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BABY SEALS (Note: graphic video link)

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posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 06:04 AM
I saw this story on PETAS website..they also had a video,i saw a piece of it by accident, couldnt bear to watch it all. if you wanna see how awful it is go to their site. i will not watch it.

Help Stop the Cruel Seal Hunt

This year, the Canadian government has given the go-ahead to hunters to bludgeon to death more than 300,000 baby harp seals—that's more than one-third of all those born. This is one of the biggest seal hunts in the country in decades


that's the site, couldn't get the link formatting right

[edit on 4/1/2005 by wizdumb2003]

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 06:11 AM
Normally I am very good with sick videos .. but this one.. if you have pets , i have a dog and you see the range of emotions they have and how smart they are. so if other animals are the same way .....

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 06:17 AM
that is awful and i think everybody should look at this video and think about it. it's already bad that they are killing them, but at least, they should find a "better way" (if such a thing exist) to do it.
and thinking that the governement allows that! crazy.

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 06:22 AM
They are killing them for the fur, that is all .. If they were of a nomadic tribe I would understand, and that's what turns my stomach... They are killing them for the fur.
only for the fur .. WTF has happened or is happenining to human nature??

[edit on 4/1/2005 by wizdumb2003]

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 06:26 AM
argh that made me loose my apetite for quite some time....

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 06:27 AM
There was a thread on this the other day

Canada's Baby Seal Slaughter

I hate to see such barbaric actions, But one thing i always say is....

*** Turn anger in to action** if you dont want this to happen Find out a way you can help stop it, Make others aware of whats happening, and you never know you may one day be the one who helps stop this kind of animal cruelty,

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 06:33 AM
Thanks for the reply Asala, and I just browsed that link .. lots of jokes about how best to cook them which is fine .. I hope they watch the video as well. I think my link says a bit more, if not in higher volumes ..

Edit: Incidentally Asala did you even view the video my thread links to? Regards.

[edit on 4/1/2005 by wizdumb2003]

[edit on 4/1/2005 by wizdumb2003]

posted on Apr, 1 2005 @ 02:41 PM
The natives will get much needed funds from this. If not seals then they will have to sell the rights of their land for drilling. I prefer drilling for fossil fuels but does that impact the environment more then killing thousands of baby seals?

I'm not sure.

posted on Apr, 2 2005 @ 08:39 PM
I think I'd rather the drilling for fossil fuels, or if they really prefer killing the seals, at least find some sort of painless way to do it.
That video was terrible...

posted on Apr, 3 2005 @ 01:25 PM
How else can you do it without wrecking the pelt? Just don't do it at all. Just remember it's not just the "evil" white man doing this. The natives have been doing it for centuries.

Oh also I haven't watched the video and I refuse to. I just don't want to see that but I understand.

[edit on 4/3/2005 by verfed]

posted on Apr, 3 2005 @ 01:36 PM
I'm not even going to watch the video.
For one reason, i cannot stand the cruelty involved with this issue. Surely they could shoot them or give them a humane injection. Clubbing them to death is barbaric.

If it was for food and the need to survive, then fine. eat what you kill. This is just for the fur trade.

I'm a textile analyst and deal with companies world wide. We get all kinds of materials to test. Even seal skins. They have to go through stringent tests before they can be manufactured into garments. In all the years i have been testing, i can honestly say i have never tested anything from Canada.

Do they have there own laws? They must have if they can condone the slaughter of these seals.
Would like to hear from some Canadians who think this OK. Maybe they could enlighten me as to why this happens.

posted on Apr, 3 2005 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by Bikereddie
Would like to hear from some Canadians who think this OK. Maybe they could enlighten me as to why this happens.

Sorta on the fence with this one. You have to keep the seal population in check or your fish stocks will become depleted and they're in trouble already, so the scientists say. Having worked in slaughterhouses I can seen worse ways of dispatching animals. Bleeding them to death is much wose in my opinion.

BTW, it's common knowledge that animal rights advocates have filmed themselves commiting acts and blaming it on the hunters.

posted on Apr, 3 2005 @ 01:52 PM
As sad as this video is (which I am not going to even watch!) is the Nature of Man. Man has always killed animals for his food, for his survival. But to kill animals just for Pleasure - not trying to really kill it, but to inflict as much pain as possible, to ensure slow and painfull death. Now, that is just plain SICK!

I remember a similar video, where fishermen slaughtered hundreds and hundreds of Dolphins, which were caught in their nets - they were hunting tuna fish, and ofcourse innocent Dolphins get caught in the net all of the times, because they are so damn courious and like to follow Men! The entire bay was full of fisherman ships and the see was Red of the Blood of Dolphins.

But that is the face of the Modern World; which we exploit to the bone. Man has no shame and knows no limits in his rape of Mother Nature. Animal species get extinct day by day and black hunters are killing the few left in Natural Parks? Trophy collectors always like to have a new Siberian Tiger skin, and they dont really care if there are just few alive in this world.

posted on Apr, 3 2005 @ 01:55 PM
they are hunting the seals in a traditional manor. they have the right to do this because of the treaties that were signed. while it may look horrific to some it is actualy a fairly painless death if done correctly. admittedly it dosn't always work on the first shot, this is why they are seen to hit multiple times. they are trying to make sure there is as little suffering as possible.

as barbarc as you may find it remember that they were given this right by our ancestors. most natives are alowed to hunt in their traditional manors and to exceed the normal game limmits. they are however only alowed to kill up to a certain number so that there is no danger of extinction.who are we to say that because we find it distasefull that they can no longer support themselves? it is not realy that differant to the way that cattle is slauhtered for our meat. as long as they do not try to prolong the suffering they do have their rights. just as you have your right to choose what you wear or eat.

i just wish organizations like peta and green peace would mind their own business.

posted on Apr, 3 2005 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by intrepid
Sorta on the fence with this one. You have to keep the seal population in check or your fish stocks will become depleted and they're in trouble already, so the scientists say. Having worked in slaughterhouses I can seen worse ways of dispatching animals. Bleeding them to death is much wose in my opinion.

BTW, it's common knowledge that animal rights advocates have filmed themselves commiting acts and blaming it on the hunters.

I can understand the sense in humane culling to conserve other live stocks. But this is not humane nor is it really necessary to this extent.

Just a couple more questions about the way this is done.

Is the reason they don't shoot them because they could ruin the fur? Clubbing the hell out of their heads conserves the fur better?

posted on Apr, 3 2005 @ 02:00 PM

Incidentally Asala did you even view the video my thread links to?

Nope, i choose not to watch it, I hate what happens to helpless lil animals.
I have seen things like this and the effect me deeply,

I was brought up to respect my fellow humans and animals ect..

Kill for food when needed, but for greed is wrong,

[edit on 3-4-2005 by asala]

posted on Apr, 3 2005 @ 02:01 PM
Read the last sentance in my last post.

posted on Apr, 3 2005 @ 02:04 PM

Originally posted by drogo
they are hunting the seals in a traditional manor. they have the right to do this because of the treaties that were signed. while it may look horrific to some it is actualy a fairly painless death if done correctly. admittedly it dosn't always work on the first shot, this is why they are seen to hit multiple times. they are trying to make sure there is as little suffering as possible.

Gotta remember that one the next time someones tries to hit me when I'm out drinking with my friends. Cant see that going down well in a Court of law.

How can being hit repeatedly over the head be fairly painless? Hitting them again because they missed on the first strike is humane and trying to cause as little suffering as possible? Come on, Get real.............

posted on Apr, 4 2005 @ 08:03 AM
Intrepid, I never thought of that, however I will add that possibility into my mental databank. Although I don't think that is the case with this video. Thanks for the angle nonetheless.

[edit on 4/4/2005 by wizdumb2003]

posted on Apr, 4 2005 @ 08:06 AM

Originally posted by intrepid
BTW, it's common knowledge that animal rights advocates have filmed themselves commiting acts and blaming it on the hunters.

I really HOPE this is not true, but I would not be surprised otherwise!

If it is true, I would like to film Myself commiting acts of violence against these animal right advocates that do that!

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