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The Christian Mafia (from ATSNN)

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posted on Mar, 19 2005 @ 03:28 PM
A Florida publication, called "Insider Magazine", is reporting on a "criminal conspiracy so vast and monstrous it defies imagination". The conspiracy is comprised of world leaders using Christianity as a vessel to sieze control of the American government. The article makes it clear that this is not and attack on Christians, but rather, an expose of powerful interests using Christianity to further their goals.
The United States has experienced religious and cult hucksters throughout its history, from Cotton Mather and his Salem witch burners to Billy Sunday, Father Charles Coughlin, Charles Manson, Jim Jones, David Koresh, Marshall Applewhite, and others. But none have ever achieved the kind of power now possessed by a powerful and secretive group of conservative politicians and wealthy businessmen in the United States and abroad who are known among their adherents and friends as The Fellowship or The Family. The Fellowship and its predecessor organizations have used Jesus in the same way that McDonald’s uses golden arches and Coca Cola uses its stylized script lettering. Jesus is a logo and a slogan for the Fellowship. Jesus is used to justify the Fellowship’s access to the highest levels of government and business in the same way Santa Claus entices children into department stores and malls during the Christmas shopping season.


When the Founders of our nation constitutionally separated Church and State, the idea of the Fellowship taking over the government would have been their worst nightmare. The Fellowship has been around under various names since 1935. Its stealth existence has been perpetuated by its organization into small cells, a pyramid organization of “correspondents,” “associates,” “friends,” “members,” and “core members,” tax-exempt status for its foundations, and its protection by the highest echelons of the our own government and those abroad.

Please visit the link provided for the complete story.

This is the group, or one of the groups that led George Orwell to his revelations expressed in "1984". The patterns of Fascism are not new. The "face" of Fascism is constantly changing, because it is an evil system, run by evil people, and the light of truth is Fascism's number one nemesis.
This article spans most of the last century in it's quest of recognising connections between people, politics, and major events. There are undeniable ties between Nazi influences and the current dominant influences in America that are documented here.
Because of the very nature of this information and situation, this story is under direct threat from those who are involved in the plot exposed therein, that is, the uberpowerful "leader's of the 'free world'". Wayne Madsen, the author, is constantly demonized by the radical right wing individuals he is exposing as cabalistic criminals.

Related News Links: -Larouche
Christian Mafia, being discussed on message boards
Someone's personal experience
A scholar
Hard core Christian fanatics are not unaffected

[edit on 19-3-2005 by billybob]

posted on Mar, 19 2005 @ 03:35 PM
Look into the people behind the Republican National Congress.

They are what is known as Reconstructionists or Dominionists. These people have actually taken over the republican party and are alienating even long time card carrying republicans. They also have ties to the companies that own electronic (and mechanical) voting machines.

This indeed should not be interpreted as an attack on christians in general but the fanatical fringe that have seized control of social debate and political power.

Check out my research in this thread: Rise of the Reconstructionists

posted on Mar, 19 2005 @ 03:36 PM
This is ridiculous. Plus our government is NOT founded on separation of church and state, it merely bans government establishment of religion such as the Church of England. No one is banned from using religion to guide the way they vote, guide the way they campaign if running for office, nor is there a ban of acknowledgement of religion by the goverment.

[edit on 3/19/2005 by djohnsto77]


posted on Mar, 19 2005 @ 03:39 PM
oh, come off it... there must be three dozen unimaginably powerful organizations poised to take over the world at any second.

the illuminati, the bilderbergs, the neo-cons, the reptilians, the 'christian mafia'... it's a wonder any of us can even cross the street any more.

that is, of course, assuming that the adherents to such theories are not completely full of sh1t.

but, of course, they are.

posted on Mar, 19 2005 @ 03:40 PM

Good find. Interesting stuff. Most important - shows that "secret societies" are masterful shape-shifters.

posted on Mar, 19 2005 @ 04:02 PM
why is something with a 'heavy political bias' not news?
FredT is killing this thread. i don't think he likes me

why? a 'questionable source'. the validity of the information is irrelevent, and only the source matters? there are so many connections and names named in that article, that the whole thing could be easily(although labouriously) checked for accuracy. will that happen? no. it will simply be labelled 'biased' by a NEOCON MODERATOR, and 'downgraded'.
it's a MAGAZINE. it's IN PRINT. if they are lying, they will be sued, and then that will be MORE 'news'.

score another one for the brownshirts, if this gets kicked off ATSNN for 'bias'. events happen on earth. we report them to each other. this is news. news is NOT what you want it to be, free of spin and bias. news is information, and it SHOULD be up to individuals to judge whether the source is 'questionable' or not. we have here, now, at ATS, a system of censorship which is clearly biased, and i for one, ain't gonna hang around while the ship sinks. i will fight to keep it afloat, though, for awhile, 'cause i love this place.

please visit FredT's thread, WAR: Report: Iraq Coverage Wasn't Biased for a lesson in bias.

is ATS under the control of the 'christian mafia'?

posted on Mar, 19 2005 @ 04:05 PM
Why do you feel that this is ATSNN material and not better suited for the Religious Conspiracy Forum? I would like to know.

posted on Mar, 19 2005 @ 04:15 PM
is nobody even READING the article? it's NOT a religious conspiracy. it is a POLITICAL conspiracy using religion as a MASK.
if you would actually read the article, you will find it quite comprehensive in detailing the who, what, where, how and why.
it is NEWS because it documents the actions of the most powerful people on the planet.

this site is called 'abovetopsecret' isn't it? how can ANYTHING be 'above top secret' if it has to come from a frickin' mainstream, or 'higher tiered' source first? why is the VALIDITY of the INFORMATION not the issue, and rather, it is the SOURCE that is the most salient sink-or-swim feature?
i'll tell you why. CENSORSHIP TOOLS and newspeak.

posted on Mar, 19 2005 @ 04:22 PM
This is nothing more than pure Christian bashing and baiting. If not by you, then by the author of the original source piece.


And by the way, FredT is an atheist or something, certainly not a devout Christian so you shouldn't bash someone so ignorantly.

[edit on 3/19/2005 by djohnsto77]

posted on Mar, 19 2005 @ 04:40 PM
It's not really Christian bashing. Which suprised me.

However what is immediately suspect is this:

seemingly unrelated conversations with former high-level intelligence officials, lawyers, politicians, religious figures, other investigative journalists, and researchers

Really? Who? I read the whole thing and he never once mentioned names. It's essentially a lot of things people say on ATS just put in a very long read.

Won't the Jews trying to take over the government be angry when they find this out? Or the communists?

posted on Mar, 19 2005 @ 04:40 PM
I have to admit, I personally don't care for this story. The general use of the term news is also something I would not agree with. BUT, it does have it's place on ATS or ATSNN IMO.

The news Submission form has a category pulldown to allow the author to choose the correct topic for the article. This one may have been better suited for the "Conspiracy News" or the "Political News" category.

posted on Mar, 19 2005 @ 04:48 PM
I actually like the thread, we all know that our politics have become a toy for big interest, yes including religious ones to be used by partisan groups.

Both sides benefit when it comes to manipulating the masses through religion.

We saw that first hand through the Bush campaign in the last elections, he could not have been more "Christian born" he almost looked like Jesus.

posted on Mar, 19 2005 @ 04:58 PM
I read the article. The entire thing. It’s fascinating. Thank you for bringing it to my attention. I don’t agree that the face of fascism changes because from the article it looks like it’s the exact same people that brought us Hitler and Mussolini. The very ones with the exact same faces even the same names. The last names are certainly the same and I bet they look like their fathers as well.

No doubt many will poo poo the article and dismiss it but I sincerely doubt they will provide ANY evidence for their dismissal.

Funny how Rev Moon’s Unification Church is in bed with Zionists and Billy Graham I guess politics does indeed make strange bedfellows. I wonder if Moon’s media properties are considered liberal media outlets? Because we all know that the liberals control the media.

Of course Moon is a staunch anti-communist he also insinuates rather strongly that he is the lord of the Second Advent. I guess Robertson and his ilk have no problem with that. Of course Moon does own a few munitions factories maybe they admire his Christ like nature. The article does not mention the use of coercive persuasion but that can be forgiven in an article so sweeping in its breadth. It also does not mention the billions of dollars generated by television ministries some of which have world wide reach. I guess their part of the liberal media too.

So when the Israelis pull out of Gaza is that when the rapture will start or Armageddon? It must be difficult to translate the book of Daniel into foreign policy but perhaps if they pray hard enough they will be able to properly determine just who God wants them to kill.

These people aren’t Christians at all so bashing them is only bashing fascists that have co-opted the Christian religion exactly the way Hitler did.

When Barry Seal was gunned down in a New Orleans parking lot he had Bush Sr.’s personal phone number in his pocket. Barry was one of the CIA’s biggest drug and gun runners not only for the contras but for the Bay of Pigs operation as well. Barry and the Boys is a great read but short on proof as the proof has a nasty habit of disappearing or commitiing suicide at the most inopportune times.

These are the people that have been destroying our country for so long. Anyone that supports them is either an unabashed traitor or has been conned.

posted on Mar, 19 2005 @ 05:33 PM
to 'djohnsto77':

you didn't read it. you getting lazy in your propogandizing. the leader will be displeased.
christians are not the 'target'. it is evil cabalists POSING as christians, and using christianity as a tool to steer the masses.

posted on Mar, 19 2005 @ 05:40 PM
Yes, billybob religion is a powerful tool when is in the hands of a few.

It can be use to help unfortunate souls, but it also can be used to control the behavior and responses of others.

Politicians has learned how to use it to manipulate votes, and some greedy ones has learned how to use it to become powerful and rich.

posted on Mar, 19 2005 @ 05:42 PM
So you're the ultimate arbiter of who is a real Christian and who is not and what are Christian motives and what are not?

posted on Mar, 19 2005 @ 05:55 PM
For the best political manipulation you need the most facile meat puppets available.

People who are psychological/ego failures turn to religion. The worse the failure the more complete the surrender to their faith. Sometimes they choose the alternative of surrender of faith to some commerial product instead.

Fanatical religious people are like dynamite. If carefully handled by intelligent people who are willing to accept some risk, can be used to great effect.

Now if we can convince people it is their human duty to be skeptical of any kind of panacea sales job, be it religious or commercial, we might actually have the inklings of a semi-intelligent species.

posted on Mar, 19 2005 @ 06:00 PM
Hmm, I thought I made a post, but it didn't show up.

Who are you to decide who is Christian and who is not, and who is motivated by real Christian values and who is not? I don't think you are the ultimate arbiter of that!

posted on Mar, 19 2005 @ 06:14 PM

Originally posted by djohnsto77
Hmm, I thought I made a post, but it didn't show up.

Who are you to decide who is Christian and who is not, and who is motivated by real Christian values and who is not? I don't think you are the ultimate arbiter of that!

look, i've posted a link to a well researched article. you don't want to read it, that's fine, but don't think you're toying with my mind. you will need bigger firepower for that.
once again, it's not about christianity or 'real' christians. it's about religion being used as a tool to manipulate the masses.
why don't you just frickin' read it, so you know what it is you're trying to counterspin?

[edit on 19-3-2005 by billybob]

posted on Mar, 19 2005 @ 06:16 PM

Originally posted by slank
For the best political manipulation you need the most facile meat puppets available.

Exactly, all you have to do is feed the right information link to their believes and some promises and they will do your biding.

People who are psychological/ego failures turn to religion. The worse the failure the more complete the surrender to their faith. Sometimes they choose the alternative of surrender of faith to some commerial product instead.

Perhaps that is why some are easily manipulated than others, if the person really believe in what they are doing they will see the results of heir believe as a testament to their faith.

Fanatical religious people are like dynamite. If carefully handled by intelligent people who are willing to accept some risk, can be used to great effect.

I agree with you here also, it is a risky business just to get them into doing what you want without questions asked, they can explode like a time bomb or they can be just like sheep to the slaughter house.

Does anybody remember Guyana and the hundreds of people that followed their spiritual leader and killed themselves and their children just because he told them to do it.

Now if we can convince people it is their human duty to be skeptical of any kind of panacea sales job, be it religious or commercial, we might actually have the inklings of a semi-intelligent species.

Actually one of the purpose of fundamentalist and their masters is to keep the children and the masses compliant, through scare tactics and extremist religious views.

Is nothing more that they would love and actually are pushing lately but to get a strong grip of religion in the schools, taking free will in early childhood will ensure a more malleable person and citizen in the future.

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