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Plasma Life

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posted on Dec, 19 2020 @ 06:25 PM

I keep coming back to plasma vortices, ball lightening and "other" life 🌞

Some sort of microcosmic eternal return? 😂

Idk, but I've spent a lot of time searching the topic over the years. Fascinated to say the least.

Decided to share the latest bunch of pages I've been looking at, hope someone may also enjoy them.

Could alien life exist in the form of dancing specks of dust? According to a new simulation, electrically charged dust can organise itself into DNA-like double helixes that behave in many ways like living organisms, reproducing and passing on information to one another.

Priests... um I mean scientists, say it could be so.

As far as I know, no agreed upon explanation has been decided upon as to the cause of ball lightening.
It has been postitively identified though.

Great balls of lightning! Bizarre glow that has eluded scientists for centuries is captured on video for the first time

So, could helical clusters formed from interstellar dust be somehow alive? "These complex, self-organized plasma structures exhibit all the necessary properties to qualify them as candidates for inorganic living matter," says Tsytovich, "they are autonomous, they reproduce and they evolve."

In both past and present, many people report strange, perhaps intelligent actions, taken by unexplained glowing balls of light.

"Although many balls act dumb, others exhibit puzzling behavior that seems almost supernatural and quasi-intelligent. Some balls chase people across fields and up or down stairs. A few circle people, spiraling up from the knee level to the head and then dart out the nearest window or up a chimney, then explode.” Snigier, who wrote Ball Lightning under the pseudonym Paul Sagan, worked as an electrical engineer for Raytheon and Texas Instruments

I believe they are conscious gravity gyros/vortex's

‘… So you’re telling me,’ said his burly southern friend, ‘that all that stuff about right angles and hypotenuses and the musical theory about lengths of strings and golden measures, sacred number … all the stuff we think of as coming from Pythagoras — that the lot was taught to him through just one simple diagram, when he was in Egypt?’

Is ball lightening a portal to another dimension?

In a paper on, “A Conjecture Concerning Ball Lightning“, Sturrock – one of the founders of the Society for Scientific Exploration – explains his thoughts:

(a) Since there is no known way for the required energy to be stored in the ball lightning, there must be a reservoir of energy remote from the ball lightning (presumably related to the electrical energy responsible for lightning).
(b) Since the reservoir is remote from the ball lightning, there must be some way to transfer energy from the reservoir to the ball lightning. We therefore conceive of a duct that connects the reservoir to the ball lightning.
(c) A ball lightning may now be regarded as a port through which energy in the duct can be released into the atmosphere.

These points, Sturrock says, “suggest the following hypothesis: A ball lightning is a port connecting our overt space to a covert space with with similar but not identical properties."

I think Maxwell's original equations are relevant here, along with Kozyrev's torsion discoveries and the experimental results (not the math) of Extended Heim Theory.

A few interesting papers -

ABSTRACT: This paper models turbulent vorticity in shearing plasma layers as strings of identical helix units smoothly joined at their junctions. We obtain helix strings tying loops, knots, links and braids on tetragonal and cubic lattices. In state diagrams for conduction electrons in cool, dense discharge plasma we find a subdomain for cavitation and curves with zero chemical potential for equilibrium of fermi and bose systems. We present a scaling cycle of vortex stretching, twisting, breaking and reconnection at high Reynolds number forming vortex lattices at arbitrary mesh refinement. Its exponential particle acceleration brings ion circulation energy within range of high‐energy events associated with lightning and ball lightning. This vortex plasma has a state equation with negative pressure for self‐confinement. We argue that its energy surface in phase space favours self‐organization. And we discuss vortex plasma with steady‐state energy conversion by buoyancy in the nuclear fusion regime.
HelixString Model for Turbulent Vorticity and Cavitation in Shearing Arc Plasma

Just happened to find this one on the Cern site, but not related to portals in any way of course haha.

We study four dimensional gravity with a negative cosmological constant deformed by the Nieh-Yan torsional topological invariant with a spacetime-dependent coefficient. We find an exact solution of the Euclidean system, which we call the torsion vortex, having two asymptotic AdS4 regimes connected by a wormhole and supported by a pseudoscalar with a kink profile. We propose that the torsion vortex is the holographic dual of a three dimensional system that exhibits distinct parity breaking vacua. The torsion vortex represents a (holographic) `tunneling' between these distinct vacua. From a bulk point of view, we point out an intriguing identification of the parameters of the torsion vortex with those of an Abrikosov vortex in a Type I superconductor. Following the analogy, we find that external Kalb-Ramond flux then appears to support bubbles of flat spacetime within an asymptotically AdS geometry.

Torsionand the Gravity Dual of Parity Symmetry Breaking in AdS4/CFT3 Holography

We experimentally realize a simulation in which a charged quantum particle interacts with the knotted electromagnetic fields peculiar to a topological model of ball lightning. These phenomena are induced by precise spatiotemporal control of the spin field of an atomic Bose-Einstein condensate, simultaneously creating a Shankar skyrmion—a topological excitation that was theoretically predicted four decades ago but never before observed experimentally. Our results reveal the versatile capabilities of synthetic electromagnetism and provide the first experimental images of topological three-dimensional skyrmions in a quantum system.

Seems there is still room for a little wonder in the world! 🌟

edit on 19-12-2020 by primalfractal because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2020 @ 06:36 PM
a reply to: primalfractal

Fantastic post

I had and maybe still have, a theory that a lot of the sightings of UFO's up in the sky, especially the silvery pill or round, orb shaped ones could be living entities from high up in the atmosphere. Most certainly look 'plasma' like, the tic tac videos and some crop circle orbs for example.

posted on Dec, 19 2020 @ 07:53 PM

originally posted by: primalfractal

In both past and present, many people report strange, perhaps intelligent actions, taken by unexplained glowing balls of light.
I've seen these a few times. It does seem that the "object" itself is conscious rather than being a craft with a pilot.

posted on Dec, 19 2020 @ 09:32 PM
a reply to: primalfractal

Interesting & fun from my skim-through. With that much research, I'm guessing you've come across Bohm and some of the observational theories of certain plasmas having qualities that we generally associate with life?

You may have mentioned it, but if not it seems related to your thesis.

Edit to add: You might also enjoy this thread about what was considered--maybe--the most scientific UFO study ever conducted (at the time.)

Spoiler: The study concluded...Plasma + Intelligence.

“Unbiased, disinterested physical scientists usually measure the properties of inanimate matter. Biological, medical, and behavioral scientists, on the other hand, study intelligences less than or equal to their own. In this Project, we dealt with an intelligence equal to or greater than that of man. We interacted with the phenomenon under study.”

~ Dr. Harley Rutledge, Chairman of the Physics Department, SE Missouri State University

Project Identification: Ufology's Red-Headed Stepchild

edit on 19-12-2020 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-12-2020 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 19 2020 @ 10:23 PM
a reply to: The GUT

Thanks for linking that thread, more great material to digest

Also quite synchronously reminded me to include the Bohm related page I had up that I somehow excluded from the op.

Many years ago David Bohm’s first theoretical physics studies dealt with plasma. He discovered that plasma may behave as a highly cooperative structure, like if particles (ions and electrons) that are even very far away from each other are able to “feel” instantaneously what happens to one of them. This gives to plasma – at least qualitatively – a structure of coherence that is not dissimilar to the coherence found in quantum objects. Therefore the many particles composing plasma behave like if they were only one entity and not separated from each other, in such a way that any action done on a group of particles is just “felt” by another group of particles composing the same plasma agglomerate.

At this point it is not so difficult, at least qualitatively, to find a strict similarity between plasma particles and the microtubules inside brain’s neurons. The previously amply discussed “OrchOr” Penrose-Hameroff theory about the brain states that microtubules and tubulins therein act like only one entity described by the same wave function. When – according to Penrose’s physics model – the wave function spontaneously collapses a moment of consciousness is generated, in such a way that an average human being is able to experience at least one million moments of consciousness daily.

We have said that what we consider as consciousness can be strictly related to the idea that we have of “spirit”, in the ambit of a model (following also Bohm’s concepts about implicate and explicate orders) in which consciousness/spirit and its neural correlate (the brain) are strictly linked together in a way that the one cannot exist without the other.


posted on Dec, 19 2020 @ 10:45 PM
The Plasmatics.

posted on Dec, 19 2020 @ 10:53 PM
a reply to: Homefree

Haha awesome man.

The plasma apocalypse is coming!

posted on Dec, 19 2020 @ 11:09 PM
This is my believe as well. I do believe there are creatures from another planet visiting in structured craft, but I also believe much of what people see as glowing orb type UFOs (and a lot of the things seen in NASA footage) are some type of energy based life form that is not officially cataloged. I've been convinced of this ever since my own sighting over a decade ago. We were at a 4th of July fireworks celebration. A family member directed my attention to something else in the sky, above the fireworks. When I looked up, I saw what, at first, I thought was just an airplane. A single, small ball of blueish white light high above the exploding fireworks. But after just a second, it became clear it was no airplane. This thing was flying at high speed haphazardly all over the sky, doing loop de loops, diving and rising, banking going round and round in a perfectly smooth, flawless motion. I just immediately got this feeling that whatever it was, it was attracted to the fireworks show and was observing and attempting to interact with or put on a display for the fireworks. It reminded me of footage I'd seen of dolphins playing in the water or other animals doing silly antics in an attempt to get the attention of a mate. I didn't feel it was a structured craft. I got the feeling that it was some kind of intelligence or life made out of energy. We watched it for a good..probably two or three minutes doing it's chaotic dance in the sky high above the fireworks celebration before it finally just lifted upward and eventually faded out of sight. This was in a time before the public having access to commercial grade drones and lasers was really a thing, by the way. But the way it moved was akin to someone guiding a laser pointer haphazardly around the sky. Only, as I said, people back then didn't really have access to the high powered lasers that you see youtubers playing with today and it was the wrong color (Plus the laser beam wasn't showing up despite the clouds of firework smoke and the glowing ball was showing up against the clear sky high above, it wasn't like it was a laser beam on a cloud or something).

posted on Dec, 20 2020 @ 03:03 AM
a reply to: primalfractal

Great post!

I will look over all of the information then come back and comment.

posted on Dec, 20 2020 @ 04:28 AM
a reply to: Romeopsi


Glad you liked it 😊

posted on Dec, 20 2020 @ 05:35 AM
Some chemicals in a river/sea are hit by lightening and make the start to life?
as you sugest the life may have already started in the lightening?

Hmm! lightening is Super Fast. Light speed?
who knows what it goes though.
it could evolve and even communicate with others?

edit on 20-12-2020 by buddha because: why not

posted on Dec, 20 2020 @ 10:32 AM
There are a few UFO researchers who see "sky critters" as one possible explanation for at least some sightings. But if such things exist, they're certainly elusive and we've never been able to catch one or find a corpse. "Angel hair" always seems to evaporate back to it's non-physical state before it can be properly studied.

I'd like to see somebody nab one of those Orange Balls of Light people see occasionally. Might provide some answers, or at least suggest further lines of inquiry.

posted on Dec, 20 2020 @ 02:24 PM

originally posted by: primalfractal

I keep coming back to plasma vortices, ball lightening and "other" life 🌞

Some sort of microcosmic eternal return? 😂

Idk, but I've spent a lot of time searching the topic over the years. Fascinated to say the least.

Decided to share the latest bunch of pages I've been looking at, hope someone may also enjoy them.

Could alien life exist in the form of dancing specks of dust? According to a new simulation, electrically charged dust can organise itself into DNA-like double helixes that behave in many ways like living organisms, reproducing and passing on information to one another.

A "missing" link maybe...

Nice thread

posted on Dec, 20 2020 @ 03:42 PM
The plasma type have been observed as capable of the shape shifting, namely the amber orange type into some shape resembling a body builders dumbbell. In addition they have been observed the red type actually with some sort of light scanning device that appears to be almost similar to a lighthouse. Plus they exhibit capabilities to dance symmetrically, chase each other in tag, partner up with the same coloured orb type, appear exactly following a massive strike of thunder lightning, be able to spray off themselves like an angle grinder molten metal then change into a white type of light, not a normal light but a whiter than white holy angelic light of brilliance one can only imagine, then be a precursor to an actual fly over by a massive radiant white bloc of a mothership that roars like an elephant as it dons you four times before zooming off and as it departs it leaves a very fine cotton wool like substance that slowly descends on you from above.

posted on Dec, 20 2020 @ 04:28 PM
As most people know, I went 'ape #' on this topic for a few years.

When I realized that Lakota Sioux shaman (and others) use tobacco to 'summon spirits' and that functionally tobacco spoke is much like 'plasma', I was hooked on that out of control freight train.

That said, anything which can somehow retain information and pass on changes in their 'operating system', whether purposely or accidentally due to mutation, etc., that something may well be alive, even if it's composed of 'plasma'.

Of course Bohm may have believed that electrons were sentient too, and I can neither prove nor disprove that.. but Bohm was a world-class genius, so I don't throw it away, out of hand.

posted on Dec, 20 2020 @ 05:25 PM
a reply to: primalfractal

You should read through some of the studies of the max planck institute about plasma helices and solids as of dusty plasmas . Interesting studies have been done there..

Is it alive?
Nevertheless, Tsytovich's colleague and study team member, Gregor Morfill of the Max Planck Institute for Extraterrestrial Physics in Garching, Germany, is hesitant to call the plasma particles alive.
"Maybe it's a question of upbringing," Morfill said in a telephone interview. "I would hesitate to call it life. The reason why we published this paper is not because we wanted to suggest this could evolve into life, but because we wanted to start the discussion ... once more of what exactly do we mean by life."

A snippet from NASA on the F ring of Saturn:

"I think the F ring is Saturn's weirdest ring, and these latest Cassini results go to show how the F ring is even more dynamic than we ever thought," said Carl Murray, a Cassini imaging team member based at Queen Mary University of London, England. "These findings show us that the F ring region is like a bustling zoo of objects from a half mile [kilometer] in size to moons like Prometheus a hundred miles [kilometers] in size, creating a spectacular show."

Scientists have known that relatively large objects like Prometheus (as long as 92 miles, or 148 kilometers, across) can create channels, ripples and snowballs in the F ring. But scientists didn't know what happened to these snowballs after they were created, Murray said. Some were surely broken up by collisions or tidal forces in their orbit around Saturn, but now scientists have evidence that some of the smaller ones survive, and their differing orbits mean they go on to strike through the F ring on their own

I'm more on the fence now that plasma is a very useful matter to play with by something we yet have to discover...
edit on 0b39America/ChicagoSun, 20 Dec 2020 18:10:39 -0600vAmerica/ChicagoSun, 20 Dec 2020 18:10:39 -06001 by 0bserver1 because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 20 2020 @ 06:14 PM
a reply to: 0bserver1

Sounds cool,

I will check it out

posted on Dec, 21 2020 @ 03:58 AM

originally posted by: buddha
Some chemicals in a river/sea are hit by lightening and make the start to life?
as you sugest the life may have already started in the lightening?

Hmm! lightening is Super Fast. Light speed?
who knows what it goes though.
it could evolve and even communicate with others?

Being honest and realistic about ityou might well be onto something there. Ball lightning is no different in my eyes to the angels sent from thes heavens Very powerful forms indeed

posted on Dec, 21 2020 @ 04:45 PM

originally posted by: ufoorbhunter

originally posted by: buddha
Some chemicals in a river/sea are hit by lightening and make the start to life?
as you sugest the life may have already started in the lightening?

Hmm! lightening is Super Fast. Light speed?
who knows what it goes though.
it could evolve and even communicate with others?

Being honest and realistic about ityou might well be onto something there. Ball lightning is no different in my eyes to the angels sent from thes heavens Very powerful forms indeed


The Body of Glory, the Light of Christ.

posted on Dec, 21 2020 @ 06:02 PM
a reply to: primalfractal

If seeking a DNA launch app', then how about still water that became stagnant and gradually created a chemical path that resulted as Amoeba . Fungi, or whatever ????

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