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Demoralizing our troups while they fight our enemies

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posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 07:09 PM
Here's how. When you demoralize our troops no matter what your selfish personal feelings are you are providing aid and comfort to the enemy this equals treason. although it is your right to protest, be responsible and show some respect to soldiers. I have friends that came back from vietnam, when they stepped foot in their homeland they were spit on,beaten, had their medals ripped of their chests, stripped, and left to die. Thanks for the appreciation

. This is only one of the horrible acts perpertrated by fellow americans. Remember jane fonda? she did not only sit on an anti-aircraft gun, she went into
a POW camp with americans there. when she greeted them she said things like "dont you feel bad you kill babies?" The POWs believed it was an act on her part so the North Vietnamese would allow her in. They were gravely mistaken. The POWs tried slipping her pieces of paper with their social security numbers on them so their families would know they were ok. When she collected all the slips of paper, to the shock and disbelief of the POWs she handed the North Vietnamese officer the slips of paper. Two POWs died of subseqeunt beatings that followed. This is why her life is hell and she begs forgiveness that will never be granted.

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 07:18 PM
What would you have them do?
Go along with the war?
Say oh it might harm the troops?
The troops I'm afraid are IN danger and the only way to change that is to protest.

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 07:43 PM

Originally posted by Trustnone
Here's how. When you demoralize our troops no matter what your selfish personal feelings are you are providing aid and comfort to the enemy this equals treason.

- Well I'm sorry but this isn't a 'how' it's a possible 'effect'.

although it is your right to protest, be responsible and show some respect to soldiers.

- Well like I said I have yet to see the demo that wasn't.

I have friends that came back from vietnam, when they stepped foot in their homeland they were spit on,beaten, had their medals ripped of their chests, stripped, and left to die.

- Wouldn't it be fair to say that this was either after the war there or very near the end of it once the stories of criminal and gross misconduct had become known?

I don't think anyone is ever going to be ok or just keep quiet about any war crimes 'our' troops commit......least of all the guys that are driven nuts by it.

Thanks for the appreciation

- I think the target for your ire should be those who sent you and kept you in that BS war.

This is only one of the horrible acts perpertrated by fellow americans. Remember jane fonda? she did not only sit on an anti-aircraft gun, she went into
a POW camp with americans there. when she greeted them she said things like "dont you feel bad you kill babies?" The POWs believed it was an act on her part so the North Vietnamese would allow her in. They were gravely mistaken. The POWs tried slipping her pieces of paper with their social security numbers on them so their families would know they were ok. When she collected all the slips of paper, to the shock and disbelief of the POWs she handed the North Vietnamese officer the slips of paper. Two POWs died of subseqeunt beatings that followed. This is why her life is hell and she begs forgiveness that will never be granted.

- Jane Fonda is answerable for her own actions.

Her actions are nothing to do with anyone else nor any other war.

But yet again, I'm sorry to say, we have not actually had an example of how people protesting the war at home demoralises soldiers.
Do you think if everyone keeps quiet they won't know the war is deeply unpopular or something?

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 08:27 PM
"- Wouldn't it be fair to say that this was either after the war there or very near the end of it once the stories of criminal and gross misconduct had become known?"

So your saying that the people who put their lives on the line,not all voluntarily mind you, deserved what they got? Is that what your saying?
The treasonous acts of some americans make me sick. I hope a soldier never has the misfortune of having you watch their back because you would probably put a knife in it. I am not sure what you mean by gross misconduct, oh you mean tying grenades to children and having them run up and blow themselves up and you with it. Or do you mean pulling the fingernails out of POWs hands and shoving bamboo shoots in them. No side is innocent in war, atrocities are commited on both sides. People say Nazis commited terrible crimes yet the communists commited at least as many and much much more yet liberals give them a free ride. Hypocrisy at it's greatest.

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 10:31 PM

Originally posted by Trustnone
The POWs tried slipping her pieces of paper with their social security numbers on them so their families would know they were ok. When she collected all the slips of paper, to the shock and disbelief of the POWs she handed the North Vietnamese officer the slips of paper. Two POWs died of subseqeunt beatings that followed. This is why her life is hell and she begs forgiveness that will never be granted.

I have never heard of that before. Jane Fonda was on Leno not to long ago and on talk shows recently so I doubt her life is "hell". I do recall her being dressed like a teenager and flakier than dandruff shooting off an unbathed hobo.

posted on Apr, 11 2005 @ 10:38 PM
Reality is society honors warriors who come back from battle - even if it takes years for them to get that honor.

Why do you think our culture hands out toy guns and Gi Joes with their own personal flamethrower? Our war college doesn't teach, "We can successfully rise up their depleted economies and make them democracy loving credents." No - it teaches, "Just as in operation market garden or when Patton took Monte Casino - you soldiers will be the next generals! You will be the history makers of your generation!"

It really doesn't matter what the grunt thinks. It's always been about medals and glory. The politicians just use the medals and glory for their own agendas.

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 11:39 AM

Originally posted by Trustnone
So your saying that the people who put their lives on the line,not all voluntarily mind you, deserved what they got?

- No; actually I didn't say that - anywhere - in what I wrote, at all.

I was asking how the events you described which either happened towards the end of that war - which was so widely, not to say globally, unpopular - could have demoralised troops in that war.....

....and if it happened when the war was over how could the actions you describe demoralise anyone and affected the performance of the troops?

I also mentioned that the truth that attorcities were committed by 'our' troops (I am not American) would hardly 'go down well' anywhere, especially when the war itself was so widely seen as based upon a lie (interesting how come that theme continues, eh?).

I hope a soldier never has the misfortune of having you watch their back because you would probably put a knife in it.

- Obviously you have embarked on your own version of what I said here.

How did anything I wrote = knifing someone in the back?

Those troops who were/are guilty of war crimes sh*t on the reputation of their compatriots, they deserved no cover-up or soft soaping.

I am not sure what you mean by gross misconduct

- I presume you are familiar with the term 'war crimes'?

oh you mean tying grenades to children and having them run up and blow themselves up and you with it. Or do you mean pulling the fingernails out of POWs hands and shoving bamboo shoots in them.

- Yeah, that would count as a war crime.
Did you imagine I would disagree?

No side is innocent in war, atrocities are commited on both sides.

- Excuse me?
Once again, did I disagree with this concept, anywhere?

People say Nazis commited terrible crimes yet the communists commited at least as many and much much more yet liberals give them a free ride.

- Er, yeah. If you say so.

What has any of this got to do with protesting the Iraqi war as based upon a lie, so many people across the world believing the war wrong, protesting it and the notion that these protests 'demoralise' the troops?

Hypocrisy at it's greatest.

- Well excuse me if I see most of what you have written as either totally missing the point or just an attempt to divert the debate.

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 12:06 PM
Another article with some good insight to the point of my thread. Note: Most sources, that people use to help create their topics on this sight can be challenged as simply propaganda or unsolid proof. It is your choice to open your mind to it or not. I'm simply providing you with somthing to think about and information that we can debate on. The fact that troops are effected by those un-supporting people cannot be simply denied as a problem. I'm not trying to rip anyone of their freedoms or trying to bash protesters, once again i'm just trying to give my thoughts on what is undeniably a problem in this war.

The so-called "anti-war" protests have been demoralizing to our troops, while Iraqi government officials have welcomed them. That is one reason why "Rallies for America" to support the troops are being held around the U.S. But there is increasing evidence that the anti-war protesters have caused the U.S. to fight a war that avoids Iraqi civilian casualties and puts American and allied troops more at risk of injury and death.”

“In USA Today, John Diamond and Dave Moniz reported that U.S. forces were fighting under constraints "designed to minimize world condemnation…" and that "coalition troops limit fire to avoid killing civilians, and forces deliberately steer clear of destroying electric plants and other infrastructure vital to daily life." They added, however, that, "There are already signs the limits are jeopardizing allied lives." They cited the downing of an Army Apache helicopter in a nighttime engagement south of Baghdad near Karbala. They said that because the Apache crews were ordered not to attack the power grid in the area of Karbala, lights from streets and buildings made it easier for Iraqi gunners to spot the aircraft against the night sky. A two-man crew was taken prisoner.“

”It appears that the anti-war movement has already had a major impact, and our troops are paying the ultimate price. The anti-war movement has achieved its "victory" — more American casualties than are necessary. They now have blood — American blood — on their hands. It´s a story that has to be told before more lives are needlessly lost. Our leaders should not conduct this war in an effort to please members of the Workers World Party.”

posted on Apr, 12 2005 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by Mr Carburetor
“In USA Today, John Diamond and Dave Moniz reported that U.S. forces were fighting under constraints "designed to minimize world condemnation…" and that "coalition troops limit fire to avoid killing civilians, and forces deliberately steer clear of destroying electric plants and other infrastructure vital to daily life." They added, however, that, "There are already signs the limits are jeopardizing allied lives."

- Nice diversion.

So what it boils down to is any casualties are the protesters fault (and any wusses not tough enough to stomach mega-death and any unrestrained 'action' commanders might 'want') and, apparantly absolutely not the responsibility of those that insisted on a war in Iraq and manipulated the evidence to get one.

Jayzuss wept, how much more shameless can these people get?

[edit on 12-4-2005 by sminkeypinkey]

posted on Apr, 13 2005 @ 03:02 AM

"Jayzuss wept, how much more shameless can these people get?"

I do not know either but I guess we will find out over the next 4 years of President Moron and the Greed-is-Good Gang.



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