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Renter Republicans

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posted on Jul, 19 2005 @ 07:06 PM
Many Republicans and Corporations treat the planet like they are renters and not owners.

Like renters they have a tendency to trash where they live, because they don't believe they are owners of it, in part or in whole.

Religious focus on [non] existence after death, ignores the here and now place we live and the place future generations of people and other species will have to live, very far into the future.

Are there some owners of this planet?
Willing to stand up and treat it with the respect it will require to sustain both us and future generations?
If so, they are truly capitalists, who understand the value of deep important assets.

I still can't understand what kind of double-think allows people who don't conserve the environment, their home, to call themselves conservatives.
Seems to me they are squanderers of their inheritance. Like spoiled and unappreciative rich children who have never had to work at and don't appreciate what they have.

The Planet, Love it or Leave it.

Also how can you call yourself conservative if you use credit, the federal deficit, like it is a gift from your rich daddy and not live within a budget?
A true conservative lives at least within the current income they have, and if they are truly frugal [I realize this has become a dirty word to credit card Republicans] they will actually live below their income and save some money.

I guess the meaning of the word 'conservative' must have changed since I grew up.


posted on Jul, 19 2005 @ 08:46 PM
RANT, dude, the people of which you speak give the real conservatives a bad name. Although I admit to Libretarian leanings.

I don't see much difference between Renter Republicans and (clever word inserted) Democrats.
You know the ones, they have more money than they know what to do with and act much the same as the folks you are talking about.
Oh, they may donate to conservative causes, but they drive they gas-guzzling vehicles on their way to lavish, star-studded parties.

Then, the other type of democrat who works for a living. Doesn't bother to recycle on garbage day. Won't pick up trash from his lawn. Washes his car on a street that has storm sewers that empty into a lake. Has a winow open while his A?C runs and runs on a 95-degree day.

I see little respect for the planet here either.
Respect for planet seems to be a lost art.

posted on Jul, 30 2005 @ 05:13 PM
Today the majority of people who call themselves Republican also claim to be Christian. And yet, by and large they swallow and embrace the Rush Limbaugh school of thought abhoring environmental whackOism. They conveniently forget the very first call to environmentalism - God's call (in the Old Testament) commanding man to care for and nurture this kingdom he was given dominion over.

Strangely, it is mainly the "Godless" left who embrace that philosophy. Environmental activism should be a bipartisan affair; because, we are all affected by the damage.

posted on Sep, 17 2005 @ 09:05 PM
Environmentalism is too close to pantheism for my liking.

The earth is not our mother. There's a bumper sticker that sums it up nicely, and it says "Earth is man's domain--it is not his god!"

That being said, I agree we should take care of the earth like we'd clean our homes...but don't go hog-wild over it. The earth is a creation and man is part of that creation. Worship the Creator--not creation.

posted on Sep, 17 2005 @ 09:50 PM

Originally posted by DontTreadOnMe
RANT, dude...

Me not slank.

posted on Oct, 3 2005 @ 08:12 PM
Actually, the Judeo-Christian ethic demands good stewardship of the earth. There used to be a responisible movement called Conservationism that stressed wildlife and land management. That, unfortuantely, has been superceded by the extreme "wacko" movements like evironmentalism and animal rights--common sense eclipsed by fanaticism.

It seems as though virtually every thread in PTS is an opportunity to bash Republicans and Christianity. It's tiresome. An awful lot of Christians are Democrats, but I have to wonder why, when they are so openly attacked by the most vocal elements of the party.

posted on Oct, 3 2005 @ 08:26 PM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott
Actually, the Judeo-Christian ethic demands good stewardship of the earth. There used to be a responisible movement called Conservationism that stressed wildlife and land management. That, unfortuantely, has been superceded by the extreme "wacko" movements like evironmentalism and animal rights--common sense eclipsed by fanaticism...

...And fundamentalist Doomsday Cults that believe in a non-Biblical Rapture allowing them to dimiss the Christian concept of stewardship in favor of DOMINION.

It seems as though virtually every thread in PTS is an opportunity to bash Republicans and Christianity. It's tiresome. An awful lot of Christians are Democrats, but I have to wonder why, when they are so openly attacked by the most vocal elements of the party.

Many people are able to see past the Fundamentalist's framing of Christianity as the Republican Party and indeed America. For these Christians (including Catholics), Democrats, "RINOS" and combinations of same, the only offense stems from the very non-Christian behavior of those claiming authority over all Christianity.

Only whack jobs need to be offended when talking about whack jobs. You're a smart man. You know the difference.

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