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Children of the Law of One: The Lost Teachings of Atlantis

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posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 01:43 AM
The Children of the Law of One: This Lost Teachings of Atlantis is more than a book with an awkward title. It is a book that challenged how I see the world and more importantly a powerful tool (for me anyhow) to recognize the spritual aspect to life. The beauty and love, and paradise we could create if we would tackle the big issues in our lives and become more loving and kind in the process.

It is more strange in how it gets to that point, but if you have an open mind and want a very different perspective on reality. I highly recommend the read.

You can sample some chapters online at the website

Here are the links to the chapters


Survivors of Atlantis

My Spiritual Journey and Arrival

The Religion of Atlantis

Different Points of View:Universial Consciousness & Seperate Consciousness

Sources and Descendants of the Teachings

Real Metaphysics is an extention of the laws of physics

[edit on 11-4-2005 by slave]

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 11:11 AM
While an ardent proponent for the existence of Atlantis...

This entire bit is all based on a "what if?"

Now just consider this amazing possibility - what if groups of Atlanteans, not only survived, but established communities in various places. What if they continued to pass on their heritage, their history, philosophy, and religion, even to this day? Such people could teach us so much, and fill us in on this great missing piece of human history.

That is where this book comes in. It was written by a priest who’s order traces their lineage from Atlantis, to Egypt in the days of the construction of the Sphinx and Great Pyramid.

Since Plato's text is the only historic account of Atlantis, I'd LOVE to know how this one claims to be able to TRACE his lineage from Atlantis.... That's got to be rich.
This is a classic con job to sell some new age books, imho...

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 11:37 AM
Like I said, normally my head would say NO NO NO (which it did) but my heart said YES. It was truely a bizarre experience.

Now, they give away for free about 1/3 of the book on the internet. I do believe people are given enough options for free to determine if the book seems interesting or not.

Here's a quote from the first page of the book.

"Within all of us is a "lie detector", a silent "inner voice", that offers us the greatest potential to discern truth and reality. People have "fooled" experts with so-called "physical proof", but the inner voice is never fooled. [The "inner voice" could also sometimes be termed as a "gut feeling", "intuition" or "women's intuition"- but it can also be much more than that.] You may not be very "in touch" with it at this time, but you can be if you want to. This inner voice is a part of God within you that knows what is true and what isn't - if you will just "hear" it. It doesn't "talk", it is just a "knowingness". The only reasons behind people not "hearing" their inner voice are fear, desires, and selfishness. If you can transcend those things even for a moment, you will have the most reliable source of discernment that exists. Even when all "external appearances" of truth say one thing, and your inner voice says another, you can bet that your inner voice is right."

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 12:06 PM


What If you paid 19.99 for this ?

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 01:14 PM
I bleieve myself capable of understanding the worst of the worst, but I would like others to have hope in the future as well. This book helped me on that issue.

If that is laughable to you, great and thanks.

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 01:33 PM
Well, some may find the new age philosphy in the book/s beneficial.

That's fine, well and good.

However, I'm merely pointing out the attempted deception of claiming an Atlantean heritage. So it raises some red flags.

Regardless of huey or not, if YOU find it helpful, then hey, that's all that really matters in a spiritual sense. At the same time though, I wouldn't take such claims as proof of legitimizing such lessons.

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 01:54 PM

I didn't mean to imply that 'Atlantis must exist' I read this book and it says so. I just wanted to let others know I felt the book was worth the read (It does go into some ancient history of it own). I feel those who study on topics such as Atlantis normally do so for mixed reasons, I myself just wanted to know what was going on, and had some spiritual quetions I didn't know I had.

If someone wanted to get a historical persepective on Atlantis myth and the roots of Western Occult belief 'The Dying God' by historian David Livingstone is an excellent read


With concern to the author of the 'Lost Teachings of Atlantis' Jon Peniel the name did pop up in a Edgar Cayce reading in 1934. (This may definantly rase some red flags for some people, but I happen to find Cayce's life very interesting)


  10. Who shall proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord in him
              that has been born in the earth in America?  Those from that
              land where there has been the regeneration, not only of the
              body but the mind and the spirit of men, THEY shall come and
              declare that John Peniel is giving to the world the new ORDER
              of things.  Not that these that have been proclaimed have
              been refused, but that they are made PLAIN in the minds of
              men, that they may know the truth and the truth, the life,
              the light, will make them free.

          11. I have declared this, that has been delivered unto me to
              give unto you, ye that sit here and that hear and that see a
              light breaking in the east, and have heard, have seen thine
              weaknesses and thine faultfindings, and know that He will
              make thy paths straight if ye will but live that YE KNOW this
              day - then may the next step, the next word, be declared unto
              thee.  For ye in your weakness [pause] have known the way,
              through that as ye have made manifest of the SPIRIT of truth
              and light that has been proclaimed into this earth, that has
              been committed unto the keeping of Him that made of Himself
              no estate but who brought into being all that ye see manifest
              in the earth, and has declared this message unto thee:  "Love
              the Lord thy God with all thine heart," and the second is
              like unto it, "Love thy neighbor as thyself."  Who is thine
              neighbor?  Him that ye may aid in whatsoever way that he, thy
              neighbor, thy brother, has been troubled.  Help him to stand
              on his own feet.  For such may only know the acceptable way.
              The weakling, the unsteady, must enter into the crucible and
              become as naught, even as He, that they may know the way.  I,
              Halaliel, have spoken.

If anyone wants to know more about Cayce you could do much better than to look at this website

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 07:08 PM

Originally posted by slave
"Within all of us is a "lie detector", a silent "inner voice", that offers us the greatest potential to discern truth and reality. People have "fooled" experts with so-called "physical proof", but the inner voice is never fooled. [The "inner voice" could also sometimes be termed as a "gut feeling", "intuition" or "women's intuition"- but it can also be much more than that.] You may not be very "in touch" with it at this time, but you can be if you want to. This inner voice is a part of God within you that knows what is true and what isn't - if you will just "hear" it. It doesn't "talk", it is just a "knowingness". The only reasons behind people not "hearing" their inner voice are fear, desires, and selfishness. If you can transcend those things even for a moment, you will have the most reliable source of discernment that exists. Even when all "external appearances" of truth say one thing, and your inner voice says another, you can bet that your inner voice is right."

Students of psychology (and folks who read books on psychology) will tell you that this is just rewritten basic psychology mixed with the "think and grow rich/accomplish things" that's been around since the 1800's. The part you cite above, in fact, was detailed in great depth by Freud and Jung nearly a century ago.

The three things they describe are the id, ego, and superego.

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 09:32 PM

Originally posted by Byrd

The three things they describe are the id, ego, and superego.

Or if you were stupid enough as a teen in the 70's to study the "I'm OK/ You'r OK" hippie crap of the day you would know them as the Parent, adult and child ego states......

Not that I would have done such a thing.....Well, I might have. The 70's are still kinda blurry to me. I blame the disco balls..... (among other things)

Love and light,


posted on Apr, 16 2005 @ 03:00 AM
Well the intuition quote may have been obvious, I will add another example in the Science Magic chapter n the oldest name of God.

It's free online at

“You asked about why different names for God within the same religion. This is one that was changed through time, translation, and misinterpretation, to many variations of the original, including, within several religions. Consider the similarities: Yahweh, Ya-Ho-Wah-Ho (YHWH), Ya-Ho-Wa, and Je-Ho-Vah, to name a few (Jehovah and Yahweh stuck pretty well). YHVH is also sometimes referred to as "the tetragrammaton" in magic and metaphysic circles. The first part, which was the positive polarity or “father” part of the name of God, was Yod, yes? See the similarity there even - Yod, God, Yod, God - not to hard to change through time and even pronunciation.”

“Yes, someone with a lisp or speech impediment could have started a whole new name of God to fight over.”

“Ah... yes, I suppose that could be.

The ancient teachings say that ‘He who can pronounce this name properly opens the gates of heaven’. This saying is vastly misunderstood. But even now, in some major religions it is forbidden to even attempt to pronounce YHVH.”


“In the early days of ‘religion’, certain ‘priests’ or high priests in power positions, who wanted more power, didn't want the common people to know this great key. They wanted people to need to go to the priests and turn to the religion for their understanding of God and spiritual matters.”

“Hey - how else are you going to make a buck and control everyone???”

“Exactly. This gave them great power and control, so they hid the name, changed the name, or made it forbidden to say by anyone other than the ‘high holy people’.”

I later asked Zain more about it, and he not only explained the details of the name, but taught me how to chant it as a meditation. It created major changes in my consciousness.

“The symbolism and structure of Yod-He-Vau-He is simple, yet deeply profound. And when its few simple elements combine, they give birth to the entire complexity of life. In part, YHVH represents that perfect simple pattern we spoke of earlier - the atom or solar system. It also speaks of human procreation, and stellar/planetary procreation. The first part, “Yod”, represents the positive (+), “Sun”, “light”, “the Father” principles. The first “He” represents the “negative”, not in the sense of “bad” or “evil”, but in the sense of (-), negative polarity, pure darkness like that of the void of space, the receptive, the Mother principles. “Vau” is the meeting of Yod and He; the place of interplay, intercourse, and combining of the first two principles. It is its own principle, and the place of conception of, and the birth of, the second “He” (again, pronounced “hay”). The second “He” is the offspring of Yod and He, the result of their interaction, their subsequent creation. The second “He” has the same attributes as its Father, the Yod, in that it actually IS a Yod in its own macro or microcosmic realm. The second “He” is on a vibrational plane an octave apart. The second “He” begins the cycle (Yod-He-Vau-He) again, but AS THE YOD in micro-cosm or macro-cosm, and its polarity is reversed from its “father” YOD. Interestingly, the “father” principle, Yod, was distorted through translation over time from “Yod” into “God”, which is also often given a “father” principle connotation.”

This took me some time and deep contemplation to grasp the entirety of, and the great significance of it. But I eventually did. In fact, it ultimately led to a great deal of scientific research I conducted, applying the name to light, sound, and music. I have included some other profound aspects, and an attempt at giving you examples that may help certain of you understand it better. Understanding vibration and music can make it easier.

The cycle of YHVH creation continues as an Infinite spiral. It can best be understood intuitively, but maybe these illustrations will help a bit.





(Infinite HE

vibrational VAU

spiral) HE/YOD.......octave




YHVH makes a spiral (similar to DNA double helix don’t you think?), each Yod in the same place on a circle of the spiral, but just above, or just below - on its own circle. These are “octaves” of vibration, and can represent a micro or macro-cosm world of existence.

To further help understand the way YHVH works, consider the vibrational realm of sound, and facts relating to music.

A common frequency of the musical note of “A” that is universally used to tune instruments, is 440 cycles per second (also called 440 hertz [hz]). But there are an infinite number of “octaves” of "A", above and below 440hz. For instance, the next octave of “A” above that is exactly double, exactly times 2 - i.e., 880 cycles per second, whereas the octave of “A” below that is 220 cycles per second, exactly half, exactly divided by 2. Note that the next higher note of "A" is exactly double, and the next higher one from that is exactly double, etc., and that vibrational doubling will go on infinitely, even after it goes beyond the realm of sound. Likewise, the next lower note of "A" is exactly half the frequency, etc., etc.,

"A" x 2 = "A" x 2 = "A" x 2 = "A" x 2 = "A" (etc., continuing infinitely)

55hz 110hz 220hz 440hz 880hz (etc., continuing infinitely)

octave octave octave octave octave

The "A" represents YOD; the multiplication by 2, represents the HE, and its intercourse (VAU) with the YOD; the next octave is the second HE, which is the offspring or creation of the YOD and HE's intercourse (VAU).

Below is another way of looking at it. In this example, the YOD and the first HE are of equal value (hz), and the combining or intercourse of the two (VAU) is represented by the equals sign (=). The numbers shown below the YHVH's are the cycles per second of octaves of "A".


110 + 110 = 220 + 220 = 440 + 440 = 880

(again, this continues infinitely up and infinitely down)

Don’t be frustrated if you don’t understand it easily or even for quite a while. I didn’t. Then one day it just hit me and all fell into place.

more here

posted on Apr, 16 2005 @ 09:05 PM

Originally posted by Gazrok
Since Plato's text is the only historic account of Atlantis...

If you ignore all Native American tribal lore as 'unreliable' oral tradition, Gazrok.

Just read one of the links and it set off my fertilizer detector:

Children of the Law of One (TM)

I prefer my gods and religions un-trademarked.

posted on Apr, 16 2005 @ 10:12 PM

Originally posted by slave
“In the early days of ‘religion’, certain ‘priests’ or high priests in power positions, who wanted more power, didn't Iwant the common people to know this great key. They wanted people to need to go to the priests and turn to the religion for their understanding of God and spiritual matters.”

In those sections, the writer reveals how little they know about the actual origin of the name YHVH. Defying 3,000 years of cultural knowledge and scholarship, the writer instead wanders off to a plane of imagination and borrows from a lot of modern books. Actually, he appears to borrow from the summaries of the books and doesn't seem to have read many of them in depth.

This took me some time and deep contemplation to grasp the entirety of, and the great significance of it.

The significance of it is that it will hopefully turn off your BS detector and lead you to not research the origins of the name.

The "atlantean" document is very shallow -- without the depth of the original material:
YHVH" is the Hebrew word that translates as "LORD". Found more often in the Old Testament than any other name for God (approximately 7,000 times), the title is also referred to as the "Tetragrammaton," meaning the "The Four Letters". YHVH comes from the Hebrew verb "to be" and is the special name that God revealed to Moses at the burning bush. "And God said to Moses, 'I AM WHO I AM; and He said, thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, I AM has sent me to you... this is My eternal name, and this is how I am to be recalled for all generations'" (Exodus 3:14-15). Therefore, YHVH declares God's absolute being - the source of everything, without beginning and without end. Although some pronounce YHVH as "Jehovah" or "Yaweh," scholars really don't know the proper pronunciation. The Jews stopped pronouncing this name by about 200 A.D., out of fear of breaking the commandment "You shall not take the name of YHVH your God in vain" (Exodus 20:7). (Today's rabbis typically use "Adonai" in place of YHVH.)

The name, YHVH ties into the Kaballah ( ) in very rich and complex ways.

It's a wonderfully deep and rich tradition.

I think that if you start reading about the REAL meaning of YHVH, you will quickly find how little this "atlantean" really knows.

Try this introduction to the Kaballah.:

posted on Apr, 22 2005 @ 11:57 AM
I can see how you could come to the conclusion you arrived at with regard to the writing in the book. The style is not in form with many self important texts encouraging the reader to believe they hold something over others by being intiated into the 'deeper' knowledge. But if the Yod He Vau He formula for creation is not exact with Kabbalah or 'Quabalah' in defention (which I'm not sure that it isn't), then which makes more sense? Is it possible then as some scientific research has proven now, everything is vibrating on it's own scale. That the fundamental law in the universe would be to govern it's place, and it's transformation? From sound to visible matter.

If the knowledge was more understood in the past it would certainly explain how the 'primitives' made the pyramids, and why Pythagoras was so interested in sound and numbers.

As for the writing, if the Cayce reading is to be believed, a John Peniel was to advanced spiritual truths plain in the minds of men. In order to liberate mankind (no small task). All I can say is the book blew my mind, so maybe it was just me, but it has helped me aloft, and if it helps others than I am going to talk about it.

THEY shall come and
declare that John Peniel is giving to the world the new ORDER
of things. Not that these that have been proclaimed have
been refused, but that they are made PLAIN in the minds of
men, that they may know the truth and the truth, the life,
the light, will make them free.

posted on Apr, 22 2005 @ 02:34 PM

Originally posted by slave
I can see how you could come to the conclusion you arrived at with regard to the writing in the book. The style is not in form with many self important texts encouraging the reader to believe they hold something over others by being intiated into the 'deeper' knowledge.

It ain't the style. It's the ridiculous content.

But if the Yod He Vau He formula for creation is not exact with Kabbalah or 'Quabalah' in defention (which I'm not sure that it isn't), then which makes more sense?

Let's rephrase the question: "If Newton's Law of Gravity isn't exact with this wonderful theory that planets are being pushed around by Invisible Pink Unicorns, then which makes more sense?"

The writer takes REAL knowledge and invents disinformation. He then sells you disinformation in the hopes that you will follow his path.

If the knowledge was more understood in the past it would certainly explain how the 'primitives' made the pyramids, and why Pythagoras was so interested in sound and numbers.

I'm not sure of your point. We know how the Egyptians and others made their pyramids... and in several cases, they left us a lot of writing about how they built them and there are ancient "diaries" in the forms of overseers journals that detail how they were being built.

And we know why Pythagoras was so interested in sound and numbers... I take it you haven't read his material? You really should. As I keep saying, the REAL truth (not this made-up fluff) is a lot deeper and richer than the shallow connections this person is trying to feed you.

As for the writing, if the Cayce reading is to be believed, a John Peniel was to advanced spiritual truths plain in the minds of men. In order to liberate mankind (no small task). All I can say is the book blew my mind, so maybe it was just me, but it has helped me aloft, and if it helps others than I am going to talk about it.

Let's see... Cayce predicted...
Atlantis would rise from the Atlantic Ocean in 1969
The Lindburgh baby would be found alive
Gave several "prescriptions" for people who were already dead
And the pole shift to happen before 1999
And Western America broken (fragmented) in the 1958-1998 period
And tropical weather in Antarctica...

THAT infallable Edgar Cayce? The one who predicted in 1998 that a secret underground chamber would be found between the paws of the Sphynx and that the documents in it would trigger the Second Coming that year? Who predicted that Japan would fall into the sea (not be defeated... would physically slip off the continental crust and go SPLOOSH!) before 1998?

Even his supporters have a hard time believing his prophecies. So I wouldn't expend any energy looking for this Mystery John (who is now nearly 80 years overdue beyond the date where he was supposed to appear.)

If the FluffyAtlantisStuff really blew you away, do try reading the Kabballah instead. THAT's some really impressive material -- and it's a lot better, too.

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 02:50 AM
Sorry I've haven't posted here for awhile and forgot about this thread. I feel I should follow up as I do find the subject important and interesting and sadly may not be the best person to represent the world view I adhere to.

But I will try.

About the fluffy Atlantis stuff, I found it interesting. It is not the intent of the book though, the intent is a direct truth, It was the most direct pinpoint precision heart felt ego busting I have ever encountered. Sure there's some bizarre tales here and there, but nothing has hit me that way before or since, and I recommend it as it brought me to my knees (figuratively) and I am very thankful for having read it.

It's a book, that's all. I was hoping others might find it interesting. They give half of it away for free.

It does go into the whammy zone, and just like David Icke not everyone is going to agree, most will laugh and walk away (figuratively)

I have only studied the Cabala generally and will continue to explore it. Thanks fr the concern.

Edgar Cayce, that's a whole can of something. Much more to him than what was suggested in the link though. But to touch upon the John Peniel reading, he made it in 1934, for the message to be delivered in 1998.

and some more Cayce


...The sleeping prophet, as Cayce has been nicknamed, predicted the beginning and end of both the First and Second World Wars, and the lifting of the Depression in 1933. In the 1920s, he first warned of coming racial strife in the United States, and in 1939 he predicted the deaths of two presidents in office; "Ye are to have turmoils -- ye are to have strife between capital and labor. Ye are to have a division in thy own land, before ye have the second of the Presidents that next will not live through his office... a mob rule!" President Franklin D. Roosevelt died in office in April 1945. In November 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Texas, when racial tensions in the United States were at their height. "Unless there is more give and take,"Cayce said, "consideration for those who produce, with better division of the excess profits from labor, there must be greater turmoil in the land."

In October 1935, Cayce spoke of the coming holocaust in Europe. The Austrians and Germans, he said, and later the Japanese, would take sides. "Thus an unseen force, gradually growing, must result in an almost direct opposition to the Nazi, or Aryan theme. This will gradually produce a growth of animosities. And unless there is interference by what many call supernatural forces and influences -- which are active in the affairs of nations and peoples -- the whole world as it were... will be set on fire by militaristic groups and people who are for power expansion."

Two of Cayce's major predictions concerned the futures of China and the Soviet Union, the world's great Communist giants. In 1944, he prophesied that China would one day be "the cradle of Christianity as applied in the lives of men." Through Russia, he said "comes the hope of the world. Not in respect to what is sometimes termed Communism or Bolshevism -- no! But freedom -- freedom! That each man will live for his fellow man. The principle has been born there. It will take years for it to be crystallized; yet out of Russia comes again the hope of the world." Russia, he said, would be guided by friendship with the United States. Its attempt to rule "not only the economic, but the mental and spiritual life" of its people was doomed to failure.

Cayce also predicted the possibility of a third world war. He spoke of strifes arising "near the Davis Straits," and "in Libya, and in Egypt, in Ankara, and in Syria; through the straits around those areas above Australia, in the Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf." When asked in June 1943 whether it would be feasible to work towards an international currency or a stabilization of international exchange levels when the war had ended, Cayce replied that it would be a long, long time before this would happen. Indeed, he said, "there may be another war over just such conditions." ...


I hope he's wrong too

[edit on 18-5-2005 by slave]

posted on May, 18 2005 @ 03:24 AM
Strange how, even though Plato supposedly got the story of Atlantis from the Egyptian priest Solon and considering how much personal study I've done on Egypt itself, I've never found any references in Egyptian history that indicates any connection with Atlantis at all...

posted on Jun, 27 2005 @ 08:57 PM
I just wanted to say that I have read this book (The Children of the Law of One and the Lost Teachings of Atlantis) twice and that I second everything that Slave said. It was the single most important piece of literature that I have ever stumbled upon, spiritually speaking. The book is not about Atlantis, but rather about the important teachings which came from there. Regardless of that, though, you should judge the message, and not the irrelevant details of the container of the message. If you have just skimed over the surface of some samples, you are likely to concentrate on some irrelevant things. I tell you, this book is about Unselfish Love and Enlightenment, which is not a very popular topic with most people, I understand. But if you are a seeker of spiritual truth, I couldn't recommend this book more.


posted on Jul, 10 2005 @ 09:22 PM
Arvedui78, It seems that anyone who I have come across that has read the book, has a similar response (well there were a couple of negatives) overall a lifechanger.

posted on Jul, 10 2005 @ 09:29 PM
Sad that much of this forum is saturated with Fantasy and Fictional History...

posted on Jul, 20 2005 @ 01:47 PM

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