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Brazilian Air Force Video Of Historic Meeting

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posted on Jun, 21 2005 @ 06:28 PM
A partial transcrpit of the Fantastico Clip. Touched up slightly be me to make reading in english abit easier.

Transcipt of Fantastico Video

Eight years later, an officer of the Aeronautics that asked not
to be identified delivered to the Fantastico reporters a writing
capable to exactly impress those that do not believe flying records.

They are dialogues between the operators of the Cindacta, in
Brasilia, and two pilots of civil aviation, at the accurate moment
where they would be being pursued for presumptions not identified
flying objects.

The first pilot was of the Transbrasil, a company that does not
exist anymore. He reads what it says for the radio:

PILOT 1: Brasilia, Transbrasil.

CINDACTA: In its listening, it continues.

PILOT 1: It, also, now is next to people. It is in a violent speed. It
is to our right.

CINDACTA: Already you have visual contact with some form of aircraft?

PILOT 1: Negative, because the light is very violent.

Minutes later, another pilot who flied in the same area tells: also he
is being pursued for óvnis.

PILOT 2: It is really, apparently, following me. It is as if it was
making a flight of flotilla with us. And for your information we have
another aircraft, another target to our left, also.

CINDACTA: We are verifying two targets. They are two targets that
we verify in ours scope here.

Scope is the screen of the radar.

PILOT 2: They are two aircraft with different colors. Below, one is
red, and, above, one is white.

CINDACTA: Positive. We are cliente.

It is not known if this writing, done in 1977, is today in some
military archive. But if you want to discover what the authorities of
the Aeronautics know of fact on flying records, you read this news

For the first time in history, a commission of ufólogos, people
that searches flying record histories, is received by officers of the
Brazilian Aeronautics.

Between them, Ademar Gevaerd. He was it who recently launched
the campaign "Ufos - information freedom already".

"It arrives of secrecy on ufos, president", it asks for the

It gave certain. The Aeronautics made the invitation and now the
ufólogos ones go to know the system of control and defense of the
Brazilian airspace. And to perhaps obtain to discover some thing on the
enigma of flying records.

The ufólogos arrive at the Cindacta - the Integrated Center of
Aerial Defense and Control of Air traffic.

They are received by Brigadier General Teles Ribeiro, the head
of the Center of Social Communication of the Aeronautics, that
announces: the command determined that the information on OVNIs
were set free.

But before, all they go to the meteorological station, of where
balloon-sounding leads are launched that transmit to the screens of
the computers information as pressure, temperature of air, humidity.
Every day, in sets of ten of stations spread in the country, the
Aeronautical spear ninety balloons as this. And, some times, they are
confused with OVNIs.

Area control centre of Brasilia. Here one works to guarantee the
security of the flights. The airplanes in transit are indicated in the
screens of the radars for codes in orange - called "labels".

If a OVNI appeared now in the sky, as it would appear in this

"It would appear as a normal airplane, however without the label, that
brings the code that the pilot has", the officer explains.

"an image ( on ) radar that is not following a flight plan, that does not
follow the foreseen procedures, passes to be monitored by the
Prohibited Area. In determined moment, in function of its behavior,
the fighter pilot can come to be set in motion. If for happiness, it
he only visualizes a light, pro fighter pilot the mission is to
defend the airspace. If that light disappears of one hour for another
one, left of being an unknown traffic, it passed not to exist more.
The fighter pilot returns there for its base and from the paper of the
Air Force if he locks up ", explains the officer.

It has a form of the command of the Aeronautics that the pilots who
sight OVNIs and other witnesses must fill. "Traffic hotel" is the
code that if uses in the Aeronautics to assign these cases. It had a
next contact? An immediate contact with the object? Which age the
form? The color? The size? The speed? It was (Was it) stopped in air? It flied
in zigzag?

Comdabra: Brazilian command of Aerospace Defense. Here rare the
ingression of cameras is allowed. The reporter of the Fantastic one
entered and saw the following thing: on a table in the room that is the
center of decision of the Brazilian aerospace defense, it had three
document folders, that the ufólogos had been able to examine.

In the first folder, it was the deposition given in 1954 for a
commander of the Varig, Nagib Ayub, that it told to have seen
an unidentified flying object in the Rio Grande Do Sul.

The second folder contained the stories of the involved pilots in the
persecution the 21 OVNIs on São Paulo, Is Jose of the Fields and
Rio De Janeiro. The episode occurred in May of 1986, was divulged by
the proper minister of the Aeronautics, Otávio Moreira Rasp,
and appeared in news articles of the Fantastic one.

"the aerial defense requested me in that instant that I was for top of
the target and I tried to identify what it was. It was a strong light
very ".

In the third folder it was the report of the most impressive case of
the Brazilian ufologia: the Operation Plate - an inquiry on
OVNIs commanded in 1977, Pará, for colonel Uyrangê
Hollanda, died in 1997.

"We detect, at least, nine object forms. Flying record sounding leads,
ships, form... All the reports were directed by 1º Comar to
Brasilia ", declared Hollanda.

The reporter of the Fantastic one had access to the room of the
Comdabra where the private archives regarding OVNIs all are.
They are kept in a metal closet, in the last two drawers, and organized
in folders - one for each year, since 1954. According to a regulation
of the Aeronautics, the documents had received the classification from
"confidential" and still they cannot be opened the public.

"people verify the happened one, through the stories and of the things
that our radars register, and if together everything in a folder alone
and if makes the reading and it does not arrive yourself at a
conclusion, it does not arrive yourself to have a complete inquiry,
because we do not have capacity technique, scientifica, to arrive at
a conclusion regarding a thing that is not known aprofundadamente",
declares Brigadier General Atheneu Azambuja, commander of the

"the campaign continues, was not locked in for here. We had only one
more emotive moment today, go to say thus, of this process. Wire when
the Aeronautics in received them and showed: ` Olha, legally is in
the certain way, exists the registers, those who are here, legally can see
them. We wait now that legally they take the measures certain,
inside of the law, so that legally they can have effective access to
these documents ", commented Ademar Gevaerd, leader of the

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