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Scientology a Cult?

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posted on Feb, 14 2008 @ 07:26 AM

Originally posted by Wally Conley
Is Scientology a cult? If a sign of a cult is it brainwashing it's adherents: YES! But then, doesn't any and every organization around, from the Boy and Girl Scouts, to both major parties in the US, to all major religions do the same thing to a degree? Yes, as well. But unlike the others, who will tolerate to a certain degree dissent and people just getting up and leaving the group/organization, Scientology does everything in it's power to keep dissent stiffled. and to those who will not be silenced, they go that extra mile to destroy whoever questions them. And that is the biggest difference.

More like they go that extra hundred miles. After Paulette Cooper wrote her book "The Scandal of Scientology," the lengths they went to to try and destroy her life were truly insane. Scientology destroys lives because it's set up institutionally to do so.

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 05:02 AM

Originally posted by cybertroy
Sory if I offended anyone in my earlier comments regarding a dictionary. It's just a fact of life that many of us are going to come by things we don't understand. Me included. And the difference between understanding something and not understanding something can be a dictionary.

And i'm telling you folks, these negative links on Scientology are lot leading you toward the truth about Scientology. The truth is within the real Scientology books, tapes, etc.



[edit on 7-10-2005 by cybertroy]

[edit on 7-10-2005 by cybertroy]

I have read dianetics, The problems of work and hung around orgs a lot. I have also read the so called entheta material elwhere for a balanced view.

I'm sorry but the truth is not afraid of things. It's all different points of view and the truth becomes obviouse.

You are in a cult. I am sincerely sorry to break the news to you. Not only in a cult by whoever's definition but a dangerous cult at that.

I think you already know this deep down. A cult doesn't like you to have your own feelings, so they have TR'd you to think those feelings are bad. But they are what made you fall for COS in the first place. You felt "this is a nice place" but then you learnt about white PR and slowly through a gradient you were taught more and more to lose yourself, Your feelings and memories (enegrams) and you became someone different. You were told you must have a WIN before you could leave and so you did. You never understood Hubbard truly. When he was joking when he was real and the dictionary didn't either, so you just pretended like everyone else does and put on a white PR smile.

Well we love you and if you ever want to leave, we will be there for you

posted on Mar, 10 2008 @ 11:14 PM

posted on Sep, 9 2012 @ 10:17 PM
reply to post by anxietydisorder

Well that list almost looks like a word for word description of me before I found the wonders of fluoxetine.

posted on Sep, 9 2012 @ 10:27 PM
reply to post by sebatwerk

So you're saying anyone can make up a religion and (if it grows a large enough congregation) can have tax exempt status? I knew the Sacrificial Temple of the Flying Ninja Scotsmen wasn't just a one off assignment from my World Religions Class!

Anyone want to join?

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