posted on Aug, 26 2003 @ 11:35 PM
Your style of writing reminds me of a recent, short-lived, but famed member of the board.
I, understand, though, that those of us who really do workfor the government have to keep their marks unreadable.
But, no, I wasn't talking about any project called M.A.R.S, though you have interested me in what that program was about.
What I was refering to was a comment in that article I posted from (which ISN'T a conspiracy site) that said, in 1924, that the US
government asked people (scientists, military, the public... it didn't say) to listen for signals from mars. I was just wondering if anyone could
fill us in on that...
However, thsi M.A.R.S project you speak of... what was it, and was it classified?