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NEWS: Man mistakenly shot dead in London was Brazilian...

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posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 06:07 PM
After all, the man that the police officers chased and shot to death in London is a brazilian!!!

LONDON, July 23 - Scotland Yard admitted Saturday that a man police officers chased and shot to death at point-blank range in front of horrified subway passengers on Friday had nothing to do with the investigation into the bombing attacks here.
Laudemar Aguyar, press officer for the Brazilian Embassy in London, said Saturday night that he had been in touch with Scotland Yard about the slain man's identity after receiving "a large number of inquiries" from reporters, both in the British and the Brazilian press.

Senior investigators and officials of the Metropolitan Police said the man was believed to be South American; it was not known whether he was Muslim. No explosives or weapons were found on the man's body after the shooting, police officials said.

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[edit on 23-7-2005 by crustas]

[edit on 23-7-2005 by crustas]

[edit on 23-7-2005 by asala]

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[edit on 25-7-2005 by John bull 1]

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 06:16 PM
Yep, just heard this on the radio.

I can't blame the guy for running. Several plain clothed men with high powered rifles come after you, would you run? I know I would.

[edit on 23-7-2005 by Nventual]

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 06:17 PM

Shows Great Efficiency of the Scotland Yard.

Dont run after the Train - becuse you might be Next.

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 06:24 PM
I'm disgusted by it. If this is what the world is turning into, I don't think it's for the best. Police can just shoot a man point blank into the head 3 times and he wasn't even a terriost.
National ID Cards? How's that going to stop a guy from blowing himself up on a train?

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 06:24 PM
So thats the real reason British cops don't have guns.

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 06:34 PM
Not all dark skin people are muslims.....But it look likes in Uk they are...

If he was a Brazilian he was probably a Christian!!


posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 06:47 PM
This is a terrible situation PERIOD...

I am confident the Scotland Yard officers beleived they had "Their Man" only to find out they have killed an, as yet, innocent bystander.

One wonders WHY he ran form them, though that is certainly no excuse to use deadly force.

Additionally, I Wonder if the are investigating whether this man was a "decoy" meant to lead them away from the real perps?

I am NOT saying he was I am speculating as to the possibility, there is definately a possibility that this is the case.

Were I running the terror operations, I would certainly deploy decoys to "obviously" appear to be terrorists near trains, busses and tube stations. Train them to run like hell once they had been spotted with a pre-planned route that wound its way through as many twisting curving "dark backways" as I could find on a detailed chart of the environs. This would serve to eat up that precious commodity - TIME...

These chaps would be very effective in leading the Bobbies away from the sight my real operatives were planting their devices of destruction.

Highly unlikely (terrorists aren't as smart as we are THANK the Gods) but an interesting possibility none-the-less...


posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 06:48 PM

Originally posted by crustas
If he was a Brazilian he was probably a Christian!!


Since they have the BIGGEST Statue of J.C. in the World!

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 07:05 PM
I remember a picture of the plain clothed officer that did it, but I can't find it anymore. Does anyone have it?

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 07:26 PM
This is awfull, his poor family and a wasted life.

Terrorists making the police more scared and twitchy than us?

Im not sure of the accuracy of the reports but apparently he was ordered to stop outside the station, after leaving a block of flats that had links to one of the attempted suicide bombers the day before. When the police ordered him to stop, and apparently showed him warrant cards (police ID) he jumped over the barriers and ran towards the train. Now I think due to the baggy jacket he was wearing, a warm day in london, and his behaviour a twitchy policeman panicked and believed he was doing the right thing, stopping one of the attempted suicide bombers from the previous day from completing the path he had set out on.
The suicide bombers aint going to use rucksacks anymore too suspicious all factors such as these led to this guy, team making the wrong decision. What I think in cases such as these is motivation, was the poiliceman on a power , conspiracy, race, trip? or trying if misguided to do in his eyes the right thing for the rest of the civilians on the train? To be honest in this issue I think thats the only question.
However I do believe that a independant inquiry should be launched and his firearms license revocked for ever.
The innocent brazilian man was probably a illegal immigrant or maybe just a pick pocket or drug user, he panicked and ran, the police panicked ran and shot him dead.

Well now were killing their forests and people :-(


posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 07:30 PM

Originally posted by MischeviousElf

The innocent brazilian man was probably a illegal immigrant or maybe just a pick pocket or drug user, he panicked and ran, the police panicked ran and shot him dead.

That's exactly what I was thinking too.
If I was a drug dealer, and police came up to me and showed me ID, I'd panick and run too.

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 07:58 PM
He didn´t even look like any of the suspects, did he? It was of course stupid to run from the police like he did.

Click any of the pictures for the BBC article...

Jean Charles de Menezes, 27

BBC: Shot man not connected to bombing

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 08:00 PM

Made a mistake.

[edit on 23/7/2005 by Odium]

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 09:03 PM
The answer to all of this subway shooting is OBVIOUS to me:

Require NATIONAL ID CARDS to enter the subway. It's foolproof.

It will keep YOU from getting shot AND keep you from being bombed.

There is nothing that NATIONAL ID CARDS cannot solve.

I can't wait for mine here in the US...I hope to God it has an RFID, magnetic strip, photo, and barcode as well. Maybe, if we're lucky, we can use it like a smart card for all of our purchases as well. That will keep all the bad guys (e.g. our neighbors, countrymen, etc.) from buying anything harmful.

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 09:08 PM
How did they know he had a brazilian? Is it now a crime as well?

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 09:16 PM

Originally posted by 2nd Hand Thoughts
The answer to all of this subway shooting is OBVIOUS to me:

Require NATIONAL ID CARDS to enter the subway. It's foolproof.

It will keep YOU from getting shot AND keep you from being bombed.

There is nothing that NATIONAL ID CARDS cannot solve.

I can't wait for mine here in the US...I hope to God it has an RFID, magnetic strip, photo, and barcode as well. Maybe, if we're lucky, we can use it like a smart card for all of our purchases as well. That will keep all the bad guys (e.g. our neighbors, countrymen, etc.) from buying anything harmful.

You do realise all 4 bombers from 7/7 were british, with no previous links to terrorism or a criminal record.

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 09:17 PM
A dark skinned fellow from a house that is under surveillance for suspicion of involvement by its members exits, wearing a large heavy coat on a hot day, and he heads to a subway, where he is told by plain-clothes police to stop. He runs.

They shoot.

It's not some grand design of hate, or something where a completely innocent random person was shot out of the blue.

It isn't as if I condone the shooting, but I think that Scotland Yard is under a heck of a lot of pressure to turn something up, and in this case, they really, really thought they had their man.

Horrible tragedy in any way you look at it.

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 09:20 PM
Just thinking

Im visiting Brazil, i dont obviously speak the language

On my way to where ever im going these men with weapons call to me, i dont understand what they are saying, theyre not wearing any sort of uniform, unfamilar with the country, with armed men shouting at me, what would i do?

leg it of course, what the hell would you do, run like hell

Ive seen that picture, shows a male, scruffy tshirt, jeans, trainers, automatic weapon, seen enough of those on the streets of Belfast and they wern't collecting for the Red Cross

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 10:27 PM

Originally posted by MischeviousElf

The innocent brazilian man was probably a illegal immigrant or maybe just a pick pocket or drug user, he panicked and ran, the police panicked ran and shot him dead.


IMO you hit the nail on the head, MischeviousElf. The most significant part of your statement being, the police panicked ran and shot him dead. I think you are likely correct about this.

However, I doubt seriously if you will find anywhere in their training manuals a section stating that if the officer finds him/herself in a state of paninc then to chase the suspect down, forcibly subdue him and unload a few rounds into the back of his head. I just doubt seriously that this is part of their "professional" training. After all, these public servants are supposed to keep their heads when everyone else has lost theirs, and that doesn't seem to have happened here.

If the authority is so incapable of controlling themselves in intense situations, then I guess they may as well issue a firearm to every citizen and simply instruct them to use their best judgement before blowing away others.

IMHO this whole thing was avoidable and was very unprofessionally handled. It just goes to show that no matter what the level of authority, animal instinct prevails, and we're not nearly as civilized as we like to think we are. We're a lot like a bunch of monkeys packing heat.

Also, IMHO, Bush, Blaire, et al., have a mentality that went out of style with the Ol' West. They seem to think we can settle things the way they did at the OK Coral. Welcome to the 21st Century, Bubba ...

posted on Jul, 23 2005 @ 11:23 PM
Yeah maybe he was running decoy for perps he didn't know and never met.

And maybe he ran from police who showed warrants because he couldn't read and he thought they were the Jehovah's Witness.

Or maybe he was an illegal alien, or he swore a pack of suicide-by-police gunfire or worse of all Maybe...maybe.... he was late for work.

Now that should be punishable by 5 bullets from a high-powered rifle.

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