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The end is near

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posted on Jul, 27 2005 @ 03:01 PM
As a southern montana resident i have felt a series of earthquakes in the last 2 days on a faultline that was said to be no longer active, the fist quake was a 5.6, the second was a 5 and today at about 10:00 mountain time we felt a 4.2 that was located 12 miles outside of town. this will all tie into my over all point, just hear me out. 5 years ago scientists located a growing crater in the bottum of yellowstone lake, the crater was filled with magma and debris, not only was it large enough to cause significant damage, it confirmed the point that yellowstone is the largest active super volcano in the history of manking, not only that, but almost 60% of yellowstone is closed due to overactive geysers that have cause flooding, and significant damage to the overall park and most of the structures. geologists have discovered that the faultline that caused the earthquakes that we are feeling is the same faultline running through yellowstone.

let me give you some facts on what will happen when yellowstone erupts. fist everything within 160 miles will be burried under 50 feet of ash and multen lava, then spurting debris thousands of miles into the air will follow, everyone within 500 miles will die within 24 hours from the inhalatin of the cyanide,sulfer, and particles of glass that will eventually make it impossible to die, not to mention that the cloud of debris will cover the skies for over 6 months and cause the world into another ice age and eventually all mankind will starve and freeze to death.

yesturday the crater underneath yellowstone grew almost 12 feet....12 feet in one day! it is more active now then ever, any geologist or park ranger employed by the park will confirm this. which ties into my theory that we have about 16 months until the eruption of this beast which will trigger yellowstone to go.

but wait...there is more.....

yesturday despite warnings from multiple sources nasa hastened the launch of discovery, not just knowing that it could go wrong, but that it WOULD go wrong. tiles were spotted falling off the spacecraft, the same tiles that make it able to travel back through the earths atmosphere. which leads me to believe that nasa does not intend for them to enter back....they are the surviving of mankind, they will travel through space and look for a place where they can survive, the goverment knows that mankind is nearing its end and they are looking for a place where the "important" people can survive. while the rest of mankind will be killed off by the enormous yellowstone eruption.

the end is nearing and i felt as though you all should know.
pray to god, pray to allah, pray to whomever you can and beg they forgive you. most of all pray for a miracle.

thank you for your time.

posted on Jul, 27 2005 @ 03:21 PM
All right calm down, drama queen (no offense
) first of all, tiles falling off the shuttle is pretty normal, it happened all the time.

This thread also caught my attention, and I do remember Valhall's ( if I remember correctly) thread about Yellowstone, but aren't quakes normal in your area, I mena you're close to the west coast, where a major fault line is located...

Do you have a link confirming that 12 foot growth of the crater, a friend of mine studies geology, he's pretty interested about this stuff, and I am too.

Here is a link to the "ATS research project" on the Yellowstone crater:

posted on Jul, 27 2005 @ 03:37 PM
hey man. i dont have a link, the sources i know work at yellowstone as rangers and such. but well the last quake that we had here at that level what in 1956 and it was a 7.4 killing 28 people. so the answer to you question is no. and well we are quite a ways from the west coast also, about 12-13 hours, so i guess if it is noraml for people in like wyoming and canada to feel quakes every day then i guess it is typical. but there is another topic conforming that this is verry non typical

posted on Jul, 27 2005 @ 04:30 PM
LOL...that's really funny.

You're not taking your post seriously are you?


posted on Jul, 27 2005 @ 06:38 PM

the same tiles that make it able to travel back through the earths atmosphere. which leads me to believe that nasa does not intend for them to enter back....they are the surviving of mankind, they will travel through space and look for a place where they can survive,

to start with - IF the shuttle were unable to re-enter our atmosphere than it would not be possible for it to re-enter another "earth-like" planet. As if it would be possible for that shuttle to reach any planets capable of sustaining us.

I agree that perhaps there is some activity and danger with YellowStone.

But come on.

posted on Jul, 28 2005 @ 03:28 AM

Originally posted by J_3

the same tiles that make it able to travel back through the earths atmosphere. which leads me to believe that nasa does not intend for them to enter back....they are the surviving of mankind, they will travel through space and look for a place where they can survive,

to start with - IF the shuttle were unable to re-enter our atmosphere than it would not be possible for it to re-enter another "earth-like" planet. As if it would be possible for that shuttle to reach any planets capable of sustaining us.

I agree that perhaps there is some activity and danger with YellowStone.

But come on.

he's got a point there... how would those "space-man" land on the other "Earth-like" planet??

posted on Jul, 28 2005 @ 08:08 AM
First, I'd think if anyone called you a drama queen you'd be hurt by it, there isn't any reason to pass judgement upon anyone for expressing their opinion... especially in a public forum. Some people take things to heart, maybe they have love for others that has them so concerned in the first place. I'd suggest you check your condemnation when you enter anyone else's thread. The smiley with a disclaimer doesn't minimize the byte (pun intended) words can have and no, we aren't of a chicken little mentality, we just like to see whats going on around us.

Getting back on topic here...
It can't be denied that the globe is under increased activity, just this morning a volcano went off in Mexico. There is heightened activity but this doesn't necessarily mean that Yellowstone is about to blow. If it did, being a caldera this super volcano has the potential to take us all out with the dust cloud ushering in a new ice-age.
The lake ( I think its Meade)has been tilting to a point where trees are in the water and if the info you put forth is verified then I'd say wihout a doubt that we are in for an eye opener.
The Cascade range is also of major concern and I once heard that if Mt Ranier went that would pretty much be a sign of the end as well. I had heard the St Helens is also showing signs of activity again. (And think about how much faster those stresses built up) With the Tsunami that hit last Dec. from the seaquake it is obvious that activity is increasing on a global scale.
I know the ring of fire is always active so there's no need to point it out, but the Bible states that in the end times there will be increased activity and the sun and moon will display this with the color change that is caused by the increased dust in the atmosphere.
Did you know that Pinnatubo dropped the global temperature (not sure of the degrees though, I'm sure this had been covered here at some point if you did a search) for something like 3 years? This was small on a scale of a Yellowstone eruption so the concern is a valid one.

USGS has a website that would probably contain stats about your area if you care to look into it and I for one WOULD be interested to know if these are precursatory warnings.
Please keep us informed?
As to the shuttle, some of us had a thread about Antarctica and I wondered if that was why the go-ahead was given even with a faulty instument. As for the elite heading to space, I'd hope they do... what do you think they'd eat/drink if they had to wait out an ice age? Wouldn't you think you'd be luckier to be gone before then? Have Faith in the Lord, he will take care of you no matter what and even spells it out. Unless you don't believe in which case, you're on your own. (you'd have company though)
I'd like to ask a question, if there is a new ice age as the result of a Yellowstone (or similar) eruption, and if there is no God as many so often want to point out, how many of you would/could resort to cannibalism? Think about it... as for me, I follow the teachings of Christ so I don't worry about a harsh future.

edited for typo

[edit on 28-7-2005 by keybored]

posted on Jul, 28 2005 @ 09:54 AM
very interesting indeed. the whole tile-falling-off-the-shuttle thing is the only real fault you have in your statement.

i'd like to think, as humanity, we'd be prepared for such natural disaster. as far as being able to create something the clouds from the sky such an eruption would create. like the previous poster said, have faith in our creator and put your life in his hand and don't worry about what's in store for us as far as things we cant' control.

posted on Jul, 28 2005 @ 02:42 PM
i would like to mention that this is my theory and i cannot confirm the space shuttle thing, but it just seems kind of fishy.

posted on Jul, 28 2005 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by bleedonstage
and eventually all mankind will starve and freeze to death.

Mankind has survived several ice ages. We just came out of one not to long ago

We will be ok, just if yellowstone blew its top a lot of people would die and we would again have to adapt to a new way of living. But humans would surely survive. Yellowstone however is a very scary subject, because if it blew again, you are correct in what would happen to an extent, and it is due again if it holds to its current pattern. It has blown 3 times in a row on a 600,000 year cycle, there could be a forth, but it depends on what part of the earths crust it is currently moving under. Which right now is thicker than it was 600000 years ago. So there is a possibility that it won't blow on its 3 cycle pattern. Thats the problem, its only happened 3 times every 600,000 years and doesnt quite make it a pattern of blow-ups yet, although I think if it goes for a 4th, that would establish a
Good thing I moved to Alaska, all the ash would go the other way

Don't get so worried about the end of the world, if it happens, there isnt a thing you or I or anyone could do to stop it. It is out of our control and IMO not worth stressing out about. Put your focus someplace else and relax, smell the roses and enjoy what you have now, instead of worrying about what could be. Live in the now and enjoy life. Just my 2 cents.

posted on Jul, 28 2005 @ 03:18 PM

Mankind has survived several ice ages. We just came out of one not to long ago

Is this factual or just opinion? I ask because I was under the impression we had dug up wooly mammoths in Siberia that had plant life in their mouths that only grow (now) several hundreds of miles south of where they were found. A scientific community was even treated (I use that term loosely in the culinary world) to mammoth steaks.
For one thing, the only way man could survive is through cannibalism and there are only so many thighs and (I won't go there lol) to go around.
An ice age besides being cold causes crop failure etc.
please explain

posted on Jul, 29 2005 @ 01:17 AM
The last ice age was during the pleistocene period--approx 10 to 12 thousand years ago.

I'm drawing on information that might be rusty--BUT I don't think 'ice age' means 'ice cube.' It is more to do with proportion of icecap to non ice covered planet. And the bigger animals move with the slowly advancing frozen boundary--evidently there is some sort of fauna adaptation--nothing has died out all the way, it seems, from the various research. Do some research on the pleistocene. It makes the idea of an ice age not so formidable and unknown.

On the other hand--2 space shuttle disasters is more than enough cause for concern over the amount of what is usual. The space program is driven by a need to achieve--regardless of how it appears, the race to the moon will never be finished. They are too eager to just get out in space for whatever reason. Now people will soon have the opportunity to pay lots of $$ for a private ride.

No thanks, not me, buddy. I'll take my chances with supervolcanoes and ice ages--whatever! Home sweet home is a worthy idea. Besides I trust in God, our creator. We are in good hands--even those who don't believe are in the same hands.

It will be fine because He said it would.

posted on Jul, 29 2005 @ 01:31 AM
The shuttle will come back.

This thread is just silly.

posted on Jul, 29 2005 @ 04:27 AM

Originally posted by Dulcimer
The shuttle will come back.

This thread is just silly.

You just earned a Way AboveTopSecret vote for that remark

Originally posted by keybored
I'd think if anyone called you a drama queen you'd be hurt by

I disagree:

the end is nearing and i felt as though you all should know.
pray to god, pray to allah, pray to whomever you can and beg they forgive you. most of all pray for a miracle.

For one thing, the only way man could survive is through cannibalism and there are only so many thighs and (I won't go there lol) to go around.

How did you come up woth this nonsense, you should read a couple of books about the iceage and then come back...
How do you explain cave paintings of mammoths and other extinct animals? Or did mammoths themself paint them??

Mankind was perfectly able to survive the iceage.

[edit on 7-29-2005 by Zion Mainframe]

posted on Jul, 29 2005 @ 04:45 AM

Originally posted by Zion Mainframe

Mankind was perfectly able to survive the iceage.

Yeah but back then they didn't have central heating.

The Human race is pretty soft now compared to cave men.

Most people will die from lack of basic survival skills whilst they wait for someone on the T.V. to tell them what to do.

Some will survive, just like some cave men did.

This thread is not as silly as you think. The Yellowstone caldera is a serious threat...Denying the power of nature is not going to stop nature biting you in the arse.

Not sure about the shuttle thing though

posted on Jul, 29 2005 @ 04:51 AM

Originally posted by keybored

Mankind has survived several ice ages. We just came out of one not to long ago

Is this factual or just opinion?

Tis a fact! The last ice age was around 10,000 years ago. We have evidence of humans going back way before that! We didnt just evolve out of the trees yesterday.

Here is a few cool sites on ice ages:
and here is one on human history:
"Our understanding of the fossil record shows that distinctively human traits appeared neither recently nor all at once. Rather, they evolved piecemeal over a period of roughly 5 million years. By 4 million years ago, humans were habitually bipedal (walking on two legs) yet had brains roughly a third of the size of a modern human's (about the size of a modern ape's brain). By 2.5 million years ago the manufacture of stone tools was common. Large increases in brain size occurred even later. Complex behaviors such as adaptation to a wide range of environments and cultural diversification emerged only within the last 100,000 years. "

Taken from

posted on Jul, 29 2005 @ 05:03 AM

Originally posted by ANOK
This thread is not as silly as you think. The Yellowstone caldera is a serious threat...Denying the power of nature is not going to stop nature biting you in the arse.

Not sure about the shuttle thing though

Dude, dont get me wrong, I totally agree, i've been reading the threads on ATS for the past two years. But this whole "the end is near, Lord help us" drama is a bit exaggerated, imho.

Obviously many people died during the iceage, it wasn't easy to survive, but there is evidense enough to support the fact that mankind was able to survive it. Its silly to discuss whether or not is was possible...if mankind was not able to survive it, WE WOULDNT BE HERE RIGHT NOW...

[edit on 7-29-2005 by Zion Mainframe]

posted on Jul, 29 2005 @ 05:23 AM
One day you will remember your denial, and I'd pray that I am wrong since there are so many who are either unwilling to believe or are not ready for the Second Coming.
Yeah, this does tie into the Lord friend. When the end is near, what good is a bullet if you don't use it and have nothing to lose?

... persecute if you must, I for one can take it. And in all honesty, those out there who don't have the conviction I have might need to hear me defend my Lord. Its a matter of Faith.

posted on Jul, 29 2005 @ 05:26 AM
Wow, what have you been smoking my friend...

Seriously though, I agree Yellowstone is a very dangerous vulcano, which will eventually erupt again and which will have a global effect on the environment. But this vulcano has nothing to do with the second coming, and all that nonsense.
This is the Fragile Earth forum, not the religion forum...

posted on Jul, 29 2005 @ 05:29 AM
quote: For one thing, the only way man could survive is through cannibalism and there are only so many thighs and (I won't go there lol) to go around.

How did you come up woth this nonsense, you should read a couple of books about the iceage and then come back...
end quote

I admittedly haven't read any books about the ice age, (I live in the here and now) but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that crop failure leads to hunger. What do you propose to eat IF you were still around?

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