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Is beating your...uh, masturbation a sin?

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posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 09:47 PM
This kinda comes from a different thread when this guy Onan was mentioned. Now, don't attack me, I have no idea how this story went down; all I infer is that this guy skeeted on the ground and God killed him.

My question is, is masturbation considered a sin? Does this story explain the term onanism? (duh, I guess, disregard that last question) If it is a sin, what is the punishment for it?

Back when I went to church, I remember going to an afternoon service where we visited another church. During the service, the host pastor made some reference to beating off, er, masturbation
(don't ask me why, I dunno), and he said it is a sin. My question is to Christians who feel they know the Bible well; is this true?

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 09:49 PM
Hello...I'm no prude but your title...hmmm...isnt it a little much?

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 09:52 PM

Life is a job. You get $14.50 a day, but after you die, you have to pay for your sins. Stealing a hub cap is around $100. Masturbation is 35 cents (it doesn't seem like much, but it adds up). If there's money left when you subtract what you owe from what you've earned, you can go to heaven. If not, you have to go back to work. (Sort of like reincarnation -- many nuns are Mafia guys working it off.)

So, how much do you owe?

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 09:55 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe
Hello...I'm no prude but your title...hmmm...isnt it a little much?

Really? I had another one, but I knew THAT one was overboard. This is supposed to be a light-hearted, comical thread. Except for the sin part, I guess...

I thought this title was OK...a humorous attention getter that didn't go too far. Damn those Puritans...

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 09:56 PM
I just thought Father Guido Sarducci would be upset by it- thats all

PS>>If you dont stop it you'll go blind.

[edit on 6-4-2005 by dgtempe]

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 10:05 PM
I posted a similar link almost a year ago at ATS when this subject came up. Ejaculation, regardless of method employed (use your imagination) is a must for prostate health.


The findings, published in the April 7 issue of The Journal of the American Medical Association, are based on data collected from nearly 30,000 predominately white men aged 46 to 81.

At the start of the study, men provided information on ejaculation frequency in their 20s, 40s, and in the previous year (1991). Ejaculation frequency included sexual intercourse, masturbation, and nighttime ejaculations that can occur during sleep. The men were then monitored for eight years.

Researchers found most categories of ejaculation frequency were unrelated to prostate cancer risk. But when they looked at men in the highest category of ejaculation frequency, they found evidence of a protective effect.

emphasis mine


posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 10:07 PM
Yes it is a sin. It is adultary because it is sex outside of marriage.

Oh and to the prostate lady, get married and you wont have that problem

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 10:08 PM
Some people think the “spilling of seed” is a sin against God because of Genesis 38 and a few other verses in the Old Testament.

Genesis 38:9-10

9 But Onan knew that the offspring would not be his; so whenever he lay with his brother's wife, he spilled his semen on the ground to keep from producing offspring for his brother. 10 What he did was wicked in the LORD's sight; so he put him to death also.

posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 10:28 PM

Originally posted by Croat56
Yes it is a sin. It is adultary because it is sex outside of marriage.

Oh and to the prostate lady, get married and you wont have that problem

Since I don't have a prostate (being a woman) I wouldn't have that problem regardless of my marital status. I am merely passing along useful information to those without a regular partner. Do it for your health, repent later!


posted on Apr, 6 2005 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by Bleys
Since I don't have a prostate (being a woman) I wouldn't have that problem regardless of my marital status. I am merely passing along useful information to those without a regular partner. Do it for your health, repent later!


lol I never said you had a prostate! I just called you prostate lady cause you brought it up when I said you I was referring to every1!

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 09:00 PM
Well, I guess that's a yes.

Anyway, I think that makes the whole idea of sin less credible to me. I also didn't know that pleasuring yourself counts as adultery. That makes it even LESS credible to me!

Now, for the second part: what is the punishment for this sin? Do you burn in that infamous lake of fire for choking the chicken? I think it's a little bit out there, but that's my opinion. What about the babies who do this?

Seriously, I think the whole sin thing is overrated. This is getting off topic, but damn near everything you do is a sin. Like, if you think about sinning, you've already sinned, so why not carry out the act? This just seems like another tool to control...

Back on topic, what if you do it without, um, finishing the job? Yeah, I know, who does that, but what if you did?

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 09:25 PM

Originally posted by dgtempe
Hello...I'm no prude but your title...hmmm...isnt it a little much?

I dunno I thought it was funny.

posted on Apr, 7 2005 @ 09:35 PM
do what you want...

if God doesn't like it (even though He made you) then that is His problem...

do it, in uh, moderation...

posted on Apr, 8 2005 @ 03:02 AM
no, beating off is absolutely not a sin. Masturbation is though. If you can manage to expunge your semen without thinking of a girl or watching a porno and do it in a very business like manner, than it is not a sin. Thus Masturbation is one, because by def. it is to beat off ot someone/something. Either way, I am guilty as charged.

posted on Apr, 8 2005 @ 04:52 AM

I am guilty as charged.

I'm in Jail for life

posted on Apr, 8 2005 @ 08:41 AM

Originally posted by Croat56
Yes it is a sin. It is adultary because it is sex outside of marriage.

Oh and to the prostate lady, get married and you wont have that problem


posted on Apr, 8 2005 @ 09:35 AM
Betting the ..... is a sin, go to church more often and the things you learn there are simply incredible! Really!!

Repent And thou shall be SAVED! - Does this apply to this subject!
If it did then wouldn't the confessions be in short supply?? .
Anyways : Thus it is written in the book of GOD!

posted on Apr, 8 2005 @ 09:36 AM

Originally posted by kinglizard
Some people think the “spilling of seed” is a sin against God because of Genesis 38 and a few other verses in the Old Testament.

So does that mean only women are allowed to masturbate?

posted on Apr, 8 2005 @ 09:40 AM

Originally posted by riley

So does that mean only women are allowed to masturbate?

Its better to spill into a whore, than to spill on the ground.

Spittin looks around Depends on if they squrt or not.

posted on Apr, 8 2005 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by SpittinCobra
Its better to spill into a whore, than to spill on the ground.

You must have a fantastic accountant..

[edit on 8-4-2005 by riley]

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