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Is our technology borrowed from Aliens.

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posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 01:43 PM
Did our government steal information from Aliens, or did they present as a part of mutal agreement. We have advanced a lot in hundred years, we have things no one could have imagined a few hundred years ago. If Aliens did visit us, why did they? It is possible. Humans tend to form Allies whenever and wherever possible.

[Edited on 27-7-2003 by cassini]

posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 02:08 PM
I dont think they gave us anything. I think that maybe we collected crashe site rubble from UFO's a long time ago and just figured it out in the last 100 years. It was most likely ancient to aliens but completely a puzzle to us. I think that aliens helped out the ancients however. Maybe to speed our technology up a bit.



posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 02:20 PM
The only reason I am lead to beleive this is possible is because of the speed in which our technology has grown. I dont mean to take away the spotlight from any one who has come up with new ideas or technology, I just think that some of our advancements are so substantial that it seems possible. 100 years ago cars were unknown, today we have robots on mars rolling around researching other worlds. This century has been so exciting, i cant wait to see what the next century yields.

posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 03:19 PM
Not borrowed, more like scavenged off ufo crash site, the, i should think the goverment would take all the useable technology available from a crash site, i dont beleive the technology has been shared by the general alien population, prehaps if we had an alliance but we dont have sufficiant technology in worth of a trade.

posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 03:30 PM
They probably gave it to the government in exchange for something. Most likely the goverment allowed the aliens to freely abduct humans for experimentation.

posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 03:52 PM
We never know. Maybe governments where there are less worth for indivuduals may have traded humans. Many crash sites are hoax, like the Russian Rosewell, I learned that was a meteor crashing, not a UFO. We have so many hoaxers around, we can't tell the difference form one another any more.

posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 04:03 PM
Our current X Craft technology is 100% homegrown. It was first conceptualized by Nikola Tesla in 1889, and was later refined in the 1920s by Thomas Townsend Brown. In the 1950s, Brown sold the USAF on his technology, which is where they started research, development and production of anti-gravity aircraft with Project Winterhaven.

And there is also one home-grown American scientist who apparently had some input into the U.S. government's flying saucer project--T. Townsend Brown, and his Project Winterhaven.

Brown was an American physicist, who was heavily involved in electrogravitics research. In the middle 1920s, he discovered it is possible to create an artificial gravity field by charging an electrical capacitor to high voltage.

By 1958, he had managed to work his way to the point where he had succeeded in developing a 15-inch diameter model saucer that could lift over 110 percent of its weight. What his experiments had inaugurated was the new field of electrogravitics, or the technology of controlling gravity through the use of very high voltage electric charges.

By 1952, Brown gave a demonstration to a Air Force major general in which Brown flew a pair of 18-inch disc airfoils suspended from opposite ends of a rotatable arm. The discs were electrified with 50,000 volts and circuited at a speed of 12 miles per hour.

Approximately one year later, he flew a set of three- foot diameter saucers for Air Force officials and representatives from several major aircraft companies.

These discs were energized with 150,000 volts, and sped around the 50-foot diameter course so fast that the subject was immediately classified. A report by ``Interavia'' magazine noted that the discs would attain speeds of several hundred miles per hour when charged with several hundred thousand volts.

The secret to Brown's discs was that they were charged with a high positive voltage, via a wire, running along their leading edge. A high negative voltage ran along their trailing edge, also on a wire. As the wires ionized the air around them, a study by Paul A. LaViolette said, a dense cloud of positive ions would form ahead of the craft and a corresponding cloud of negative ions would form behind the craft.

LaViolette said that Brown's research showed that, like the charged plates of his capacitors, these ion clouds induced a gravitational force directed in the minus to plus direction. In short, a gravitational well formed ahead of the disc which pulled the craft, while a gravitational hill formed behind the craft and pushed it. As the disc moved forward in response to its self-generated gravity field, it would carry with it its positive and negative ion clouds and their associated electrogravity gradient. The discs in effect would ride their advancing gravity wave much like surfers ride an ocean wave, LaViolette said.

The occupants of one of the saucers, if there were occupants, would feel no stress at all no matter how sharp the turn or how great the acceleration, LaViolette said. This was because the ship and is occupants and the load are all responding equally to the wavelike distortion of the local grsharp the turn or h

Brown by 1952 had put together a proposal, code named ``Project Winterhaven,'' LaViolette said, which suggested that the military develop an antigravity combat saucer with Mach 3 capability. As early as 1954, according to a report prepared by the private aviation intelligence firm Aviation Studies International Ltd., the Air Force had begun plans to fund research that would accomplish Project Winterhaven's objectives.

That report, issued in 1956 and called ``Electrogravitic Systems: An Explanation of Electrostatic Motion, Dynamic Counterbary and Barycentric Control,'' was originally classified as ``confidential.'' That report mentioned the names of more than 10 major aircraft companies which were actively involved in the electrogravitics research in an attempt to duplicate or extend Brown's work.

I started this thread regarding a lot of information about domestic production of antigrav X Craft.


posted on Jul, 26 2003 @ 05:20 PM
Dragonrider, the physics of what you wrote about are amazing! I majored in physics in college and am very intriged at what you say this craft is capable of. I wish there was more info available to the public, although I can understand why the government would want to keep a tight lid on something like that.

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 03:49 AM
Plus, he said he majored in Physics not English.

Anyway, I also think the proof of UFO's puts it more in the area of our Military making the stuff rather than ET's. Maybe there are some craft from other planets but most if not all comes from here. The science behind them has been around for a while but has been kept from public view. Also you would have to wonder why ET's being so advanced would make it all the way here and then crash like a bunch of drunk drivers. Plus as time has progressed and we get better their are less crashes than the past, and even the sites where they do crash always are in places where we might be testing them out. I've never heard of a crash that just happened to be right smack dab in the middle of a town square. It's always out where it could at least be covered up without a huge amount of exposure.

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 04:11 AM

Originally posted by surfup
Did our government steal information from Aliens, or did they present as a part of mutal agreement. We have advanced a lot in hundred years, we have things no one could have imagined a few hundred years ago. If Aliens did visit us, why did they? It is possible. Humans tend to form Allies whenever and wherever possible.

Yes..i belive so...i think that is where we got "night vision" from.

[Edited on 30-7-2003 by theshadowknows]

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 04:47 AM
Let's hear what resentedhalo has to say about how he plans on changing the world. (I'm not being fecetious (sp?), I really want to know).

[Edited on 27-7-2003 by cassini]

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 06:01 AM
Sorry but aliens don't exist. So what people get abducted by "greys" they are clearly demons of some kind because nothing can move like that in physical space and then split into two parts, it would fall apart and kill everyone in UFO.
Transports of hell.

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 07:39 AM

Yes..i belive so...i think that is where we got "night vision" from

I have no facts to back this up but i heard somewhere that the Germans were working on night vision during WWII.

I'm no physicist but night vision works by focusing on certain sections of the EM spectrum doesn't it?

According to some UFO sights optical fibres was ripped off from aliens.


posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 09:25 AM
Here is a good link that explains how night vision works.

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 11:35 AM
All references to grammatical correctness have been removed. Spelling and grammar on the board is generally atrocious anyway but I don`t think thats really why any of us are here.

Stick to the subject people this is the Aliens and UFOs section not the English language class forum.

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 06:07 PM
thanks for the link who

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 06:33 PM
So what did we actually steal from Alien's then, I wanna know? Pls include some examples

posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 06:35 PM
I'd hope that alien technology was a bit more reliable and a bit less power hungry than ours.

If there was alien technology, why are we still burning fossil fuels? Why no new sources of energy?


posted on Jul, 27 2003 @ 11:06 PM
The world's economy relies heavily on fossil fuels, without them many believe the economy would crumble so badly we would be left in chaos. I dont know if I beleive that, but I do remember an economics professor in college mention that as well. Slowly we are being shown new sources of energy and slowly they are getting more efficient, like solar panels for instance. The transition will be slow and I think it will take some kind of horrible natural disaster to open the worlds eyes before any real change happens. The other problem is that the major oil producers have so much money that they can buy up ideas and patents so no one can use them to put them out of business. As far fetched as this may sound, I dont think its that far from reality. If you have ever seen the movie "On Deadly Ground", with Steven Seagal, they mention that in internal combustion engine has been obsolete for over 50 years. Although it is just a movie, I dont think its that hard to swallow. Look at computers, 50 years ago they were still being thought up. Now they are working on true nano- technology. The thought of gasoline engines still being the best we can do is pretty pathetic, especially with all the vast impovments in everything else around us.

posted on Aug, 13 2003 @ 09:08 AM
Blame it on the capitalist, greedy oil companies. We would already have unlimited mileage cars if it weren't for those bastards!!

The technology is not borrowed, it is scavenged.
If a F-22A Raptor Crashed in 1914 and Fokker found the wreckage, they would take what they would understand. Flaps, Jet Engines maybe, radar maybe, gatling guns and the such... Only later would they understand everything about it as they advance.

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