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Women, here it is: What's Wrong With Men

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posted on Aug, 21 2005 @ 07:02 PM
I find it hard to believe that biology and the physical anatomy do not play a part in who we are, or how we observe reality.

Maybe if we go a little further down the rabbit hole ......

Neuro-peptides are produced by the hypothalmus.

Neuro-peptides are delivered throughout the body.

Neuro-peptides dock with the receptors on our cells, changing them and the way they act and respond to the stimulis of the neuro-peptides.

Neuro-peptides are chemical messages that deliver emotional information concerning the emotional state of mind of the macro-organism in relativity to the micro-organisms or cells of the body.

If an individual bombards their cells with more of one neuro-peptide than of others ....

Let's say you send the chemical message of being a victim in one way or another to every cell of your body over long periods of time......

Over time when that cell creates a sister cell or daughter cell through mitosis, that cell will develop more receptors for the neuro-peptides that it gets sent most, and less receptors for other information, also less receptors for the nutrients it needs to live a healthy life cycle.

Think of what defines "old age" in the context of cells.

Cells of a geriatric or senior have less receptors for the nutrients that those cells need.

Wrinkly skin is a direct cause of the cells not having enough receptors to incorporate elastin (a form of protein).

To summerize the point, it is our cells addictions to our own neuro-peptides that directly affect our demise.

Our cells evolve from generation to generation to incorporate more receptors for what they get sent the most of, not necessarily what they need the most. Our conscious state of mind plays a role in aging us quicker or slower.

Fear is the seed.

How can you hate anything or anyone, unless you weren't first afraid that that something or someone had the power and intentions of taking something or someone you love away from you?

Fear is what happens when we percieve loosing something we love.
Hate is what happens when we react to the perception of loosing something or someone we love.

fear is the cause of every negative emotion I can think of.

fear is a neuro-peptide. Fear is a drug. Fear is an addiction.

Not an addiction?

Then why do scary movies do so well?
Hollywood gets paid for feeding our chemical dependancies.

Before the bashing starts ........

If what I'm saying is not the process in which people incorporate the information of emotions within them, then please enlighten us as to how each individual cell does act in coordination when reacting to emotions. Please tell us how this information of emotion gets sent throughout the body. Please tell us how the emotional input is transcribed by the brain.

If this information about neuro-peptides is faulty........
If how information about emotions is delivered is faulty.....
If fear is not the overiding emotion for negativity......

Then answer these questions:

How do systems of the body at the cellular level know how to react during emotional states?

What is the purpose of the Hypothalmus?

What is the purpose of neuropeptides?

What is the purpose of receptors on cells?

If 0+0+0+0+0(to the infinitum)=0
and you are 1 self conscious, 1 self aware, 1 intelligence
and your cells are zero self conscious, zero self aware, zero intelligence
then how can a whole slew of 0 self consciousnesses, 0 self awares, 0 intelligences add up to make one who is?

0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + (a zero for every cell of your body) = 1 ???????

I think if someone is told they are ugly enough times, by enough people, they start to believe it.

I think if someone is told they are stupid enough times, by enough people, they start to believe it.

I think if a person looks in a mirror and sees 1, then you've just told every cell that comprises you that they do not exist.

And if consciousness can be defined as something that can incorporate knowledge about it's environment and change/effect its environment, then cells are conscious.

My definition of an addiction is simple:
An addiction is something you can not stop.

So, if you can not stop being a negative person, you must be addicted to something, if not the neuro-peptides that remind you of the continuity of the state of mind you must prefer to be in.

posted on Aug, 21 2005 @ 07:19 PM
i am a male...

for me, this is true with my girl friend...

i fear breaking up with her...

and all my negative actions are because of this???

if i was afraid of breaking up with her, then why would i do negative actions in the first place???

posted on Aug, 21 2005 @ 07:26 PM
maybe Esoteric Teacher's justification of why men are more fearful than women is:

Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher
if you attack most puppies, they will usually cower and defensively protect themselves. If you attack a kitten it will usually hiss and raise a claw and appear to be in attack mode.

maybe to this guy, puppies = men and kittens = women...

posted on Aug, 21 2005 @ 07:32 PM

Originally posted by they see ALL
i am a male...

for me, this is true with my girl friend...

i fear breaking up with her...

and all my negative actions are because of this???

if i was afraid of breaking up with her, then why would i do negative actions in the first place???

People have a tendancy to help manifest their fears in their lives.


How else can they conquere their fears?

posted on Aug, 21 2005 @ 07:35 PM

Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher
People have a tendancy to help manifest their fears in their lives.


How else can they conquere their fears?

so, if i break up my girl friend, this will be conquering my fears???

posted on Aug, 21 2005 @ 07:58 PM

Originally posted by they see ALL

Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher
People have a tendancy to help manifest their fears in their lives.


How else can they conquere their fears?

so, if i break up my girl friend, this will be conquering my fears???

Depends on the reasoning for breaking up with her.

But, then again, it is only you who has to rationalize the purpose of breaking up with her. It is not for anyone else to tell you how you feel. I'm just trying to tell you "HOW" behind how you feel.

Do you feel people do not help manifest the challenges in their life they wish to confront?

posted on Aug, 21 2005 @ 09:56 PM
When I go out hunting and gathering ..I dont have to know about neuro peptides. I just have to know about selfish motivations of other peoples to offer the right bait. Any salesman will clue you into this just have to know about the motivations of the prey.
Dont ever be ignorant enough to think that women dont "hunt and gather" can through in all the peptides you want and dress it up any way you want but women still hunt and gather. This is obvious in any night club on Friday or Saturday nights. Just watch the wildlife in its natural habitat.
If I hunt for the fall I know that certain foods attract them ..I just have to locate the food source or a trail on the way to food. If I am after a buck ..I know that in certain seasons a female in heat source will attract them and make them do things that ordinarily they wouldnt do. Or for example..competition of another male...rattling dear a certain manner...neuro lol lol.. Similar tack for a turkey. Similar tack for fishing..what motivates them and how.

How did we ever get here with out all these scientific explanations. I can't imagne how we did this. Other wild animals too!!! We are just totally helpless creatures.


posted on Aug, 21 2005 @ 10:53 PM
I like the above post.

I do think people's motivations are what motivates them to behave the way they choose to, if a choice was truly present to begin with.

Are peoples' behaviors and actions a direct result of their motivation?

Are peoples' motivations the result of their opinions and ideologies?

What forms peoples opinions and ideologies?

Their thoughts and beliefs?

What do peoples thoughts and beliefs consist of?

A neuro-net?

What was the first thoughts or beliefs that began the neuro-net?

These are some interesting questions.

If you don't buy what science says, any takers on the above questions?

I won't attack, just sharing opinions.

posted on Aug, 22 2005 @ 07:06 AM

Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher
Do you feel people do not help manifest the challenges in their life they wish to confront?

your right...

people do help manifest the challenges in their life they wish to confront...

posted on Aug, 23 2005 @ 03:31 PM

Originally posted by they see ALL

Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher
Do you feel people do not help manifest the challenges in their life they wish to confront?

your right...

people do help manifest the challenges in their life they wish to confront...

If they don't try to manifest the challenges in their life they wish to confront:

1) They create an aura of pridefull Machoism to cover their fears from themselves ..... or .....

2) They have learned to conquer their fears before they surface in the overt actions and behaviors they exhibit.

posted on Sep, 25 2005 @ 04:28 AM

Originally posted by Esoteric Teacher

FEAR is what is wrong with men. All negative actions stem from it.

It is just their pride and hate that mask the source of their pride and hate.

Does this make sense to many females? Many males?

Please state gender (if not obvious) and let me know your thoughts.

constructive criticism is welcome, as are destructive attempts, just let me know why you either agree or dissagree with this thread.

Thanks in advance for your contributions. It may be a day or so before I'm back on ATS.

Women are great

Ok well fear is not always problem. It can sometimes be good. Like if your going to ask a girl out and your afraid and then you figure out the next day that she doesn't like you, that is a GOOD thing.

I am sorry but girls, what if you had to ask a boy out? I bet you like one million dollars you'd feel exactly how we do. Just think about it.

We ask you to dance and ask you out and ask you to pretty much everything. What if that was reversed?

posted on Sep, 25 2005 @ 07:30 AM
I keep musing on the thread concerning fear in the first posting of Esoteric Teacher.
The realization comes over me that these characteristics posted apply to females too and just as much as males...if not more so. I am not of the opinion that these characteristics are different at birth .but take place at or around puberty when many social changes between men and women take place. This being the time when social roles are more firmly entrenched beyond the matter of mere biology. The very urgency in these roles changes because the social roles and the biology kicks in here. The method and motivations change.
Men have alot of fear but women too..and for different reasons and motivations. The approach to handling them is often different also..and I am not sure this is often stated for what it is in "scientific treatises" in lieu of mere data.
In my mind a man who does not learn to overcome fear at a certain level and as much as possible become the master of it a woman. He will grow to become insecure just like and in the manner as are many women....a woman will spot this in a man ..quickly. Most will steer away from them unless they are just out for a good time and fun. But when they going gets tough and rough they will want a man who can get things done through the experience which comes from overcoming fear and insecuritys.
For good times and fun ..pretty boys/men will do ..for hard times they will not. Many women learn this lesson quickly. Some do not ...ever....pretty boys/men can become a drug to some of them ..more powerful than survival. I have seen this too...many times over.
Any woman who is a woman and understands survival..beyond her fears ..will want a man who can make up for the fear she has. Such a man will not be competiton for her in the consumption arena. No real woman will brook such just isnt in them to do so. This meaning it is not socially acceptable to do so. And this is what I mean by the changes that come about at puberty and are refined into young adulthood..not at birth.
It is known economically and politically that women can be cultivated for votes and purchasing fear/insecurity. This is not done quite the same way to men in the poltical/economic arena.
What this means is that in the western economies ...women are the deciding factor as to what kinds of homes , cars, groceries, medecines..etc etc etc which are purchased. This is done by a combination of appealing to vanity and fear/insecurity.
How white ones shirts are,..wrinkles,...vitamin deficiencys, weight loss, breast augmentation/reductionm,... etc etc nasium. The lists go on ...forever.
This means that the women are the economic powerhouse in western economies..and keep it going ...not the men. The women are the major influence in politics too. Hence the importance of Roe vs. Wade. It is not about abortion per se..but votes. Hence the importance of whom gets on the bench of the supreme court...because it means votes down the road.
Votes means economic influence...once again. Economic influence means political influence.
By the way ..this also means that women are not a "victimized " group of people in this kind of economy. Not possible because they are at the forefront of it.
Intresting to me how fear/insecurity can blind so many to what is happening around them. This too is hidden...esoteric. It is designed to be this way.
The difference to me in the sexes is that men are conditioned ignorantly to pick up on a womans clues and cues about her insecuritys and fears and often make up the difference as a career and often to the sacrafice of themselves a career. There is no equality here as is often alluded to by societys .."great thinkers". This is male disposibility ..not equality. It is also a great deal of what is wrong with men.
The facts of which I know ..indicate that it is only through male disposability can women be of such economic/poltical influence and power in western economies. If you think that women are going to make themselves disposable for that men can become a ecomomic/political have missed the mark by a long shot. This is for the most part not acceptable in female socialization. Only sports conditioned men ...can be so dumb that they dont get it...the women are not that a long shot. They get it ..for sure.!! Just drop the clue/cue...the correctly numbered play...and wola...!!! Things happen if the male is properly pre conditioned. He will run the play to its conclusion. What a dumb ignorant bunch of disposable men.!!!
Notice ..this view is not in any of the topic lines or data mentioned in the threads...neuro peptides et al!!
Whats wrong with men...think about it???


posted on Sep, 25 2005 @ 08:13 AM
Fear is the problem behind 99% of personality "issues".

Fear of losing control.

Fear of the unknown.

Fear of trusting someone (which in turn relates to the first).

It's behind much of our anger, our sadness, and our disappointments.

That first one though, is a biggie. People get angry quite often simply because they're afraid of losing control of a situation. Ask yourself, the next time you become furious at a customer services person...why are you angry?

Think about it.

You might just find that it's basically because you've become aware that you're not in control of the situation - you're at the mercy of someone else, over the phone line, and that's just not easy to accept for many of us. We feel the need to be in control, and this leads to myriad problems.

Yup, ET, fear is a huge part of our societal problems....but it's not just a male thing.

Fear is behind manipulation, and we see far more of that carried out by us women.

It's behind jealousy - and again, we see a bit more jealousy in women (though it's not generally acted upon in the same way as it is with men).

It's behind insecurity.

It's all related, it's all absolutely relevant, and it's all applicable to both sexes.

Fear is indeed the mindkiller.

posted on Sep, 25 2005 @ 06:17 PM
It is about a certain amount of control over our lives. Definitely.
Agree that it is not just a male thing though I believe most males are oblivious to much of it. They just plod along at the same settings on the dial. I call this the tunnel vision/sports syndrome.
As to fear behind manipulation...I agree also that far more of it is carried out by women than men. Once again so many men are oblivious to it. As I told Marge in one of the other postings ..give a man the sports illustrated swimsuit edition or some cheerleaders the dummy is good for another hundred thousand miles. Cracks me up when I spot it out in the world.
I also agree ..jealousy is far more prevalent in women than just makes more notice when men do it. Subtilty is not by and large a male trait. Astonishing!!!

The last comment " Fear is the mindkiller" has me cracking up ...yes Paul Atradies of Arracus/Dune. Agree. It is the mindkiller.

Well said again Tess...thanks,

posted on Sep, 26 2005 @ 10:03 AM
I don't know what is so bad about fear. Personally I believe it can bring out the best in people. You can learn a lot about a person with fear.

The problem with men isn't fear. It is women and the idea they have to take simple issues and turn them into the most complicated and confusing things in the world. everyone has fear probabaly a lot of it. Women though I think have more and that is why they over analyize stuff.

posted on Sep, 26 2005 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by Timcouchfanclub

I don't know what is so bad about fear. Personally I believe it can bring out the best in people. You can learn a lot about a person with fear.

I don't think either point is in dispute...

It's simply an explanation (and one which is pretty easy to support).

The problem with men isn't fear. It is women and the idea they have to take simple issues and turn them into the most complicated and confusing things in the world.

Riiiight. It's all our fault!

Ever heard of "taking responsibility for your thoughts and actions"?

posted on Sep, 26 2005 @ 11:27 AM
I have no problem taking responsibility for my actions and mistakes. At least my stuff is simple.

Here is my favorite and why relationships go south.

Women: Pissed off about something ( Like always)
Guy: Watching the football game "Whats wrong honey."
Women: "Nothing"
GUY: "OK" keeps on watching game
Women: Gets more pissed

Moral of story....Us guys aren't mind readers. Spell it out for us. It keeps things simple. Tell us what exactly is bothering you. I hate the "Well you should know" line. Thats when I say "must not have been that important."

posted on Sep, 26 2005 @ 07:12 PM
Probably where I'm going wrong.

I didn't think KISS actually meant "Keep it simple, stupid" when a guy said it to me....

posted on Sep, 26 2005 @ 07:16 PM
You know, the title of the thread gets me. What's wrong with men.

Why does there have to be something wrong with us? Why is there some global conspiracy to change us? Men are men. We are not women.

There is no need to change us. That is silly.

Men want/need:
- Food
- Sex
- Guy time (tv, games, whatever)
- Sleep

It's not real complex.

posted on Sep, 27 2005 @ 06:14 AM
I thought the same thing about the title. It is as if it was a given that their is automatically something wrong with men. A default setting to play through.
Talk about complicated...I find Esoteric Teachers postings over complicated ..almost femminine to the point of meaninglessness. From time to time there is a point somewhere in there..but most of it is overcomplicated and I have posted so.
Good catch on your part Zed.


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