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posted on Jun, 12 2005 @ 11:09 PM
I really don't care much about points, it is more about visability of threads and postings. Until there is more traffic on PTS, perhaps there should be some changes made to make forums more accessible and to advertise new threads and postings.

The 'New Post' page is important. New threads are only on the 'New Post' page for 6 hours and sometimes these get bumped off just by postings in the 'Board Questions & Business' forum alone. Considering that some forums on PTS don't receive daily traffic, it is a waste of time to post in them because unless someone specifically looks in these forums, new threads or posts will only be seen for six hours. Perhaps the 'New Post' page on PTS should be bounded by number of lines instead of time (wasn't it like this in the past?)

Also, considering that most forums are barely used, it seems like there are too many. Until more people start using the board, maybe it would be a good idea to condense the forums into fewer general topics. This way, people would be able to see new threads and postings more easily and hopefully discussions would become more lively. As more people begin to use these forums and they begin to get unruly, then it would make sense to divide them into subcategories. Until then, I think it just dilutes the traffic and results in more dead threads.

I also think that the ATS Political Conspiracies , War on Terror, Peak Oil Forums, as well as related news should also be listed on the PTS 'New Post' page.

My thoughts about moving threads from ATS--to me, it has nothing to do with points. It is a waste of time to research an issue, post it in what you feel is the appropriate forum on ATS, and then have it moved to an obscure place on PTS where no one will see it (especially if you know that the mod who moved it didn't read the text.) It seems like topics that could go either way are moved to PTS in an effort to stimulate discussion, but it does just the opposite if it is a dead forum. When you've spent a few hours putting a post together, it is quite frustrating to have it dumped in no man's land where your hard work is only viewed by 5 people over the course of a week--and after it's happened a few times, why bother doing it again?

posted on Jun, 13 2005 @ 07:34 AM

Originally posted by lmgnyc
I also think that the ATS Political Conspiracies , War on Terror, Peak Oil Forums, as well as related news should also be listed on the PTS 'New Post' page.

My thoughts about moving threads from ATS--to me, it has nothing to do with points. It is a waste of time to research an issue, post it in what you feel is the appropriate forum on ATS, and then have it moved to an obscure place on PTS where no one will see it (especially if you know that the mod who moved it didn't read the text.) It seems like topics that could go either way are moved to PTS in an effort to stimulate discussion, but it does just the opposite if it is a dead forum. When you've spent a few hours putting a post together, it is quite frustrating to have it dumped in no man's land where your hard work is only viewed by 5 people over the course of a week--and after it's happened a few times, why bother doing it again?

Thanx for your thots.

So far, based on alotta comments, its pretty much agreed that politix seems to be the red-headed stepchild of ATS.

What is this.. a conspiracy to hide away and shut-up EastCoastKid?

posted on Jun, 13 2005 @ 08:34 AM
I guess one problem is the fact it's only a year and a bit old and also the fact that at the present moment you can post Politics related stories on ATS so people don't really need to come over.

posted on Jun, 13 2005 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid

Thanx for your thots.

So far, based on alotta comments, its pretty much agreed that politix seems to be the red-headed stepchild of ATS.

What is this.. a conspiracy to hide away and shut-up EastCoastKid?

of course. here's how it works...
they find out who's the most popular among the 'troublemakers', and then they give them 'responsibilities'. of course, the responsibilities are really just pomp and circumstance. have they given you any real power?
as one of the most effective anti-establishment posters around here, you were easily voted into a popular spot. however, you will now be caught in the tide between the 'will of the people' and the 'omnipresent mods'.
i can't think of anyone more qualified to stand between the head-on locomotives. it's just kinda of a drag that you will have to spend time being a diplomat, now, instead of the warrior we've come to love and respect.

who knows? really, i just wanted to jump to conclusions on SOMETHING that i won't need a slide rule to defend.

(click, .....optimism on....)

here's what i'd like to see for PTS...

divert ALL political discussion, here. that means, 'scott ritter says bush signed off on iran attack for june', and, 'is peak oil a bush lie', and 'the new pope is a republican-marxist grey alien'. those are two examples of threads that were moved by, IMSO, overzealous mods who have an agenda to keep certain memes from spreading, and one ad absurdum example to make some people smile. this is what these other subdivisions of ATS are REALLY for. they are in place to disconnect the dots, by turning every discussion into a monochromatic, laser-focused, true or false statement.

i've wahhed about this, before. in order to help people CONNECT the dots, maybe we could have a mini-peer review before having some controversial topics moved to 'quieter', 'less 'pointed'', 'backwater', 'dungeon', 'vaccuum' areas of the board. a kind of 'classification court'.

i would like to see more things to be considered 'politics'. not just, left vs. right. medicare, taxes, money, insider networks, media mind control, ghetto lore, haliburton, monsanto, enron, human tagging and tracking, the shifting sands of the notsostatus quo......
an expansion of the definition politics could indeed make PTS a desirable forum(and MORE POINTS, I NEED POINTS. LOTS OF POINTS. SOMEDAY, I WILL HAVE ALL THE POINTS, MUHUHAHAHAHA!)

p.s. the only reason i come to ats is for points. i'm a point hog. give me your points, so that i can have ALL the points!!!!

[edit on 13-6-2005 by billybob]

posted on Jun, 13 2005 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by billybob

Originally posted by EastCoastKid

Thanx for your thots.

So far, based on alotta comments, its pretty much agreed that politix seems to be the red-headed stepchild of ATS.

What is this.. a conspiracy to hide away and shut-up EastCoastKid?

of course. here's how it works...
they find out who's the most popular among the 'troublemakers', and then they give them 'responsibilities'. of course, the responsibilities are really just pomp and circumstance. have they given you any real power?
as one of the most effective anti-establishment posters around here, you were easily voted into a popular spot. however, you will now be caught in the tide between the 'will of the people' and the 'omnipresent mods'.
i can't think of anyone more qualified to stand between the head-on locomotives. it's just kinda of a drag that you will have to spend time being a diplomat, now, instead of the warrior we've come to love and respect.

Responsibilities..... I knew it was too good to be true!

Thx for your input. I think everything political should fall under POLITIX, too. And that includes WOT. War is politics, just a different form - as others have also noted.

posted on Jun, 13 2005 @ 01:10 PM

WOT's more political than war(period or question mark here depending on the bias of the viewer)

posted on Jun, 13 2005 @ 01:38 PM

Originally posted by billybob

WOT's more political than war(period or question mark here depending on the bias of the viewer)

I don't understand how or why they divided things up the way they did. War IS politics, just by other means.

And shouldn't current events maybe fall under either politics or like ATSNN?

[edit on 6/13/05 by EastCoastKid]

posted on Jun, 13 2005 @ 02:35 PM

Originally posted by EastCoastKid

Originally posted by billybob

WOT's more political than war(period or question mark here depending on the bias of the viewer)

I don't understand how or why they divided things up the way they did. War IS politics, just by other means.

And shouldn't current events maybe fall under either politics or like ATSNN?

[edit on 6/13/05 by EastCoastKid]

it's like 'politicians' is the head, where the brain gives commands to the military, which is the body(the part of the body that kicks and punches and bites), and the other part of the body, the vast majority, of the body politic, is involved in eating and digestion. there is a nervous system(information) which causes the whole (we the people) to move as cells, which make up the different organ(isation)s that provide homeostatic systems of healthy balance.
if the body parts begin to feel too much pain, they will push the brain into involuntary actions. thank god for muscle mememory.

you can't say, 'politics' is a simple matter of left vs. right, freedom vs law. people are politics. everything we do is politics.

what political ideology is this? :

shops at walmart. works at walmart. watches t.v. doesn't vote.

this person is a part of the body politic.

what political ideology is this?:

he is a mercenary, grew up using weapons. raped by his father, the minister, whom he eventually murdered.

or this?:

he is a black twenty yr. old, in iraq. he joined the army, because he believes in the ideals of the constitution of the united states. he witnesses atrocities being committed at abu garhib. his brother was lynched by the kkk when he was five. he was forced to watch.

this is america. that's right. there are only two types of people. dems and repubs.

posted on Jun, 13 2005 @ 02:47 PM
Actually I think there are two types of people:

Those who care and participate

Those who are apathetic drones who never participate

And there is only ONE real party anymore: the REPUBLICRATS!

posted on Jun, 13 2005 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by Kidfinger
Dangit Vagabond! Now I have to come up with a good idea to counter yours so the left side is represented as well

You could just resort to mud slinging if you like. I never once showed up for duty in the Texas Air National Guard.... which I have never belonged to.

Or we could just call ourselves the "gang of two" and be in agreement (and be pilloried by conservative talk radio for it).

posted on Jun, 13 2005 @ 03:04 PM

Originally posted by The Vagabond
Or we could just call ourselves the "gang of two" and be in agreement (and be pilloried by conservative talk radio for it).

Nobody cares about me; I'm just the idea man. -flips you off- I'll take them somewhere else to BTS or something.

posted on Jun, 13 2005 @ 03:23 PM

Originally posted by Odium
Nobody cares about me; I'm just the idea man. -flips you off- I'll take them somewhere else to BTS or something.

Of course we value your ideas!

No need to go flipping the guys off!!

posted on Jun, 13 2005 @ 04:26 PM
Have the traffic flow for all the ATS WOT, POL COS threads show there, but reside here. Cross promote to drive traffic. That is the "square one" to revamp/tweaks of PTS.

- Keep the discussion at an emotional pitch with a CAVEAT EMPTOR implicit = links from valid sources, else it's Op/Ed, if it's Op/Ed it's not thread can find a valid source to some author's work in theme.

Why should you keep emotions high? Because the canary died.

The money is not coming back, the kids aren't coming back and more of the same is set to happen since majority [over]rule has replaced the Republic.
Folks need to be passionate about politics, but they need to have those passions directed to cull partisan avarice and garner erudite opinion. Scathing does not = partisan, if it's backed up with validly sourced material.
Between you & your Deputies, no one should be able to out research you!

posted on Jun, 13 2005 @ 05:05 PM
Thanx for speaking up, Bout Time. Your input is most definitely valued here.

posted on Jun, 14 2005 @ 10:36 AM
One way to get around the problem of people not "quoting" sources, etc, could be due to the fact a lot of people do not know where to find such information? It's fairly hard to find accurate books that Marx, Engal, etc, wrote although on the information I plan on doing (detailing what all these theories trully are) I will probably give links to online databases. If you know where everything Marx, etc, wrote is online as well as links to sites which give out new information on Governments etc, to attempt to help people.

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