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Evil Doesn't Exist. Period.

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posted on Mar, 19 2005 @ 01:32 PM

Originally posted by dnero6911
EDIT: .... Evil exists because we created it... It's time to kill it. Do your part by killing it within yourself... but first you have to kill your ego...

[edit on 19/3/05 by dnero6911]

By ego, what do you man? Kill what makes us us? or the ego as in self-importance?

By either one, I think we would be falling down a rocky cliff, there. If we lose our egos, then people would have no sense of self or self-worth. Then people would be open to any type of manipulation and basically become slaves to whoever still has their ego. I picture a bunch of bees just doing their job, not taking time to enjoy themselves. Yes, some people have a little bit too much ego, but I suggest not to kill ego off altogether.

posted on Mar, 19 2005 @ 01:38 PM
Evil doesnt exist??? lol... how blessed and sheltered you must have throu your life to think like that !! I surelly hope you keep beeing that lucky... when the glass buble you live in blows up, you bether be ready for the Storm...! I guess child molesters are good, and removing the feading tube of a sick person and let her STARVE to death is good, following your line of tought Hitler was the coolest guy ever....I really really hope you never ever ever have to feel evil in your life... maybe its better that you keep living in the bubble...

Oh and by the claim evil doesnt exist, but evil people do... well where does the evil that makes people evil come from??? how can a person be evil if evil doesnt exist ?? if ppl get a cold its because the cold virus exist... if people are evil, than evil must exist or they couldnt be evil...

[edit on 19-3-2005 by BaastetNoir]

posted on Mar, 19 2005 @ 02:01 PM

Originally posted by BaastetNoir
Evil doesnt exist??? lol... how blessed and sheltered you must have throu your life to think like that !! I surelly hope you keep beeing that lucky... when the glass buble you live in blows up, you bether be ready for the Storm...! I guess child molesters are good, and removing the feading tube of a sick person and let her STARVE to death is good, following your line of tought Hitler was the coolest guy ever....I really really hope you never ever ever have to feel evil in your life... maybe its better that you keep living in the bubble...

Oh and by the claim evil doesnt exist, but evil people do... well where does the evil that makes people evil come from??? how can a person be evil if evil doesnt exist ?? if ppl get a cold its because the cold virus exist... if people are evil, than evil must exist or they couldnt be evil...

[edit on 19-3-2005 by BaastetNoir]

Just for your info... comments like yours will be ignored... I don't live in a glass bubble, that's stupid.. nor do I think killing and raping is okay or that it doesn't exist... grow up. EDIT: actually BaasterNoir I'm very offended at your accusations... Hitler was the coolest guy? .. seriously how immature are you? can't you see people trying to have a civilized conversation? You come in and muck it up with your reason. Think before you speak, obviously SOME of the people in this thread have done so... maybe you should too, don't bash other people because they THINK,.. unlike the robots..

and as for steggyD's comment..

are you not already a slave? ... are you not already just a product of your enviroment, sure you have *some* choices .. but without certain enviromental conditions (by enviroment I mean EVERYTHING around us), we would be totally different people... we hold onto our enviroment like a rock, a base to put seeds in, when really that rock is floating in water... (yes floating) .. lol

It's very funny, all throughout life we've been trying to create a human just to prove it took no intelligence to make it in the first place... I'm telling you they're damn close to making a human, look at your computer.

steggyD, don't you notice we are already open for all sorts of manipulations, we simply choose our manipulations.. theres no difference to killing your ego.. you just won't be allowing your ego to CHOOSE your manipulations, like the parable says you don't try... you do... you don't choose, you just allow

[edit on 19/3/05 by dnero6911]

posted on Mar, 19 2005 @ 02:23 PM

if people are evil, than evil must exist or they couldnt be evil...

[edit on 19-3-2005 by BaastetNoir]

Thats a real easy way of getting yourself off the hook for being an a$$ isn't it?

well you see, this evil came and BANG! right into me... I didn't know what hit me, next thing I knew I was kicking and punching toddlers and shooting their moms... wow what happened to me.. must'ah drank some evil in a bottle, or maybe those evil in a pill ... man, I gotta be careful of those glass screens filled with evil... Give me a break... Evil isn't in you ...

Like, whatca doing on saturday Billy? ...
Oh well I thought I'd invite evil over and kill my family... sound like an idea?...

people don't understand their own thresholds.. stop spewwing that "evil" crap.... evil was in em, thats why they did it.. (sarc)

or temporary insanity .. umm, temporary? ... so it could spark up at any time? .. wow! I didn't know evil was so versatile.. coming and going .. killing and maiming.. maybe it wasn't the evil, maybe it was the mixed up person who couldn't read the moment.

[edit on 19/3/05 by dnero6911]

posted on Mar, 19 2005 @ 02:26 PM
Of course we are all slaves to our environment. I have often thought many times of different consequences for ridding our lives of different factions of this life we live. If we rid the planet of corporations, factories and stores, since we all seem to be slaves to them right now, then what would happen? We would become slaves to the earth for growing food, its weather patterns, the animals that we need for food, the time of day in order to accomplish our goals, etc. No matter what, yes, we are slaves. There will always be something greater than us that rules our miserable little lives.

But we still have the choice to enjoy the moments in between our slavery sessions. We have the choice to do something harder to pick a form of slavery that is more appealing to us. Without ego, one may just be happy working at McDonald's for the rest of one's life, instead of pursuing something that may be more appealing. (Nothing against McDonald's employees though. Somebody has to make the food that I eat while on the road.)

posted on Mar, 19 2005 @ 02:45 PM
I've read through this thread. And I'm still not sure of what your explanation is dnero to how evil people can exsist but not evil itself. How do you define an evil person? One who commits evil acts right? But if evil doesn't exsist......

And I know it's been said before but if evil doesn't exist then neither does good or good people. Or there is no way to define them. Evil exsists because good exsists.

A blind girl was raped yesterday by someone claiming to help her.
That is not good.
If it is not good, and if evil doesn't exsist, then what is it?

This world would be chaotic if there were no distinctions between good and evil.

posted on Mar, 19 2005 @ 03:04 PM

A blind girl was raped yesterday by someone claiming to help her.

In the mind of the rapist, it came down to his need versus her pain. In a STS (service-to-self) alignment, the pain of the victim would not prevent anything. In the case of rape, it is the suffering of the victim that the offender thrives on. Those who say, "this is evil, pure and simple" are of the positive polarity (most people are) but believe this: There are people who would read this story and envy the attacker. These are people for whom the SELF is the single guiding factor. These folks would include child-rapists, and the like who may in fact be masquerading as your elected leaders. STS polarized people see any kind of weakness (blind female) as an opportunity. They see any weakness as an invitation for them to gratify themselves, get rich, etc. They have no device inside their heads that says, "No, it is wrong to exploit/rape/kill those who are weaker than you." They may have a 'conscience' but it is tuned so low that they cannot hear it. They can, however, change their alignment by an act of volition if they turn up the volume of that conscience. At least, that's the theory. I happen to believe that there are some people who have literally no conscience at all.

Of course, if it was my loved-one who was raped, my resulting retaliation would be seen in whatever light each individual chose. I could be good or evil for beating the guy to death. It's relative.

posted on Mar, 19 2005 @ 07:06 PM
The opposite of good is bad. YES! Good and bad exist. Moral and immoral exist. Right and wrong exist.

Just because something is bad, immoral or wrong does not mean it is evil.

The very word evil implies a spiritual connection to whatever wrong has occurred. NO spiritual connection exists in the atrocities mankind commits.

Stop blaming the devil and start accepting responsiblity for not only the terrible things that mankind does but also what you yourself are capable of.

Evil does not exist.

Mankind just uses it as an excuse for the terrible things that we do. It's a cop out.

The creator of all things placed us in a world of free will. It is OUR choice as to what path we follow. Good or Bad.

Just because we choose to do bad does not mean we have chosen a path that is evil. Evil does not exist.

If you can't see god in everything than you can't see god in anything.

Love and light,


posted on Mar, 19 2005 @ 09:31 PM

Originally posted by mrwupy
Evil does not exist.
Mankind just uses it as an excuse for the terrible things that we do. It's a cop out.
The creator of all things placed us in a world of free will. It is OUR choice as to what path we follow.

When someone does something evil that person chose to commit the act and as such needs to own up to it as a choice that person made. People are without a moral compass that works and as such are vulnerable to temptations to do wrong. Everyone is capable and does wrong. I still say evil exists and a man or woman can allow it to bring them to a point in which the act is committed.

Ask someone who has had a family member murdered and I'm sure they wouldn't say that it was a bad thing, they would search for the strongest word possible to describe the event.

posted on Mar, 19 2005 @ 10:16 PM
Evil is the absence of goodness so it does exist. Just like black is the opposite of white. Dark is the absense of light

Evil exists but more importanly good exists.

[edit on 19-3-2005 by MauiStacey]

posted on Mar, 19 2005 @ 10:59 PM

Originally posted by steggyD
Killing someone for no reason is morally wrong, which by definition is evil.

Yes, this is the point. There is no definition for morally wrong, it is totally subjective. So if the definition of evil is morally wrong, then evil has no definition. And this is why 'evil' should not be considered a standard to which we compare things.

posted on Mar, 20 2005 @ 04:45 AM
Dang! Been really ill with a flu-like thing the past week or so. I go to bed early and miss all the good debate!

I feel like there is an argument of terms only here. We keep trying to skirt the issue of calling something evil and only using the terms good and bad.

You can, at a personal level, delete "evil" from your vocabulary. But from the discussion I have seen here it simply becomes a varying degree of "bad". Sort of like saying, there is no best ... Instead saying, "That's good" ... "That's better". "That's better, better".... "That's better better better".

I have, in my past thought the same thing. No good, no evil, only varying degrees of vibration.

It seems to me, however, that there are things, people, places, and activities in this world that are simply evil (albeit subjectively, yes).

Maybe we're simply arguing for the sake of argument, but isn't evil something that a "concencus" subscribes to as evil? Dunno.

But I do know that there are people, actions, things, and places in the world that I do not want to deny as evil, if for no other reason, than my peace of mind, and personal alert status.

posted on Mar, 20 2005 @ 01:10 PM
In my opinion, yes, Evil as a word does have its place.

It has its place within storybooks, legends, and other things fictional in nature.

To say that someone who murders or molests a child or commits some other equally heinous act is evil is to simply refuse to try to find out what is actually happening in these people's minds. So long as we simply accept these things as 'evil', we will continue in the ignorance that has been purveyed for the last ten thousand years of our history.

What if Hippocrates and Galen were to simply abide by the notion that the reason people got headaches or flu symptoms was because evil demon spirits were entering the body causing these ailments? Modern medicine would not have been born. (Well, it would have, because eventually someone would had to have put away the silly notion of evil as a cause...).

But the point is that those who simply label the ills of our society and our people 'evil' cannot, or will not do anything constructive to fix them because simply, EVIL EXISTS and will never go away.

So I digress. EVIL DOES EXIST! But blaming it for things that are bad will cause some to never be able to see the causes of the bad for what they really are.

Evil is a crutch.

posted on Mar, 20 2005 @ 07:51 PM

Originally posted by ThatsJustWeird
This world would be chaotic if there were no distinctions between good and evil.

On the contrary ... perhaps this world IS chaotic because there are distinction between good and evil...

Chaos is generally good you have to keep in mind.. and I'm talking about the REAL chaos... not death murder and mayhem chaos.. I'm talking about the kind they will be utilizing soon to creates faster computers .. computers that will be able to solve equations we can't as of yet...

Darkness is the absence of light.. great... you're talking about visible light right? .. because I believe there needs to be light for anything to exist..
light is always there.... even when its dark ...

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 08:45 PM

Originally posted by Jonna
Besides the rest of nature gets along just fine without concepts of good and evil. The rain still falls and the world still turns. Morality seems irrelevant in matters such as these.

Sounds empty. Why am I starting to feel depressed? Wait, it feels bad to be empty and depressed. This apathy thing isn't working out.

The problem really is that you felt full to begin with, who said you were full enough to be emptied?, So you searched to be filled with knowledge and upon recieving it, you are full? Those who know what they have, know they have not enough.
and those who do not know what they have, will lose the little they have.

It seems I offended your world by dismissing one of your beliefs... or else you wouldn't have seen it as something you would have to respond to.... and calling me a liar while claiming to be a Saint for God.... lol

You're a man of God are you not?... You should understand then that everything is flux.

If christ DYING was GOOD and supposed to FREE US,
Through his FLESH dying was supposed to be our salvation?

Now whose the twisted person? Just because he said that him dying was GOOD? .. Dying is death, it is "bad", it is the contrast to life, it is the evil to the good? Yet your savior has already told you what I'm trying to tell you by his actions, not my words... so listen to him, don't listen to me...


[edit on 21/3/05 by dnero6911]

posted on Mar, 21 2005 @ 10:57 PM
First off.. I thought that the opposite of good was bad, not evil. So the opposite of evil (if it existed) would have to be something like righteous, Would it not??

I've noticed that there are a lot of posts on the subject of child molestation and raping and I do not believe this to be an evil act as it was not intended to be so. I watched something on child molesters a few years back. The molesters that were interviewed felt that it was a need to do what they did and unfortunatly with society being corrupt because we have lost almost all morals it is no wonder that people are not concious of what some would think is right from wrong. Society as a whole does not have morals which only leaves us with ethics and these are personal beliefs of what is right from wrong. What I believe is right or wrong may not be the same beliefs as yours. Evil is just a word that is used to describe what one would think of as a wrong doing, though I don't understand that a human would have the right to be able to determine what is right from wrong.

"Just because we choose to do bad does not mean we have chosen a path that is evil. Evil does not exist. If you can't see god in everything than you can't see god in anything." This quote was gripped from mrwupy. I couldn't agree more, we are all a part of God, equal in every way.

Evil does not exist.. evil is just a quibble.

[edit on 3/21/2005 by JeSuisAKittyCat]

posted on Mar, 22 2005 @ 09:09 AM

Originally posted by dnero6911
It seems I offended your world by dismissing one of your beliefs... or else you wouldn't have seen it as something you would have to respond to.... and calling me a liar

Where have I called you anything again? I'm sorry, I can't see it.

Originally posted by dnero6911
while claiming to be a Saint for God.... lol

This is who I am, not a claim:

3 a : one of God's chosen and usually Christian people

but if some see it as

4 : one eminent for piety or virtue

then great! But it's not about me.

Originally posted by dnero6911
You're a man of God are you not?... You should understand then that everything is flux.

People are in flux, this is the problem. Not God, not evil.

Originally posted by dnero6911
If christ DYING was GOOD and supposed to FREE US,
Through his FLESH dying was supposed to be our salvation?


Originally posted by dnero6911
Now whose the twisted person? Just because he said that him dying was GOOD?

There's more to the story....actually there's a whole Book.

Originally posted by dnero6911
.. Dying is death, it is "bad", it is the contrast to life, it is the evil to the good?

Dying isn't bad for those who accept God.

Originally posted by dnero6911
Yet your savior has already told you what I'm trying to tell you by his actions, not my words... so listen to him, don't listen to me...

I do. The problem I have is you and he say two different things. Who am I to stand between anyone and what the saviour says when they are one in the same?

Originally posted by dnero6911

Just because I disagree, doesn't mean I call anyone names.

[edit on 22-3-2005 by saint4God]

posted on Mar, 22 2005 @ 09:15 AM

Originally posted by dnero6911
Yeh, Well those "sickos" had a good reason to do what they did....

Doesn't matter whether you think it was good or not.. they obviously thought it was good...

I think you are right ... You just proved that there are SICK SICK people in this world like you who do not even think people ravaging raping then killing little kids is evil. It is because you are sick in the head. ... Although I bet you are right .... I bet the guy had all kinda good reasons like he was not treated good as a kid. Or he just wanted to see what a fresh pussy felt like on his dick. Or maybe he had done it before and liked it and ... that was his GREAT EXCUSE. They are not Reasons they are EXCUSES !!!! Come on ... people make excuses everyday ... they don't need any more help. PLEASE DON'T HELP THEM ANYMORE THAN THEY ARE ALREADY BEING HELPED. !!!
[edit on 17/3/05 by dnero6911]

posted on Mar, 22 2005 @ 02:26 PM
Ohhh I'm so sorry saint4God.... please tell me how to be a good christian like you... please tell me why you're so special in GODs eyes... oh please tell me..
Exalted one... making false claims...

So if someone murders someone else because GOD told them to, thats okay?...

You do realize Hitler thought he was doing the world a favor.. he was doing GODs work .. You can't tell me all those nasty bad things are okay when they're done for GOD thats a stupid claim... Just like the one where you said your GODs Saint... I hope you know the rest of the REAL saints in the religeon you cling to, don't claim themselves to be Saints.. they were elected... They were TOLD they were saints...

and once again people think I think that killing and raping is okay... Bet... grow up, ... its a fact, that those heinous criminals THOUGHT what they were doing was good.. that it had purpose... You people are like Nazi's or clan members... only your prejudice is "evil" people... sure will suck when you do something someone else considers evil eh? ..

I DO NOT THINK MURDERING AND RAPING IS GOOD or BAD.... it is a happening. Until we figure out what makes people do the things they do, we'll keep labelling them evil and continue bruising our society, by making a public display of this "evil" everyone is so scared of.

You go ahead and be afraid of that convicted murderer or rapist..
But the next time you go to church or get arrested or go out for lunch, the person serving your food, or providing your salvation or upholding the law could be the next convicted murderer or rapist... its all flux... people change due to their surroundings.. and surroundings can be interpreted a million different ways.

posted on Mar, 22 2005 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by dnero6911
Ohhh I'm so sorry saint4God.... please tell me how to be a good christian like you...

1.) Believe in God
2.) Believe in Jesus Christ as teacher and saviour
3.) Sincerely apologize for your personal sins and do your best to do what's right.

I know you meant it out of sacasm, but that's all there is. Put it into a prayer and send it up.

Originally posted by dnero6911
please tell me why you're so special in GODs eyes... oh please tell me..

Everyone is special in God's eyes. Some will know Him, some will not.

Originally posted by dnero6911
Exalted one...

That's just plain silly.

Originally posted by dnero6911
making false claims...

Identify these claims. I will stand accused and testify.

Originally posted by dnero6911
So if someone murders someone else because GOD told them to, thats okay?...

Already been through this argument:

Originally posted by dnero6911
You do realize Hitler thought he was doing the world a favor.. he was doing GODs work ..

Oh yeah, I'm sure
. How many times did he mention Matthew 4:43 in his speeches?

Originally posted by dnero6911
You can't tell me all those nasty bad things are okay when they're done for GOD thats a stupid claim... Just like the one where you said your GODs Saint... I hope you know the rest of the REAL saints in the religeon you cling to, don't claim themselves to be Saints.. they were elected... They were TOLD they were saints...

According to the Book, saints are referred to as the believers in God and followers of Christ. I don't take my definitions from other books.

Originally posted by dnero6911
and once again people think I think that killing and raping is okay... Bet... grow up, ... its a fact, that those heinous criminals THOUGHT what they were doing was good.. that it had purpose...

I feel a slap coming on...

Originally posted by dnero6911
You people are like Nazi's or clan members...

What a prejudice thing of you to say about me! (and 'my people'?)

Originally posted by dnero6911
only your prejudice is "evil" people... sure will suck when you do something someone else considers evil eh? ..

There's this passage about not judging others. I'm sure you're familiar with it. I do my best to abide by it.

If I'm here to be prejudice to 'evil' people, then why am I spending my time here trying to help people? I'm not here to help Christians, they know where to get help when they need it. Still love you guys too

Originally posted by dnero6911
I DO NOT THINK MURDERING AND RAPING IS GOOD or BAD.... it is a happening. Until we figure out what makes people do the things they do, we'll keep labelling them evil and continue bruising our society, by making a public display of this "evil" everyone is so scared of.

Indifference makes it acceptable. There practices are not acceptable.

Originally posted by dnero6911
You go ahead and be afraid of that convicted murderer or rapist..

I fear making God unhappy. That's it. Kill me, rape me, it makes no difference in eternity.

Originally posted by dnero6911
But the next time you go to church or get arrested or go out for lunch, the person serving your food, or providing your salvation or upholding the law could be the next convicted murderer or rapist... its all flux... people change due to their surroundings.. and surroundings can be interpreted a million different ways.

As I've said, people are in flux. At least on that point we can agree. Without a clear definition of good and evil, it's easy to get lost when we put aside our heart and follow selfishness, pride, greed, power, etc.

[edit on 22-3-2005 by saint4God]

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