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Clinton Slams Bush

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posted on Apr, 30 2005 @ 12:10 AM
Bill Clinton, the man who created the Greatest Economy and the Largest Budget EVER slammed Bush for his speech/fake town hall on Thursday.

Clinton says we should support Iraqi Democracy and freedom and whatever Bush does to bring the region peace, but feels that Bush giving his buddies in oil and such even more of a tax break while allowing them to drill on protected lands when the lands that aren't protected are going to be left alone "Dumb Economics".

My Question is, it would be like drilliong for oil in Detroit, and the Silver Dome is protected lands while all around it isn't, the oil is under the stadium, but also all the land around it, now why would Bush push to drill for oil in the Stadium when the other acres upon acres are not protected and still have the same if not more access to oil? Also, why is he giving his buddies an even larger tax break while letting them charge more then triple for a gallon of gas?

posted on May, 1 2005 @ 07:32 AM
Clinton has no business slamming anyone. He is most responsible for 9/11 by his inaction. His legacy will be close to Jimmy Carters.

Most Alaskans support drilling in ANWR. If this action wasn't blocked for so long by the treehuggers we would already by reaping the benefits of it.

Speaking of benefits, why are Democrats against anything that benefits America?

Private Social Security accounts, up or down votes for judges, building new refineries, tax cuts are all benefits that democrats reject.

But they do support felons being allowed to vote, raising the minimum wage, offering no ideas to reform Social Security, and not wanting anything that helps rid our dependence for foreign oil. All which hurt America.

posted on May, 1 2005 @ 11:18 AM
Carseller, you can read, right? The land they want to drill on is PROTECTED! But all the land around it isn't, yet they don't wanna drill on the land that isn't protected, but on the land that is. In the example I gave, do you agree or what?

"My Question is, it would be like drilliong for oil in Detroit, and the Silver Dome is protected lands while all around it isn't, the oil is under the stadium, but also all the land around it, now why would Bush push to drill for oil in the Stadium when the other acres upon acres are not protected and still have the same if not more access to oil?"

Also, SS isn't going bankrupt, even if it was, we could just take money from the trillions dumped into Iraq to fix OUR problems first. Anyways, with the Baby Boom you have a lot of old people, but when we cycle through them we will go back to normal, where you have more people paying into it then taking from. Bush's plan would be like.... I put a hundred dollars from my paycheck into a shoe box every pay check, now, when I retire, I will have thousands saved up right there in that box, not to mention bank, invested in house, car, so forth. Now, what his plan is the government would come in and beat me into a coma, then leave a dollar for every thousand I saved up while the other 999 goes in their pockets/big business pockets. So I win how?

Third, Clinton wasn't in power when 9/11 happened. Bush had cut millions from the FBI Anti-Terror division, more then Billy Boy did.

Fourth, Bush was given documents telling him OBL was going to attack with airplanes, he then told everyone to shut up about terrorism. So, who's fault is it again?

Fifth, they blocked 10-12 out of over 200, deal with it.(The main judge blocked let a KKK member off scott freee after killing three blacks in a cross burning ceremony)

Sixth, tax cuts for the rich don't support America, it supports the 15% who make more then 200,000 a year.

Seventh, he is giving MORE tax cuts directly to oil/energy companies who donated money in his campaign, and them only.

Numero 8, raising minimum wage helps the people, how that is bad IDK. Yes things may cost more, but if a gallon of gas costs 5 dollars and you make 5 dollars, you are screwed.(real world situation in some areas) If a gallon costs 5 dollars and you make 7, still pretty screwed, but not as badly. If gas costs a penny a gallon but you are a slave, you are screwed.(According to Delay and other nutso republicans paying people for working is socialism..... thank god for McCain&Co, which includes my republican senator as well)

Felons voting? Why not? Yes they did a crime, but that is what prison is for.... Punishment. SO they are being made second class citizens after they were already punished? I actually want your side, cause you didn't attack me, so I won't you, and you currently have my respect.

Energy, Bush just put BILLIONS INTO COAL! WTF? Gee, using a scalpal to perform surgery is just so barbaric, lets use chainsaws!(They have laser scapals, not sure how effective they are though, but the laser scapal would be nuclear energy, scapal oil, and chainsaw coal) I support Nuclear Energy, have Davis Bessie nearby, been there, my mom works security there, and walked around in the office, went to the little museum/show and tell they had, really cool. But people who fear a 3 Mile Island don't understand how they work. It would be like being scared to death of cars because a few hundred thousand crash and kill people every year.

So, wanna come back carseller? I wanna have a good debate. You didn't attack the poster, but what he posted, meaning you deserve more respect then the other dozen people on here who give republicans a bad name.

Hey, it's a new month right? I got WATS Votes, I am about to vote CS4 for WATS for giving republicans a good name. You didn't pull a Bill O'Reily, you actually, it appears, want to debate. THANK YOU! Man, I thought I might have to become a democrat that supported the second amendment.

posted on May, 1 2005 @ 01:48 PM
Land that is protected? From what? Democrats used the same tired arguement when the Alaskan Pipeline was being built. Now caribou use the pipeling for cover. ANWR is a mainly a vast wasteland, Detroit is not. Being a National Park means the land is the governments, which makes perfect sense. Since when did the Silver Dome become a protected land? You don't think the Silver Dome will be torn down one day to make way for another stadium? Of course it will.

Social Security is another issue. I have money forcibly taken away from me, I have no choice on how it is invested. I have no choice to opt out. It is basically theft. It is a classic example how the left wants to control people, and it proves that they don't think people can take care of themselves without government help. It's my money...not the governments.

It is well documented how Clinton ingored terrorism throughout his eight years. Terrorist tested and tested the US repeatedly and no severe action was ever taken aginst them.

Fourth, Ok, so there was a theory out there that the US could be attacked by Planes. So, there are many theories saying we could be hit by asteroids, or that we could be hit by a super earthquake or volcano. I don't think that memo could have prevented any after action.

Fifth, Let's say we have a terrible judicial pick. Let the Senators vote not to accept the nomination. That is their Constitutional job, to give advise and consent to nominees.

Sixth, I said Tax cuts, not tax cuts just for the rich, tax cuts for everyone. The rich just pay more in taxes, so they should get more back. Simple math. BTW, have you ever recieved a job from a poor person?

Seventh, all I have to say is Haliburton! Just look at Clintons record with Haliburton, He loved Haliburton!

Eight. Minimum wage should be abolished. It is simply government telling business the minimum you are worth. It is really a states issue not the federal goverment. Who works for minimum wage anyway?

Nine. Felons voting. It is obvious why democrats support this one. Getting votes from members of the Clinton administration would help them out.

We do agree on Nuclear energy! I also fully support drilling off of Florida and California. I also support building more refineries. Closed military bases would be good places to start.

In conclusion. Clinton will be looked down on as a do-nothing President. Bush will go down in History as a leader!

posted on May, 1 2005 @ 03:57 PM
You don't understand, I didn't say there WAS oil or whatever, it was an example on what Bush&Co want to do. That the Entire City of Detroit ISN'T protected, but the Silver Dome is protected, now, where are you gonna drill for oil? The miles of land that isn't protected or the little itty bitty square that is? Also, aren't they gonna tear down the Silver Dome since they got Ford DOme or whatever it is called?

Yes, but Bush had 8 MONTHS to do something, like READ the reports telling him OBL was going to attack with airplanes instead of telling the people to shut up about it. He could have not CUT MILLIONS from the FBI Anti-Terror Division. Also, guess how many phone calls came into the FBI office about people of Arab Descent learning to fly planes but not land while the republican party was busy using them to prove Clinton got a BJ? HUNDREDS! But NO! The FBI was to busy chasing after stained dresses to answer, and by the time they did, Clinton was powerless, IE, a lame duck to do anything.

So when Bush got in power he just started cutting millions upon millions from the FBI. So, who's fault, the guy who wasn't in power/control, or the one who was and did everything he could to allow it.

So, you don't like your money being taken by the government, but have no problem being fored to hand it over to big businesses like Enron?

Who works for Minimum Wage? About 33% of America.(mainly high school/college kids, but hey, that is a good 8 years of working until your college degree pays off)

Yeah, sadly the majority in jail are black, a key voting base for the dems, so them being allowed to vote would boost the vote for them. Of course, by the time it is over Bush&Co may be sitting in jail if people stop listening to the guy who said Iraq had WMDs and he knew where they were.....

I support drilling in Alaska, BUT WHY IN THE PROTECTED LAND! Small scale model, for every square acre protected, you have 50 that isn't, so, why do you want to drill on 100 square acres of protected land when there is 5000 square acres of unprotected land?

Also, Clinton created the GREATEST Economy this country EVER had. ALso created the LARGEST SURPLUS this country EVER had. So, he will go down as a great president while again the republicans kill the economy.

Get a timeline, and get a economy report. As you follow you see the same patterns. Democrat in office, great economy, then a republican gets in and poof, the economy dissapears, in one case went from Booming 20's under a dem to Great Depression under a rep, only to be brought out of it and become THEE super power under a dem. Then rep in bad eco, dem in good eco, Bush Sr in charge inflation goes up, Clinton voted in and greatest economy ever, largest surplus ever. And now we have an economy equal to GP and the largest deficit, EVER. So, as you can see, if you want a job, vote democrat. If you want tax cuts for the rich while getting your jobbed shipped overseas, vote republican.

Edit: In case you didn''t know, a Lame Duck is a president that basically sits there and smiles until his last term is up. With him getting a BJ, and his final year in office, there was nothing Clinton could do but sell pardons to the highest bidder. Of course, at least he let people bid, unlike Bush&Co who said no, no bidding, just gonna give my boss a few billion dollars, I mean give Cheney a few billion dollars, uh, shut up!(a joke to how Bush told everyone to shut up about terrorism)

Also, how many terrorist attacks on our soil from foreigners were there under Clinton? None, you had pissed off or deranged Americans blowing # up in America, but no foreign dudes.

[edit on 1-5-2005 by James the Lesser]

posted on May, 1 2005 @ 06:27 PM
The title of the topic roused my curiosity, JTL.

As it seemed to come from the commentary of a Clinton-Bush Celebrity Deathmatch. Clinton slams Bush, but Bush beats the three-count with a low blow, etc etc.

I would like to see a mixed tag team match, Clinton and Lewinsky versus Bush and his gay male escort Gannon/Guckert.

posted on May, 2 2005 @ 12:46 AM
Wait, forgot one, the first WTC bombings, the ones that didn't have any warnings, you know, unlike 9/11. The bombing that wasn't forseen by anyone, unlike 9/11, which the government knew was going to happen.(they had the OBL plans to attack America with planes, that was the freaking name of the documents, gee, wonder why Bush told the FBI and everyone else to shut up about terrorism, even more after the millions he cut from the FBI Anti-Terror Unit) SO yes, Clinton had one, Bush had 3. Clinton had 6 dead, Bush had more then any other in history of America.

Also, bashing Clinton, here some interesting info. on why he couldn't get things done. The republicans WENT ON STRIKE after Clinton vetoed a budget that was basically what todays budget is, spending trillions that we don't have. The republicans got mad and pissed and moaned, here is the info.

Republicans had launched an aggressive attack on Clinton that delivered Republican majorities in both houses of Congress for the first time since 1955. Clinton fought back by capitalizing on Republican blunders and the nearly fanatical attacks unleashed on him by his conservative opponents. When Clinton refused to sign a highly controversial budget passed by the Republican-controlled Congress, he looked strong and resolute. Congress then generated a shut down of the federal government to pressure Clinton to back down, but Clinton remained firm, and the opposition caved in. Most Americans blamed Congress for the gridlock rather than the President, and Clinton was decisively reelected in 1996.

More here at

They had a Clinton/Bush episode of Celebrity Deathmatch? I know they had Al Gore versus Weird Al, but not that one. I got the name from, uh, I think google news, or yahoo news, IDK. I read/see/watch so much I can't keep it straight sometimes.

posted on May, 2 2005 @ 01:00 AM

Originally posted by James the Lesser

They had a Clinton/Bush episode of Celebrity Deathmatch?

No. I just made it up, to remind you and all good people that once there was a Mudpit.

The thing that could have more attention paid to it is Bush's tag team partner, his gay male escort who became a "journalist" with an unprecedented security clearance to roam the Whitehouse and to ask Bush soft and lame questions in so-called "press conferences".

As a scandal that's 10,000 times the sordidness of a Monica Lewinsky engaging in fellatio.

Nobody much cares though, All is well.

posted on May, 2 2005 @ 09:43 AM

Originally posted by Carseller4
Clinton has no business slamming anyone. He is most responsible for 9/11 by his inaction. His legacy will be close to Jimmy Carters.

Stunning in the amount of ignorance conveyed by a single sentence. Why sheep trot to the slaughter house because they're simply following another, has always fascinated me

Most Alaskans support drilling in ANWR. If this action wasn't blocked for so long by the treehuggers we would already by reaping the benefits of it.

Another falsehood wrapped up in a half truth. Sure, Alaskans will support any initiative to get jobs up there, but it's been proven that the oil, if found, will go to foreign markets - it's cost prohibitive to do otherwise

Speaking of benefits, why are Democrats against anything that benefits America?

Private Social Security accounts, up or down votes for judges, building new refineries, tax cuts are all benefits that democrats reject.

Why are Fascists so bent on disregarding sound advice or alternate opinions? Moreover, why do they think that repetition of falsehoods = further evidence in support of their "points"?

But they do support felons being allowed to vote, raising the minimum wage, offering no ideas to reform Social Security, and not wanting anything that helps rid our dependence for foreign oil. All which hurt America.

When an overly connected tabluation firm designates 80 year old grandmothers who have never been arrested as hardcore gangsters, sure.
When the ideas for Social Security being offered by the White House, if you could call those ideas, only benefit corporations & the stock market and remove all existing gurantees, sure.
I guess you missed that the White House & Congressional Republicans scuttled fuel efficency initiatives along with letting manufacturing slide on emissions - both of which could end US dependance on Foreign Oil? Of course you did......

posted on May, 2 2005 @ 12:28 PM
Also, don't the republicans blame the first attack on Clinton even though he had been sworn in for about a month, yet don't blame Bush even though he had been sworn in for 8 months? WTF!?! Clinton didn't tell the FBI to go to hell, he didn't cut cut cut from the FBI Anti-Terror Budget, HE WASN"T EVEN IN OFFICE!

Sad, they also blame Clinton for NK nukes, even though it was Bush Sr. who did the deal, and if the deal was so bad, Bush Jr. had 4 years to end it.

Hell, Dems ARE STILL BLAMED! WHen the reps control, EVERYTHING! How in the hell can you blame the dems for anything when the reps control everything, if they want they can pass a law that rounds up all the gays and has them shipped to Africa no problem for they control EVERYTHING, yet who gets blamed? The dems....

Or how the dems block 10 out of 200 judges, those evil dems.......

How the reps went nuts when there was video of Hilary Clinton at a church, saying she was pandering to the religous, not saying anything about how her and her husband had gone to church since they were kids(not together, but in their lives) and how Bush&Co preach at Mega Churches......(recently Delay attended a KKK meeting, I mean a Mega Church meeting where it was, actual speeches, "Left is intolerant, kill gays.")

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