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''Criticize Israel? What's in it for me?''

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posted on Sep, 16 2002 @ 02:30 PM
By Raff Ellis Columnist (United States)
( � In a strongly worded piece of mail received from an Israeli about one of my previous columns, I was asked the question: "Can you tell me where, except in, you could publicize your ideas in the American media?" That this question comes from an Israeli, betrays the expectation he and his countrymen have of U.S. news outlets. Does this mean that America's media suppresses criticism of Israel? Is he saying that Israel's supporters are so strong that they control the media in these United States? If I said that I'd quickly be labeled an anti-Semite.

Here is the rest of the article:

posted on Sep, 16 2002 @ 08:10 PM
You know, the odd thing is that while the media may suppress bad press against the Israelis, they still make the Israelis look like bullies and the "Palestinians look like poor little picked on runts.

Walter Cronkite now says he regrets retirement, he misses being there to help set the agenda. Help set the agenda. That one little statement said volumes. All of us need to have a lucid moment and remember that the news we get with which to base our warped opinions is all controlled by "them".
Don't dwell on that too long; the knock-down drag outs are too fun, and if we all realized we may be deceived about something, where would we be?

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