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Just what is a conservative ?

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posted on Sep, 25 2005 @ 12:56 PM
Todays neocons and the religious right are not conservatives, they are right wing statists.

The fundamental idea behind genuine conservatism, right or wrong, is the idea of limited government. The modern right has almost entirely abandoned this principle - the size of government continues to grow at a breakneck pace, and more and more aspects of our lives are subject to state regulation.

The religious right feeels the goverment should be in the business of regulating people's sex lives, their medical choices, what they are allowed to watch, read and listen to. The neocons want a big government that not only polices the US, but the entire planet (not coincidentally making billions for their patrons in the process - all with taxpayer money). Neither are "conservatives" in any real ideological sense.

posted on Sep, 25 2005 @ 09:13 PM
This may be an oversimplification but I don't think so.

Political Conservatives think they know how I should live my life and would like the power to force me to their will.

True conservatism imo says "I don't care what you do as long as you don't hurt anybody; and LEAVE ME ALONE"

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