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Child Prodigy Dies in an Apparent Suicide

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posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 03:05 PM
This is so tragic...
Nebraska Child Prodigy Dies in an Apparent Suicide

A musical prodigy who completed high school at age 10 apparently killed himself at 14, authorities said.
Brandenn E. Bremmer, who had studied piano improvisation at Colorado State University at Fort Collins, Colo., was found dead Tuesday at his home with a gunshot wound to the head, sheriff's officials said.

Brandenn began playing the piano at 3 and took his first high school class at 6. He was home-schooled through high school, completing his junior and senior years in seven months. At 11 he starting taking independent study classes at Colorado State.

He had taken courses during the spring and fall semesters of 2002, CSU spokeswoman Dell Rae Moellenberg said. He later took private lessons.

One of his professors at CSU, David Wohl, said Friday he was shocked to learn of Brandenn's apparent suicide.

Wohl, who last saw Brandenn in December, recalled him as an unpretentious young man who had an easy smile. "He wasn't just talented, he was just a really nice young man," Wohl said.

Now this really makes me think, what would make this young genius take his life? Was he being pressured? and by whom? Was he so advance that he took the easy way out? Even though he was musical prodigy, his intelligence would have at least made him think long and hard about this. It's difficult to grasp why someone with so much potential would take his own life. Maybe there's more to the story that has not yet been told?

[edit on 3-18-2005 by worldwatcher]

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 03:09 PM
I read this earlier also.. this is very sad.

This could be in my opinion due to people around this individual having high expectations that would put strenuous pressure on the persons psychi or even being tipped over the line from genius to insanity as I am told there is a fine line.

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 03:13 PM
I wonder if it was peer pressure or parental pressure. A smart child like that would have been very independent, but I wonder if the parents were paying attention.

posted on Mar, 18 2005 @ 03:22 PM
Maybe its a matter of not being able to fit in with kids his own age nor with those who are older.

Maybe he felt like a freak.

[edit on 18-3-2005 by sen5e]

posted on Mar, 19 2005 @ 02:59 PM
I have always ponder this, what if you're so smart you figure out life isn't worth on earth isn't worth living, would you kill yourself?

apparantly the boy's mother may think that way
A Child Prodigy's Apparent Suicide: 'He Knew He Had to Leave,' Mother Says

He was just 14. He left no note.

"Sometimes we wonder if maybe the physical, earthly world didn't offer him enough challenges and he felt it was time to move on and do something great," his mother, Patricia, said from the family home in Venango, Neb., a few miles from the Colorado border.

Brandenn showed no signs of depression, she said. He had just shown his family the art for the cover of his new CD that was about to be released.

"He was born an adult," his mother said. "We just watched his body grow bigger."

He scored 178 on one IQ test - a test his mother said he was too bored to finish.

Brandenn was home schooled. By age 6, when many little boys are learning to read, he was ready to tackle high school. He enrolled in the Independent Study High School in Lincoln through the University of Nebraska, taking most of his courses by mail.

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 03:51 PM
The complete lack of motive in this story disturbs me. The fact that he left no note is also disturbing. It's just not right.

Something's not right with this.

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