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SCI/TECH: New Technology Literally Allows The Government To Read Your Mind

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posted on May, 4 2005 @ 09:07 AM
A new collaboration between Japanese and American scientists has developed technology which actually is able to read a persons mind.
While in its infancy, tests have concluded that the basic premise of reading a mind has been identified. Currently scientists are able to determine which image a subject is viewing, or has chosen to view.
Using MRI technology, scientists scanned regions of the brain which are known to perceive images, and they were able to identify which image a subject was viewing. With this amazing development, scientists believe that they will now be able to develop this technology to the point of actually reading a persons awareness, and intentions.
It is also believed that this will allow doctors to determine whether or not comatose patients are actually aware.
Scientists from Japan and the United States have figured out how to read a person's mind by remotely measuring brain activity, extracting information of which the subject is not even aware. Science fiction? No. It's real.

So far it's pretty rudimentary stuff in that the mind-reading machine can only identify visual patterns a volunteer can see or has chosen to look at. But the researchers are hopeful that the approach will eventually probe into a person's awareness, focus of attention, memory, and movement intention, report New Scientist and Scientific American.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

Wow, this is the stuff of Science Fiction. While I find it fascinating, I also find it a bit scary. While I would think that the benefits would outweigh the cons, the potential for "Big Brother" is definitely there.
If this technology develops at the rate that most technology does these days, it's not out of the realm of possibilities that authorities could actually scan your thoughts as you drive by, the same way they use a radar gun to check your speed.

[edit on 4-5-2005 by Macuser]

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 10:15 AM
If what they are saying is in fact true then this link clearly shows when combined that the theory of evolution over creation is correct.

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 01:22 PM
I agree with both concerns and hopes for this...
it has much potential to serve good.
It also could be used in the future to convict thought crimes...
except that thought crimes are not crimes and are really just fantasy.
It would be very difficult indeed to prosecute someone for something they haven't and perhaps would never do.

I don't know anyone who hasn't fantasized about commiting a crime...
whether it be killing someone if they could truly get a free ride (like presidents supposidly do)
or robbing a bank whenever they were broke...
these are novel and fleeting thoughts that have no base in reality or consideration... they are jokes the mind plays on itself...
so as long as a legal system recognized that, then all the good could still come of it...

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 01:26 PM
MRI technology is pretty difficult to use in a stealthy way, the magnets are extremely powerful.....

Even though no metal objects are supposed to be in the testing area, because they will be pulled toward the 10- ton machine by its powerful electromagnet, a metal oxygen tank somehow made it into the examination room.
The tank, about the size of a fire extinguisher, became magnetized, then flew through the air at 20 to 30 feet per second

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 01:30 PM
there are animals in existence that defy evolution by their abilities/traits and there are animals that support the theory by "similarities" with other animals. unless evolution can maintain it's truth in all cases of the creatures of this earth, your statement is lacking and ignorant. maybe this will happen some day, but today is not that day.

btw, our bodies can accept organs from pigs. but we are not on the same branch of evolution. or are we?


posted on May, 4 2005 @ 01:35 PM
New technology that allows the goevernment to control you mind and emotions remotely?

What do you think they are up to with all of this?

The day has arrived, our technology is surpassing our humanity.

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 01:42 PM
I'm safe, my mind has been completely blank for years
I think I did alot of acid in my youth but I can't remember anymore

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 02:23 PM

Originally posted by Dasher
there are animals in existence that defy evolution by their abilities/traits and there are animals that support the theory by "similarities" with other animals. unless evolution can maintain it's truth in all cases of the creatures of this earth, your statement is lacking and ignorant. maybe this will happen some day, but today is not that day.

btw, our bodies can accept organs from pigs. but we are not on the same branch of evolution. or are we?


Ha yeah try and prove evolution and until then its not true. Proving the universe was made in 6 days by an ominpotent being is a lot easier. Its written in the worlds most popular book!

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 02:33 PM
I think that the title should be changed, there's no mention of government usage in the article. Replace the word "Government" with "Doctors."

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 02:39 PM

If what they are saying is in fact true then this link clearly shows when combined that the theory of evolution over creation is correct.

My bird does the same thing. He can tell my mood through my body language and reacts appropriately. Does this prove humans are also very closely linked to cockatiels? My dog was the same way before she died, too.

How does, to coin a cliche, reading someone like a book in monkeys, in combination with being able to read thoughts through an MRI, prove evolution is true?

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 04:30 PM

Originally posted by junglejake
How does, to coin a cliche, reading someone like a book in monkeys, in combination with being able to read thoughts through an MRI, prove evolution is true?

It doesnt prove anything, let the instigators keep on instigating.

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 06:30 PM
I think this does sound like a real cool technology. I dont how long it will take to be made into something pratical, or if I will live long enuff to see it happen. I do think the first place it will be used is probably the military. With all the research being pored into unmaned craft and vehicles I can see the military jumping all over this.

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 06:39 PM

Originally posted by Dasher
there are animals in existence that defy evolution by their abilities/traits and there are animals that support the theory by "similarities" with other animals. unless evolution can maintain it's truth in all cases of the creatures of this earth, your statement is lacking and ignorant. maybe this will happen some day, but today is not that day.

No sure if you were addressing me or not, but allow me to point out that if and I say if the theory of evolution were proven wrong it would show that everything on earth evolved one single cell according to many scientists. Are you saying they are ignorant?

edit to add yes I know there are some who disagree with the single cell theory, however even some that disagree with the single cell theory then move on to only three cells. Are they also ignorant?

[edit on 5/4/2005 by shots]

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 07:09 PM
This sounds a lot like the Sony patent for writing imagery to the brain, instead of reading from it.

I'd be more worried about mind control from incessant media, constantly watching television, sticking an ipod in your ears, and assuming anything the press reports is honest truth-regardles of it being left or right agenda.

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 08:42 PM

I am always amused when Science finally figures out how to do something with technology they had always claimed was impossible for "Organics" to do, if not just plain "Impossible!".

At the risk of crossing forums here, may I point out that "Science" has always pooh-poohed even the remote possibility of Telepathy existing (unless some one was getting a multi-million dollar Govt grant to 'study the potential military/intelligence applications...'). But now, if you toss in an uber-tech piece of gadgetry like an MRI, suddenly the impossible becomes the latest thing?

Still, I'll give them credit. They do seem to be on the right track. Think about it, guys.....Telepathy is mind to mind communication. The human mind, if a product of the brain, is the result of an electro-magnetic field (although which came first, Mind or Mind-field, is open to debate) and as anyone who knows how a tape recorder works will tell you, electromagnetic fields CAN transport information. The "image" stored magnetically on the tape is "read" by the elctromagnetized head of the recorder.

Could telepathy be no more "paranormal" than one mind allowing itself to be influenced by the electromagnetic emissions of another human mind? Certainly, in my experience, this is one of the techniques so-called "Direct Reader/Phsycics" use. Yes, NLP and "cues" are also used, but only by the charaletans.

posted on May, 4 2005 @ 10:57 PM
I think without any equipment people can allready read minds and/or sense feelings. There's body language, and there is just a sense of things.

You ever walked into a room and knew you were being talked about, or you knew someone was mad at you or such things? Some people might have some reality on this? If you haven't experienced it, no big deal, perhaps at some point you will experience it.

And perhaps you can pull mental pictures and thoughts from a person's mind with a machine? (Not talking about brain by the way)

Let's just say you can do such a thing with a machine of some sort. Think about all those wild, crazy, and destructive fantasies you may have. Heck, I'd say a lot of people have crazy stuff cross their minds, I do. Would you want this technology to be used in such a way as to label you as crazy or insane, even if you didn't act on a single one of those thoughts? Some of us are sane enough to know that those thoughts are just that, "thoughts." And then there are those who act on those thoughts and kill people, burn down buildings, walk naked in public, and on and on. With such technology would have to come responsibility. You judge a person on his actions, and the results of his actions. So you couldn't just read a person's thoughts and label him as destructive. He might just have a lot of garbage in his mind that he has decided isn't really a part of who he is.


posted on May, 5 2005 @ 09:29 AM

I'm safe, my mind has been completely blank for years I think I did alot of acid in my youth but I can't remember anymore

Right there with you..... I think - wait a sec what were we talking about?

I think that the title should be changed, there's no mention of government usage in the article. Replace the word "Government" with "Doctors."

You are correct - It does not mention government in the article. I purposely said the government. Reason? You think the government isn't going to scoop this technology up? Face it, if the technology really does exist, the government will absolutely use it.

MRI technology is pretty difficult to use in a stealthy way, the magnets are extremely powerful.....

Even though no metal objects are supposed to be in the testing area, because they will be pulled toward the 10- ton machine by its powerful electromagnet, a metal oxygen tank somehow made it into the examination room.
The tank, about the size of a fire extinguisher, became magnetized, then flew through the air at 20 to 30 feet per second

Point well taken - touche`
However remember the first computers? They took up an entire room, and had what we would call today - no technology at all. Remember calculators? They started out huge, and very expensive - now I have a 5 dollar calculator that has more technology that the lunar lander did.
It's only a matter of time.

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