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Christian Group Plans Exodus to South Carolina In A Political Power Play

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posted on Jul, 16 2005 @ 04:20 PM
Fox "news" has reported that Christian Exodus, a fundamentalist Christian group, is urging Christians from all over the country to move to South Carolina. They envision South Carolina to become a leading hotbed for political activism. They're the people who hate the separation of church and state.

Sounds to me like they don't know jack about South Carolina. And if these people go down there to live, not understanding it, they're probly in for a rude awakening.

I understand this well. My family moved there (from Washington state) when I was 10. My step dad, a successful guy from a good Christian family, was born and raised there.

We left Washington state on the 4th of July, 1980. For some reason, I was so happy. I had not felt that way since before my dad died (in '75). I had visited South Carolina for Thanksgiving in '79, and I loved it. I loved everything about it. When I visited, it snowed. That was supa cool. (Stepdad's family lived in the upstate. They had 250 acres of some of the most beautiful country I've ever seen.)

When we crossed over that state line into South Carolina, that sweltering July day, I was in heaven. There were lightning bugs, floating over the fields, flashing. The only time I got to see them (before) was when we'd go to Disneyland (in Anaheim, Ca.) and I'd ride the Pirates of the Caribbean. Since that first ride, I was always echanted by them.

The bottom line was, I was where I wanted to be, and I was never lookin back.

Never have, either.

As for Chrisitan Exodus, I can only say, don't hope to move there and just start running things. It don't work that way. Maybe where you're from, but not there. You gotta ease yourself in, and prove yourself over time. You gotta work your self into their way of doin things. Remember, these are people who still refer to their Civil War era family members by their first names. Those people don't forget - and what they don't forget are things that people from outside the south don't even think about normally. To them the Civil War is ancient history. To a lot folks from South Carolina, it still burns in them.

I forgive them that. I can understand it. Though I wasn't born there, I feel like I should've been. There's nowhere else I'd rather be. (And if I ever do grow tired of it, there's always the Florida Keys to consider.
) I've lived in the Upstate, and homebase for me now is the Charleston Low Country area. When I'm there, I never want to leave.

As for South Carolina religion, its already a bastion for conservative Christian churches and activism. Therefore, I suggest these invading newcomers tread very lightly in their communities. These are people who's families have been members of these churches for 3, 4 maybe 5 or more generations. To them, you are an outsider, and won't trusted for a good long time. Your Christian credentials won't impress them.

I've been a member of a southern Baptist church in the upstate for going on 25 years. I loved that church. Some of the best times in my life were spent there and with them elsewhere. The first time I ever went into the World Trade Center was with them on a youth mission trip. That church played an important role in my life growing up. But I didn't just start going there and being in the middle of everything. That took some time. And it wasn't overnight. Once I did become one of them, though, I had the time of my life.. or one of 'em anyway.

You wanna know how conservative the county I grew up in was? I love this story... It was the '96 presidential primaries and the favored candidate was Sen. Bob Dole.
Conservative commentator Pat Buchanan was running against him. There was no way I was gonna vote for yes-man Dole, so I had to vote for Buchanan (to this day I say he would have made a good president.. better than Clinton.) I was excited because I liked Buchanan. I had listened to him for years and agreed with most of what he said. He's truly straight-shooting and very pro family. He was also a hawk of defense in the best sense. So I voted for Patty (ECK hoists a beer to the man).

I was down in Charleston when the results were made known. I was at my favorite cafe on Folly Beach having breakfast & coffee, reading the paper. I was down over Dole's win, but quite amused to read that two counties in the state voted for Buchanan. They were both from the upstate. My county was one of them.

I think Christian Exodus needs to get a new plan and leave us in peace. You can't make us any more Christian or states rights than we already are, and have been since seceding from the union way back when. If you want to move to SC, that's great. But don't expect to start runnin the show any time in the near future.

Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Christian Exodus Planned For South Carolina

Plans to reform our government to more Christian-like principals are in the works and we may feel the effects, right here in the Upstate. That is because South Carolina has been chosen as the place for hundreds, even thousands of Christians to move to, in hopes of impacting the government. But people who live here have mixed opinions about the Christian Exodus.

posted on Jul, 16 2005 @ 05:35 PM
I wanna hear from folks who are Christian, wherever you're from.. I wanna know what you think of this.

Non-Christians are invited to comment as well.. just be nice.

posted on Jul, 16 2005 @ 05:42 PM
How many ATSers are from South and North Carolina?

I'd like to hear from you, especially.

posted on Jul, 16 2005 @ 05:46 PM
SC is not an unheard of destination for a "Christian Exodus" type 'new Kansas' reformation movement though. It's just a natural ECK.

From Bob Jone's Racist University to all the former PTL minions, it pretty much fits. Plus they have Carowinds right there for all their Jesus is My Home Boy half shirt needs.

I suggest they all buy into "Baxter," a planned closed Mayberry community right on the border serving Springs Mills and greater Charlotte as a suburb.

I could see it. They could run that place.

And the nice thing about closed communities is the fence works both ways.

posted on Jul, 16 2005 @ 05:53 PM
Don't be giving them any ideas, RANT!!! You're talkin about my area!

Like I said, I have no problem with folks moving here per se, just don't come down here expecting to revolutionize the revolution!

As for Carowinds... if you want to break your bank for us, bring it on!
Our hospitality industry welcomes it.

posted on Jul, 16 2005 @ 06:05 PM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid
Don't be giving them any ideas, RANT!!! You're talkin about my area!

Like I said, I have no problem with folks moving here per se, just don't come down here expecting to revolutionize the revolution!

In all seriousness, I sympathize with the plight of all that seek self determination. Dominionists included. The conflict thus far has been they want to take over the world.

If they wanted to build a new PTL for themselves, that's fine! Or even get to a level where they run a state. Though I can understand you'd hope it's not yours.

But there has to be some compromise. I'm actually very pro state's rights when it comes to this stuff. Plus it's nice to get them all in one place. Like the amish! Then I can drive through SC pointing at them and call it a vacation. Somehow Dominionists at the local level seem more quaint. Like an M. Night Shyamalan movie. Good for them.

posted on Jul, 16 2005 @ 06:09 PM
Like I said, the Christian church is already very much there and running the show. Those not from South Carolina don't understand the way they think. It's a very unique place. Much like Texas. Fiercely independent and close-knit. Outsiders remain that until they prove themselves. No body is gonna waltz in and take over the apparatus.

Who was it that had the genitals to give the Federal government the big finger first?

posted on Jul, 16 2005 @ 06:10 PM
Btw RANT, the Amish are doin just fine up in Kentucky (and wherever else they live). While in the Army, I used to pass their buggies all the time on Hwy. 41A over near Hoptown.

I ain't seen one in South Carolina.

[edit on 7/16/05 by EastCoastKid]

posted on Jul, 16 2005 @ 06:18 PM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid
Btw RANT, the Amish are doin just fine up in Kentucky (and wherever else they live). While in the Army, I used to pass their buggies all the time on Hwy. 41A over near Hoptown.

I ain't seen one in South Carolina.

Yeah, PA mostly. I was just kidding in the comparison. But the "Baxter" reference put thoughts in my head. It's based on "Celebration" Florida, and very much a retro-planned community with ice cream parlors, sidewalks and community run schools. It could make the "amish among us" that still like Cadillacs and Capitalism very happy.

posted on Jul, 16 2005 @ 06:47 PM
This whole thing is like that town in Colorado (where the Air Force Academy is). James Dobson and his group, as well as another one, have just about taken it over. Including the Academy.

posted on Jul, 17 2005 @ 01:45 AM
South Carolinian here and I find this story both amusing and a bit scary. I've read similar articles about this a while back. I think they are invading upcountry SC first, I can't imagine them fitting in well in the Charleston area. I remember reading somewhere that their true intent was to eventually secede from the nation (again). I kid you not! This will go nowhere, except make South Carolina the laughing stock of the entire nation...nothing new!

If they start teaching the Creationist theory in the public schools, that's when I know they have taken over, and it's getting out of hand. If they go too far and start anything crazy, I hope there is a national operation outreach program available for the refugees leaving SC because of all the insanity. I bet most of these fundies own guns too!

Although I am not exactly thrilled with the incoming fundy invasion, I don't really have a problem with it or take this matter too seriously. I have had some bad experiences with Christian fundies in the past, but a good many of them are decent people who mean well. I think most Christians in the area are happy with the idea of separation between church and state and will not take kindly to those who wish to regress the state back into puritan times. I don't see it happening and I hope I'm right.

[edit on 7/17/2005 by Lecky]

posted on Jul, 17 2005 @ 11:23 AM
Insane, to have a bunch of people who want the nation to be as it was intended to be, to have people who believe in those hateful and inflamatory "Ten Commandments" living next to you, to have people whose God tells them "If you do not work, you do not eat" moving to your state with their narrow-minded, rigid moral system!
How can you stand it?
Gosh, if that happened, gee, shudder to think, the state wouldn't suffer from the lovely effects of moral decay and societal degeneration!

I'll tell you what; I promise not to move to South Carolina, Lecky. I'd rather stay in my own state and do what I can do here. This is (or was built to be) a Christian nation, the laws were based on Christianity, and the rights that are protected by the originating documentation, were given to you by the Creator (or, so said those evil white men whose country so many people whine about yet never move out of). I have no intention of being part of seceding from anything. It's time the Christians wake up from their TV-induced coma, look around and see what has happened to their country after they took their hands of the wheel, and act. But, act where they are at!

posted on Jul, 17 2005 @ 12:14 PM
Yo Lecky! I dint know you were from Charleston. COOL! We should get together & have some beer sometime!

You made some great points.
You know exactly where I'm comin from and what I'm sayin. But then again, you're a sandlapper.

Regarding the argument of whether or not the United States was founded to be a Christian nation. At the time of our founding, the majority of people here were white Christians or were from Christianized nations. It's a matter of numbers. That seems to get lost in the discussion. And its very important to consider. Many will argue many of the founders were not Christian at all, but Deists. Some were. Some were very much Christian. I think both sides tend to take great liberties in their arguments of who was and who was not. Let's be real, it was pretty much the same among them back then as it is today. (For an excellent look into attitudes, beliefs and behavior of our founding fathers and other US historical figures, Gore Vidal has done remarkable works in that area. See his book Lincoln, or Burr.)

The words put down in the Constitution reflect the Judeo Christian view, based on biblical tenets (Mosaic law). That is undeniable. However, they clearly established a wall between church and state. Why? B/c of the tyranny they had left behind in England regarding state religion. They made it clear that there would be NONE of that here. They established this government to be a REPUBLIC, free of religious control.

About the First Amendment

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
— The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

The First Amendment was written because at America's inception, citizens demanded a guarantee of their basic freedoms.

Our blueprint for personal freedom and the hallmark of an open society, the First Amendment protects freedom of speech, press, religion, assembly and petition.

Without the First Amendment, religious minorities could be persecuted, the government might well establish a national religion, protesters could be silenced, the press could not criticize government, and citizens could not mobilize for social change.

Anyone coming into South Carolina thinking their gonna start runnin things (especially as this group seems to think) or using us, are in for a rude awakening, as I've said earlier. Let 'em come down and try. I will watch with much curiosity to see how long they last.

posted on Jul, 17 2005 @ 06:03 PM
Well I have family in the the good ole boy state of South Carolina. I tend to lump the south in with the likes of Texans and if you are a new to the area I suggest you walk in slowly and keep smiling. The south can be very friendly but does not take to kindly to yanks wanting to call the shots.

I also think that moderation is always the key and too much of anything can't be good for you. Lets hope that no one state gets overun by anyone as it is sorta like a weight problem......only takes a few weeks to put it on but years to get it back off.

posted on Jul, 17 2005 @ 09:24 PM

Originally posted by Thomas Crowne
Insane, to have a bunch of people who want the nation to be as it was intended to be

That in itself is not insane, but how far will these people go to get to that point? They are not planning on moving here to just raise their families and mind their own business, they have a plan to occupy South Carolina and eventually "peacefully" secede from the nation. Here is an outline summary. That's all fine and dandy except there are people currently living in South Carolina who...well, think that is INSANE!

to have people who believe in those hateful and inflammatory "Ten Commandments" living next to you, to have people whose God tells them "If you do not work, you do not eat" moving to your state with their narrow-minded, rigid moral system! How can you stand it?

That describes a majority of people in SC now, most seem to be able to fully function as Christians while going along with that pesky "separation of church and state" nonsense. On the other hand, these incoming Christian occupiers seem to have their own agenda to restore Christianity and morals into the local government. Operation Christian Exodus AKA wipe out liberalism in SC.

Gosh, if that happened, gee, shudder to think, the state wouldn't suffer from the lovely effects of moral decay and societal degeneration!

SC is overflowing with conservatives, Christians and morals galore! Unfortunately there are always those awkward moments when one might spot an ungodly liberal like myself walking around up to my chin in moral decay. Besides that, most people seem to get along just fine, I never hear much complaining about these problems listed here

- Women can have abortions. (No one's business)
- Gays and lesbians are allowed to get married in Massachusetts. (No one's business)
- Paying tax money to public schools that teach...evolution (oh Christ!)
- The Bible is still not welcome in schools except under unconstitutional FEDERAL guidelines (BS, you can bring a Bible to school, it's just not to be used as a textbook/teaching tool, look up: church, Sunday school)
- The 10 Commandments remain banned from public display (false)
- Sodomy is now legal (still illegal in some states, and no one's business)
- Preaching Christianity will soon be outlawed as "hate speech" (paranoid delusion)
- Rights to keep and bear arms continues to be INFRINGED (can own guns in any state, not to mention "right to bear arms" originally referred to a musket)
- Private homes are now subject to arbitrary government seizure (bipartisan effort in congress working to amend this I believe)

I'll tell you what; I promise not to move to South Carolina, Lecky. I'd rather stay in my own state and do what I can do here.

Of course you can, those people who are trying to invade my state can do whatever they want anywhere in this country. Like I said in my first post, it doesn't really matter to me, I'm sure they are all lovely people. Maybe they will move here and like it so much they won't want to change a thing.

This is (or was built to be) a Christian nation, the laws were based on Christianity, and the rights that are protected by the originating documentation, were given to you by the Creator (or, so said those evil white men whose country so many people whine about yet never move out of).

Our founding fathers opposed mixing religion with government for good reason. Laws were written by man not God and the constitution is not a Holy sacred document, it's quite flexible actually and is bound to change even more over time. It seems these Christian occupiers are beyond the whining stage, they are ready to take action and move in hoards to SC.

Maybe SC citizens will be grateful to the newcomers and their powerful righteous morals will shine on us all. The children will burn their science textbooks and learn more about the creationist theory. Science is overrated anyway; maybe we can shut down all medical facilities and practice faith healing. If we work hard at this we can regress all the way back to having slaves even! I could maybe be revoked all voting privileges, shouldn’t the men decide anyway? I have more important things to do like producing offspring, cooking and cleaning...simultaneously.

I have no intention of being part of seceding from anything.

Good! I don't think any attempt will be successful anyway...

It's time the Christians wake up from their TV-induced coma, look around and see what has happened to their country after they took their hands of the wheel, and act. But, act where they are at!

What about the Christians who are currently satisfied with our country and don't impose their morals on others? What about the ones who worry about their own souls and don't foolishly think that their way of life should be prescribed on everyone else? What about the ones who realize that America is full of people of different religions and one faith shouldn't be preferred over the other (even though Christianity is still favored)?

I don't think South Carolina will be accommodating enough for these hardcore Christians, I mean...why not just move to the Holy Land?

[edit on 7/17/2005 by Lecky]

posted on Jul, 17 2005 @ 10:19 PM
Excellent illumination on the stated agenda of the "exodus" dominionists Lecky.

They really are insane.

posted on Jul, 17 2005 @ 11:01 PM
Cool, you in Charleston too?

Regarding the argument of whether or not the United States was founded to be a Christian nation. At the time of our founding, the majority of people here were white Christians or were from Christianized nations. It's a matter of numbers. That seems to get lost in the discussion. And its very important to consider. Many will argue many of the founders were not Christian at all, but Deists. Some were. Some were very much Christian.

OK, but even if the United States without a doubt was meant to be a 100% Christian nation what does that mean now exactly? That's what I don't get. Do they win? I don't understand the importance but that could very well be because I am not especially religious.

However, they clearly established a wall between church and state. Why? B/c of the tyranny they had left behind in England regarding state religion. They made it clear that there would be NONE of that here. They established this government to be a REPUBLIC, free of religious control.

That's why I always insist that we are not a Christian nation. I think we look at "Christian nation" in different ways. I interpret that to mean theocracy while you interpret our nation to be Christian because we were founded mostly by Christians and built our laws based on Judeo-Christian principles.

Anyone coming into South Carolina thinking their gonna start runnin things (especially as this group seems to think) or using us, are in for a rude awakening, as I've said earlier. Let 'em come down and try. I will watch with much curiosity to see how long they last.

It just seems really arrogant and somewhat amusing. They don't even consider the SC residents who already live here. Ah well. I don't think they will get really far with their succession attempt, it will just mean more republican

[edit on 7/18/2005 by Lecky]

posted on Jul, 17 2005 @ 11:11 PM
TC, the more you insist all that stuff over and over, the more it sounds like you're just trying to convince yourself.

I realize (have learned over time) that it doesn't matter how many times people put the actual founding father's words in your face, you dismiss it.

To each his own. If you think Jefferson is insane and Washington and Adams were just liars, I can't argue with you. Or rather since you dismiss every quote explicitly saying "NOT A CHRISTIAN NATION" for one that alludes to their personal beliefs. Fine. I guess. Though you're still wrong about America.

But does it ever at least cross your mind you're neither Jewish or a vassal of the Roman Empire? The perpetuation of this mindset among so many simply baffles me. I'm not kidding. If the Greeks had conquered most of the known world we'd worship Zeus. If nobody had conquered Europe, we'd acknowledge the fact most of us (euro-americans) came from Druids and Saxons and had common law in place for centuries prior to the influx of Christianity and rewriting of history by converted Kings subject to the Pope.

The Roman Empire is just a nightmare that never ends. You can protestantize it all you want, but it's the same song and dance. It just trips me out people still buy it. Anyone actually.

My ancestors were building Stonehenge, thank you, while the ones you worship (not even your own) claim the world was under water. And some old fart that can't find his way out of the desert did not have stone tablets handed to him 3,500 years ago by the creator of the universe that I (as a free American) need to worship or have taught in school or hung in court. That's just stupid. The world is not 6,000 years old. There is no rapture. I'm not related to anyone named Adam. I'm not Roman. And I live in one of the few places on Earth I don't have to kiss the ass of priests and mullahs, thanks to the founding fathers! The Dominionists are anti-american authoritarian evil SOB's vying for power. Period.

posted on Jul, 18 2005 @ 10:43 PM

Originally posted by Memorialday1999
Well I have family in the the good ole boy state of South Carolina. I tend to lump the south in with the likes of Texans and if you are a new to the area I suggest you walk in slowly and keep smiling. The south can be very friendly but does not take to kindly to yanks wanting to call the shots.

She sounds like she's spent time here.

posted on Jul, 27 2005 @ 10:15 AM
A co-worker/friend of mine wrote me an email yesterday and she asked me if I had heard of this.. the freaks wanting to take over SC and make it into a theocratic state. I linked her to this thread. She also thinks its insane. She's from Georgia, but has family in South Carolina.

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