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The Serpents

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posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 03:00 PM
You believe what you want, they exist everywhere on earth.

If you believe in the holy scripture (The Bible), you will know The Serpent is known to tempt Eve (The Serpent (Satan) said to Eve: God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods knowing good and evil.)

They are the fallen angels, they hide and dont want to be seen,
that is how they try to cripple you. They are the destruction of everything.

They have a connection with major history and also part of many theorys.

A Tree to be Desired (The Garden of Eden)

The Serpent said you will become Gods. "The Kundalini, like a serpent that arises up to the brain, awakening the Serpent Power". (Take that for an example aswell)

Dragons and Winged Serpents,

Example of a belief system they try to use to get you to worship them:

"The Anunnaki came from Planet Niburu to Earth and created man along with its civilisations and Kingships."

The idea was to take you away from God and his creation.

Like the 2012 belief system (The Mayans), and of course Egypt and more that they use included new belief systems related to them you will see in book stores for paganism and the like.

They want you to worship winged serpents wich represents them. Some people to this day in other countrys sacrifice people like they did back then. They like innocent sacrifices for them, included children. You will find direct evidence the Maya sacrificed children to them (Mayan Serpent Gods).

The Sun-Serpent Religion Returns,

The Worship of The Serpent,

The Illuminati Control, (Read more

Is it possible they are connected between this secret society? You decide for yourself between the connection.

The All Seeing Eye can be your tip.


The Serpent (Known as a Reptilian), known to be described as a shapeshifter. The appearance of any form desired.

[edit on 4-6-2005 by phantomviewer]

[edit on 4-6-2005 by phantomviewer]

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 03:47 PM
I like serpents, and I see dragons as guardians and protectors of those who are in danger such as women and children. I was born in the year of the dragon, on Lupercalia, the Roman celebration of Pan, the horned, goat legged nature god, who the layman's image of the devil is patterned after. My first name has two meanings, one of which is 'born of fire'. My western sun sign is Aquarius, and I have both Mars and Saturn in Aquarius too, which I have read adds up to lots of fire, powerful and conflicted feelings, which is not untrue in hindsight of my life so far. I question authority until I am content with my beliefs, and these beliefs are contrary to many church teachings. For example, I see the serpent in the garden as having told the truth, and having offered enlightenment, which was accepted. It is the same role that Prometheus plays in Greek myth, and anyone you ask will likely agree that the light is the good side, since light is always called the good side. Jesus is called the light of the world. And yet Lucifer means lightbringer, and the devil is called the son of the dawn, and the esoteric group called the Illuminati, the enlightened, are oddly considered evil. So I am not sure I agree with the whole good/bad light/dark thing. Maybe we are all the victims of an elaborate hoax and the dark is the good side? lol
Anyway, I like serpents, and dragons, and don't think they are evil. That was really my original point, but I got distracted.

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 04:08 PM

Pope Ratzinger is the lizard man.

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 04:11 PM
Well, that certainly added to the topic.

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 04:19 PM
Yeah, I caught that thing about Satan being a bearer of light. He originally was, was the cheifest of God's creation, beautiful beyond description. Then he rebelled. So, he still appears as a light bearer, though he is taking peoples thoughts and beliefs away from the true God. Just what I got from certain biblical passages.

So, serpents, good or bad...i dunno. Probably some of both, like everything else, right?

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 04:21 PM

Originally posted by intrepid
Well, that certainly added to the topic.

Sinead O'Connor's picture tearing fiasco was more tasteful....
two thumbs down to the poor attempt at humour, though I am sure my Irish Protestant ancestors would have enjoyed it. They lived for stuff like that..... not me. very immature.

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by BlackGuardXIII
I like serpents, and I see dragons as guardians and protectors of those who are in danger such as women and children. I was born in the year of the dragon, on Lupercalia, the Roman celebration of Pan, the horned, goat legged nature god, who the layman's image of the devil is patterned after. My first name has two meanings, one of which is 'born of fire'. My western sun sign is Aquarius, and I have both Mars and Saturn in Aquarius too, which I have read adds up to lots of fire, powerful and conflicted feelings, which is not untrue in hindsight of my life so far. I question authority until I am content with my beliefs, and these beliefs are contrary to many church teachings. For example, I see the serpent in the garden as having told the truth, and having offered enlightenment, which was accepted. It is the same role that Prometheus plays in Greek myth, and anyone you ask will likely agree that the light is the good side, since light is always called the good side. Jesus is called the light of the world. And yet Lucifer means lightbringer, and the devil is called the son of the dawn, and the esoteric group called the Illuminati, the enlightened, are oddly considered evil. So I am not sure I agree with the whole good/bad light/dark thing. Maybe we are all the victims of an elaborate hoax and the dark is the good side? lol
Anyway, I like serpents, and dragons, and don't think they are evil. That was really my original point, but I got distracted.

Maybe so. Maybe it was just a common misinterpretation of the Bible? Or maybe there is a whole conspiracy behind the holy scriptures. Now that you bring up Lucifer being the bringer of light, why did the angels revolt exactly?

Sorry for my little bit of dry humor, but now I'm started to get interested in this topic.

posted on Jun, 4 2005 @ 04:54 PM
Maybe so. Maybe it was just a common misinterpretation of the Bible? Or maybe there is a whole conspiracy behind the holy scriptures. Now that you bring up Lucifer being the bringer of light, why did the angels revolt exactly?

Sorry for my little bit of dry humor, but now I'm started to get interested in this topic.

I am just going on my own likely inaccurate take on the whole rebellion thing, but I see it as the common occurence where the brightest, most ambitious son doesn't want to be what dad wants him to be. He refuses to submit, and needs to find his own way, rather than just follow orders without question. He knows he is sharp, since he has been told so all his life, and yet he is frustrated that he is not allowed to choose his own path. Inevitably he breaks free and goes against his folks wishes, thereby becoming a beautifual anti-hero in their eyes. They see his move as a big mistake, and don't understand his stubborness. He sees them as controlling and not being respectful of his individual rights and freedoms. He feels that they treated him as though they owned him and had the right to determine his future. And hopefully one of them will lose the macho facade and pick up the phone. Then we can all be witness to a joyous reunion.
That might not be the exact biblical explanation.....

posted on Jun, 5 2005 @ 01:28 AM
the fallen are not here yet, or anymore, until revelations 12 when satan is thrown out of heaven where he is chained with them (also see jude 1).

posted on Jun, 5 2005 @ 01:55 AM
All the worst foods for you are white...

White flour (bread)
White Sugar
White Rice...

Man, maybe it IS time to embrace the dark side.

Or maybe someone has just tried very hard to make the good side look bad (infilitration thru priests, for the purpose of molestation, to show that even the top of the Church was corrupt, despite only a small percentage of members being so twisted)

posted on Jun, 5 2005 @ 08:06 AM
I suspect the "Rebbelion" of Satan and Lucifer had something to do with ownership of the creation of humanity. All angels had specific jobs to accomplish and little is known about there controbutions.

I suspect the chief angel in charge of creation (Via Gods orders) was lucifer. Quite a accomplishment, and just breath taking to say the least. Im sure its quite possible that Lucifer became arrogant and expected payment for his work in the form of worship. Satan was more than happy to worship lucifer, as satan was given the power to create via technology and genetic engineering from Lucifer. When Satan was asked to "Prostrait" to man, all hell broke loose. Why should I worship something I created? I suspect satan learned arrogance from Lucifer, and humanity fell from the graces of the biblical "Creators"

Give the devil his due LOL LOL

posted on Jun, 5 2005 @ 09:25 AM
I was recently told by an ex-in-law (who is a JW) that Adam and Eve were not the only sentient beings in the Garden. He was referring to the serpent and its kind. His point seemed to be that all sentient creatures have a right to their place in the world. IMO he was definitely on the serpent's side, even looked kind of like one.

My most recent understanding of this concept is a 'seed of promise', 'seed of bondage' approach. The 'seed of promise', in my understanding, leads from Adam down through Abraham and Sarah to Jesus and through Him to all of us in the form of salvation by grace through faith. The 'seed of bondage' leads from the serpent down through Abraham and the slave girl Hagar to Ishmael and his heirs, and offers a salvation of works via the law.

My ex-in-law went on to try to tell me how my body and soul would die and where in the Bible it said so. I countered with my belief in salvation by grace through faith, and told him I believed in the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and life everlasting. I then stated that I believed that the descendents of 'the seed of promise' and 'the seed of bondage' would be going at it until judgment day. He agreed, and we left it at that.

I'm not sure of fallen angels as serpents in the Garden, with Lucifer as the tempter. A race of reptoids descended from fallen angels battling a race of
humanoids descended from Jesus? Its confusing, and difficult to bring to bear on the moment. But it also makes sense, in a way.

[edit on 5-6-2005 by Icarus Rising]

posted on Jun, 5 2005 @ 02:10 PM
There is a paragraph missing from the start, but you will get the essence.

It was the voice of the serpent that had spoken.
"Who art thou?" demands the Adam.
I," the serpent answers, "am Satan who was stoned; I am the Adversary, the Lord who is against you, the one who pleads for your destruction before the Eternal Tribunal. I was your enemy upon the day that you were formed; I have led you into temptation; I have delivered you into the hands of evil; I have maligned you; I have striven ever to achieve your undoing. I am the guardian of the Tree of Knowledge and I have sworn that none whom I can lead astray shall partake of its fruits."
The Adam replies: "For uncounted ages have I been thy servant. In my ignorance I listened to thy words and they led me into paths of sorrow. Thou hast placed in my mind dreams of power, and when I struggled to realize those dreams they brought me naught but pain. Thou hast sowed in me the seeds of desire, and when I lusted after the things of the flesh agony was my only recompense. Thou hast sent me false prophets and false reasoning, and when I strove to grasp the magnitude of Truth I found thy laws were false and only dismay rewarded my strivings. I am done with thee forever, O artful Spirit! I have tired of thy world of illusions. No longer will I labor in thy vineyards of iniquity. Get thee behind me, tempter, and the host of thy temptations. There is no happiness, no peace, no good, no future in the doctrines of selfishness, hate, and passion preached by thee. All these things do I cast aside. Renounced is thy rule forever!"
And the serpent makes answer: "Behold, O Adam, the nature of thy Adversary!" The serpent disappears in a blinding sunburst of radiance and in its place stands an angel resplendent in shining, golden garments with great scarlet wings that spread from one corner of the heavens to the other. Dismayed and awestruck, the Adam falls before the divine creature.
"I am the Lord who is against thee and thus accomplishes thy salvation," continues the voice. "Thou hast hated me, but through the ages yet to be thou shalt bless me, for I have led thee out of the sphere of the Demiurgus; I have turned thee against the illusion of worldliness; I have weaned thee of desire; I have awakened in thy soul the immortality of which I myself partake. Follow me, O Adam, for I am the Way, the Life, and the Truth!"

posted on Jun, 6 2005 @ 04:40 PM
in all the ancient cultures of the world there is the symbol of the bull or horned beast. does that mean we're being controlled by a sinister race of 4th dimensional bull-men? the symbolism of such things as the serpent in ancient cultures is more complex than any simple explanation.

posted on Jun, 6 2005 @ 06:02 PM
Maybe it was just a common misinterpretation of the Bible? Or maybe there is a whole conspiracy behind the holy scriptures.

Of course it is, to the very day of the creation of the holy scripture.

Manipulation is the answer. Sunday isnt the day of worship,
its Saturday wich is the Sabbath holy day.

Take example of the Vatican Church wanting it Sunday (Sun Worship),
they are not of God as they say. To change the real day of the sabbath,
they know that half of the world follows them.

For more information go to:

You say the Vatican are good people, but why do they disrespect Gods commandment? They even hide secrets from you that they would kill for not to be released. It is quite sad and pathedic.

[edit on 6-6-2005 by phantomviewer]

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