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Blue Cell's ATS story

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posted on May, 16 2005 @ 04:30 PM
July 15th 2015, 2:00 AM ring, ring, "hello" answered Italian President Dimarco Mugardi. "Sir we have just learned that the Italian luxury cruise ship the Luthianic has been taken over by Egyptian terrorists" said the presidents national security adviser Coreli Mona. "How did this happen" the president asked? "Sir I think you should come over to the briefing room that way we can be sure no one is listening, okay I'll be there in a couple of minutes". A couple of minutes later, "okay here are the main questions I have"said the President, "one how did they get on with weapons? The second how many of them are there? And the third is how many people are on board? Okay well to answer your first question we have learned that there is a gun made out of a plastic like substance, thats how we think there weapons got past our metal detectors, the answer to your second question we don't know, and to answer you third question we know that there are about 1500 people on the cruise ship" answered the NSA (national security adviser). "Who knows about this incident so far" asked the president? "Well so far only us MR. President" answered the NSA, "okay good lets try and keep it that way".

La Spezia Italy Naval Special Forces Command 6:00 AM in the briefing room, "okay we just received a report that Egyptian terrorists have taken over the luxury cruise liner the Luthianic", said COMSUBIN unit 6 (COMSUBIN are basically Italian Navy seals) commander Nelo Orgonei. "Right now they appear to be going to Libya, now our mission is to of course infiltrate the vessel and kill the tango's". "What do they want" asked one of COMSUBIN 6ths team members? "Well there asking for the 20 million dollars and the release of the 15 prisoners of there group which are currently being held in a maximum security prison in La Spezia. What is there group's name" asked another one of the team mates? "Its an islamic fundamental group called the EFLP or Egypt's Front for the liberation of Palestine" answered the commander . Okay guys the next thing we have to do is make a plan infiltration, transportation, etc, we will meet in the planning room at 0500 tommorow dismmissed said the captain.

[edit on 16-5-2005 by blue cell]

[edit on 16-5-2005 by blue cell]

posted on May, 16 2005 @ 06:51 PM
very nice so far, looking forward to reading more

posted on May, 17 2005 @ 11:54 AM
Nice mate!
Going for the boaty feel huh?

One thing mate, remember to put " that at the start and stop of any speach. Really does break up the lines and helps identify who is saying what.

Good so far mate, anychance of a heli assualt?

posted on May, 17 2005 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by devilwasp
Nice mate!
Going for the boaty feel huh?

One thing mate, remember to put " that at the start and stop of any speach. Really does break up the lines and helps identify who is saying what.

Good so far mate, anychance of a heli assualt?

Thats a secret, right know I'm planning the next part your see what's gonna happen then.

posted on May, 17 2005 @ 06:57 PM
The next morning 0500 in the planning room, "okay guys there are 3 ways we can assault the ship" said commander Nelo Orgonei. "The first one is by boat we can be dropped from a C-130 with 4 RHIBs (rigid hull inflatable boats) about 20 miles away from the vessel, then we can of course drive the boat there and use grappling hooks to assault it. The other way is by helicopter we can have 4 helicopters with 8 shooters on each, approach the ship on all four sides front, back, east, and west. Also in addition each helicopter would have 2 snipers so we could have accurate aerial fire support. Then there is also a mix of the two ya see, naval special forces command, wants us to work on our joint naval special operations skills with other countries. So here are the countries we may work with the US, Germany, or Britain, or we could work with all of them. Now here is what I was thinking Britain could do the shipborne assault with us, and the US could do the aerial assault with germany. That is if you guys want do do a joint mission, sure commander" said team mate Gureli Marconi, "do the rest of guys agree" asked the commander? "Ya sure they all spoke up but we want to choose what exact unit we do it with, okay its a deal then" said the commander.

We will meet the tommorow at 0600 to disscuss more about what units we will chose, dissmissed said the captain. The next day 0600 in the planning room, "okay I have compiled a list of units to choose from said the commander. The first country will look at is the US, we have two SEAL teams to choose from, SEAL Team Six and SEAL Team 8. The first team is commanded by Matt Simons, he is a graduate of Annapolis Naval Academy also his team has practiced with other naval special forces units on maritime hostage rescue. The next team is commanded by Justin Brackston, he is also a graduate of the naval academy plus he went to war college and his team is also very good at maritime hostage rescue operations and has a proven combat record. Okay which unit do you think we should pick" asked the commander? "We like the one with the proven combat record training means nothing if you can't apply it to real life"answered the men. Okay then thats the team we will pick for the one of the helicopter assaults".

[edit on 17-5-2005 by blue cell]

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 03:03 PM
"Okay men the next country I'm gonna go to is Germany, they have 2 teams we can pick from. KSK unit 9 and KSK unit 3, team 9 is commanded by Olreck Himons, his team is very good at helicopter assaults and regulary practices with seal team 8 on counter-terror ops and maritime hostage rescue. The next team is commanded by Erin Rommel his team is very good at hecliopter assaults and they also have the best shooting skills out of all the German Special forces. We want team 3, in these kinds of ops you need extremly good accuarcy" said the men. "Okay then will pick them" the commander said, "the last country is Britain and they have two teams we can pick from SBS unit 4 and 10. Unit 4 is trained heavily in hand to hand combat and are specialist in sharpshooting and silent infiltration. Unit 10 is also trained in hand to hand combat plus they are trained in stress shooting, which means even if they are in stress they can still shoot accuratly. We chose unit ten" the men answered. "Okay then that settles it" answered the commander.

"Tommorow we will leave to the coast of Scotland and meet the teams there then we well practice doing the assault on the cruise ship Queen Mary 2. We have 2 weeks intill we have to give into demands, or the entire ship is blown up. Also we have to get some intell on the ship will make a plan with the other teams tommorow on how we can do that" said the commander. "I'm thinking we can use a class IV UAV, it looks kinda like a cone and it is very small and can hover for about 18-24 hours it has a a range of 75 km. Also it could operate at night using night vision sensors, like my idea" asked the commander? "Sure skipper" the men all chimed in, "also we need thermal imaging googles, and I think using the black hawk transport helicopter would be the best choice it can fit a good payload and also is very good for snipers to snipe from" okay commander anything else?. No that will be it dissmissed.

Oh yeah just to tell you guys I'm not going to be able to do the story for in least 2 days.

[edit on 18-5-2005 by blue cell]

posted on May, 23 2005 @ 04:21 PM
The next day 0500, "okay men we have long ride ahead of us know lets board the plane" ordered the commander. Six hours later "we will be landing on the orkney islands of the coast of Britian in 10 minutes" said the pilot. Twenty minutes later "okay I see the other teams lets go introduce ourselves, how you doing my name is captain Nelo Orgonei " the commander said to rest of the team leaders. "Nice to meet ya" they all replied, "lets go the planning room so we can set up a scenerio that we can practice" the american captian said. In the planning room, "okay my plan goes like this" the Italian commander said "4 RHBI's approach the ship from each direction front, back, east, and west sides. Each boat carries 4 people 1 climber, one scout, and two shooters. Then there is 4 helicopters each approaching from oen side, front, back, east, and west. Each helicopter carries 4 men including two snipers in each coper, each copter has 1 scout and three shooters the people in the boats climb up from the bottom while the people in the copters rappel down to the top of the boat" said the commander.

"Well I would change one thing" said the KSK unit commander "I would have 2 of my snipers one on two helicopters and of seal team eights snipers on each helicopter. So it would go like this 1 scout for each side of the ship and then two shooters for each side, like the idea" asked the commander? "Yeah we like it" said rest of the commanders replied, "okay then now the next thing we have to discuss is how are we suppose to get intelligence on the vessel" asked the US Seal Team commander ? "Well I could get the plans and schematics of the vessel from the builder" replied Nelo Orgonei. "Okay thats good the next thing we need to know is how many terrorists are on the boat, well I have an idea"replied Nelo Orgonei. "My idea is to use a class 4 UAV, which is actually made in your country Justin Brackston, here is how it would work, the UAV is a small hovering cone shaped object we would equip it with night vision googles and would launch them and monitor them from a laptop on a RHIB, 10 miles away and about 5 days from the mission. Like my idea" asked the commander? That's a splendid idea said the SBS commander know we just have to plan the actual scenerio .

To be continued!

posted on May, 27 2005 @ 04:03 PM
"What units should we use for the OPFOR" asked the SBS unit commander Dike Breacon? "SAS troopers" replied Nelo Orgonei, "then how many SAS troopers should we use" asked Justin Brackston? "Three hundred sounds good, that would mean 1 terrorist for 50 people" replied Elrin Rommel, "no because the 300 terrorists would be part of the 1,500, so it would be 1 terrorist for 40 people" replied Nelo Orgonei. "Well remember we don't know how many terrorists are aboard could be more, could be less"replied Dike Breacon. "Well I can't picture there being much more than that" replied Erin Rommel, "it would be to suspicous".

"I have one more adjustment on how we are going to infiltrate the ship" said commander Justin Brackston, "we are going to have a way bigger team, I was thinking a 2 scouts on each side of the top levels of the ocean liner then 3 shooters following right behind them. Same order for the people infiltrating from the boats, also there would be some small ships that would hold snipers , there would be 4 boats one for each side with 1 sniper in each. This way both the top and the bottom would have accurate fire support, like the idea" asked Justin Brackston? "Yeah that is good idea" replied Nelo Orgonei, "I never thought of doing it that way, so say there are three hundred terrorists and 50 of us including our snipers. Then that would make 6 enemies for each of my man, not that bad of a ratio seeing that we guys are some of the best shooters in the world" the commander said .

posted on Jun, 5 2005 @ 08:02 PM
We have one week and 4 days before demands must be met now lets get some info on the Queen Mary ordered the American commander. Nelo Orgonei? Yeah, your team will go get the schematics of the boat then make the plan on how we are to navigate the ship. My team will do some recon on the guards patrols, when they switch etc. Dike Breacon your team will get us some recon from the inside, steal identity cards, heck do whatever you have to do to get inside to get us some good op intel. And those are the only jobs I can think of said Justin Brackston. Remember we have four days to do this training mission we can't screw up, three days to get intell and the last day to assault. Then from then on we have 2 days to get to our point and 4 days to gather recon on the actual ship. Good luck, and may we be succesful in this operation.


Okay men I know for a fact that the plans for the queen mary are at the royal bureau of maritime schematics, its about a 5 hour flight from here and is located in London on ST. Regis Street. To not look conspicous only four people will go, the first person of course will be me said Nelo Orgonei, the second person I will chose will be Mark Pertony, the third Tony Mercedes, and the fourth Fabiono Guraldi. In the meantime the rest of you will follow way behind us, but good enough to know if someone is on our tail. We leave tonight at 0600 you follow us at 0700 ordered the commander, okay men that will be all. 0600 Okay men remember to be on the lookout for suspicous characters now lets go, as they started to board the 707 they saw two Egyptian looking men board the plane, well once we land in London lets give the follow on team the heads up on these guys ordered the commander. Heck there may be more, I'll I know is that it is a little weird that Eygptian guys are on the Orkney Islands its swarming with SAS troopers and is home to Britains largest counter-terror center. Well were find out soon enough replied Mark Pertony, to be continued!

posted on Jun, 5 2005 @ 08:22 PM
Do ya guys like my story alot so far?

posted on Jun, 8 2005 @ 06:35 PM
As they were walking down the isle to find their seats, they noticed that there were at least 10 more Egyptian men on the plane. As they sat down Nelo Orgonei said "I have to go to the bathroom" they of course read what he meant and said "so do we then lets go together" he ordered. "Okay man I can tell were being tracked men, in fact there probably is a more guys waiting near the airport in cars ready to track our movements. So I'm gonna call our following team and tell them to take a small airplane and land at a army airfield that my friend Charles Diogard is in charge of near the London. I'll just clear it up with him, and things will be all set" he said. "Also before we go to the Royal Bureau of Maritime Schematics, we have to find out what these guys are about and formulate a plan. Also it would be very good to get some weapons, and I know just the place" he said with a smile. As they unboarded the plane, they saw 5 darkened sedans right out side the airport, "just as I though, those Idiots are tracking us and they think were clueless that gives one advantage" said Nelo Orgonei. "now guys ya know how I said I know a place were we can get some weapons"? "Yea we remember" skipper "well lets get us a room were we can talk about this in private" he ordered. "What hotel do you suggest skipper"? "Something lo key I think Holiday Inn will do" he replied, "okay then were go to the holiday inn on Bird Street. Good area, not that busy has a forest in the back perfect for escaping unoticed, okay lets go to the rent a car place and rent a Mustang " the commander said.

At the hotel, "okay men here is the deal I got a friend that is in SAS that has access to tons of weapons, and he would be more than happy to give us some if it assists in taking down terrorists. Now the problem is he lives about 60 miles away from here in Yorkshire, that means that we have to either shake the people tracking us or kill them. Now since we don't have any weapons we need to improvise I think we can use that forest to sneak our way out and get some stuff from the local hardware store" he said with a smile.

[edit on 8-6-2005 by blue cell]

[edit on 8-6-2005 by blue cell]

posted on Jun, 13 2005 @ 05:58 PM
"Men here is my plan to sneak us out of the hotel with no one knowing" said Nelo Orgonei. "From our balcony to the woods is about 250 yards, the only spots there keeping a eye on is the hotel hallways, the lobys, and the 250 yards of grass before the forest. That means once we rappel off the balcony all will have to do is crawl 250 yards to the forest from there I believe were safe, and its dark enough that if we stay low know one will see us. Then from there will go through the forest, which will take us about an hour to go through, at a pace of ten minutes a mile. Then when we get the equipment we need, will find out how we can use it" said the Commander. "I like the idea skipper" said Mark Pertony. "Okay then will will go out at about 12 PM". "How are we suppose to get the material, any hardware store will be closed by then" asked Tony Mercedes? "Welll were infiltrate the building and put the cash on the desk" answered Fabiano Guraldi.

"Okay anymore questions" asked the commander? "No were all set" commander answered Mark Pertony. "Okay, right know its 11:50 will turn of the lights and there think were going to sleep, then were make our move said Nelo Orgonei. 11:58, "okay lets move" ordered Nelo Orgonei. "I'll go over the balcony first" whispered Nelo Orgonei. As he was close to touching the ground, he noticed that some lights in the forest of in the distance. "Why the hell does this have to happen" he wondered to himself? Once all the men came rappeled down he told them the situation, "once we get into the forest we mantain absoulute silence, we don't know if those people are campers in the woods, or enemies, if you have to alert me of something, alert me through hand signals, he ordered.

[edit on 13-6-2005 by blue cell]

posted on Jun, 23 2005 @ 12:14 PM
Twenty minutes later, Nelo Orgonei gave the signal for Mark Pertony to scout ahead in the forest. As he was scouting, he heard the rattle of a canteen he looked in the direction the sound was coming from and he saw a couple of kids and a man walking on the main trail in the forest. "Okay" he thought to himself "its just campers, better go tell capt about this". He sneaked quitely over to where they were in a couple of minutes, "cap"? "Yeah he whispered in reply" " the people in the woods are just campers". "Oh okay then we have nothing to worry about, lets move guys, but remember keep the noise level low", he commanded. As they quietly moved through the forest, they saw that they were getting closer to the town of Martinshire. As they came out of the woods they immediatly scanned the town for any people outside.

"All clear" they whispered to each other, the first thing they noticed when they started walking through the town. Was that it was very old, lots of Victorian Style Houses, also it had about three churches with bell towers. "Those bell towers would be perfect spots for scout/sniper activity", Mark Pertony though to himself. "Wonder if MI6 does any ops here", then as they were looking down the street they saw a hardware store. "Perfect" Nelo Orgonei said, "okay guys I know you wondering how were gonna use stuff in a hardware shop, to set bobby traps. Here is the plan were gonna get some nails, matches, and a match box. Were gonna launch the nails at the fuel tanks, while launching the lighted matches at the same target , then of course the gas will light on fire and there cars will blow up".

"Now we just have to get in" replied Tony Mercedes. "No problem I use to be in this kinda buisness, it'll be a piece of cake" answered Fabiano Guraldi. "Okay then lets get down to buisness" said the commander. No problem I'll do a little recon on its security systems and possible places of entry" replied Fabiano G. As

posted on Jun, 29 2005 @ 06:18 PM
Very nice ATS story!
I've really enjoyed the read.

posted on Jun, 30 2005 @ 06:52 PM
As Fabiano G sneaked up to the building he noticed that they had a AD&T security system. "This might take me awhile' he thought to himeself. On further inspection, he noticed there was a ladder up to the roof. "Hmm I wonder what could be up their" with that though in mind he slowly started to creep up the ladder, listening for any signs of movement. When he got up there, he noticed that there were some sun windows, "just need to unlock those then we can get down there" he though to himself. "Okay guys I've found a point of entry" he said to the rest of the group. "Will follow you then" said the commander, one by one they all got up onto the roof. "Who's going first" asked the commander? "I'll go, I could recognize any security systems that were there" answered Fabiano G. "Oh yeah I have to open the windows, this might take a little bit", he got out his lockpick and started doing his work. Twenty seconds later, "I'm going in" he told rest of the group, as he put some rope around one of the big plant tubs.

Slowly he rappeled down to the hardware store's floor, looking for anysigns of alarms, satisified with his quick search he untied the rope and threw it back up. "All clear", he whispered to the rest of the guys, when all of the guys were down they started to search with small flashlights for the stuff they were looking for. A couple of minutes later they found the stuff they were looking for, after that they climbed up the rope and quickly relocked the windows and made their way to and through the forest, back to their hotel room.

posted on Jul, 1 2005 @ 07:12 PM

Originally posted by JBurns
Very nice ATS story!
I've really enjoyed the read.

Thanks man!

posted on Aug, 9 2005 @ 09:35 AM
0200 July 19th : "Okay here is the revised plan, we are going to sneak up close to their cars, and launch the nails, then light a arrow on fire with the matches. We are gonna launch the nails by nail gun. But first we have to make a bow and arrow, who will do that"? Asked the commander. "I'll do it" said Tony Mercedes. "Then will set up a surveliance area around you, intill your done making everything". Said Fabiano G. Two hours later, "its finished" said Tony M. " Now all we have to do is launch it" replied Fabiano G. "I'll shoot the nails , and Fabiano will shoot the arrow", ordered the commander. Slowly they sneaked up, listening intently for any noise that might give away a hidden enemy, intill they were 10 meters away from the car. "On my count" whispered the commander. "One, two, three!" Five seconds later the cars were turned to scrap metal, "well that job is done" said Mark Pertony. "Now we can go get those weapons we want later tonight, for now lets get some sleep. And get rid of the evidence, that we did this". Ordered the commander, twenty minutes later all the equipment they used was destroyed.
"Well I just talked to my SAS (special air service) friend
and he said we can come over right away" said the commander. After they got into the car, it took them 2 hours to drive to his house. "Long time no see, why the hell haven't you called me"? Said Mick Freeman (SAS friend) "I've been a little busy lately" Nelo Orgonei said with a smile.

Five minutes later they were sitting down on the couch with a couple glasses of scotch. "So what guns do you think you will need"? asked Mick Freeman. "I think all will need is some silenced pistols" replied the commander. "I have some right in my basement, so that won't be a problem" replied Mick Freeman. " You think you will need any help"? "That wouldn't hurt, you know london pretty well" replied the commander. "Well I've been hunting down IRA operatives around there for 15 years, ya get to know the place pretty well. Do you think some of my team can join"? "Sure but only four people, we don't want to make our presence known here. You think we could stay at your house/base"? Asked the commander. " No problem it will be good place to plan your moves carefully".

posted on Aug, 9 2005 @ 09:36 AM
People leave comments, heck give me advice on writing!

posted on Aug, 27 2005 @ 08:25 AM
July 20 0200

"Okay my house is about 80 miles from were you want to go" said Mick Freeman. "There may be more terrorists though, it sounds like a complex operation there running, so we defintly will need a surveliance detection route, and a team to make sure now one if following you" said Mick Freeman. "I think we should be the ones to go to the designation, and your guys can make up the surveliance detection team" said the commander. Now we just have to find a route to take" said Tony Mercedes. "I know a perfect route we can take, Nelson Rd," said Justin Hackfort. "Its a perfect route for surveliance detection, there is a forest that is perfect for placing surveliance teams, and the route is about only 10 miles over the main route from Micks house to you destitnation". "Good thinking Hackfort, we better get to placing those teams there before you start out" said Mick. "I think we should have two people watching the road for every 10 miles", said Mark Pertony. "Great idea" replied the commander. "Okay then everything is set" Mick breathed with a sigh of relief

One hour later:

"Is everybody armed"? Said the commander. "Yes sir"! They replied. "Then lets get moving", the mustang took of in a sudden shot of speed, and they were on their way.

posted on Sep, 14 2005 @ 02:49 PM
As they were driving Tony Mercedes noticed that their were some cars following them that did not have their lights on. "Boss some on is following us" he declared. "Good we modified this car back at Mick's house, get the shotgun and aim for their windshield out of the shooting holes" the commander ordered. A couple seconds later... boom, "bullseye" said Tony Mercedes. "But that hasn't stopped him that much" with that word suddenly a shot was fired and hit the back of their car. Tony and Mark shoot back at them and notify our scouting team of the enemy" ordered the commander. "Okay I see a ditch fire at their wheels maybe we can get them to swerve of the road into it" said Tony. "One down, two to go" said Mark. A couple minutes later they had forced all of the cars down into the ditch and the scout team had apprehended them. The commander breathed "well looks like we took care of them", 10 minutes later they were approaching the building. When they got out of the car they started to notice just how big the building was, from the look of it, it must of been in least 50 stories high. "Men the schematics we want are on the 49 th floor, the reason were doing this secretly is because we can't arouse any suspicion. Tony you check out the security systems, Mark you try and find a way of entry", 4 people from the British scouting team will be in a couple of minutes, the commander ordered. As Tony was looking around the building he noticed that the company used a World Threat Security Systems, security system. *Wow those security systems are like the best in the world* he though to himself. Suddenly a though popped into his mind, he remembered reading an article about advanced sercurity systems awhile back. He remembered that by sending powerfull electric pulse's you could fry most advanced security systems circuits. *Now all I have to do is find the central electronic circuit* he thought to himself. As he was looking around he noticed a square block attached to the outside wall of the the south side of the building. *Hmm that may be it*, he looked for something that he could use to reach that block, he saw a window and a landing 2 feet away from the block, and 5 feet of the ground. With one big jump he jumped up to the landing, opened the block and realized he was right. Now all I have to do is get the right equipment from the car", he slowly jogged back to the car reporting his findings and getting the equipment. A couple minutes later the security system was fried, when he went back to the car the Brits were there.

As Mark was looking for a way of entry he noticed a pattern of windows that were 4 feet away from each other and that started on the first storie and went up all the way to the top of the building. *That just might work just need to find something to tie the rope to *, he though to himself. Then he saw a that their was a hook every 3 stories up the building, *well, well, well looks like we have a plan*.

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