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A Review and Analysis of the Garabandal Prophecies

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posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 12:50 PM
I am posting this on behalf of Valhall and Mynaeris who worked on this together... Enjoy this incredible work...


The following analysis is a collaborative writing produced by ATS members Mynaeris and Valhall. It is not the intention of the writers to attempt to "predict" any events in this analysis, but introduce the reader to the lesser known Garabandal prophecies and analyze possible dates of relevance in comparison to both the biblical prophecies and the Mayan calendar.

A Review of the Garabandal Prophecies

Only some of the Marian apparitions and visions have been authenticated by the Catholic Church, (eg Lourdes, Fatima), some are still under review (Medjugorje), and others have been "condemned" (Bayside, New York). Still. the sheer number of reported appearances in the last 50 years, regardless of whether they have been authenticated or not, leads one to ask, "what is going on, why now?"

The visions that appeared to the children of Garabandal is neither accepted nor rejected by the Vatican. They have taken a rather neutral position on these events, but unlike the Fatima apparitions this one is both better documented and less shrouded in secrecy.

San Sebastian of Garabandal is a small town in the North of Spain with a population of approximately 300 people. On June 18, 1961 Garabandal stopped being just another little Spanish village when four girls were playing on the outskirts of the town - Conchita Gonzalez, Maria Dolores (Mari-loli) Mazon, Jacinta Gonzalez and Maria Cruz Gonzalez (not related despite having the same name.) Maria Cruz was eleven, the others twelve, and all were from poor families. A loud noise attracted their attention, it sounded like thunder to them, they claimed that was when they saw the Archangel Gabriel. His message to them was that the Holy Mother would appear to them on the 2nd Of July.

The news of this apparition soon spread through the village and to neighboring villages and as the 2nd Of July was on a Sunday all the villagers were out to see if the children were telling the truth. At 6pm that evening the children went to the place where the angel had appeared to them. To everybody’s surprise the children seemed to fall into a trance state. Afterwards they described the apparition they had seen, saying it was the Virgin Mary with the infant Jesus. For the next four years the children spoke with the Virgin Mary several times a week. These apparitions didn’t happen only when they were together but sometimes when there was only one, or two, but the commonality was that they would fall into this trance state (ecstasy) and would communicate with the Holy Mother.

A report on these events reads:

“When the vision appeared, the girls fell instantaneously on their knees, striking the sharp rocks with a loud noise that was frightening, yet they showed no signs of injury. The expression on their faces was suddenly transformed. Their look became extraordinarily beautiful, sweet, one of profound mysticism. There are no words that can properly describe the change. They were completely absorbed in their rapture, unaware of anyone or any material thing around them except for each other. They did no react to pricks, burns or blows. All attempts to distract them failed. Powerful beams of strong light were focused on them, yet their eyes did not even flicker, blink or show any signs of discomfort. Quite the contrary, their eyes remained wide open, expressing a look of intense joy. However, when the girls returned to the normal state, they immediately shielded their eyes from those bright lights which under normal circumstances should have caused permanent eye damage.”

There are numerous pictures of these events available on the web showing the little girls in their states of ecstasy.

During the next years the children were given three messages by the Virgin Mary - the first a warning, the second a miracle and the third of the punishment that was to follow if man did not heed to God’s warning.

“First, a World-Wide Warning that will happen in the the collision of two stars that do not fall down... it will frighten all humanity regardless of where one happens to be at the time... it will be a thousand times worse than earthquakes... like a fire that will not burn our flesh ... it will last a very short time, although to us it will seem to be a very long time ... no one can prevent it from happening ... It will be recognized as coming from God... it will resemble a punishment ... it is meant to be a purification ... like the revelation of our sins and what we will feel in our hearts will be worse than sorrow. It will not kill us, if we die it will be caused by the emotion within us. The date was not revealed only that it will happen before the announcement of the miracle.

Second, A miracle is to occur in Garabandal within 12 months after the Warning... It will be on a Thursday at 8:30 p.m. on a feast-day of a martyred Saint for the Eucharist ...( not a feast-day of Our Lady or Our Lord) ... it will happen in the month of April... between the 7th and the 17th of the month but not the 7th or the 17th... it will be seen by looking up over the area of the Pines and will be visible from all the surrounding mountainside which will serve as a "natural" amphitheater. (Note: millions of people could easily fit around the mountain area.)The sick will be cured...the unbelievers will be converted...

Conchita knows the nature of the great miracle as well as the exact date and she will announce the date eight days before it happens. The means of communicating the date to the world will be a miracle in itself. It will be able to be filmed, photographed and televised.

Third , a Permanent Sign will remain at Garabandal in memory of the miracle as visible proof of our Blessed Mother's love for all humanity. It will be a "thing" never before seen upon the earth. It can be photographed by not touched.

The Fourth prophecy depends on whether or not mankind has heeded the message of our lady... the vision of this "conditional punishment" brought terror and tears to the children... If it happens it will be more terrible than anything we can possibly imagine because it will be the result of the direct intervention of God. It will have nothing to do with wars, revolutions or the hardness of men's hearts. Conchita says, "If the punishment comes, and I believe it will come, it will come after the promised miracle."

"On 3 June 1963 - the day of the passing of Pope John XXIII - after learning that the village bells were tolling for the pope, Conchita made a startling remark to her mother Aniceta: “For sure…now there remain no more than three [popes]!” (Seguramente… Pues, ¡ya no quedan más que tres!)1 Amazingly, although this was the first time that Aniceta had heard this announcement, it appears that Conchita had made mention of this more than six months earlier to others. She perhaps first was told this on 20 December 1962, as indicated by a letter that Conchita’s aunt Maximina sent to friends that same day.2

Naturally, Aniceta was shocked, and asked if this meant the end of the world was approaching (¿quiere decir que viene ya el fin del mundo?). Conchita’s response was that the Virgin did not say “the end of the world”, but rather “the end of the times”. Further, after being asked if these two were not the same, she answered only: “Well, I don’t know that.” (Pués, no lo sé.)3" (2)

According therefore to Conchita , the virgin said that Pope John Paul will be the last Pope. This is in contradiction with the St Malachy prediction, but could imply that John Paul II would be considered the last real pope

On November 13, 1965 was the last visit by the Virgin Mary and only Conchita was present at that vision. There were approximately 2000 appearances by the Virgin Mary during the 4 years and for the most part the girls said that the Blessed Virgin asked them mostly to plead with humanity to return to God through prayer, fasting, frequent confession and reception of the Eucharist and acts of mercy. From my readings on this I have discovered that all four the little girls now live in the USA.(1)

Sister Faustina died in Krakow in 1938 . On 18 April 1993 Pope John Paul II beatified her and she was entered into the Vatican records as a saint.

“She had a special devotion to Mary Immaculate, to the Sacrament, and to Reconciliation, which led to a deep mystical interior life. She began to have visions, receive revelations, and experience hidden stigmata. She began recording these mystical experiences in a diary; being nearly illiterate, it was written phonetically, without quotation marks or punctuation, and runs to nearly 700 pages. A bad translation reached Rome in 1958, and was labelled heretical.” Pope John Paul when he became the Archbishop of Krakow ordered a better translation and sent that to Rome. The Vatican authorities realized that instead of heresy, the work proclaimed God's love. It was published as” Divine Mercy in my Soul.”

From these writings of Sister Faustina comes this extract “"Our Lord" told her the following:] Before I come as the just judge, I am coming first as the King of Mercy. Before the day of justice arrives, there will be given to people a sign in the heavens of this sort: "All light in the heavens will be extinguished, and there will be great darkness over the whole earth. Then the sign of the cross will be seen in the sky, and from the openings where the hands and the feet of the Savior were nailed will come forth great lights which will light up the earth for a period of time. This will take place shortly before the last day."(3)

Sister Faustina's story is included as it fits in nicely with the Garabandal visions whilst possibly giving more detail of the warning or the miracle.

An Analysis of the Vision of The Miracle

The Garabandal prophecies are anchored to one another by the very specific time period in which the second prophecy, The Miracle, can take place. Revisiting this second prophecy it is found:

"Second, A miracle is to occur in Garabandal within 12 months after the Warning... It will be on a Thursday at 8:30 p.m. on a feast-day of a martyred Saint for the Eucharist ...( not a feast-day of Our Lady or Our Lord) ... it will happen in the month of April... between the 7th and the 17th of the month but not the 7th or the 17th..." (1)

So there is an exact 8 day window, in the month of April that The Miracle can occur. Furthermore, since the visionary restricts the event further by stating "Thursday at 8:30 p.m.", according to how the 7th falls, there can only be up to two Thursdays that fall between the 7th and 17th, but not on those dates. For instance, for this April, there is only one Thursday between these dates, April 14th.

April 2005

Looking again at the prophecy it is found that it will be on "...a feast-day of a martyred Saint for the Eucharist ...( not a feast-day of Our Lady or Our Lord)...".

A review of the saints' feasts days between the 7th and 17th of April produces the following list of saints (taken from (4)):

April 8th

St. Julie Billiart
St. Walter of Pontoise
St. Aedesius
St. Amantius
St. Concessa
St. Dionysius of Corinth
St. Julia of Billiart
St. Redemptus
St. Perpetuus

April 9th

St. Acacius
St. Waldetrudis
Bl. Thomas of Tolentino
St. Casilda
St. Demetrius
St. Dotto
St. Gaucherius
St. Hedda
St. Hugh of Rouen
St. Madrun
Martyrs of Croyland
Martyrs of Pannonia
St. Mary Cleophas

April 10th

St. Michael de Sanctis
Bl. Anthony Neyrot
St. Apollonius
St. Apollonius
St. Beocca
St. Terence
St. Fulbert
St. Macarius the Ghent
St. Malchus
St. Michael of the Saints
St. Palladius
St. Paternus

April 11th

St. Stanislaus
St. Gemma Galgani
St. Antipas
St. Barsanuphius
St. Domnio
St. Godebertha
St. Machai
St. Maedhog
St. Mary Margaret d'Youville
St. Philip of Gortyna

April 12th

St. Julius
St. Allerius
St. Vissia
St. Victor
St. Zeno
St. Wigbert
St. Tetricus
St. Sabas
St. Damian

April 13th

Pope Saint Martin I
St. Caradoc
St. Carpus
Bl. Edward Catheriek
St. Gunioc
St. Hermengild
Bl. John Lockwood
St. Martius
St. Maximus

April 14th

St. Lydwine
St. Peter Gonzales
St. Abundius
St. Ardalion
St. Tassach
St. Thomais
St. Tiburtius
St. Domnina
St. Lambert of Lyon
St. Peter Gonzalez

April 15th

St. Paternus
Bl. Damien de Veuster
St. Hunna
St. Ruadan
St. Maro
St. Maximus & Olympiades
St. Mundus

April 16th

St. Bernadette
St. Paternus
St. Benedict Joseph Labré
St. Bernadette Soubirous
St. Turibius of Astorga
St. Turibius of Palencia
St. Callistus & Charisius
St. Contardo
St. Drogo
St. Encratia
St. Herve
St. Lambert of Saragossa
St. Paternus

In reviewing the list of saints above, significance in the life and/or beatification of the saint, and or connections to the visions and Garabandal was sought. Since others see things differently, the connections found may be deemed purely conjectural and subjective, therefore references to the biographies of all saints listed below are included in the end notes. The following saints have been recorded as having something significant, or relevant surrounding them.

April 9th - St. Mary Cleophas is included because of her connection to the Christ, but also because tradition reports she traveled to Spain as a missionary thereby giving a link to Garabandal.(5)

April 10th - St. Michael de Sanctis (also, St. Michael of the Saints) is included in this list because he was canonized by Pope Pius IX.(6)(7)

April 11th - St. Antipas has significance in that he is only mentioned in the book of The Revelation of John the Seer.(8)

Revelation 2:12-17 states:

"12"To the angel of the church in Pergamum write:
These are the words of him who has the sharp, doubleedged sword. 13I know where you live-where Satan has his throne. Yet you remain true to my name. You did not renounce your faith in me, even in the days of Antipas, my faithful witness, who was put to death in your city-where Satan lives. 14Nevertheless, I have a few things against you: You have people there who hold to the teaching of Balaam, who taught Balak to entice the Israelites to sin by eating food sacrificed to idols and by committing sexual immorality. 15Likewise you also have those who hold to the teaching of the Nicolaitans. 16Repent therefore! Otherwise, I will soon come to you and will fight against them with the sword of my mouth. 17He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give him a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to him who receives it." (9)

April 13th - St. Hermengild is included in the list due to the fact he was the Prince of Visigothic Spain, lost his inheritance due to his conversion, and his feast day is confined only to the Spanish Catholic calendar.(10)

April 14th - St. Lambert of Lyon is included do to a numerological significance in his life that corresponds with important scripture of the Revelation. He was named abbott at Fontenelles, France, in the year 666. He later became archbishop of Lyons - a prominent French city in Nostradamus's quatrains.(11)

April 16th - St. Bernadette (also St. Bernadette Soubouris) is included because she is the famous visionary at Lourdes.(12)(13)

The importance of the limited time period in April for which The Miracle can occur is that it "anchors" the other Garanbandal prophecies about it. Going backward from the The Miracle, we have the warning, with a tightly constrained time reference to The Miracle:

“First, a World-Wide Warning that will happen in the the collision of two stars that do not fall down... it will frighten all humanity regardless of where one happens to be at the time... it will be a thousand times worse than earthquakes... like a fire that will not burn our flesh ... it will last a very short time, although to us it will seem to be a very long time ... no one can prevent it from happening ... It will be recognized as coming from God... it will resemble a punishment ... it is meant to be a purification ... like the revelation of our sins and what we will feel in our hearts will be worse than sorrow. It will not kill us, if we die it will be caused by the emotion within us. The date was not revealed only that it will happen before the announcement of the miracle.
Second, A miracle is to occur in Garabandal within 12 months after the Warning... " (1)

So, once it has been established that The Miracle can only occur on up to two days of an 8-day window in the month of April, The Warning cannot occur any further back in time than 12 months from the second date on which The Miracle could occur.

A Comparison of the Mayan Calendar, Jacob's Tribulation and the Jewish Calendar

The end of the Mayan calendar is widely held to fall on December 21, 2012. But there is also a second camp who believes the end falls closer to the 12th or 13th of December 2012.(14)(15) The date has even been seen in visions.

"Date-wise, you might like to mark 13/14 December 2012 in your diary. I received this date in a dream when I was just pregnant with my son. In the dream Barry (my husband) and I were in a large house and a woman who lived there asked me if I wanted to hold her baby. (She was the soul who was in charge of "delivering" my son's soul into my care). I said "yes" and she handed the baby to me.

I asked him if he'd slept well and he actually answered "Yes" (from his mind to mine). I knew from how he communicated that he was intelligent. I said, "What are you here (on earth) for at this time?" And he replied, "For the Event."

I asked "When's that?" feeling hugely amazed. And he said, "13/14 December 2012."(16)

The Mayan calendar is based on a 13 moon cycle. The same type 13 moon cycle-based calendar has been used by the Druids, Egyptians, Chinese and Incans. When one looks at the December 2012 time-frame of the Mayan 13 moon calendar, it is found that a moon cycle ends on the 12th of December.(17) Taking into account that the fundamental structure of the Mayan calendar is a 13 month cycle, December 21st becomes less reasonable as any kind of stop/start date, as it falls 9 days into a new moon cycle. What would be more reasonable, when one takes into account the numerological importances that the Mayan calendar is based on, would be to end a great cycle at the end of a Mayan moon month, and begin a "new age" - possibly a spiritual new age that no longer needs a calendar - on the next day. If this is taken into account, the Mayan calendar would logically end on the 12th of December, 2012 - with the new age/cycle beginning on the 13th.

In analyzing the Jewish calendar it is found that there are two significant aspects of December 13, 2012 relative the Hebrew traditions and calendar.

1. The month of Kislev ends on December 13, 2012. So for any "block" of Jewish months referenced in the biblical prophecies, they could feasibly end with December 13 without "parting" a specific month.

December 2012

2. In 2012, December 13 represents the 6th night - the 6th candle - of Chanukah. Chanukah is held in remembrance of the 8 days in which the Menorah continued to burn even though the Jews had no oil to fuel it. At the time of this miracle, the Jews were under extreme persecution at the hand of Antiochus Epiphane IV. It was Antiochus IV that ceased the daily sacrifice of the Jews at the Temple, and committed the sacrilege of sacrificing pigs on the Temple altar. Some scholars hold that the Biblical prophecies of the antichrist, which foresee a man who will cease the daily sacrifices and set up the "abomination of desolation" in the Temple, in fact referred to Antiochus IV. For those who hold that the biblical prophecies contained in Ezekiel, Daniel and The Revelation refer to events that have to unfold, Antiochus IV is the prototypical antichrist, at the least. It is worth pointing out that on December 13, 2012, it is the SIXTH night of Chanukah - once again a numeralogical synchronicity with the end of the Jewish six days, with the seventh being the day of rest - i.e. a new spiritual existence and the millenium of peace referred to in The Revelation.

With a Jewish month ending on December 13, 2012, we can now take any given time period listed in the prophecies that is described by a number of months, and step back from this proposed end date to the beginning of that time period.

When reviewing the time periods assigned to the Tribulation as described in the Revelation, and Daniel, you have a 7 year timeframe described by two 3-1/2 year segments. In addition, the 3-1/2 year segment, which initiates with the abolishment of the daily sacrifice and ends with the setting up of the abomination of desolation is described in three distinct manners:

3-1/2 years
42 months
1260 days

This latter 3-1/2 year period of the greater 7 year tribulation is often referred to as "Jacob's Tribulation" because it contains great suffering and oppression of the Jewish people.

When overlaying the end of Kislev 5773 with December 13, 2012, and then stepping back 42 Jewish months, is is found that the date corresponding to the beginning of this timeframe is June 22-23, 2009, which is the end of the Jewish month Sivan and the beginning of the Jewish month Tamuz 5769.

June 2009

The significance of the possibility that "Jacob's Tribulation" (the end-time persecution of the Jews, the ceasing of their daily sacrifice, and the setting up of the Abomination of Desolation by the Antichrist) could begin on the first day of Tammuz cannot be over emphasize. The Hebrew month of Tammuz takes its name from the Babylonian language and was applied to this Hebrew month by the Jewish people after they were freed from their bondage in Babylonia. It is a Babylonian idol that the Israelites had come to worship. It was from this idolatry that the desecration and eventual destruction of the first Temple was allowed to occur at the hands of the Babylonians. This temple had stood for 410 years. The Temple was seiged by the Baylonians on the 17th of Tammuz, and destroyed on the 9th of Av. It is because the destruction of the Temple, and subsequent captivity in Babylon under Nebuchadnezzar that makes it appropriate to state "Tammuz brought down the Jewish people". (18)(19)(20)
Stepping back 42 months again, or 3-1/2 more Jewish years - in order to get to the beginning of the longer 7 year tribulation of The Revelation, the date arrived at is January 1, 2006 and the beginning of the Jewish month Tevet.

January 2006

Tevet is referred to as "the month of anguish", primarily because of the annual mourning that occurs on the 10th of Tevet to commemorate the beginning of the seige of Jerusalem by the Babylonians. This seige led to the destruction of the First Temple on the 9th of Av - which is also is the exact Hebrew date for the destruction of the Second Temple by the Romans. The destruction of the two temples, and the absence of a temple for worship is collectively commemorated on the 10th of Tevet. The first day of Tevet coincides with the exile of King Jechoniah, along with the Sages, nobility and royalty of Jerusalem.(21)

An Analysis of the Traditional End Date of the Mayan Calendar

The above comparison of the Jewish calendar with the Mayan Calendar hinges on an end date that is not the traditionally accepted date by most. When performing the above comparison using the widely accepted Mayan end date of December 21, 2012, the following alignments occur.
December 12, 2012 is the day of the 8th of Tevet, the beginning of the 9th of Tevet.

The 8th and 9th of Tevet hold significance in Hebrew tradition for the following reasons:

"0n the 8th of Tevet, at the beginning of the "Greek Era," the Torah was translated into Greek by the decree of King Ptolemy, in about the year 313 B.C.E., according to the Bayit Sheni Timeline presented in the Chanukah Section, which locates the date of the Destruction of the First Temple in 423 B.C.E. This corresponds to the approximate year of 476 B.C.E., according to the alternate timeline which locates the Destruction at 586 B.C.E. That day was regarded as equally calamitous for Israel as the day on which the Golden Calf was made, since it is impossible to adequately translate the Torah.

Moving backwards in time, the 9th of Tevet commemorates the death of both Ezra the Scribe and Nechemia, two of our greatest leaders, who faithfully led Israel during the return from Babylonian captivity. This occurred in approximately the year 353 B.C.E., according to the first Timeline referenced above, or approx. 516 B.C.E., according to the alternate Timeline. It is said that the eyes of all Israel were clouded by their death, for the loss of these great leaders was a tremendous blow, and Ezra's stature, in particular, was so great that it is said of him that had the Torah not been given to Israel through Moses, it would have been given to Israel through Ezra."(21)

When the 42 months of Jacob's Tribulation are backed out from the end date of December 21, 2012, the beginning date becomes June 30, 2009, or the 8th of Tamuz.

June 2009

Backing another 42 months to arrive at the beginning of the longer 7 year tribulation period, we arrive at January 8th, 2006 which again is the day of the 8th of Tevet and the beginning of the 9th of Tevet.

January 2006

Analyzing April

As reviewed earlier, there are six saint's feast days that have been considered to have either a connection to the Garabandal visions, or scriptural relevance. These date in April, between the 7th and 17th, are the 9th, 10th, 11th, 13th, 14th and 16th. In bringing in the relevant spiritual dates of the Christian belief, we must analyze the important dates surrounding the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ as recorded in the Gospels.

In Matthew 26:17-19 it states:

"On the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the disciples came to Jesus and asked, “Where do you want us to make preparations for you to eat the Passover?” 18He replied, “Go into the city to a certain man and tell him, ‘The Teacher says: My appointed time is near. I am going to celebrate the Passover with my disciples at your house.’ ” 19So the disciples did as Jesus had directed them and prepared the Passover. "(23)

If this were the only account of these communications and actions, one could be misled to believe that the date on which the disciples were asking Christ about where he wanted the Passover meal held was the 15th of Nisan, but luckily, Mark also recounts these happenings.

Mark 14:12-16:

"12On the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, when it was customary to sacrifice the Passover lamb, Jesus' disciples asked him, “Where do you want us to go and make preparations for you to eat the Passover?” 13So he sent two of his disciples, telling them, “Go into the city, and a man carrying a jar of water will meet you. Follow him. 14Say to the owner of the house he enters, ‘The Teacher asks: Where is my guest room, where I may eat the Passover with my disciples?’ 15He will show you a large upper room, furnished and ready. Make preparations for us there.” 16The disciples left, went into the city and found things just as Jesus had told them. So they prepared the Passover." (24)

Please note that the writer of Mark further clarifies what day he is speaking of with the phrase "when it was customary to sacrifice the Passover lamb". The Pascal sacrifice was always given as an offering at the Temple on Passover Eve - Nisan 14th. So with these two complimentary accounts we find specifically, with no doubt, that the disciples approached Christ on the 14th asking where he wanted to have the Seder that night - which would be the beginning of Nisan 15th, and the "First day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread".

The betrayal, arrest, condemnation and crucifixion were all completed on Nisan 15th before sunset - the beginning of Nisan 16th which was also the Sabbat. This is further confirmed by Mark 14:42:

"42It was Preparation Day (that is, the day before the Sabbath). " (25)

The evening of the Sabbath day - the 16th of Nisan, just prior to the beginning of the 17th at sunset - would have been considered the first day of the Counting of the Omer. The women did not return to the tomb until after the Sabbath had passed. They return in the daylight hours of Nisan 17.

When reviewing for dates of relevance in the Hebrew calendar, the most important date that could fall in this window within the month of April is the day of Nisan 14 and the beginning of Nisan 15 which is the first day of Pesach (Passover) and the night on which the Seder is held.

Synchronicities of Current Events

The authors of this analysis began their research work on the Garabandal prophecies in the latter part of March. An email was sent to the visionaries, requesting an interview to be included in this writing. Shortly after sending the email it was learned that for some time (months) the visionaries of Garabandal, all of whom live the United States now, had been preparing for a pilgrimage to Garabandal. The visionaries left for Garabandal on the 4th of April and will be there, at the site at which they received their visions, through the 18th of April.(26)
On April 2nd the pope died and his funeral is to be held on April 8th. An eclipse will take place on the day of his funeral.(27) It is not the opinion of the authors of this piece that the warning can occur on the 8th of April, 2005, but would most likely occur no earlier than the 13th of April of this year. The reason for this is based on the fact there is only one Thursday between the 7th and 17th of April, 2006. That Thursday is April 13th, 2006.

April 2006

In order for The Miracle to occur "within 12 months" of the warning, the warning would most likely not occur before the 13th.

The 13th of April is the feastday for St. Hermengild, Prince Visigoth of Spain, who lost is inheritance due to his conversion. The feastday is only celebrated in Spain.

It is traditionally held in the Jewish faith that the first Pesach, which led to the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt, began on a Wednesday night (i.e. Nisan 14 was on Wednesday and Nisan 15th began at sundown.)(28)

Nisan 14 lands on April 12th, 2006, the Wednesday immediately preceding the only qualifying Thursday between the 7th and the 17th, therefore Pesach begins in 2006 as it did on the original Pesach.

Nisan 15 lands on April 13th, 2006, the only Thursday that qualifies as a possible date for The Miracle to occur. Nisan 15 was the date of the Christ's betrayal, arrest and crucifixion.

The only qualifying Thursday for this month, April, 2005, is April 14th. The Miracle cannot occur on the 14th of April, 2005, as The Warning has not yet occurred. However, in speculating on whether April 14, 2005, could be a relevant date for the occurence of The Warning, the following information is significant:

April 14th is the feastday for St. Lambert of Lyon who was named abbott at Fontenelles, France, in the year 666. He later became archbishop of Lyons - a prominent French city in Nostradamus's quatrains.

April 2005

If The Warning were to occur on the qualifying Thursday of this month, the qualifying Thursday for next April (April 13th, 2006) would be "within 12 months" of the warning.


1. St. Michael's Garabandal Center

2. The Three Popes and Garabandal: Revisited

3. The Life and Mission of Saint Faustina

4. Catholic Online: Feastday List for April

5. Catholic Online: St. Mary Cleophas

6. Catholic Online: St. Michael de Sanctis

7. Catholic Online: St. Michael of the Saints

8. Catholic Online: St. Antipas

9. Revelation 2:12-17

10. Catholic Online: St. Hermengild

11. Catholic Online: St. Lambert of Lyon

12. Catholic Online: St. Bernadette

13. Catholic Online: St. Bernadette Soubouris

14. Calendar Claptrap

15. Will the World End on 2012?

16. Future Visions 2012

17. 13-Moon Self Study Pilot Program

18. The Month of Tammuz

19. A Chronology of Destruction

20. The Month of Av

21. The Month of Tevet

22. Kethubim, The Jewish Publication Society

23. Matthew 26:17-19

24. Mark 14:12-16

25. Mark 14:42

26. 14 Day Pilgrimage 2005

27. Solar Eclipse to Occur on April 8th

28. First Pesach Preparation

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You may read the original analysis of the Garabandal prophecies here.

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 02:03 PM
Great work. Looks like a lot of time and effort went into this. I havent had a chance to read it yet but I am looking forward to it.

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 03:25 PM
The above analysis of the garabandal prophecies is very well articulated and prestented in a manner that deserves much appreciation from those of us interested in this topic.

I am most curious about the above mentioned pilgramage of the sisters back to garabandal this april. Is this a trip that the sisters commonly make? Or is there something more to it? with the death of the "last pope" according to Conchita could the "Warning" be right around the corner?
I will be paying very close attention to this and would love to discuss this further with anyone interested.
I would also like to ask anyone with information on the sisters current pilgramage to garabandal to enlighten me further.

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 03:34 PM
hmmm excellent presentation valhall and mynaeris, this is certainly food for thought. I would presume that the Vatican is also well educated on these prophecies, so would it be a stretch to think that they chose the 8th of April for the Pope's funeral because of this?

i look forward to hearing more analysis and thought on this

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by StormShadowTRU
The above analysis of the garabandal prophecies is very well articulated and prestented in a manner that deserves much appreciation from those of us interested in this topic.

I am most curious about the above mentioned pilgramage of the sisters back to garabandal this april. Is this a trip that the sisters commonly make? Or is there something more to it? with the death of the "last pope" according to Conchita could the "Warning" be right around the corner?
I will be paying very close attention to this and would love to discuss this further with anyone interested.
I would also like to ask anyone with information on the sisters current pilgramage to garabandal to enlighten me further.

I am with StormShadowTRU. I would like to know a little more about the pilgramage the visionaries are taking. Very scary indeed!!!!

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 04:40 PM
I'm a little 'up' on the Garabandal 'visions'. I am looking forward
to reading all the research done. EXCELLENT work!

My take at this point on Garabandal - it's demonic deceit.

I say this for a few reasons -

- The night of screams. There was a eucharistic celebration going
on in the church. The girls were outside in the dark night screaming.
The people left the eucharistic celebration and went to watch the
girls and listen to them. I don't believe the Mother of God would
take people away from worship of her Son. I do believe the devil

- There was a time that the four girls floated down the stairs,
BACKWARDS and went out the door. One of the moms saw this.

- The 'ecstatic poses' that the girls did during the 'visions'.

- Joey Lamangino .. the man who lost his eyesight and was
promised that he would see again. Last I heard (about 10 years
ago), he was very old, still very much blind, and he was suffering
from dementia or alzheimers. Is he even still alive?

Perhaps your research will change my mind. Or perhaps it will
reinforce what I already believe. Either way, I applaud your work
on this.

Oh yes, the Three Days of Darkness has been tied to Garabandal
as well. Now THAT I do believe in and I do think it will be coming soon.

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 04:43 PM

Originally posted by worldwatcher
I would presume that the Vatican is also well educated on these prophecies, so would it be a stretch to think that they chose the 8th of April for the Pope's funeral because of this?

The vatican has three times declared Garabandal not to be of
supernatural origin. I'm willing to be most of the Cardinals don't
believe in these kinds of things. I doubt they chose the funeral
date because of Garabandal. (I could be wrong, but I doubt it).

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 04:49 PM
Val and Mynaeris will be replying to this this evening. Stay tuned...


posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 05:48 PM
Excellent work Valhall & Mynaeris, and thanks to Springer for pulling it all together. This is actually something I've been wanting to see since I don't have the time to do it myself.

Looking forward to watching this thread.

As for St. Faustina, she's one of my favorites and I find it interesting that her description of the event in the sky is similar to that of Garabandal, though not described as harshly. Of course, the event may be the same and only the interpretations of the veiwers are different.

For the record, if the Great Warning is a real event I have always speculated that it would come the week after the Feast of Divine Mercy started by St. Faustina. This Feast Day falls on the Sunday immediately after Easter (which varies every year), but would often put it in April. I cannot exactly nail it down, but I do see this Feast Day as being an integral part of the Great Warning if it were to occur. I may elaborate more on this another time.

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 05:56 PM

Originally posted by Relentless
Excellent work Valhall & Mynaeris, and thanks to Springer for pulling it all together.

Actually, I did NOTHING but copy/paste and post...
They asked me to post it for them because it was a combined effort and they didn't feel it would reflect the cooperative work performed if it was posted under one or the other's name only.


posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 10:08 PM
It appears that the pilgrimage this year is not a unique occurrence. However, if I read this information right, the last time they made the pilgrimage to Garabandal was in 2003. While there Maria Saraco, one of the visionaries, had a stroke. Because of her condition, this is the first year since then they have gone to Garabandal.

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 10:20 PM
Wow it is nice to see so many elements tied together and analyzed as a whole?

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 11:15 PM
An amazing read, Valhall and Mynaeris!! A beautifully presented bit of research!!

Especially disturbing since I was reading a site just yesterday that mentions many of the same things.

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 11:47 PM
The link below is a pic/description of 3 galaxies that are "in a titanic collision with one another"...

Makes me wonder if this could be connected with the "collision of two great objects in the sky"?

There seems to be so much happening at this moment in time, I feel compelled to follw this. Strange part is, i have NEVER been one to follow predictions.


posted on Apr, 8 2005 @ 12:59 AM

Originally posted by Valhall
It appears that the pilgrimage this year is not a unique occurrence. However, if I read this information right, the last time they made the pilgrimage to Garabandal was in 2003. While there Maria Saraco, one of the visionaries, had a stroke. Because of her condition, this is the first year since then they have gone to Garabandal.

Thank you for providing some more insight into the pilgrimage.
I am slightly relieved to learn it is not a unique occurence for if it was, I would have been a little more apprehensive about the week ahead.

posted on Apr, 8 2005 @ 03:53 AM

Originally posted by Springer

Only some of the Marian apparitions and visions have been authenticated by the Catholic Church, (eg Lourdes, Fatima), some are still under review (Medjugorje), and others have been "condemned" (Bayside, New York). Still. the sheer number of reported appearances in the last 50 years, regardless of whether they have been authenticated or not, leads one to ask, "what is going on, why now?"

Regarding discerning the authenticity of both Garabandal and Medjugorje from a personal standpoint, there is one striking feature of these two appartitions that to me vary greatly from all those actually authenticated in the past. For the most part, in the past, the seers (especially children) have been so profondly affected by their encounters that they have retreated to the religious life afterwards. This does not seem to be the case with either of these apparitions. Aside from the expected attention the apparitions have brought them, the children have all grown up and are living in the world as normally as can be expected (marrying, having children, etc.).

Another thing I think should be pointed out as food for thought is the fact that all apparitions have an urgent call to prayer in order to save souls and prevent some future catastrophies, but the timing of the future events were never truly pinpointed unless they were occurring immediately such as the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima. In these two cases (both Garabandal and Medjugorje) what we have is serious and specific future events (though somewhat lacking in detail in Medjugorje) where we are promised a notification by the seers prior to the occurrance. This specifically places the events within the lifetime of the children involved. For most of us reading this, that means in our lifetimes.

For me, this can be taken one of two ways, though unless these things actually begin to happen, I cannot discern which is the way to decide. Either it casts doubt due to such a break with tradition, or the break with tradition is due to the fact that the situation in the world today is indeed urgent and grave.

Edit: A note of clarification. Maria Saraco of is not one of the actual visionaries of Garabandal. She was however present at the last two of the Garabandal apparitions and chose to further the messages. This has been a source of confusion for me due to the fact that there were 2 Maria's amoung the visionaries and their last names at this point are not clarified for the most part. I have however now confirmed the information regarding Maria Saraco.

[edit on 4/8/2005 by Relentless]

posted on Apr, 8 2005 @ 04:45 AM
R. thanks for clarifying on Maria Saraco. I was confused as well. Since the women have different last names now. But I do note it says Maria Saraco "was a witness" and does not say seer.


posted on Apr, 8 2005 @ 08:24 AM

Originally posted by Springer
It was Antiochus IV that ceased the daily sacrifice of the Jews at the Temple, and committed the sacrilege of sacrificing pigs on the Temple altar. Some scholars hold that the Biblical prophecies of the antichrist, which foresee a man who will cease the daily sacrifices and set up the "abomination of desolation" in the Temple, in fact referred to Antiochus IV.

In Catholic circles that follow these alleged prophecies ... the ceasing of
the 'daily sacrifice' refers to the Catholic Mass being surpressed by
the anti-Christ. Catholics have the daily sacrifice (the Mass).
I think the Catholic church is the only one with a daily sacrifice.

posted on Apr, 8 2005 @ 08:29 AM
Here's a little interesting bit to add to your findings. Did you know that the comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 that is infamous for impacting Jupiter had a shortened orbit around Jupiter? It appears that it passed 15 thousand km from Jupiter in 1992, and when they "Discovered it" in 1993 they found that it wasn't orbiting the sun. It was orbiting Jupiter. It didn't actually collide with Jupiter until 1996. This brings up all kinds of issues like...Did the government know about this coment, but not say anthing about it until it was obviously not a risk to Earth? Is the government clueless about large comets until it's too late? One of these two choices is correct, and neither one is comforting.

It could be possible that this sign is a comet that passes close to the earth and gets sucked into a close orbit that brings it back around in a year. I hate to bring them into this, but didn't Mother Shipton have a prophecy about a comet that would pass by and then end up hitting the Earth later.

And when the Dragon's tail is gone,
Man forgets, and smiles, and carries on...

...And they will send the Dragon back
To light the sky -- his tail will crack
Upon the earth and rend the earth

PS: I know someone who had a dream about a possible comet impact in 2006.

[edit on 8-4-2005 by dbates]

posted on Apr, 8 2005 @ 08:53 AM
This site debunks Garabandal (from a Catholic perspective).
All four girls are grown older women now. They all live in the
United States and they all now say that the Garabandal
'apparitions' weren't from Heaven.

I have requested info about Joey Lomangino. He should be
about 75 now - if he is still alive. He was promised his eyesight
back and so far hasn't gotten it. Last I heard through the
Catholic grape vine - he was suffering from dementia.

[edit on 4/8/2005 by FlyersFan]

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