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A part of the brain containing ancient data?

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posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 06:24 AM
I knew that when Bush went ahead with war, without UN approval, we were branching off of something. Which didn't make the world too happy. Scaler tech is being heard more and more on the internet along with government acknowledgement, yet which is hard to find. Supposedly has something to do with the chemtrails among other things we're seeing. Interesting to read about the bilderbergers function. Anyway check out what this guy has to say. He seems to have the credentials, check out his website.

By Dr. Michael E. Salla

posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 07:15 AM

Originally posted by Shadow88
wow thanks for your input.....

you know its not really that of a far fetched idea that we come from an extra-terrestrial location. we are already theorising ways we could colonate / terraform mars or other planets. what would have stopped ancient "man" from doing it?

perhaps, ancient-advanced humankind terraformed what is now earth, and as an experiment placed lesser evolved species from their planet on earth to study.

everything COULD fit perfectly into a sound theory

Shadow...well said! I have, over the course of the last few months been starting to subscribe to that very idea. I grow extremely weary of all the endless, redundant, often blind and childish debate over who, what, and when the universe and paticularly our world came into existence. This "terraforming" theory has since perked up my ears. It seems to me that some of the pointless creation/evolution arguments could be put to rest when considered in this new theory. I f you have any other references that I might research this theory, please U2U me and I'll gladly research it further.

posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 07:42 AM
It's possible to change the weather.
Others are engaging even in an eco- type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves.

Bill introduced to congress about such scaler technology and chemtrails; trying to ban it

(B) Such terms include exotic weapons systems such as--

(i) electronic, psychotronic, or information weapons;
this is a way they can spy on us electromagnetically

(ii) chemtrails;

(iii) high altitude ultra low frequency weapons systems;

(iv) plasma, electromagnetic, sonic, or ultrasonic weapons;

(v) laser weapons systems;

(vi) strategic, theater, tactical, or extraterrestrial weapons; and

(vii) chemical, biological, environmental, climate, or tectonic weapons.

eg. weather manipulation
Canadians perception of chemtrails

[edit on 9-8-05 by pacman]

posted on Sep, 8 2005 @ 10:49 AM
I’d just like to say, regarding hidden memories in the brain, I think it is very possible personally; I’d just like to tell you why.

The thing is that although all parts of the brain are active and there probably isn’t a dormant section, the fact is that memory doesn’t seem to have a particular part of the brain dedicated to it. We don’t know for sure if it even exists in the brain at all, well at any rate it can’t be proven, but the best guess is that it is a combination of chemical coding and neurological pathways throughout the brain.

We know that we don’t remember all our memories all the time instead we access them at appropriate times via these pathways, and memories revisited often strengthen the connections and allow easier access to them, on the other hand if the memories aren’t accessed the brain allows the connections to wither.

If you take a look at the mental diseases of the mind that occur in old age like senility we see that memories that have been “forgotten” suddenly are recalled strongly, this, to me at least, suggests that the chemical coding is still held in the brain even when the pathways to it have ceased to be and so the mechanism for storing unaccessed memories seems to me to be possible

posted on Sep, 10 2005 @ 10:09 PM

Originally posted by pieman
The thing is that although all parts of the brain are active and there probably isn’t a dormant section, the fact is that memory doesn’t seem to have a particular part of the brain dedicated to it. We don’t know for sure if it even exists in the brain at all

Actually...we only use 10% of our brain...and there is a part in our brain for memory.

We know that we don’t remember all our memories all the time instead we access them at appropriate times via these pathways, and memories revisited often strengthen the connections and allow easier access to them, on the other hand if the memories aren’t accessed the brain allows the connections to wither.

This is true...memories are stronger with the people you had them with because you share that memory and if you tell a memory alot you'll remember it better.

If you take a look at the mental diseases of the mind that occur in old age like senility we see that memories that have been “forgotten” suddenly are recalled strongly.

Thats because while they are in that state of "senility" they think alot of things and they often think they are younger, recallign more memories that happened to them at that age. In fact, a few months ago my grandmother had a "stroke" (in quotes ebcause only havd mental symptoms, no physical symptoms) she forgot an entire month of memories in which every one of her children visited them (beofre the "stroke" she was actign completly normal) and my grandfather said during the time she was in the hospital she was acting like a child and was recalling things that happened to her as a child.

Edit: added to last part

[edit on 10-9-2005 by noiro]

posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 08:07 AM
Think about babies being born with their automatic defense mechanisms set up in their little brains: If they don't like the taste of something, they will totally refuse to eat it. "It could be poisonous or hurt me, so I will not eat it!" Or, "Oooh, don't pick me up like that...I think I'm gonna fall!", and they flail out their little arms. There are plenty of other examples in that same vein.

On another note, I've heard at least one theory that if there is, in fact, reincarnation, then a possible rule could be that one should reincarnate along his/her family line, if at all possible. (That would explain a lot of things I've read/heard.)

I believe many of us women (many more than will probably admit to it) believe in women's intuition, which comes from where? Somewhere in there...our brain.

So much left to much. We just can't say, "No, that can't have happened, or won't happen," because there are just entirely too many unknowns in this world and beyond. But I believe we will find out more and more, just as we always have, by keeping our eyes open, hearts passionate, and brains curious. Gotta love us!

posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 10:53 AM
Im afraid you are wrong. We now know that we only use 10% of our brains AT ONCe

posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 01:27 PM
another stargate is meant to be in puru

more info

very interesting all of these things im sure that theres more to our history stranger than we know

for instance the idea of us being seeded here from another planet

and what about our evolution we seem to have taken far too less of a time to evolve as complex as we have

and by shear probability should'nt there be more than one intelligent species other than us at our same level

posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 01:30 PM
with th above posts i just had a idea what if we subconiously are like a network sharing information so when sombody dies the knoledge is passed on making it possible to have a memory of the species

i dunno just another one of klains crazy ideas

posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 01:49 PM
Shadow said it in his/her opening post:
"So scientists have more recently debunked the myths that we only use , 10, 20, 35% of our brains. We now realise that mainly we only use this amount AT ANY GIVEN TIME. "

I grew up knowing we only use 15% of our brains... then I read something that said 10%, THEN ONE SAYING 25%! Talk about confused... but yes, it is corect that we only use a certain amount at any given time... some use more of a percentage at one time than others do... I know alot of people that I swear only use 2% of their brains at any given time. Einstein, on the other hand, is reported to have been using a larger amount of his brain (at any given time) than the average person.

I completely believe in passed-down traits from the mother. Alot of people have food fetishes that are strange, and seemingly came from what their mother ate during pregnancy. Why would it seem so strange that a child has inherent passed-down memories... some of which could've easily come from dreams their mother had during the pregnancy? Generation after generation wouldn't be entirely inconceivable either...

It is said that the soul doesn't enter the body until the third trimester (always wondered if this had some bearing on the abortion laws...). Supposedly the soul can fit in a certain body... so it has to find a body that it will fit in, which makes perfect sense that it would generally stay within it's own bloodline that it came from, provided that the line hasn't been altered or destroyed. Supposedly, also, the soul takes about a year from it's time of depart from the old body before it enters a new body. I remember reading a couple documented stories about reincarnation, one of which a guy lost his father, and just over a year later had a son... at about 3 or so the son started saying stuff that only his father said to him... commanding him like his father did, and saying stuff like "remember when I used to read (some book) to you?"... stuff like that... crazy stuff!

As far as changing the weather, Universities have been doing it on small scales for a long time... as a matter of fact, my Grandpa moved out here to Wyoming to work for the University of Wyoming when my mother was 3 or so... about 1960... to seed clouds over the Snowy Range (Medicine Bow).

posted on Sep, 11 2005 @ 03:03 PM
Wohhh cool two of my threads intersected

Incan Stargate

posted on Sep, 12 2005 @ 03:35 AM

Originally posted by Shadow88
Wohhh cool two of my threads intersected

Incan Stargate

im not quite sure what they will find but it will be documented in the hall of records and it will rock our world

posted on Jul, 13 2006 @ 04:08 PM
Just been looking around on the web taking a photo tour of Ancient Sites and I found this...

Doorway of the Gods

My point here is not to debate the website or its theories, thats been done here before.

I use this site merely because of the photos someone took while at the site at lake Titicaca in Peru, the Doorway of Amaru Meru..

Here is what is pi...making me very upset...

This shows me what mankind has stooped to. This same kind of activity has happened here in the US and still does, but at least we clean it up...

Picture One

Picture Two

Picture Three

Now if this doesn't outrage most of you... go have another beer...
The worst of it is, you can't even complain to the officials because...

El Presidente Runs Campaign Ad

[walks away mutterring... I need to finish that space ship... I need to get outta here quick]

[edit on 13-7-2006 by zorgon]

posted on Jul, 13 2006 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by Byrd

What folks don't seem to understand is that archaeologists and anthropologists and paleontologists (and other scientists) freely admit there are unexplained things around


What [b[we do NOT agree with is that they were put there by Unbelievably Advanced Civilizations

Emphasis mine... I am just curious when you say "we" which is it, archaeologist, anthropologists, paleontologists or other?

Just curious

posted on Jul, 13 2006 @ 06:41 PM

Originally posted by zorgon
Just been looking around on the web taking a photo tour of Ancient Sites and I found this...

Here is what is pi...making me very upset...

This shows me what mankind has stooped to. This same kind of activity has happened here in the US and still does, but at least we clean it up...
Now if this doesn't outrage most of you... go have another beer...
The worst of it is, you can't even complain to the officials because...


There's plenty of ancient sites around the world that have been completely destroyed by tomb robbers, vandals and religious nuts (Taliban comes to mind - remember those giant Buddhas?)

A little grafitti might suck, but at least it can be cleaned off.

But I'm with you on this. Any thinking person is.


posted on Jul, 19 2006 @ 10:23 PM
If I am not mistaken, there is a higher and lower brain. There are "wired together" and work to gether, but the higher brain processes information and the lower is more of an instictive functioning unit. Flight, fight, survival instints, all come from this area of the brain. I think this is also the part of the brain that gets any information that is passed down from one generation to the next. So to get back to the original reason for this post, it's more than likely in there. How do extract that though, is another matter entirely.

posted on Jul, 27 2006 @ 09:42 PM

We don’t know for sure if it even exists in the brain at all, well at any rate it can’t be proven

Actually there are several cases of people suffering a disease which debilitates the brain or damages it physically developing extreme cases of amnesia.

If they don't like the taste of something, they will totally refuse to eat it. "It could be poisonous or hurt me, so I will not eat it!"

Instinct. If something tastes bad it is potentially dangerous, but most importnatly, unpleasurable. We eat foods because they cause us to experience joy. Babies are extremely sensitive to foods that are nice, because babies live for gratification.
Then again though, instince could be called inherited memory but thats another debate.

and what about our evolution we seem to have taken far too less of a time to evolve as complex as we have

This is the main case for those who claim we had "help". Humans evolved and became dominant (relatively) overnight. Its as if we skipped past all of the necessary trial and error and went straight to success. And had we evovled at the proper rate, I believe there would be other sentient life on the planet.

While studying psychology we studied the effect of a parents life on its children. Can't remember al of it, but we discovered that occurred in a grandparents life could effect a child physically. This hints that our experiences aren't stored in our brain, but in our genes.

I'm a big fan of genetic memory as it is highly probable.
Things in our life produce various chemical responses in our body which affect our DNA. What if a record of these responses was stored? It would make sense.
White blood cells store information on any foreign element in the body to quickly destroy it, so why shouldn't the rest of you store information on the changes that occur when yuo laugh, or fear or eat?

posted on Jul, 28 2006 @ 02:52 PM
I don't think we pass on information genetically, we just collect information from previous lifes. Perhaps the information isn't stored in our mind or soul, but inside the consciousness that makes up the universe, wich we can then access like a library, some people call it the akashic records.
Although I do believe that the true self is always the same throughout the different lives, so technically you would be able to trace yourself back throughout those lives.

There are examples of ancient cultures (don't ask which) knowing about atoms, electrons, etc.. thousands of years ago. I don't think those people just made a lucky guess but somehow were more in touch with all the information floating around on a universal level.

posted on Jul, 28 2006 @ 03:49 PM
We do pass on information genetically, albeit not information on our experiences. Information on what type ov illnesses we have experienced, what pollutants we have been affected by and other things are all given to our offspring.

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