posted on May, 31 2004 @ 08:35 PM
Welcome to America, land of the ignorantly brave, and morally confused.
I find this terribly terribly funny. Americans see unhealthy sexual attitudes every day in the media and then when someone goes and suggests an
unhealthy attitude like sexual from birth no one listens but when someon suggests a healty attitude like Homosexuality is natural people say it's the
end of the world
While Kinsey's research was probably flawed, at least it started a debate that needed to happen, and now pedophiles are seen as they should be as
some of the most terrible criminals on earth.
Also, the sexual revolution has already happened, the average American teen looses their virginity at 16. People are going to have sex, now should we
tell them what real-world sex is like through education, or should we let them watch Mtv then turn them loose?
Also I think that many people forget that the difference between what is natrual and what is socially constructed. A good example is that sex is
natural, and sexually monogamous marrage is a social construct created for the benefit of offspring. While social constructs are not always a bad
thing and usually serve a purpose in our society, they should never be confused with nature and what we are biologically driven to do.
Finally, I'll tell you what is hurting Americans more than sex-ed or gay marrage or any of the other things that should instead be seen as soical
progress, the divorce rate. Americans love to love and leave and that is hurting the family dynamics. I say that cohabitation, putting off
marrage, not having children and family therapy should be encouraged to America's youth! Maybe eventually you could become more like the rest of the
industrialized world and lower your divorce, domestic violence, prision and birth rates. Then come talk to the rest of us about morality.
[Edited on 31-5-2004 by The Astral City]