms, another appealing to a majority of young voters, another that appeals to the elderly, and so on.

It is complicated, but that's how democracy is supposed to work, is it not?

posted on Aug, 13 2005 @ 10:15 PM
When viewing people, view people as people, not by color, creed, ethnic make-up or background, nationality, etc., just as an individual person: people.

The one saying that always got me was the "white man can't jump" bit.

Anyhow, the problem to me did not originate or stem from politicians, but from those self-help movements and organizations. There is one for virtually every saying that you have mentioned JIMC5499.


[edit on 13-8-2005 by Seekerof]

posted on Aug, 14 2005 @ 09:40 AM
If you give it some thought, it's not the labeling of specific European ethnic groups such as Irish, German, etc., that pushes people's buttons. It's the collective term white or Caucasian.

As previously mentioned, there's always been plenty of Scottish, Italian and other European festivals, clubs, parades etc. But somehow lumping them together as white, has evil connotations in the minds of minorities.

Maybe it's the sheer size of the collective group that's threatening. Who knows!

posted on Aug, 14 2005 @ 10:18 AM

Originally posted by AlexofSkye
Dividing the population into groups isn't as sinister as you seem to believe (not everything is done for the sake of a conspiracy). What the politicians are trying to do is win elections by figuring out a mix of policies that appeals to enough of the population to produce a victory. They do this by having one policy that appeals to a majority of soccer moms, another appealing to a majority of young voters, another that appeals to the elderly, and so on.

It is complicated, but that's how democracy is supposed to work, is it not?
Voting blocs are ok in my opinion. Though you might be come the target of manipulation. Groups made by visionaries on the path for the good of man at any cost seem to have a pattern of turning into repressive regimes. Communist, National Socialist, and to me at least partially the so called Conservative right (though it's not just Republicans). I'm not trying to get people flaring like a charlie horse. I just see the 'pattern'. A nation trying to control it's own and other countries people, for the good of man. It's really nothing new to America. We've seen America mirror the actions of China on subduing protests on Tianamen Square, with those on Kent State(on American tv for all to see what may happen to those expressing their critical point of view).

Anyways, I can't see how anyone would label themselves liberal or conservative politically. Even though you may favor one side, nobody with a functional brain is going to be liberal or conservative on every issue. Both sides have fed right into this mentallity on every media level. I hope this is a dying trend and people can come to an agreement collectively without this group mentality bull#.

posted on Aug, 14 2005 @ 04:27 PM
"Dividing the population into groups isn't as sinister as you seem to believe (not everything is done for the sake of a conspiracy). What the politicians are trying to do is win elections by figuring out a mix of policies that appeals to enough of the population to produce a victory. They do this by having one policy that appeals to a majority of soccer moms, another appealing to a majority of young voters, another that appeals to the elderly, and so on.

There is something I don't like about that line of thought, that is that people like me are not represented, the free thinkers of society. They only seem to appeal to every idiot who believes in their usually socialist form of crap.

Another thing, you being from Canada might not be aware but the US is not a democracy, at least we're not supposed to be. We are a constitutional republic, a rule of law (and we sure have plenty of them) as opposed to a rule of man (democracy) which a shyster politician can shay the people into voting for tyranny.

ed to fix BB code[/]

[edit on 15-8-2005 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Aug, 15 2005 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by Flinx

Great...not this again.

Explain to me how someone who can trace their ancestry back 5 generations in the U.S. can still call themselves an African-American, Asian-American or Italian-American? How about stating what they truly are American-American? Problem with this is that there is no political advantage for them in it. You can't pick up a newspaper these days without reading about some slight to an ethnic or religious group and some politician making a comment about it. It is to the politicians' advantage to keep us divided and play us off against one another.

posted on Aug, 15 2005 @ 01:41 PM
Yes, but who are they serving, their constituents or the NWO?

posted on Aug, 15 2005 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by Fighting Kentuctian
Yes, but who are they serving, their constituents or the NWO?

I'd say themselves first. Look at the problem of illegal immigration from Mexico. The right thing to do is to seal the border and try to catch and deport as many as you can. Problem is that there are politicians in the Southwest who are courting the Hispanic vote and want to allow these people in and to even let them vote. They know that if they are sucessful these people and their families will vote for them out of a sense of obligation. The other side of the coin is that any non Hispanic who is against this risks being labeled a racist.

Remember during the Clinton re-election campaign in 1996? Remember the angry white male? The Democrats were activly pandering to the minoritiy, female and homosexual voters. I agree with the divide and conquer statement made earlier. Not too sure about the NWO statement.

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 07:43 PM

Originally posted by JIMC5499
I'd say themselves first. Look at the problem of illegal immigration from Mexico. The right thing to do is to seal the border and try to catch and deport as many as you can. Problem is that there are politicians in the Southwest who are courting the Hispanic vote and want to allow these people in and to even let them vote. They know that if they are sucessful these people and their families will vote for them out of a sense of obligation. The other side of the coin is that any non Hispanic who is against this risks being labeled a racist.

Remember during the Clinton re-election campaign in 1996? Remember the angry white male? The Democrats were activly pandering to the minoritiy, female and homosexual voters. I agree with the divide and conquer statement made earlier. Not too sure about the NWO statement.

That is really over simplified. The Mexican illegal aliens are good for America's economy and American social services. This should be taken into consideration, especially in an evaluation to see if this is for a personal reason or other.

posted on Aug, 16 2005 @ 09:06 PM
JIMC, I've thought for years that the govt doesn't WANT us to get along. If everyone's on different pages, having different agendas, it's easier for the govt to continue to have its own agenda--which doesnt have its citizens at heart.

Many I put too much starch in my tinfoil hat today, but it is what I believe.

posted on Aug, 17 2005 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by Cattlest

That is really over simplified. The Mexican illegal aliens are good for America's economy and American social services. This should be taken into consideration, especially in an evaluation to see if this is for a personal reason or other.

I have got to hear the explaination for this one!!! How can this be so? As I recall the Social Services of California, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico and Texas are almost overloaded because of this. How is this a good thing? You might be able to make a case for it helping the local economy by people being able to pay the illegals crap wages and increase their profits, but I doubt it.

[edit on 17-8-2005 by JIMC5499]

posted on Aug, 17 2005 @ 12:19 PM
I agree that the politicians take advantage when people don't agree with each other. But we do this all on our own I think, and it's not just political. We classify ourselves by classes, religion, income, ethnicity and nationality. It's called demographics.

Even countries that do not vote are still divided into groups. That's just human nature.

What's sad is that even the politicians are not the ones in control and affecting how we live. There are others behind the curtains doing that. The problem is, most people don't know this. This is the real conspiracy.

In the words of Bob Seager... "I'm not a number".
Oh wait... Hal9000, ok maybe I am.

This is better...

"Our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's future. And we are all mortal." JFK

posted on Aug, 17 2005 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by JIMC5499

I have got to hear the explaination for this one!!! How can this be so? As I recall the Social Services of California, Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico and Texas are almost overloaded because of this. How is this a good thing? You might be able to make a case for it helping the local economy by people being able to pay the illegals crap wages and increase their profits, but I doubt it.

[edit on 17-8-2005 by JIMC5499]

I didn't say it was a good thing. You see just because it looks like there is an increase of profits doesn't mean there won't be added complications. Whether it's a good or bad thing is only dictated by your point of view. But this should be taken into consideration when saying that politicians are not tough on illegal immigration because they simply want the Mexican/Latin American vote. I see that there is very likely another reason for this.

posted on Aug, 17 2005 @ 01:37 PM

Originally posted by Cattlest

That is really over simplified. The Mexican illegal aliens are good for America's economy and American social services. This should be taken into consideration, especially in an evaluation to see if this is for a personal reason or other.

Originally posted by Cattlest
I didn't say it was a good thing. You see just because it looks like there is an increase of profits doesn't mean there won't be added complications. Whether it's a good or bad thing is only dictated by your point of view. But this should be taken into consideration when saying that politicians are not tough on illegal immigration because they simply want the Mexican/Latin American vote. I see that there is very likely another reason for this.

I may be hijacking my own thread here, but I have got to address this.


Yes you did say that it is a good thing. I have referenced both of your posts to show this. I am curious as to how you think that this could be good. These illegal aliens are destroying the very thing that they are coming to the U.S. for. What happens when they can no longer be provided with welfare and medical care? What do they do then? I am not anti-Hispanic I have several neighbors who came to the U.S. legally and they are some of the finest people that I know. I blame the Mexican government for this. President Fox is trying to get rid of his problems by passing them on to the U.S.

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