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posted on Jul, 10 2005 @ 01:35 PM
hey everyone i am currently writing a book on beliefs and would like to know what it is everyone beleives in and why. i will not judge cause i know my beleifs are a little out their in matter of opinon. i just need some new info and i also want some opinions as well. it would be great if you all could do this for me thanks

posted on Jul, 10 2005 @ 01:59 PM
Ones beliefs as in religion, spirituality, morals, etc? Or beliefs in what we think of terrorism, political agendas, etc?

Asking as, "beliefs", not coupled with any other wording, implies spiritual beliefs, yet this is posted in War On Terrorism. Perhaps better suited for Faith, Spirituality & Theology?


posted on Jul, 10 2005 @ 02:05 PM
What I Believe

I believe it’s important to occasionally sit down and take stock in the things you believe in. Sure, its easy to list off the things you don’t believe or have discarded because your journey has taught you better, still, it’s often hard to actually list off the things that you do believe. I learned this in a fellowship discussion group long ago. Since then I’ve had to occasionally sit down and put on paper the things that have been bouncing around inside my head.

I start with the last list I made and remove the things I’ve learned to be, well, not wrong but no longer applying to me. Then I add what I’ve learned over the time since I wrote it and go from there.

It makes things allot easier when I’m asked about my beliefs as well. Rather than having to go into a drawn out explanation I can hand them the latest list. I highly recommend this to everyone as well.

Matter of fact, I have learned that its thru the sharing and caring we have in each others lives that we are best able to grow.


I believe that before man, before the Earth, before the beginning of time, the truth existed, it’s the only thing that has never changed. It’s the only thing that has never needed to change.

I believe that unconditional love is the greatest gift you can give to this world, And to yourself.

I believe that there is only one race, the human race, and we’re all in it together, whether we like it or not.

I believe that forgiveness is not a gift to the person that wronged you, Forgiveness is a gift to yourself so that you may go on with your life in peace.

I believe that even though we express ourselves individually our spirits are all a part of the same being, the one who created all things. E Pluribus Unum, Out of many (people) One (spirit).

I believe that my true reflection will never be seen in a mirror before me, but in the eyes and hearts of the people I share my life with.

I believe that each of us has only one true gift we can give to this world, the gift of ourselves. Everything else will fall away

I believe that political power in the hands of religion has always, always, led to tyranny. I also believe that political power in the hands of religion will always lead to tyranny.

I believe that I have yet to meet a person who could not teach me something, if I will only pay attention.

I believe that every religion or designated path is in itself a cult, for no other reason than it narrows your mind from the broader realities.

I believe that your soul is as unique as the fingerprints on your hand. No one knows what you have learned and of the journey which brought you here. No one that is, except you. That’s why it’s important to share.

I believe that hugs make kids grow. (And they’re not bad for adults either)

I believe that though I am but a drop in the ocean, I am still the ocean. So are you.

I believe that if your heart is at peace with the life your living and your soul is at peace with your creator, who ever you consider that creator to be, than everything else is just icing on the cake.

I believe that hate is a poison to the soul of the person that is doing the hating.

I believe that all who teach us leave a part of their soul in ours.

I believe that in our darkest and most personally damned moments there is a light shining brightly to guide us, and we never realize that till long years have given us perspective.

I believe that your life is a reflection of your perspective on it. If you go around seeing things as being terrible then they inherently will be.

I believe that I have much to learn, and I know I will enjoy every moment of learning it.

Love and light,

Milton Redman
[email protected]

posted on Jul, 10 2005 @ 02:09 PM
Mathew, I find it hard to believe that you are writing a book about beliefs when your thread title is "beleifs", an obvious spelling mistake.

Just playing with you mate! Thank you for opening this topic, finally a topic we can learn about each other a bit more.

Mathew could you just elaborate on what types of beliefs are you interested in talking about in your book?
Please refer to "Misfits" post, he asked sort of the same question that I wanted to ask.

posted on Jul, 11 2005 @ 02:42 PM
wow, could you be a little more specific on "beliefs" cause otherwise I have to throw about 3 books at you to give you a basic understanding

posted on Jul, 11 2005 @ 05:11 PM

Originally posted by colin_hal
Mathew, I find it hard to believe that you are writing a book about beliefs when your thread title is "beleifs", an obvious spelling mistake.

Just playing with you mate! Thank you for opening this topic, finally a topic we can learn about each other a bit more.

Mathew could you just elaborate on what types of beliefs are you interested in talking about in your book?
Please refer to "Misfits" post, he asked sort of the same question that I wanted to ask.
ya i know it was in the wrong spot i'm new here so i'm sorry. whatever you believe in i'm wanting to base this book around what people believe in the most, even if u think it crazy (cause sometimes i think what i believe in is) i just need some help from all of u. This book will be all of yours even tho i am writing, from what u were taught when u were younger till now, even if u believe in nothing at all thats fine to i would just like to know thanks to all of you that posted.

[edit on 11-7-2005 by mathew]

[edit on 11-7-2005 by mathew]

posted on Jul, 11 2005 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by Misfit
Ones beliefs as in religion, spirituality, morals, etc? Or beliefs in what we think of terrorism, political agendas, etc?

Asking as, "beliefs", not coupled with any other wording, implies spiritual beliefs, yet this is posted in War On Terrorism. Perhaps better suited for Faith, Spirituality & Theology?

spirituality bro, i know it was in the wrong spot i'm know here so i'm sorry

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