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Seen or believe in UFO's? People think you are weird.

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posted on Jul, 10 2005 @ 05:48 PM
The following is a transcript with a old friend of mine on MSN.
This will go to show that no matter how much a person knows you, they will change their mind about you if you talk about UFOs.

Names have been changed to protect identitys.

Umbrax says:
I had some UFO pics I took before
you saw aliens?
Umbrax says:
no I seen a UFO
for real?
Umbrax says:
twice in one day
Umbrax says:
It looked like a satellite but it was in the middle of the day
maybe it was a blimp
Umbrax says:
it wasn't a blimp
Umbrax says:
I'll send the pic but it is real hard to see
Umbrax says:
Umbrax says:
try that
Umbrax says:
looks at you
that doesn't even look like anything
Umbrax says:
it move clear across the sky
Umbrax says:
first it went south
Umbrax says:
then two hours later I seen it going north
Umbrax says:
I sent it to a UFOlogist
Umbrax says:
he said it's too small to tell. Only based on the picture and not based on my story it could be dismissed as a helium balloon
Umbrax says:
one of those metal looking ones
maybe it was
Umbrax says:
going in two totally different directions? Two hours apart?
the wind could have changed
Umbrax says:
I suppose
Umbrax says:
I'll send you a better ufo picture of mine
Umbrax says:
by better I mean more exciting
Umbrax says:
Umbrax says:
this is full size
Umbrax says:
it is above the house
Umbrax says:
see it?
Umbrax says:
i don't know what to say..
Umbrax says:
those are fake

Umbrax says:
I doctored them
people in calgary are weird
Umbrax says:
Umbrax says:
do you have high speed internet?
Umbrax says:
bah I wont send you a video then
Umbrax says:
Umbrax says:
here check this out then
Umbrax says:
Umbrax says:
It's like what I saw but many of them
Umbrax says:
theres pics and video
i don't believe in it
Umbrax says:
believe in what?
Or creepy aliens
Umbrax says:
UFO only stands for unidentified flying object
Umbrax says:
I'm not suggesting they are aliens
I know that
Then what are you suggesting they are
Umbrax says:
they are unidentified
Umbrax says:
Umbrax says:
hundreds of thousands of people have seen things in they sky that are unexplained
yeah but over 3/4 of them think they are aliens and are insane
Umbrax says:
seeing is believing I guess
Umbrax says:" target="_blank" class="postlink" rel="nofollow">this one goes along with the last one
hm thats kinda cool
Umbrax says:
Weird stuff always happens in Mexico

Then it went silent and she said good-bye

Has this ever happened to you guys?

posted on Jul, 10 2005 @ 06:07 PM
people are ignorant, so what? Who cares what they think?

posted on Jul, 10 2005 @ 06:50 PM
Sure, who cares what people think. But this was someone who was my friend and the second I start talking UFO's she thinks I'm crazy.

How far do things like this go? If a doctor talks about UFO's will he lose clients?

The part that really bugged my was when she said. I don't believe in (UFOs).
If someone doesn't want to believe in Aliens,fine. But UFO's are seen all the time.
I was about to show her maps of UFO sightings
Why do people deny, deny, deny? Saying over 3/4 of people who see UFOs are insane? Every year gets about 3500 reports of UFO sightings.

Fifty-seven percent of Americans believe in UFOs. Fifteen percent claim to have seen one, and three to five percent claim to have been abducted by aliens.
There is almost 300,000,000 people in America. How can 43% of America not believe in UFO's when 20,000,000 Americans have claimed to have seen them?

posted on Jul, 10 2005 @ 07:18 PM
People are crazy who dont believe in UFO's! I think why people dont believe in UFO's is because TV and the media only talk about UFO cases that are mistaken for something else or are hoaxed. There are many unexplainable cases, but they dont talk about it, because they dont want people to believe in UFO's for some reason. If some of those people do research, instead of having TV tell them wrong information, then they will be that much smarter.......way smarter.

posted on Jul, 10 2005 @ 07:35 PM
Remember that almost 90% of conversation is in tone and body language... A LOT is lost over the internet, even with emotes....

Some people are just close-minded, never bothered to look into it themselves, and just make a quick assumption. It takes time and presenting the evidence to them, before they start to open their mind. Have Lisa check out the Roswell or Rendlesham case, maybe even Battle of LA, etc. and she may at least be more willing to open her mind a little....

None of those are PROOF of et visitation, but they sure make a good case for the possibility....

posted on Jul, 10 2005 @ 08:22 PM

Originally posted by Umbrax
Sure, who cares what people think. But this was someone who was my friend and the second I start talking UFO's she thinks I'm crazy.

How far do things like this go? If a doctor talks about UFO's will he lose clients?

The part that really bugged my was when she said. I don't believe in (UFOs).
If someone doesn't want to believe in Aliens,fine. But UFO's are seen all the time.
I was about to show her maps of UFO sightings
Why do people deny, deny, deny? Saying over 3/4 of people who see UFOs are insane? Every year gets about 3500 reports of UFO sightings.

Fifty-seven percent of Americans believe in UFOs. Fifteen percent claim to have seen one, and three to five percent claim to have been abducted by aliens.
There is almost 300,000,000 people in America. How can 43% of America not believe in UFO's when 20,000,000 Americans have claimed to have seen them?

Humans continue to be egocentric and arrogant about their place in the universe. The assumption that Earth is the only home to intelligent life (on a good day
), or that there is no other life as intelligent or greater than our own, seems to be the thoughts of a closed mind. And so its no surprise and entertaining to read the claim of a once non-believe who is now open to the possibility that there is more than meets his/her mind:

From: National UFO Reporting Center

Occurred : 4/11/1994 23:00 (Entered as : 04/11/1994 23:00)
Reported: 6/25/2005 8:21:04 PM 20:21
Posted: 7/5/2005
Location: Louisville, KY
Shape: Triangle
Duration:not known
triangular UFO/ Missing time

I was a sophmore in highschool when my mom, dad, brother, my friend, and I were heading down south for spring break in Gulf Shore's Alabama. We made a stop at a rest area in louisville Kentucky. After we had all gone to the bathroom and streched for a minute we headed back to the car. We were on the road going on to the highway from the rest area when we noticed a huge object with lights way off in the distance. Just joking my dad said "Oh it's a UFO". Just as my dad had finished saying that the object started moving towards us at a fast rate of speed. As it approached we could tell that this object was very very huge. It kept coming towards us untill it was literally right on top of our car. I was so scared I clung to my friend in the back seat. I couldn't believe what was going on. The object that we saw hovered above our car about 3-4 stories above it. It followed us for quite some time. I know that what we saw was not from this earth. We got a really close look at the thing. The shape of it was triangular and it looked to be at least the size of a football field. It was really big. It also made no sound, which I thought was really strange. It had three bright lights that were shining on our car, on on each point of the triangle. The thing that bothers me the most about all of this is that I remember that it was hovering on top of our car one minute and then it seems like not long after that it went up slightly and then took off at an incredible rate of speed and vanished. When we first saw the object it was around 11:00 p.m. after it left it was about 2:30. I remember only seeing it for minutes. what happened with that other time? Is it possible that I could have been abducted? This event has changed my life in so many ways. I have been brought up believing that these things are make believe and that crazy people make up these stories to get attention. I had to change many of my views and include the possibility that we may not know the full story. I thought I would share this story in hopes that it may help other people to consider that there may be something out there. I didn't believe or go looking for them. It is so hard because I have only told a few select people about this. People think you are crazy if they hear this. I could send you a drawing if you want because it is very hard to describe all the details.

More reports from everyday people:
National UFO Reporting Center Report Index For Post Date June 07, 2005

[edit on 10-7-2005 by evilution]

posted on Jul, 10 2005 @ 08:50 PM
Even though I have never witnessed ufos or anything like it.....I still keep an open mind. Besides, as many say, why should we be the ONLY intelligent beings in the Universe?

I realize that not everyone is as open-minded as myself, but I believe that you cannot live life worrying about what everyone else thinks of you.

posted on Jul, 10 2005 @ 11:18 PM

Originally posted by Faeryland
I realize that not everyone is as open-minded as myself, but I believe that you cannot live life worrying about what everyone else thinks of you.

I agree. But imagine how different things would be if that 43% of Americans believed.
Imagine how it would be if instead of scoffing and ridicule, UFOlogy was taken seriously. How different would the world be then?
As ATSers we've seen the cover ups. We have seen the muddy disinfo. If the whole world was on the same page then I know the whole world would then know the truth.

posted on Jul, 10 2005 @ 11:42 PM
That's the 'old' way people thought. Now just look at the numbers something like 63% of Americans beleive UFOs are real and 'not fiction'..


posted on Jul, 11 2005 @ 12:57 AM
I'm sure we've all seen the irrational, emotional response at merely the key words, "ufo" "alien" etc. But wait...what did I just say?


...oh. Just as food for thought, consider that it's possible that large numbers of people have been trained/conditioned/greenbaumed/etc to react in this way.

What you are running into is not rational people dismissing something. It's not even irrartional people dismissing something. It's people reacting in the manner they have been deliberatly engineered to react.

posted on Jul, 11 2005 @ 01:13 AM
It is important to remember that the knowledge that "we" humans are not alone in the universe, much less alone on this planet, will severely alter a person's world view. The way people perceive reality often does not include such sightings/experiences and hence makes them less likely to be real (at least to them). So, within that context, the people will try to remain in control of their perceived worldview and will fight to keep it that way.
I suggest simply providing them with evidence and letting them make up their own mind. Eventually everyone will come around because whether they like it or not, we're not alone and disclosure is coming.

I do understand your frustrations as I've been through them myself, but be respectful of other's "disbelief" as much as you'd like their respect for your beliefs. You'll sleep better.


~ Jammer

posted on Jul, 11 2005 @ 01:27 AM
I think what is most important about the UFO phenomenon is that increasingly people talk about in terms of "belief." When you talk about "believing" in UFOs, what is it that we are supposed to believe in? If it's just "people see UFOs", I don't think that's unfairly disputed. If it's "people see UFOs that are vehicles for aliens from other planets", that is disputable because then you have crossed the line from a simple observation (e.g. "people see UFOs..") to a speculation: "..that are vehicles for aliens from other planets." There's a difference.

posted on Jul, 11 2005 @ 04:13 AM
What is it wer'e suppose to believe in you ask, if we believe.

Simply a whole different world - including all religions I would think.
Might have an impact in the East too.


posted on Jul, 11 2005 @ 04:24 AM
the reason i think UFOs are of ET origin is because ive seen them fly around; US military jets *probably f16s * came after the UFOs and the UFOs always, i mean Always would fly straight up into outer space

now why a military project would make its "training drone" or whatever fly off into outer space dont make any sense

therefore im left with the speculation based on my own witnessed events
and those events point strongly to something "not from earth"

some smart guy here on ATS once said "instead of saying 'we believe in UFOs' its much wiser and more accurate to say
'i am aware of the Existance of UFOs"

its not a belief if you seen it; its being aware of what you saw
belief is something based on faith
seeing something being chased by military jets is based on physical reality

totally separate frames of mind

and ya people are judgemental and why would u wanna be friends with someone who treats u like crap because you saw something funny in the sky?
thats totally ignorant and screw that shallow frame of mind

i dont care what anyone thinks of me
and you shouldnt either

a good idea is to find like 10 really good logical points
and tell them these 10 points first

example "There are countless govt documents dealing with this Very Subject"

if the govt cares about it , it must be important lol
the mainstream people totally understand this "Frame of Thought"

just use their predictability agianst them

i personally have been waging a silent war agianst my friend because he strongly denies aliens exist and he thinks im totally nuts

i dont care hes a carpet salesmen like his opinion of me is worth anything
lol but its cool he is still my friend and hes a really good friend too

but i am determined to change his view of it all

by using GOVT DOCUMENTS *which mainstreamers totally understand*
and by Quoting GOVT OFFICIALS
Quote Astronauts; get clips of their "Sightings" *Audio*

Show them those ancient paintings with UFOs in it beaming up jesus and stuff
show them the dates of those paintings

then after all that
start with the hard core stuff
like Roswell or Battle of LA
Show them the newspaper clippings; show them the disputed facts

Tell them you will give them 10$ to watch your long presentation without automatically Resisting it
Mainstreamers totally understand $$$$ so offer them 10$ to give you a chance
they will probably accept it LOL
very predictable

use their weakness agianst them
use it to our advantage

using methods like this should get you somewhere
but take time and care while building your presentation
take it seriously
and stay AWAY from silly things like "oh this is a pic of alien body"
dont get all sensational about it
treat it like complete science and totally legit govt info
be logical and reasonable; dont jump to conclusions

dont go into any analysis of "who the aliens are"
just stick with our cold hard cases
stick with Govt Documents and Things of this nature

be willing to accept scrutiny and be prepared to combat it with logical explanations and relevent documents

dont get mad at them its not their fault really; its the govts fault for lying

if they say "how could the govt cover that up its too big"
point directly at the "Manhatten Project" and point out it took the soviets 8 years or so to finally steal the secrets
and then took decades for that info to become public knowledge
and heck even mounts of stuff is still classified top secret

if they say "the govt dont lie" than precede to point out the countless cases where the govt lied and then ADMITTED it was a lie!!
example Iraq WMD etc

we can win this war , and we can win 95% of the battles
dont underestimate yourself and dont let yourself lose confidence
stay strong and keep pushing
You WILL get somewhere

example ::: My grandmother is a baptist christian Bush supporter
shes totally mainstream in all ways
she couldnt fathom the existance of UFOs or ALiens
to her its Utter nonsense and complete insanity

but guess what?
Im actually starting to convince her

Because im not getting ahead of myself

Im starting with GOVT documents; GOVT videos; GOVT audio
NASA Stuff Etc etc etc
show em a few NASA Videos from space

the legit stuff passes well with them; because its Legit!

That usually is a big gun and it hits hard
most mainstream people can tell its legit if they are givin the video with proper context, and you keep yourself legit by sticking to documentation

now once you have helped them open their mind
we can start talking about What kind of Aliens; Where are they from; What kind of stuff has the govt done with it; "the day after roswell" etc
after they figure out this stuff is for real; then u can get them into speculations and go look at UFO pics togeather

hehehe its a long post but i want everyone to know we have the power and ability to totally convince *Almost Anyone*

its not that we are special or something; its just the subject is real and theres alot more to it
once they see its real, they wont be dissing you like that

and yes; seeing a UFO does change your life drastically
you cant view anything the same ever agian
kinda like lsd lol
but i suggest u never take lsd its will physically damage your nervous system and it can drive u nuts too

anyways ill shut up here lol
happy presentations guys

posted on Jul, 11 2005 @ 04:36 AM
man, from the stuff ive seen, even i thought i was going crazy at the time

took me years to put things in perspective...

posted on Jul, 11 2005 @ 07:01 AM
Heh, this happens to me when I talk about UFOs to people in my school.

posted on Jul, 11 2005 @ 07:10 AM
My mom is a devout christian right down to the bone. She takes every word in the bible literally and yet I myself believe in aliens and that they had their hand in alot of our religious views. Anyway, you should hear the conversations we have. Anyway, my point.
It's interesting to hear that many people believe we are not the only ones in the universe most are inclined to say yeah it would be arogant to think this is it and we are the only ones, however, it's usually those same individuals that look at you like you are nuts when you claim you have seen something of an alien origin.

Why is it that people are inclined to believe that there is other life out there but disinclined to entertain the thought that they haven't decided to visit us?

posted on Jul, 11 2005 @ 07:26 AM

If it's "people see UFOs that are vehicles for aliens from other planets", that is disputable because then you have crossed the line from a simple observation (e.g. "people see UFOs..") to a speculation: "..that are vehicles for aliens from other planets." There's a difference.

Very true... So the better statement is, "I believe that some UFOs could be extraterrestrial vehicles, as they defy known terrestrial craft capabilities.."

posted on Jul, 11 2005 @ 10:41 AM
I highly doubt it has anything with the thought that we're all by ourselves. I'm confident we're not alone in the universe, however, I'm also fairly confident no intelligent alien life form has ever been to Earth. I've never seen an alien space craft, or an alien, I've seen no legitimate proof for it - so until the day when there's an alien space craft sitting on TV with a little green guy waving, you have another non-believer

posted on Jul, 11 2005 @ 11:04 AM
In my personal experiences I have been shocked by a few of my friends and family about their ET beleifs. About 5 months ago, my father came to visit me. We have a great relationship and pretty much talk about everything, but I have never brought up anything as controversial as ET existence. Mostly, because it was something that I figured he'd blow off and that would be the end of it. We were watching something on TV about aliens and I point blank asked him, "do you beleive in aliens?" I was blown away by his response. "Maybe, I just don't know for sure" was his reply. My father is a Christian pastor (a VERY consertive one with a massive knowledge of the Bible and all things theology). What he said to me basically says that he beleives it is possible that ET could exist. This was such a shocker to me, I just couldn't beleive it. I got so excited and jsut started rambling about how I beleive, and why I beleive, and all that jazz. We were interrupted by my baby waking up from a nap, and never really got back into the conversation (mostly cause I was still in shock).

Then, over 4th of July weekend, I was with about 6 of my closest friends and were a little drunk, so I was feeling a little bold and point blank asked them all, do you beleive in aliens? (all are marines who love to have a good time and not really people you'd think ponder such things) Again, I was blown away that all of them said yes. They were so matter of fact about it. Like I was the silly one asking them, thinking they would say no.

I just love being surprised by people!

[edit on 11-7-2005 by mpeake]

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