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Whats Your IQ???

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posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 10:56 AM
Take this test and let us all know your IQ.....

I think this will be interesting!

Take The IQ Test!

I got 126.....

Michael, your IQ score is 126.....
Michael, your IQ score is significantly above average. Congratulations! You have a wide range of exceptional skills which are much stronger than those of the average population. You are also skilled at answering the types of questions that are asked in a classic IQ test. The test analyses your strengths and weaknesses based on your mathematical, linguistic, visual-spatial and logical skills. Even though you have high scores in all of those areas, we are able to analyse your results to discover the areas in which you have the strongest abilities.

Like a meticulous collector, you've fed your brain a unique set of facts and figures over the years. Words, numbers, you've got it all. That's what makes you a Facts Curator.

Whether or not you intend to absorb every piece of information that comes your way, your mind has certain steel-trap qualities to it. You are a knowledge sponge. You have almost enough words in your head to fill a dictionary, and you're equally adept when it comes to manipulating numbers. You can also detect important patterns in number sequences, and probably remember the mnemonic devices you were taught in your early school years.


posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 11:25 AM
I do not know how accurate it is.
I got a whopping 144

posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 11:26 AM
hmmm my IQ is 111, is that good?

Sam, your IQ score is slightly above the average IQ score. Congratulations! Among your skills, there are certain areas that stand out above the rest. The classic IQ test analyses your strengths and weaknesses based on your mathematical, linguistic, visual-spatial and logical skills. By analysing your answers we can discover the areas in which you have the strongest abilities.

You have the unusual talent of being equally good at both mathematical and verbal skills. That, paired with your thirst to learn through experience, makes you an Inventive Inquisitor.

Your strength lies in the methodology you have naturally adopted to understand the world. Basically, you have perfected "learning through living." You have a unique ability to teach others by taking them through actual experiences. Your talents come in handy especially when confronted with unfamiliar or unproven situations. Most people search their brains for previously stored information that might help in a given situation. You, however, take things as they come and see things as they are. You are a great improviser and are probably open to an unusual amount of change.

posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 11:34 AM
Cmdrkeenkid, your IQ score is 131.

I'm a word warrior.

I think it's flawed... I'm horrible at "communicating on a particularly high level." Besides, an offline IQ test pegged me at 152. Maybe the internet has made me dumber since two years ago.

posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 11:46 AM
Well I'm not sure how accurate it is and I never really cared for the online stuff anyway. It gave me an IQ of 115. It told me I'm a word worrior. Heres what it said about me other than that:

Originally stated by
Voidmaster, your IQ score is slightly above the average IQ score. Congratulations! Among your skills, there are certain areas that stand out above the rest. The classic IQ test analyses your strengths and weaknesses based on your mathematical, linguistic, visual-spatial and logical skills. By analysing your answers we can discover the areas in which you have the strongest abilities.

You are equipped with a verbal arsenal that enables you to understand complex issues and communicate on a particularly high level. These talents make you a Word Warrior.

Whether or not you recognise it, your vocabulary is your strongest suit -- use it whenever you can. Since your command of words is so great, you are also a terrific communicator -- able to articulate big ideas to just about anyone. Your wordsmithing prowess will also help in artistic and creative pursuits. The power of words translates to fresh ideas off paper too. Since you have so many words at your disposal, you are in a unique position to describe things in an original way, as well as see the future in your mind's eye. In short, your strengths allow you to be a visionary -- able to extrapolate and come up with a multitude of fresh ideas.

Hmmmm. It certainly got the high vocabulary and the fresh ideas right, but multitudes?

[edit on 20-7-2005 by Voidmaster]

posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 12:22 PM
I remember taking this test a few months ago. I think my IQ was 134 and was a visual mathematician .

I just took the test again and now my IQ is 124 and I'm a Insightful linguists

posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 04:17 PM

xxxxx, your IQ score is 136

xxxxx, your IQ score is significantly above average. Congratulations! You have a wide range of exceptional skills which are much stronger than those of the average population. You are also skilled at answering the types of questions that are asked in a classic IQ test. The test analyses your strengths and weaknesses based on your mathematical, linguistic, visual-spatial and logical skills. Even though you have high scores in all of those areas, we are able to analyse your results to discover the areas in which you have the strongest abilities.

You've got a very experiential way of learning and a strong mathematical mind. You're able to whittle even the most complex situation down to comprehensible component parts. In short, you have mastered the art and science of precision. That's what makes you a Precision Processor.

For you, life is a series of equations. Your brain is naturally predisposed to intense mathematical acuity, and your understanding of numerical problems is unparalleled. It's second nature for you to cut to the heart of an issue, so that you can discover quick solutions to problems while others get bogged down in unnecessary details. One precision processor that comes to mind is the Greek philosopher-mathematician, Pythagoras. Pythagoras had a mind for numbers and, as such, could come up with previously unknown theories like his method for calculating the sides of a right triangle (a2+b2=c2). You too, can use numbers to translate aspects of the world around you -- something that doesn't come easily to everyone. Your quick mathematical mind will allow you to communicate a variety of ideas to other people, so don't keep it to yourself.


The Bell Curve is mathematically "perfect", but the world is nowhere near that. That means there are more smart people in the world then perviously thought. Just something to ponder about, if you think your "special".

[edit on 20-7-2005 by beyondSciFi]

posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 04:29 PM

aren't IQ tests suppose to be for kids?

btw took this exact one awhile back and thats what I got hmm

Guess I retake maybe I've gotten more retarded.

[edit on 20-7-2005 by Lysergic]

posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 04:50 PM
nope still the same ol' retard

eatmei, your IQ score is 129
Insightful Linguist

eatmei, your IQ score is significantly above average. Congratulations! You have a wide range of exceptional skills which are much stronger than those of the average population. You are also skilled at answering the types of questions that are asked in a classic IQ test. The test analyses your strengths and weaknesses based on your mathematical, linguistic, visual-spatial and logical skills. Even though you have high scores in all of those areas, we are able to analyse your results to discover the areas in which you have the strongest abilities.

You are gifted with the natural fluency of a writer and the visual and spatial strengths of an artist. Those skills contribute to your creative and expressive mind.

Insightful linguists can take complex concepts and articulate them to just about anyone. You have a gift with words and insight into processes and the way people think. These talents enable you to explain things clearly to people. Helen Keller is a great example of an Insightful Linguist. Blind, deaf and mute, she was still able to put things together in her mind and to understand complex ideas. She could do that because she was able to conceptualise ideas internally. Though she could not literally see, she had the visual and spatial skills necessary to understand patterns on an abstract level. She learned to read, write and ultimately became a writer on issues of social justice.

posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 04:57 PM

Insightful linguists can take complex concepts and articulate them to just about anyone. You have a gift with words and insight into processes and the way people think.

I can't stop laughing about that

"so like what you do is lube it on up, no listen dude, you gotta uber lube that mofo ya dig?"


posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 05:51 PM
I did this quiz a while ago.
My IQ is 127 and I'm an Insightful Linguist

This is pretty much true. I can eloquently express any kind of pseudo-intelectual inconsistency and conveniently make it sound like profund perfectional conjugated wisdom of comprehensive thought

Or I can make it understandable for everyone and say that I talk poo all the time using big dictionary words.

posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 10:35 PM
I took it a long time ago and came out with a 139

I'm too lazy to take it again....

posted on Jul, 21 2005 @ 06:56 AM
i got 117 and im 17.

im a word warrior.

thats average?


oni x x

posted on Jul, 21 2005 @ 10:57 AM
Score: 135
ANNIE, your IQ score is significantly above average. Congratulations! You have a wide range of exceptional skills which are much stronger than those of the average population. You are also skilled at answering the types of questions that are asked in a classic IQ test. The test analyses your strengths and weaknesses based on your mathematical, linguistic, visual-spatial and logical skills. Even though you have high scores in all of those areas, we are able to analyse your results to discover the areas in which you have the strongest abilities.

Your mind's strengths allow you to think ahead of the game -- to imagine or anticipate what should come next in just about any situation. Because you're equally skilled in the numerical and verbal universes of the brain, you can draw from multiple sources of information to come up with great ideas. The timelessness of your vision and the balance between your various skills are what make you a Visionary Philosopher.

In addition to your strengths in maths and linguistics, you have a knack for matching and anticipating patterns. These skills and your uncanny ability to detect the underlying blueprint of most of life's situations add to your visionary philosopher mind. Two philosophers who share the same combination of skills you possess are Plato and Benedict Spinoza.

I've taken this test before--always about the same, and I remember the correct answers and figure out more, so I wonder at it's consistency.

However, I used to be a 'word warrior' (and I truly was) but now it says something new---which is also accurate, because a profound change has been wrought in my life.

So it's not a bad test in some ways.

For a real IQ test, try this:High IQ Society

posted on Jul, 21 2005 @ 12:33 PM
Bogus test, but whatever. I got 136.

Internet IQ tests are just wrong, and don't do a very good job. I've been everything from 105 to 168. A self administered test (NOT online) gave me a 145 or so, and I'm more inclined to to trust that.

posted on Jul, 21 2005 @ 04:12 PM
133. Insightful Linguist.

So what is the difference between the "classic" IQ test and the New and Improved version; which is more accurate and why?

Input, must have input!!

posted on Jul, 21 2005 @ 10:48 PM

Originally posted by lightseeker
133. Insightful Linguist.

So what is the difference between the "classic" IQ test and the New and Improved version; which is more accurate and why?

You mean at the 'Tickle' site?

I really don't think there is an actual difference--the questions have not changed in the least!

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