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Another Awesome UFO Video

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posted on Apr, 21 2005 @ 10:48 PM
OK guys, lets see what you come up with for this one.

I went outside to have a smoke and it was in the east sky, pretty high up. It came down while flying towards me and then when it got to about the end of the property line which is about 300 yards away it stopped coming towards me and starting flying east right above the tree tops. The moon was full and the object followed the tree tops all the way to the trees directly in front of me. At one point as it was getting near to me it went behind a tree top and did not come out for over a minute. It took about 30 seconds to travel at least four times that distance to get to the tree top. It was like it was playing hide and seek, mind you this tree was only 50 yards away and I was up on a second story deck. The footage is edited for time, the end of the video is when it flew behind the tree top and hid. After that it flew through a gap to the next tree and never came back out.

Any photo experts can explain why this can't be a plane or helicopter.

UFO Video, Tilton NH

Check out my site for more videos
NH UFO Hunter Website

EDIT: Corrected spelling in title for easier Search functions.

[edit on 22-4-2005 by Gazrok]

posted on Apr, 22 2005 @ 12:08 AM
What I saw could have been a butterfly and a flashlight. Horrible video.

posted on Apr, 22 2005 @ 01:31 AM
does this look like a butterfly, obviously you have no clue about photography.

If you watch the video at small size the quality will become much clearer, adjust the brightness if you cant see the trees, for those of you who have poor vision, and the so called flashligt is the moon

I love it when people make idiots of themselves
.I'd like to try some of the stuff your on if you see butterflies that look like this, you might want to lay off the acid for a while

Anybody know of a butterfly that is self luminesint and fly through a full moon and project enough light to cancel the washout effect the moon would have on any normal lit object.
If you have one you should put it on ebay, it would be one of a kind
I often wonder how people that have so little knowledge and even less constructive conversational skills make it as mods

[edit on 22-4-2005 by nhufohunter]

[edit on 22-4-2005 by nhufohunter]

posted on Apr, 22 2005 @ 05:16 AM
theres always a fake on isnt there?


posted on Apr, 22 2005 @ 06:36 AM
obviously thats not a butterfly.

now I will tell you my opinions on this, but this doesnt mean those are absolute truth, just the things that I tend to think or ask, so dont get me wrong.

the footage: well it looks better then most, it has the moon in it, the treetops, and a shape to the light, so we have something more than a white shaking dot on black. and the objects motion is visible. its headed to a direction and moving in a "steady" speed. from the video as I see it, it can be two things;

a plane that is steadily moving at a low attitude, but we can see the bottom plating of the plane which is illuminated by its lights,and possibly we see the lights also

or an unidentified flying object which is moving at a steady speed in a fixed direction.

so I assume these two are equally possible. but then I start to question other facts;

you tell that you went outside to have a smoke and continued to detail how things happened but you forgot to mention at which part you took your camera out to shoot this object. or do you always keep your camera attached to your belt?

from the above question (and after visiting your link) I answer to myself; he is a ufo hunter, this is his specialization so I must distinguish an ordinary man recording a video of ufo while going out for a smoke and an ufo-hunterperson which records a footage while he goes out for a smoke.

then from the above, I think about the concept "ufo-hunting", so these people go out and record unidentified flying objects, this is their "job". after I visit you site I see various footage which "look-like" ufos (unidentified things), I see lots of advertisements, bot google pay per click, and banners which could be pay-per-view I am not sure. so then it is a fact that the author of site wants more and more visitors to view their site, (otherwise what are those ads for). and to maintain the continuation of these visits webmaster has to present new content by adding to the site, which in this case more videos of unidentified flying object photos. so for you there is a "need" for creating new ufo videos, you want to record an ufo to begin with. and these are huge negative facts for teh reliablity your findings, beacuse I think that if someone self-motivates themselves to record ufo videos then they obviously will and can.

continuing from the above, let alone the ads at your site you even have ads in this post, your videos name contains your name, you direct this pages visitor to check more content from your webpage, and you have the link to your webpage. (these are my thoughts only, take it easy)

you say any photo experts can why this cant be a plane and helicopter, so by this statement you disqualify anyone who states that this is a plane is not a photo-expert. which sounds biased to me. let me tell you I have seen planes in the night that probably if you recorded them they would be right on your web site already. so there is still possiblity for this object to be a plane, and there is still possibility of this object to be an ufo also. but what you present in your footage could be very well a plane, you tell that it hovered stopped,changed direction, played hide and seek etc. although none is visible in your footage, a moving white object which seems is at a fixed speed on a fixed direction, which is sometimes obstructed by the trees, also you change your position while recording it. so I could tell that it could very well be a plane by watching the footage.

it could be identified as a plane or it could very well be un-identified. but after viewing the big picture as I stated above I go for the plane etc. this is how I see this. I could be wrong.

posted on Apr, 22 2005 @ 08:56 AM
Personally, I don't see anything to distinguish this from any of the countless other grainy, bouncy, fuzzy videos of lights in the sky. While I agree that it most likely isn't a butterfly lit by a flashlight, I think you could've disputed that in a much more agreeable manner.

By replying to that the way you did you just lost any respect I might have had for you as a ufologist, and quite a bit as a person. There was really no need for that, and it undermined your attempt at proving your point. Now you just seem like a little kid who got caught in a lie--if it were the truth you wouldn't have had a need to flame like that.

I love it when people make idiots of themselves

Took the words right out of my mouth...

posted on Apr, 22 2005 @ 09:31 AM

Originally posted by xu
obviously thats not a butterfly.

now I will tell you my opinions on this, but this doesnt mean those are absolute truth, just the things that I tend to think or ask, so dont get me wrong.

the footage: well it looks better then most, it has the moon in it, the treetops, and a shape to the light, so we have something more than a white shaking dot on black. and the objects motion is visible. its headed to a direction and moving in a "steady" speed. from the video as I see it, it can be two things;

a plane that is steadily moving at a low attitude, but we can see the bottom plating of the plane which is illuminated by its lights,and possibly we see the lights also

or an unidentified flying object which is moving at a steady speed in a fixed direction.

so I assume these two are equally possible. but then I start to question other facts;

you tell that you went outside to have a smoke and continued to detail how things happened but you forgot to mention at which part you took your camera out to shoot this object. or do you always keep your camera attached to your belt?

from the above question (and after visiting your link) I answer to myself; he is a ufo hunter, this is his specialization so I must distinguish an ordinary man recording a video of ufo while going out for a smoke and an ufo-hunterperson which records a footage while he goes out for a smoke.

then from the above, I think about the concept "ufo-hunting", so these people go out and record unidentified flying objects, this is their "job". after I visit you site I see various footage which "look-like" ufos (unidentified things), I see lots of advertisements, bot google pay per click, and banners which could be pay-per-view I am not sure. so then it is a fact that the author of site wants more and more visitors to view their site, (otherwise what are those ads for). and to maintain the continuation of these visits webmaster has to present new content by adding to the site, which in this case more videos of unidentified flying object photos. so for you there is a "need" for creating new ufo videos, you want to record an ufo to begin with. and these are huge negative facts for teh reliablity your findings, beacuse I think that if someone self-motivates themselves to record ufo videos then they obviously will and can.

continuing from the above, let alone the ads at your site you even have ads in this post, your videos name contains your name, you direct this pages visitor to check more content from your webpage, and you have the link to your webpage. (these are my thoughts only, take it easy)

you say any photo experts can why this cant be a plane and helicopter, so by this statement you disqualify anyone who states that this is a plane is not a photo-expert. which sounds biased to me. let me tell you I have seen planes in the night that probably if you recorded them they would be right on your web site already. so there is still possiblity for this object to be a plane, and there is still possibility of this object to be an ufo also. but what you present in your footage could be very well a plane, you tell that it hovered stopped,changed direction, played hide and seek etc. although none is visible in your footage, a moving white object which seems is at a fixed speed on a fixed direction, which is sometimes obstructed by the trees, also you change your position while recording it. so I could tell that it could very well be a plane by watching the footage.

it could be identified as a plane or it could very well be un-identified. but after viewing the big picture as I stated above I go for the plane etc. this is how I see this. I could be wrong.

Well first of all, the site is free and I pay for the hosting, that is what the adds are for and they don't even come close to paying for the host much less any profit.

I explained that the footage had to be edited because the object sat behind a tree for over a minute. Getting thirty seconds of footage on the web is hard enough and I hardly think anyone want's to look at a tree for a minute.

The most important part of this footage is when the craft flies over the moon.

As I said, ask ANY PHOTOGROPHY EXPERT, and they will tell you this is no plane, helicoptor or anything that can be identified. The object also never made a sound, wich is clear on the tape and has been anaylysed by an areonautics expert, an astonomer, and an astrophysisisy and photographer

It doesn't matter what you think by the way, it doesent change the fact that it was a UFO and I also filmed the same craft later that year.

As far as hunting goes, that is the game, you keep a camera with you all the time and hope for to get lucky. In my case they come and show me as they have been since I was 18 Years old. Read the info on the site, that is the reason I posted a link, and you may find out quite a bit of information that is purely scientific fact.

I don't have to argue with people that don't have the time to look at all the facts.
.And as I have on countless times, YOU show me footage of anything that looks like that, prove that it looks like a plane, show footage of a plane flying through a full moon with the cameras exposure set open, the only way night footage can be shot and seen, And PROVE IT, Lets see this video of a flashlight and a butterfly, lets see a video of a silent plane that looks like that, hey, I'll even allow noise,

I have repetedly challenged anyone to debunk this footage including scientists and no-one can do it, period
you guys think you have the answers but not one of your explenations have any backbone whatsoever, no need to respect me cause your not getting any back. No one has REALLY LOOKED at the footage and read all the info, if someone has a site that can feed live video I'll plug my cam in right now and stream the whole thing
.Anybody that thinks that is a butterfly has to be an IDIOT,
I don't candy coat crap for skeptics and trolls, none of which have brought ANY SIGNIFICANT EVIDENCE to back there two second mindless posts
,,.like I said, 24 hours, go get a flashlight and a butter fly and you show me a video, PROVE IT
.IT has and will never happen because this is a UFO plain and simple, and also being called by some of the biggest people in UFOlogy as one of the best ever taken
I'm not naming names because I don't have to, you'll see soon enough

posted on Apr, 22 2005 @ 09:35 AM
You're right. It's a UFO. I don't see any reason to believe it's extraterrestrial in nature though. It is unidentified, but that's about it. And you can debate with someone without resorting to name calling, and still not be candy coating it.

posted on Apr, 22 2005 @ 09:40 AM
I grew up in New Hampshire and it is where I saw my one and only UFO( near Exeter..) so I know they are there and I am 100% sure of this. But I am with some of the other posters here ... its very difficult for me to say this is a "Awesome" UFO video. Some of the other videos on your site seemed a little better than this. I however dont have the tools or knowledge to prove or disprove any of these (as you claim "No one can"). Anything from New Hampshire is interesting to me personally and the craft does vaguely look like the one I saw but the movement is differant.

[edit on 22-4-2005 by GArnold]

posted on Apr, 22 2005 @ 09:41 AM

Originally posted by MCory1
You're right. It's a UFO. I don't see any reason to believe it's extraterrestrial in nature though. It is unidentified, but that's about it. And you can debate with someone without resorting to name calling, and still not be candy coating it.


I apologize for calling the stupid person who was just trolling and trying to steer people away from seeing it an Idiot


posted on Apr, 22 2005 @ 09:46 AM

Look dude, the video's alright, but it's certainly not something to go berserk over!!

Personally, it looks like a helicopter using a searchlight to me.


posted on Apr, 22 2005 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by GArnold
I grew up in New Hampshire and it is where I saw my one and only UFO( near Exeter..) so I know they are there and I am 100% sure of this. But I am with some of the other posters here ... its very difficult for me to say this is a "Awesome" UFO video. Some of the other videos on your site seemed a little better than this.

The important thing about this video is there is proof that this is an unknown. It all has to do with the moon

You are right, there are better videos on my site, But this one is unique in the fact that the light of the moon was brighter than anything else in the sky. IF the object were a plane the moonlight would have washed it out and you would see nothing.

As it flies through the moon it is backlit clearly showing NO WINGS, NO BODY, it was two orbs, one large in the front and one small in the back and scientists have come to the conclusion that this craft was internally lit. Of course this is theory but it proves beond a shadow of a doubt that this is not anything known to common man, That is what makes it an awsome UFO video, it's pure evidence.

posted on Apr, 22 2005 @ 09:49 AM

Originally posted by Dr Love

Look dude, the video's alright, but it's certainly not something to go berserk over!!

Personally, it looks like a helicopter using a searchlight to me.


Whos going beserk, I'm just giving you the facts
.helicoptor would have been washed out by the moonlight, ask any photographer, oh yeah, it would have made sound to, I can hear when a helicoptor flies by from inside my house. This thing was no farther than 200 yards from me and made no sound whatsoever.

By the way, I've made 15 bucks from google since january, woo-hoo!
.read the whole post if you don't know what I'm talking about

[edit on 22-4-2005 by nhufohunter]

[edit on 22-4-2005 by nhufohunter]

posted on Apr, 22 2005 @ 10:00 AM

If there's one person on this forum that will give anything the benefit of the doubt until the very end, it's me!! I just get irritated by the videos that show a shaky light in the sky at night. I guarantee you that most people who've watched the video didn't even reply because there's nothing to reply about. Videos like that are a dime a dozen. You have to bring something more to the table at ATS or you're gonna get trampled.

It very well may be a UFO, but there's not enough there.


posted on Apr, 22 2005 @ 10:23 AM

Originally posted by Dr Love

If there's one person on this forum that will give anything the benefit of the doubt until the very end, it's me!! I just get irritated by the videos that show a shaky light in the sky at night. I guarantee you that most people who've watched the video didn't even reply because there's nothing to reply about. Videos like that are a dime a dozen. You have to bring something more to the table at ATS or you're gonna get trampled.

It very well may be a UFO, but there's not enough there.


How about this foo fighter, flew stait at me until i started filming then it flew up and north east and appears to fade out or implode, In the video you can hear me say " it's getting ready to take off" and it zipped up into the sky in the same line I was filming.

November BOL, Tilton NH

you may have to right click and save as
.Everybody is always talking about how shaky the videos are, does anyone have a clue to how hard it is to first find a UFO much less get it on film, and then try and get it to pose for the camera and come close enough so you don't have to use zoom to see it. When the objects are even a small distance away it makes much harder to keep it in the center of the screen, go film some planes or stars tonight and you'll see.

[edit on 22-4-2005 by nhufohunter]

[edit on 22-4-2005 by nhufohunter]

posted on Apr, 22 2005 @ 10:31 AM
The link you gave is not working for me.

posted on Apr, 22 2005 @ 10:35 AM

Originally posted by nhufohunter
Everybody is always talking about how shaky the videos are, does anyone have a clue to how hard it is to first find a UFO much less get it on film, and then try and get it to pose for the camera and come close enough so you don't have to use zoom to see it. When the objects are even a small distance away it makes much harder to keep it in the center of the screen, go film some planes or stars tonight and you'll see.
[edit on 22-4-2005 by nhufohunter]

It doesn't matter. Skeptics have heard this excuse before, and it's them you really have to convince.


posted on Apr, 22 2005 @ 10:37 AM

Originally posted by Dr Love
The link you gave is not working for me.

Dr Love, maybe we broke his server.

Google paul spera


posted on Apr, 22 2005 @ 10:54 AM

Originally posted by sanctum

Dr Love, maybe we broke his server.

Google paul spera


Maybe I should have googled before entering into this discussion.
Thanks Sanc'!


posted on Apr, 22 2005 @ 11:05 AM
right click and choose save target as

nov bol vid

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