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The past 100 years

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posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 01:11 AM
We have moved away from God.
Every since like 1890 or so when the wild west was ending and technology was booming there have been major changes.
1.Woman got rights to vote.
Since then hangings other death sentences have been stopped because people started feeling sorry for them.
If you raped someone and the husband found out they would kill you and that was that. Maybe a day in jail.(In the late 1800's).
And now there's human rights and animal rights and plant rights and dirt rights.(Made the last one up). You cant do anything now without some stupid law in the way.
Gays are now having rights and soon other mental disordered people will have their own rights!
There are now hate crimes and all this other nonsense which is too much to keep up with.
You can not do anything at all without breaking some stupid law you didnt even know about .
Rapists go to jail....come out in a couple of years...and RAPE again and this is pretty sad.
"In God we trust" is a thing of the past and now the very 10 Commandments are going to court!!!
GOD left america a long time ago and this country is going the wrong road and we can't do anything about it.

[edit on 2-7-2005 by Wisdumb]

posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 02:24 AM
WHOAH DUDE! I seriously don't see anything wrong with women getting the right to vote, Do you understand how important womens rights is? My mother was a single mother that came from a 3rd world country to this one and it offered her every right that a man has! trust me on this kiddo women not only have the right to vote but have earned the right to sit along side men in the decisions of society. Society might seem too soft on some things but trust me on this, it was way too harsh to the wrong people for WAY TO LONG! Now i don't care how religious you are, but women are never, NEVER second to men!

As for society seeming to go down hill, it might seem like it, but i think its just more things are more in the open. just cause people never talked about rape,murder and molestation didn't mean it never happen on a near equal percentage in the 1800s.

societies problems can usually be blamed on individuals, but when you take into account how there are more parents are at work than at home, you can see why morals might have strayed.

I don't know what kind of stories you heard about 1890, it wasn't any near on the scale of fairness that today's america is. have you heard of civil rights? of child labor laws? Vaccinations for children for free that you can get at any clinic if you cant afford it? Do you think that if a man raped a woman on the east coast in 1890 and he moved to Los angeles that somehow the poor family that worked 65hrs a week would be able the track him down and kill him as opposed to todays system?

Things are way better off for the common man today!

and as for caring about the enviroment, don't you think that their is a justified reason we have national parks? that we shouldn't litter the ocean? Their is definite logic behind the idea of planting a tree for every single one that use as lumber, or the restrictions that we have against poluting rivers,lakes and other bodies of water aside from giving plants right!

Not to be rude but this is more of a rant than an actual discussion on Faith, Spirituality & Theology.

posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 06:48 AM
Well first of all I am glad for women rights. Everyone is equal.
Im just wondering why it seems that all these wierd things happened after the wild west days.
Actually I was hoping someone would come up with a better explaination than mine because that is seriously all i could think of and I don't mean anything wrong to women.
But women do tend to care more for rights of rapists and such and they get to live- like michael jackson would have been killed without trial back then. It is okay for women to vote.
Yeah bad things did happen unfortunately but now a days things go public and still get away with horrible deeds.
The world is slipping from god and it might be government or citizens but all I know is most of the wierd stuff started about 100 years ago or more.(Yes i know i could be wrong on my history but thats what i get from thinking about what i know)

[edit on 2-7-2005 by Wisdumb]

posted on Jul, 2 2005 @ 08:23 AM

Originally posted by Wisdumb
Well first of all I am glad for women rights. Everyone is equal.
Im just wondering why it seems that all these wierd things happened after the wild west days.

Yep.. women voted hence slavery was legally abolished.. you think things went down hill from there..? The world for some was much worse then [it's just overpopulated now].

The world is slipping from god and it might be government or citizens but all I know is most of the wierd stuff started about 100 years ago or more.(Yes i know i could be wrong on my history but thats what i get from thinking about what i know)

The world has never had the morality that is inferred when god is mentioned, society just pretended to be moral. The things that were blatently immoral came under the heading of 'righteousness' and so were accepted without question [eg rape in marriage, slavery, witch burnings etc.].

[edit on 2-7-2005 by riley]

posted on Jul, 3 2005 @ 01:34 AM
Darn it no no no i am glad that there is no slaves and no things like that!!
I just want to know why everything seems to be accepted because even in my grandma's day(I asked her) things were more natural.
My mom and dad's day were a little worse but now its my day and everything and everyone are artificial and you cant even see a plain field of trees without some technology or somthing artificially placed.
I am just trying to place pieces of the puzzle of recent history to try to figure out when and why everything is like it is. My guess is technology and people accepting unnatural things but some technology is okay like medicine and such.
Every new discovery brings more poeple away from belief in god because we think we know everything....but can anyone make even an ant from scratch? With no DNA or cloning, just from dirt? Why do we think we are so smart anyways?

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