posted on Aug, 19 2003 @ 07:51 PM
alright jag - I've had time to read the long post you made a couple days ago and i have a few points:
reminding everyone: L-nation is a nation where women are liberated. C-nation is a nation where they are oppressed.
Alright option 3 - If 'slavery is wrong', is an absolute moral, then why don't the people of C-nation see this? The people of L-nation have no
trouble seeing it.. the theist and the atheist, both. Are the people (all the people, the entire culture) of C-Nation Evil?
Or maybe the people of L-Nation are all Evil. Somebody must be because they disagree on a moral absolute. Therefore, one group is morally wrong.
You assume it is C-Nation, because after all, they're the ones who are oppressing women, but you are biased because you are in the L-nation camp. Of
course you think the country oppressing women is wrong, because YOU think it is. But how do you know you're not on the wrong side? How do you know
oppressing women isn't an absolute moral good? You think you know, because you're "Source" tells you so, but they're "source" tells them the
opposite. So who's right?
That's the point. It's not that everybody's right - although I would say it that way - it's that NO ONE KNOWS WHO IS RIGHT. But lots of people
think they do.
When I look at this situation, this is what I see: Over hundreds of years, these two nations grew - for whatever vast societal reasons, they
diverged in their thinking on a certain moral stand: Women's Rights.
Both nations think they way they do it is natural and right - however - they approach the situation two different ways.
C-nation, is different from it's neighbor, but it hasn't tried to force its way of life onto L-nation or claimed L-nation was morally corrupt.
Meanwhile, the people in L-Nation, sensing (what they perceive to be) a moral outrage, can't seem to stop talking about C-Nation.
In fact, the Absolutists are so outraged, they propose economic sanctions - even threatening war, if necessary, simply because they disagree w/ the
way c-nation developed and are absolutely sure they're right..
But has C-Nation, this entire time so much as lifted a finger or even looked in L-nation's direction? Have they cried out, L-nation must become like
us!? No.
So who is morally unsound?
C-nation, and its peaceful society which developed over hundreds of years, in a way that another society may not agree with?
L-nation, who believes They are Always Right; who believes that every society should be like their's; who are willing to threaten and attack other
nations who don't agree with them...?
[Edited on 20-8-2003 by quango]