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A Century Of War

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posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 07:55 AM
Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order

So what is it all about, this War On Terror?

What are the plans and goals of western politics in the Middle East?

Author of the book A Century Of War mister F. William Engdahl wrote some really nice mind opening words. Engdahl summarizes the horrors of the 20th Century, including two World Wars, a stock market crash and subsequent depression, the rise of Hitler, the formation of the Seven Sisters oil cartel, the Green movement, the slowdown of industrial growth, the bankrupting of the Third World, and much more.

We start with this book because it explicitly defines the mechanics behind the major disruptions which have impacted us all during this last century. These events include World War I, the 1929 stock market crash and subsequent depression, the rise of Hitler and the subsequent World War II, the Marshall Plan and subsequent never-ending "foreign aid," the Vietnamese War and LBJ's Great Society, followed in quick order by Nixon's separation of the dollar from gold and the 1974 "Oil Shock," the creation of the massive Third World debt, the buildup of the massive U.S. national debt in the 1980's, and last but not least, George Bush's Gulf War. Omitting Mr. Engdahl's documentation and his gentle entry into his subject, he lays out the following picture:

The wars and other horrors listed above were derived from Great Britain's secret strategies to control gold, the seas, and the world's raw materials, most particularly including, after the turn of the century, petroleum, the new "black gold" which enabled modern warfare to be waged. In the several decades prior to World War I, the furtherance of this basic policy was in the hands of Cecil Rhodes, Alfred Lord Milner, and others, who formed a secret group called the "Round Table." This group, as recorded in its own writings, was specifically anti-German and pro-Empire.It viewed the economic strengthening of Germany in the late 1800's with alarm, and the German effort after the turn of the century to build a Baghdad-to-Berlin railway as a direct military threat, since it would provide direct German access to the Middle East's oil fields, bypassing the sea routes controlled by the British. Britain had earlier sealed off extension of the railway to the Persian Gulf by the forcible establishment of Kuwait as a "British Protectorate" to be run by the Sabah family, as at present, preventing future Central European (i.e., German) access to the southern oceans. The last northern link of the railway, also of concern, was in Serbia. But before that link could be finished, the Austrian heir-apparent was assassinated by a Serb, to which Austria responded, starting World War I by bringing in Germany, France and Russia by treaty with either Serbia or Austria, and also Britain, via a secret treaty which it had signed with France only three months before the assassination.

The war produced between 16 and 20 million deaths, mostly civilians, including a half-million British deaths. Germany was successfully cut off from Russian and Middle-Eastern oil, and the war was essentially won with Rockefeller oil from America. Following the war, Britain and France carved up the Middle East (by prior secret wartime agreement), Britain obtaining "protectorate" status over Palestine (Israel) and the important oil-producing areas, especially Iraq. Their protectorate over Palestine set the stage for their planned later creation in that area of a Jewish homeland, which intent was proclaimed to British Zionists in a letter from Britain's Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour to Walter Lord Rothschild, representing the English Federation of Zionists. The letter became known as the Balfour Declaration, which was not implemented until after World War 2. The British intent was to project their control into the oil-laden Middle East by creating a Jewish-dominated Palestine, beholden to Britain for survival, and surrounded by a pack of squabbling, balkanized Arab states.

And this is how the Empire really works. The Western corporativism at its best. All wars in Middle East that we see today and we saw yesterday are a bi-product of these Stupid White Men, that want the world for themselves. They came to this area and started to divide and conquer, started to fragmentize and started to create protectorats such as Palestine. Anglo-American politics are directly responsible for all the Middle East conflicts after WW2. They are directly responsible for birth of International Terrorism, they are directly responsible for the huge and poor area known as the Third World.

They created their own stage here and put their own players in the game. And THAT is how the world REALLY works.

Now, a "brief" timeline of important dates in the history of anglo-american oil politics (not counting war in Iraq today, because the author only goes to the year 1991), for all of us to see, how far and how DEEP this really goes:

1846: British government repeals "Corn Laws" to open free trade in agriculture; Ireland's potato famine ensues.

1873: The "Great Depression of 1873" begins in England, which lasts approximately until 1896.

1882: Britain's Admiral Lord Fisher first advocates oil fired fleet for Royal Navy.

1885: German Gottlieb Daimler develops first workable petrol motor to power a road vehicle.

1888: Ottoman Turkish Sultan gives initial Baghdad railway concession to group led by Deutsche Bank; Karl Helfferich of Deutsche Bank is made head of the project.

1891: Sergei Witte, Russian Finance Minister under Czar Nicholas I, initiates construction of a Trans-Siberian Railway line linking western Russia with the Pacific.

1892: Rudolf Diesel secures first German patent for design of internal combustion engine.

1898: French troops back down at Fashoda on the Nile, to the British forces of Lord Kitchner, setting stage for British creation of an Anglo-French Entente Cordiale against Germany.

1899: British block Baghdad Railway access to Persian Gulf via treaty with Al-Sabah family of Kuwait.

1905: British Secret Intelligence agent Sidney Reilly secures exclusive rights to major portion of Persian oil from W Knox d'Arcy.

1912: Deutsche Bank secures "right of way" mineral rights parallel to entire line of Baghdad Railway line, including the area today containing the oil-rich Kirkuk fields of Iraq.

1914, April: English Foreign Minister Earl Grey accompanies King George to Paris to meet France's President Poincare and Russia's Ambassador; the three seal a secret military pact against Germany and Austro-Hungary.

1914, 28 June: Serbian assassin in Bosnian capital Sarajevo assassinates Austrian Archduke Ferdinand, setting stage for chain of events which brought The Great War of 1914-1918.

1915, January: British Government named House of J.P. Morgan in New York to be exclusive purchasing agent in America for British war supplies.

1916: Britain and France secretly agree to carve up the Middle East part of the Ottoman Empire under terms of the Sykes-Picot Agreement.

1917, March: British Foreign Secretary Balfour writes letter to Lord Rothschild outlining British support for creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine.

1919, May: London's influential Royal Institute of International Affairs and New York Council on Foreign Relations are created as sister organizations during the Versailles Peace Conference by members of the J. P Morgan group, Lord Lothian, Lord Cecil and others of the British Roundtable group.

1921, March: British Colonial Minister Winston Churchill convenes Cairo Conference which included top Middle East experts such as T.E. Lawrence, Percy Cox. Colonial Office's Mideast Department is formally created, acknowledging new strategic import of Middle East.

1922, April: German Foreign Minister Rathenau and Russian Foreign Minister Chicherin announce bilateral trade and economic cooperation accord, "Rapallo Treaty" to stunned delegates of Genoa international economic conference convened by England.

1922, 22 June: Rathenau is assassinated in Berlin by two "right-wing extremists."

1923, 11 January: French troops ordered to occupy Essen and German Ruhrgebeit over allegations of breach of war reparations agreement; the ensuing shutdown of German industry triggers infamous "Weimar inflation" crisis.

1923, November: Hjalmar Schacht, close friend of Bank of England Governor Montagu Norman, is appointed German Commissioner of the Currency.

1923, December: The unanimous choice to become new Reichsbank President, Karl Helfferich, is rejected by Stresemann government on pressure from London and New York bankers; Hjalmar Schacht assumes the post instead. Helfferich dies in suspicious train accident some months later.

1924, April: An exhausted German government accepts terms of Dawes Plan for war reparations payment to US, Britain and France, as drafted by J.P. Morgan associate, Charles C. Dawes.

1928: Royal Dutch Shell, Anglo-Persian Oil and the American Rockefeller group formally sign their "truce" and divide entire Middle East among them under the Red Line Agreement.

1929, October: "Black Friday" New York Stock Exchange crash triggers accelerated liquidation of dollar investments in Germany and Austria.

1931, May: Vienna Creditanstalt collapses, triggering domino collapse of Austrian and German banking and industry, unemployment and rise of political extremism.

1932: Ivar Kreuger, Swedish industrialist and banker found dead in suspicious circumstances in his Paris hotel room in midst of negotiations to extend major new loan to German government.

1933: Bank of England's Montagu Norman grants crucial loan to new regime of Adolf Hitler, helping consolidate the latter's power.

1944: Britain's Lord Keynes and American Deputy Treasury Secretary Harry Dexter White work out final details of new postwar world order, to be called the Bretton Woods System, creating the International Monetary Fund.

1946, March: Winston Churchill travels to President Truman's home state, to Fulton, Missouri, to unveil postwar British proposal for Cold War against Soviet Union.

1951: Iranian nationalist Mohammed Mossadegh is made Prime Minister on a program to develop Iranian oil resources under nationalization of British Anglo-Iranian Oil Company properties. Iran is immediately subjected to British and American economic embargo.

1953, August: British secret intelligence with assist of US State Department and CIA advisors, including General Norman Schwartzkopf, Sr., launch Operation AJAX destabilization of Mossadegh regime, reinstating the Shah Pahlevi who agrees to readmit British and American oil companies to Iran.

1953: Italian industrialist Enrico Mattei secures passage of law creating Italian state company, ENI to secure national control of oil and gas resources.

1957: Enrico Mattei makes "revolutionary" oil dqvelopment agreement with Iran which angers the Seven Sisters oil majors. US domestic economy undergoes first severe recession since end of World War II.

1958: General Charles DeGaulle becomes President of France, and among first acts in office calls for historic meeting with German Chancellor Adenauer.

1960, October: Mattei signs historic oil-for-technology agrkement between ENI and Moscow, in face of strong opposition from Anglo-American oil companies.

1962, October: Enrico Mattei dies in mysterious plane crash, only days before he was to fly to Washington for meeting with President John Kennedy, who at the titne had urged American oil companies to reach a detente with Mattei on global oil policy.

1963, January: DeGaulle and Adenauer sign Franco-German cooperation agreement.

1963, November: American President John F. Kennedy assassinated.

1967, June: France's DeGaulle announces French withdrawal from "gold pool" arrangement formed to support over-valued Sterling and Dollar parities.

1967, November: Crisis in the Anglo-American Bretton Woods monetary system leads to devaluation of British Pound Sterling, in face of massive run on Sterling. The first such devaluation since 1949.

1968, April: France rejects American proposal for SDR "paper gold" currency scheme at Stockholm meeting of Group of 10.

1968, May: US and British intelligence launch French "May'68" student strikes and simultaneous rumors of French Franc instability to destabilize French government.

1969: Charles DeGaulle steps down and is replaced by Georges Pompidou.

1971, 15 August: President Nixon announces US unilateral withdrawal from Bretton Woods Gold Exchange, initiating era of "floating exchange rates."

1971, December: McGeorge Bundy and Ford Foundation begin major global energy strategy study which will claim world energy crisis imminent despite promise of nuclear energy as substitute for oil.

1972, June: Maurice Strong, a Canadian oilman and financier is chosen to head Stockholm UN Conference on the Environment which funnels millions of dollars into creation of a new anti-industry and anti-nuclear "green movement."

1973, May: The secret meeting of the Bilderberg Group in Saltsjoebaden Sweden discusses problems of "petrodollar recycling" under projected 400% increase in world oil price.

1973, June: David Rockefeller together with leading people in Britain, and elsewhere initiate Trilateral Commission.

1973, October: US Secretary of State Kissinger intrigues to trigger "Yom Kippur War" between Israel and Arabs which precipitates the Bilderberg 400% oil price shock.

1974: US Government adopts Kissinger draft, NSSC-200, which declares official US Government policy to control rate of growth especially of population, in Third World countries to be a USA "national security" priority.

1975: German government of Chancellor Helmut Schmidt wins Parliament approval for major nuclear energy program as response to increase in oil import costs, similar in scope to that of France. Spain and Italy also announce major nuclear power commitment in wake of oil shock. The same year New York Council of Foreign Affairs begins "Project on the 1980's" which calls for among other items, a "controlled disintegration of world economy."

1975, April: American economist LaRouche proposes global International Development Bank to channel long-term credit to Great Projects in key developing sector regions to revitalize world industrial development.

1976, August: Non-Aligned Summit meeting in Colombo Sri Lanka adopts proposal calling for development and a moratorium on interest burden for Third World economies hit by oil shock depression.

1976, September: Guyana Foreign Minister Frederick D. Wills brings Colombo Non-Aligned proposal before UN General Assembly in New York; Wall Street stock market goes into sharp decline in reaction.

1977, January: Mitsubishi Research Institute of Japan proposes a Global Infrastructure Fund to finance large infrastructure projects in key areas in the developing sector to revive industrial investment.

1977, July: German banker Juergen Ponto assassinated; soon after head of German Industrial Association, Hans Martin Schleyer is kidnapped and murdered.

1978, September: Helmut Schmidt and Giscard D'Estaing initiate formation of Phase One of European Monetary System to stabilize European currencies in wake of growing dollar instability.

1979, January: British Petroleum and US intelligence launch full-scale destabilization of Shah of Iran, which produces Second Oil Shock of 1970's. Shah flees Iran.

1979, March: A deliberate tampering produces "Three-Mile Island" nuclear incident at Harrisburg Pennsylvania which serves as focus for massive anti-nuclear scare in USA.

1979, May: Bilderberg meeting in Austria endorses theocratic Muslim state under Khomeini.

1979, May: Conservative government formed in Britain under Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher; within weeks she imposes drastic monetary "shock therapy" to "squeeze inflation out" of British economy. Unemployment doubles within months.

1979, October: Paul Volcker implements Thatcher's British "monetary shock" policy in US, which sends interest rates above 20% for an extended period.

1979, November: Reagan-Bush Republican ticket wins US presidency; Reagan committed to "free market" policy similar to Thatcher.

1982, April: Prime Minister Thatcher proposes "gunboat diplomacy" to enforce collection of debt from Latin American countries; Falkland Island conflict with Argentina is made the "test case" for new NATO "out-of-area" military intervention.

1982, August: Mexico announces it is forced to default on servicing its foreign debt, triggering global "Third World Debt Crisis."

1982, September: Mexican President Lopez Portillo nationalizes banks in partial emergency response to outflight of capital.

1982, October: Secretary of State George Shultz in UN speech announces "Reagan recovery" policy which triggers a speculative consumer and real estate boom similar to the 1920's in US. Domestic debt ratios expand in a dramatic manner for next seven years as by-product. The same month Reagan Administration signs Garn-St. Germain Act removing prior regulatory controls on US Savings & Loan banks, further triggering speculation in real estate. 1985-86 Washington secret pact with Saudi Arabia to further stimulate US consumer credit boom via dramatic lowering of oil prices; this facilitated a sharp further fall in US interest rates which lasted some months.

1986, April: Vice President Bush travels to Riyadh to signal the halt to oil price falls, its effect having been realized.

1987, 19 October: Reagan-Bush speculative bubble bursts in the most dramatic one-day fall on Wall Street since "Black Monday" October 29,1929.

1988, November: George Bush defeats Michael Dukakis to become president.

1989, September: CIA Director William Webster unveils new "economic directorate" of CIA to redefine role of US intelligence agency in "post Cold War" era.

1989, 9 November: Berlin Wall is opened, preparing the reunification of two Germanies, as well as opening of all Eastern Europe.

1989, 29 November: Deutsche Bank chief Alfred Herrhausen is assassinated days after giving media interview on his program for reindustrializing East German economy. Herrhausen is first of several close advisers to Chancellor Kohl, all involved in aspects of the pending German unification, who are targetted for assassination, including Interior Minister Wolfgang Schaueble and Treuhand heid Detlev Rohwedder.

1989, December: Bush Administration invades Panama on pretext of capturing Manuel Noriega on allegations of drug dealings. Preparations also underway for entrapment of Iraq's Saddam Hussein as Bush Administration cuts off all credit to Iraq.

1990, March: Emirate of Kuwait, acting on request of Washington, launches economic pressure on Iraq by flooding markets with cheap oil in violation of OPEC accord. Saudis privately concur.

1990, 7 July: US Ambassador to Baghdad, April Glaspie tells Saddam Hussein that Washington regards Iraq-Kuwait territorial dispute as "not of strategic interest to USA," setting stage for invasion of Kuwait by Iraq.

1990, August: Bush Administration launches Operation Desert Shield, the largest military buildup since Vietnam in response to invasion of Kuwait.

1991, June: US Secretary James Baker in Belgrade gives backing to Milosevic "Greater Serbia" faction, resulting in eruption of war in former Yugoslavia.

So after a Century of War nothing really changes. There are still wars going on and there are still people making alot of money with that. There are still people dying in this wars and there are still people planning more of these wars. Dont you think its time to STOP THEM and CHANGE THAT? Or are you happy just the way it is? Happy with the blind War On Terror, happy with the fact that notorious Saddam Hussen is arrested, happy with the fact that every day in DR Congo there are 3000 people killed, happy with the fact that Africa is Dying Slowly?

If not, please, WAKE UP!


[edit on 21/3/05 by Souljah]

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 01:17 PM
It's the way it has to be. You want no more war? It's take uniformity to achieve that and we will still have wars two centuries from now. It is geopolitical engineering. If eventually we can convert all the cultures of the world to the same ideals of democracy then in the long-run peace will prevail because of war.

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 01:21 PM
great post souljah but in the immortal words of Bob Marley from a speech by Haile Selassie

Until the philosophy which hold one race superior
And another
Is finally
And permanently
And abandoned -
Everywhere is war -
Me say war.

That until there no longer
First class and second class citizens of any nation
Until the colour of a man's skin
Is of no more significance than the colour of his eyes -
Me say war.

That until the basic human rights
Are equally guaranteed to all,
Without regard to race -
Dis a war.

That until that day
The dream of lasting peace,
World citizenship
Rule of international morality
Will remain in but a fleeting illusion to be pursued,
But never attained -
Now everywhere is war - war.

And until the ignoble and unhappy regimes
That hold our brothers in angola,
In mozambique,
South africa
Sub-human bondage
Have been toppled,
Utterly destroyed -
Well, everywhere is war -
Me say war.

War in the east,
War in the west,
War up north,
War down south -
War - war -
Rumours of war.
And until that day,
The african continent
Will not know peace,
We africans will fight - we find it necessary -
And we know we shall win
As we are confident
In the victory

Of good over evil -
Good over evil, yeah!
Good over evil -
Good over evil, yeah!
Good over evil -
Good over evil, yeah! /fadeout/

All you have to do is change the names of some of the countries in the song and it still applies to circumstances today, unfortunately my friend the more I live, the more I see that peace in the world is not something that I will behold in my lifetime.

[edit on 3-21-2005 by worldwatcher]

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 01:24 PM
war (huh) what is it good for ?

thinning the heard. if there was no war, we'd have riots on the streets of people begging for bread. pick your poison.

war goes back to neandertal vs cro-magnon man.

Its who we are.

tribe vs tribe, village vs village, knight vs knight, state vs state, nation vs nation....

hey, are you with the NWO ?

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 01:28 PM

Originally posted by syrinx high priest

hey, are you with the NWO ?

I'm the dude running the NWO. All of you are my peasants and shall work in the fields while I drink wine and eat caviar. MUHAHAHA....MUAHAHAHA....MUAHAHAHA

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 02:54 PM
Souljah, I read the book several months ago and found it to be enlightening.

You might find these sites to be of interest to you.

The New U.S. British Oil Imperialism

Future US Oil Wars

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 02:58 PM

Originally posted by National Security Agency
It's the way it has to be. You want no more war? It's take uniformity to achieve that and we will still have wars two centuries from now. It is geopolitical engineering. If eventually we can convert all the cultures of the world to the same ideals of democracy then in the long-run peace will prevail because of war.

Its the way it HAS to BE?

Now what kind of answer is that?

No, its the way we were always thought that this REALLY Is the way it has to be?

Yes its geopolitical engineering. But its the tool of the Strong against the Weak. And wars were always a tool of the Empire. Today's Empires are Corporations, that rule entire world goverments. Especially OIL and WEAPON corporations. They are ruling this planet. Not presidents. Not goverments. Not the People of this planet. They decide who is better and who is not. They decide who gets to live and who gets to die tonight.

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 04:08 PM

Originally posted by National Security Agency
It's the way it has to be. You want no more war? It's take uniformity to achieve that and we will still have wars two centuries from now. It is geopolitical engineering. If eventually we can convert all the cultures of the world to the same ideals of democracy then in the long-run peace will prevail because of war.

yeah real nobel of you, the scary part is that about half of your fellow countrymen thinks like you, icluding your knight in shining armour dumbya the conqueror.

quess most people didnt evolve after all..

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 04:45 PM
Buy some public corporate stock (oil and banking seem good) and join the club as a part owner - whatchya waitin for..!!

If you can't beat them, profit with them - I always say....

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 09:41 PM

Originally posted by motionknight

Originally posted by National Security Agency
It's the way it has to be. You want no more war? It's take uniformity to achieve that and we will still have wars two centuries from now. It is geopolitical engineering. If eventually we can convert all the cultures of the world to the same ideals of democracy then in the long-run peace will prevail because of war.

yeah real nobel of you, the scary part is that about half of your fellow countrymen thinks like you, icluding your knight in shining armour dumbya the conqueror.

quess most people didnt evolve after all..

Ouch! low-blow, how about offering a different perspective? The theory I am speaking of is nothing new and has been pondered by many people.

If Alexander The Great hadn't conquered the lands he conquered, would the age of Hellenistic Greece have evolved & would we be at the present dilemma if Alexander had not waged war?

If the Confederacy had won, would Hitler have ruled the Earth? If Gavrilo Princip hadn't assassinated Franz Ferdinand would WWI have happened anyways?

These questions my friend may never be answered. Today is not WWIII, but terrorism could be the spark which ignites the starting engine. It already has ignited it some would say, but I do not believe that.

War is the only way. Do you think embracing a terrorist to your bosum and whispering sweet lullaby's is going to change them? The answer is no. War is the only way. Terrorism is not a political conspiracy, an idea, or anything you think you know.

War will continue to be the only way. There is a greater purpose for war, for economic gain, technology gain, tactical gain, strategic gain, etc. War is the answer for now. The reason war is the answer for now is because there is no other way, and unfortunately you snotty mocha sipping pretentious intellectual wannabe's can not figure that out. Perhaps it is because you've never held a person dieing from a AK-47 Assault Rifle in Afghanistan or seen pre-war Afghanistan when the Taliban were raping women and children. I wrote to the United Nations before the war about the tragedy there, and there was never a response from the U.N.

Sadly, you are influenced by media & corporate interests. Where I am influenced by first hand knowledge of what is & has happened. War is the only path towards peace. In the long-run, perhaps a century from now the world will have peace because of war and history will decide who was right and who was wrong. As for now, I know what history will decide.

I guess we should wage war like proper gentlemen, huh? Line up in formation and fire one shot at a time in uniform manner.

Maybe you should consider enrolling in a college somewhere.

By the way, I voted Kerry and I believe in evolution. You should read the philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche, maybe that will cure your bleeding liberal heart. Oh wait, you;ve probably already read his works since your SUCH AN INTELLECTUAL!

[edit on 21-3-2005 by National Security Agency]

posted on Mar, 22 2005 @ 11:55 AM

Originally posted by National Security Agency
War is the only way. Do you think embracing a terrorist to your bosum and whispering sweet lullaby's is going to change them? The answer is no. War is the only way. Terrorism is not a political conspiracy, an idea, or anything you think you know.

War is the only way WE KNOW.

War is the only way WE LEARNED.

But war is not the ONLY WAY.

War is the Tool of the Conqueror.

War is the Fuel of the Empire.

War is Money.

War will continue to be the only way. There is a greater purpose for war, for economic gain, technology gain, tactical gain, strategic gain, etc. War is the answer for now. The reason war is the answer for now is because there is no other way, and unfortunately you snotty mocha sipping pretentious intellectual wannabe's can not figure that out. Perhaps it is because you've never held a person dieing from a AK-47 Assault Rifle in Afghanistan or seen pre-war Afghanistan when the Taliban were raping women and children. I wrote to the United Nations before the war about the tragedy there, and there was never a response from the U.N.

Yes I agree that wars always bring also economical, technological gain. But they are counter-products of researching more deadlier killing machines. Wars have done more Bad than Good. I agree that they are necessary evil sometimes and we cant aviod them in order to have Peace. But Men have always waged war. That is our Human History = A History Of War. And after two MAJOR CONFLICTS that proved what kind of tragedy a World War is, White Men still want to gamble? They still want to play poker one last time? Sure, Wars bring Peace. But in a world today, where Security is balanced by the number of nuclear warheads in your ARSenal, I belive that another major conflict could be a VERY destructive one.

And there is ALWAYS another WAY!

Sadly, you are influenced by media & corporate interests. Where I am influenced by first hand knowledge of what is & has happened. War is the only path towards peace. In the long-run, perhaps a century from now the world will have peace because of war and history will decide who was right and who was wrong. As for now, I know what history will decide.

In absence of War there is Peace.

War is not the ONLY path towards Peace.

I agree that history will decide, and I maybe we will see that happen.

But, supporting the current war, fueling the fire is not a very smart thing to do. World is a very dangerous place today, nothing like it was a century ago.

posted on Mar, 22 2005 @ 12:22 PM
supporting whosever war either between Al Qaeda or America or other wars dont matter, its whats in our nature, we eat because we eat, we drink because we drink we go to war because we go to war.

posted on Mar, 22 2005 @ 12:43 PM

Originally posted by deltaboy
supporting whosever war either between Al Qaeda or America or other wars dont matter, its whats in our nature, we eat because we eat, we drink because we drink we go to war because we go to war.

Sadly that is our History. A history of destruction. A history of war.

You say its in our Nature. I agre.

But its also in our Nature to Create, not just Destroy.

And its also in our Nature to Love not just to Hate.

Wars breed Hate and they bring Destruction.

So what was so Good about them again?

"War is delightful to those who have not experienced it."

You sound so SURE and DEDICATED to War?

Have you ever been in a War?

Have you seen it? The Face of War?

I have. Its the face of a crying Mother of a nameless Child.

Wars today are all about Money.

Poor People fighting the Rich Man's War.

"War is the statesman's game, the priest's delight,
The lawyer's jest, the hired assassin's trade."

Percy Bysshe Shelley, Queen Mab

[edit on 22/3/05 by Souljah]

posted on Mar, 22 2005 @ 04:13 PM
agree you on nature to create

posted on Mar, 23 2005 @ 12:11 PM
Well consider the rewards and punishments of our current social structure, say whistle blowers get dismissed in mass by the Bush White House. So every wrong committed and every instance of fraud, waste, and abuse gets a free pass.

Consider such things to be a structural defect, where problems continue ad infinitum, where theft makes officialdom into a kleptocracy. War is no exception, since it is an extremely anti-social activity justified in our minds as "necessary." The real fact of it is that agents provocateur have in every instance created the conditions for such wars to proceed. It is a matter of competing mafias, a very few people who use ordinary people like kleenex, and toss you in the rubbish when they are done with the extreme profiteering.

This kind of anti-civilization is rigged, because when the day is done, can any of these people really enjoy their wealth even in what they think is their closed world?

Protest does nothing when a free press is not operating and creating particles of information which by the way, form your very mind and consciousness. There is no prevailing consensus other than what has become a mindless rush into more anti-civilization. You can tell that a fish rots from the head down, and therefore who is in power in a certain critical mass from time to time during our historical analysis.

A 100 year war projects a lock down dictatorship of war, complete command and control, where alternative futures have been totally limited to war without any preventive scenarios. It is stratification of the future into a hellish vision, a pattern of moral, political, and social bankruptcy in every way, shape and form. Natually the illusion of peace will be projected in such a system from time to time, but it is far too much a con job, another "breathing space," until the next dunking into a hellish system.

[edit on 23-3-2005 by SkipShipman]

posted on Mar, 23 2005 @ 12:34 PM
Great post mister SkipShipman!

Thank you for your contribution to this thread.

Natually the illusion of peace will be project in such a system from time to time, but it is far too much a con job, another "breathing space," until the next dunking into a hellish system

I have a feeling that Peace is most of the time being used for refueling, rearming and regrouping the army.

Like watching twelve rounds of a boxing match, and Peace is just that minute of pause between the two rounds.

Then, the bells rings and game on!

posted on Mar, 23 2005 @ 08:55 PM

Originally posted by Souljah

I have a feeling that Peace is most of the time being used for refueling, rearming and regrouping the army.

Like watching twelve rounds of a boxing match, and Peace is just that minute of pause between the two rounds.

Then, the bells rings and game on!

Very good point. Very true.....................In my opinion war is because people in powerful positions are not throughly examined to be qualified for their positions. If the people of Congress and other government "heads" were throughly examined psychologically than we might not have these type of problems. If the CEO's of Fortune 500 companies must take psychological examinations than why shouldn't all foreign leaders undergo them to qualify to lead?
The problem with the world is powerful people with sociopathic minds.

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