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Welcome ! A Message to New “Conspiracy Theorists”.

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posted on Sep, 29 2020 @ 12:38 AM
a reply to: Nothin

Great vid and the more people that see it the better - also a good one here about Cointelpro and true actions like Operation Gladio, Northwood, Ajax, Mockingbird etc.. and did enjoy this one about the CIA corporate media.

posted on Sep, 29 2020 @ 12:54 AM
a reply to: one4all

Thanks for the comment One4all.

It is suspicious, how the messages we receive from public health authorities : are not helping to keep our immune systems in top-shape.

They offer us no info on how to treat those pleomorphic bacteria, other than their toxic antibiotics.

Instead : they all march in lockstep, parroting the same messages.

Such a hard push for the flu vaccine this year, and all kinds of excuses to try and convince us to get jabbed.
But here's my question : if we're all wearing masks in tight-spaces, staying home, not touching stuff, social-distancing, scrubbing, washing, and disinfecting like never before : shouldn't this be the least dangerous flu-season ever ?

posted on Sep, 29 2020 @ 12:59 AM
Great Post 👍🏼

I also like advice from another poster saying research websites you read, who owns them, known associates, who profits from them 👍🏼

Well, England have now made it law to self isolate if you or any household member has any symptoms, with fines (if isolation is breached) starting at £1000, up to £10000. These fine also apply to employers (10k) who don't send an employee home who displays symptoms.

They are using the track and trace system to implement it, and are trying to soften the blow by giving £500 to the people who are to isolate. So that means if you've put your name and contact number down anywhere recently, or have installed and registered for the new track and trace app, you could get a message at any time to self isolate (inc the household) by law.

It's only being implemented in England atm, and looks like it could be coming to countries NEAR YOU

Here's the UK's official website explaining it all.

Scary reading for a conspiracy theorist.

posted on Sep, 29 2020 @ 01:14 AM

originally posted by: Nothin
a reply to: one4all

Thanks for the comment One4all.

It is suspicious, how the messages we receive from public health authorities : are not helping to keep our immune systems in top-shape.

They offer us no info on how to treat those pleomorphic bacteria, other than their toxic antibiotics.

Instead : they all march in lockstep, parroting the same messages.

Such a hard push for the flu vaccine this year, and all kinds of excuses to try and convince us to get jabbed.
But here's my question : if we're all wearing masks in tight-spaces, staying home, not touching stuff, social-distancing, scrubbing, washing, and disinfecting like never before : shouldn't this be the least dangerous flu-season ever ?

You are most welcome.

Note...our Immune Systems are comprised of good BACTERIA....3 types.....wether or not we use Remedys that kill off good and bad bacteria in our bodies we ALWAYS REQUIRE A MAJORITY POPULATION OF GOOD BACTERIA.....if we do use Remedys or medicines we MUST IMMEDIATLY REPOPULATE WITH GOD immediatly.

Apple Cider Vinegar with the Mother....or unpasturized saurkraut or Kin-Chi....these foods give us good gut bacteria immediatly we need them regularly in our diet....lacto-fermented foods are very very good for us.....because they tip the population balance normally takes a long long time for the body to make these in short taking ACV with the MOTHER IN IT or any of the other foods listed or similar ones that provide good gut bacteria enmasse will ensure your stomach is not overpopulated with the Pleomorphic Bacteria bad gut bacteria that is related to the covid-cold viral sized Cousin....if you have no bad gut bacteria or very little you will not get very sick from the Covid-cold---only a cold or i what it is.

Masks slow down the transmission...they make it harder for the bug to be transported in the fluidic conduit it requires to go from person to person....mask do not stop the transmission at all....they hinder it and slow it down....but you still have to wash everything...this bug stays alive in its viral form protected by its lipid fat coating and can be transported and transmitted for a substantial amount of time...this is why its so hard to stop in its viral form....luckily WE DONT CARE ABOUT IT IN ITS VIRAL FORM....because if we kill our bad gut bacteria and are not already severely infected in our bloodstream or body pre-infection with the Covid-cold .... we dont get very sick at all......we will never stop the viral sized living bacteria from spreading in its fluidic conduits surrounded by its lipid fat coating that gives it a long 1/2 life....but we can surely stop the EXACT SAME BUG that is living in our bellys as a bad gut bad Pleomorphic Gut Bacteria in you and Covid is only a cold......its just that simple......problem is probably a Billion people globally are infected to some degrees BEFORE they catch the Covid-cold viral sized version......meaning some need to treat their belly and blood together and in extreme cases like cancers the belly-blood-body all together.

The Bible and other Major Doctrinal books tell us about this Pleomorphic Bacteria and how to avoid and remediate it.....this is NOT NEW.... for the love of Murphy this whole covid/cancer/pleomorphic bacteria reality is driving me towards doctrinal writings and I am in no way religous....because....only someone who loved Humanity would encode such critical information and then preserve it for so long how it was preserved.

Its a strange World.

posted on Sep, 29 2020 @ 01:26 AM
a reply to: karl 12

Thanks for posting Karl 12.

So many rabbit-holes, so much to investigate.

Here's one of the great ATS threads :

ATS : All Roads Lead to Rome.

posted on Sep, 29 2020 @ 01:40 AM
a reply to: FinallyAwake

Thanks for contributing FA.
Yeah : the one who posted that, is my favorite all-time ATS poster !!
Lol !

Heavy fines for Covid non-compliance, here in Canada as well.

Restaurants and bars were requiring ID check-in. for big-brother tracing, but as of today : all bars, restaurants, and casinos are shut-down in Ontario and Québec.
They tell-us we're in the 'red-zone'.
They invented the supposed red-zone : and then declared us in it ! LoL !!

Quarantining sick folks : is public-health.
Quarantining healthy people : is tyranny.

posted on Sep, 29 2020 @ 01:51 AM
a reply to: one4all

Thanks for posting those health tips.
They are pertinent, and it is important to eat fermented foods regularly, if not daily.

ACV & Mother ; unpasteurized sauerkraut ; homemade kim-chi.
Have some pickles and olives on hand.

Part of maintaining a healthy immune system.

posted on Sep, 29 2020 @ 02:23 AM
a reply to: FinallyAwake

Are there going to be lawsuits in England against the tyrannical rules, fines etc ? Sounds very evil what is happening in UK.....Is the royal family supporting the tyrannical bs there ?

posted on Sep, 29 2020 @ 05:15 AM

originally posted by: Kenzo
a reply to: FinallyAwake

Are there going to be lawsuits in England against the tyrannical rules, fines etc ? Sounds very evil what is happening in UK.....Is the royal family supporting the tyrannical bs there ?

Good questions, and I'm not sure tbh. I'd imagine the royals do support the new laws, although no doubt excempt 😒

posted on Sep, 29 2020 @ 08:37 AM
It was bad enough when alex jones became the first thing that people would find when they started to think outside of the box, but now "conspiracy theories" are just full blown psy-ops to make people insane.

Be safe, don't trust the people that seek power, they are all monsters.

posted on Sep, 29 2020 @ 08:56 AM
a reply to: Nothin

Not arguing, but I just to clarify a few things

I work in a bar in southern ontario (big spikes in cases all around us), we are expected to ask for name and contact info for one person in each group, ID is only ever needed to verify age, same as ever. So people can use fake names and email addresses to avoid "big brother" if they want, though bar staff are not typically part of the Illuminati. (I'm trying to be funny)

As of right now, we are not shut down, but we are expected to observe last call at 11:00 and to be closed by 12:00, though that could change by the end of the day, we'll have to see what Ford says, it looks like I might have the night off.

posted on Sep, 29 2020 @ 09:26 AM
a reply to: one4all

Dead and waiting to be brought alive by fear and conscious thought, hence the nocebo effect.
Placebo/nocebo is an unexplained phenomenon.
Except it is known and used against you by the MSM.... Heightened emotion and concentrated thought bring about effects in line with it. Thus is basically magick, and they dont want you knowing that because then they lose all their power.
People living 8n fear because of this nocebo inducing bs are doomed, when its done and dusted and the weak minded are no more the remaining will be out for the blood of those that have caused the deaths of their friends and loved ones that were caught to deep in the web of lies to escape.

Its terrible to say it but the truth must be said, the world will be a much more stronger and united place because of those evil doers. But it will rise from their ashes and onto a golden age.

Im reading between the lines but this is what i see coming. I will try to turn as many as i can but no matter how much you tell people to ignore the peddling of fear and concentrate your mind on Strength they are still hooked in to the MSMs fear factory.
The battle has always been for your mind.

posted on Sep, 29 2020 @ 09:34 AM
a reply to: panoz77

That`s so funny
But also true as this is all psychological war .

Shoo Shoo retarded flu!

posted on Sep, 29 2020 @ 09:47 AM
a reply to: wheresthebody

Love that advice, to be wary of control and power-seekers.

It seems there may be some variation, between some bars and restaurants.

Was wandering around the ByWard-Market in Ottawa a couple of weeks ago, looking for some lunch.

Some spots had a person at the entrance, with a flimsy notebook. Am not sure if they requested proof of ID, maybe after the fourth person went-in claiming to be Wayne Gretzky... LoL !!

There were Middle-Eastern food counters, nothing but service with a smile.

And there were some sidewalk-café style places, with those scannable codes on every table, along with the message : "Once you're checked-in, we will be happy to serve you." Or something similar, but it required a contact-tracing check-in.

So it does all seem a bit random for now, but am confident that our good big-pharma reps, oops, government health officials, will get all of our little arses organized soon enough.

posted on Sep, 29 2020 @ 09:59 AM
a reply to: FinallyAwake

They are insane , if they would order mandatory COVID Vaccinations For Anyone Wanting To Travel..

British MP Urges Mandatory COVID Vaccinations For Anyone Wanting To Travel

The MP said the vaccination certificates “will probably have to be internationally recognized in order to allow travel, international travel.” Ellwood went on to make it clear that people who take the vaccine will see their lives return to normality while those who don’t will still be “subject to social distancing rules.” The prospect of denying basic rights of mobility and travel to people who refuse to take a vaccine for personal, religious or medical reasons is shaping up to be a human rights minefield. A poll conducted by King’s College London (KCL) and Ipsos Mori last month found that only 53% of Brits would be “certain” or “likely” to get vaccinated for COVID-19.

One in six said they would definitely not get a vaccine or that it would be very unlikely. When extrapolated out to the population, this equates to 11 million people who, if Ellwood’s advice is taken, will be denied travel and treated like second class citizens.

11 million people treated like second class citizens....Like the Germans think Jews back then....oh my..
edit on 29-9-2020 by Kenzo because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 29 2020 @ 10:09 AM
a reply to: Kenzo

My catch from the text you quoted, was : ...“will probably have to be internationally recognized in order to allow travel, international travel.”...

So not just 11 million UK citizens, but extrapolate that percentage worldwide.

It is a global technocratic coup-d'état.

Global health policies, global security policies, global governance : all without vote.

Checking-out for today. Thanks for your contributions.

posted on Sep, 29 2020 @ 10:11 AM
a reply to: Nothin

Yes i agree , technocratic coup-d'état .

People should wake up

posted on Sep, 29 2020 @ 10:21 AM
Really love this thread.

I've been researching conspiracy theories for over 10 years now (going on 15 I think....yikes), and one thing I've struggled with lately is seeing how many people on FB, my own family and friends, are buying into conspiracies around this pandemic without looking at the sources or the actual evidence behind the claims they post and repost.

It's actually the same reason I backed away from the conspiracy community about 7 years ago and just decided to go it alone and publish my own research without having to get side-tracked with all the unsupported rabbit holes so many other researchers kept dragging me down.

So, I'm very pleased that one of the first posts I've read since coming back here was this one. All critical advice for critical thinking, so thank you for posting it.

I would also add to the list:

1. Don't only confirm sources, but confirm their credibility.
2. Always follow the money.
3. Don't let cognitive dissonance cloud your better judgment. Have faith and accept where the evidence takes you, not where you want the evidence to go.

Anyway, it's a pleasure returning and I'm looking forward to some good reading.

All the best,
-Ryan (formerly "ryguy")

a reply to: Nothin

posted on Sep, 29 2020 @ 10:23 AM
a reply to: Nothin

Ya, I think Ontario is trying to react regionally, Ottawa and the GTA are hardest areas to monitor it seems, so we'll likely have more strict regulations in the coming weeks/months than they will in the more rural areas.

We are expected to keep the records for 30 days in case of an outbreak or if a member of the staff gets sick. I also have to check customers temperatures now too (if they are seated inside), that's a very strange thing, I guess if they have a fever I'll have to ask them to leave...

Ford is talking at 1 today, I'm not sure what to expect after such a high count yesterday, but I wouldn't be surprised if some areas are rolled back to phase 2. Even if he doesn't do it, no one is going out, I'll be shocked if I have more than 15 customers tonight.

posted on Sep, 29 2020 @ 10:25 AM

originally posted by: OutTheBox
a reply to: one4all

Dead and waiting to be brought alive by fear and conscious thought, hence the nocebo effect.
Placebo/nocebo is an unexplained phenomenon.
Except it is known and used against you by the MSM.... Heightened emotion and concentrated thought bring about effects in line with it. Thus is basically magick, and they dont want you knowing that because then they lose all their power.
People living 8n fear because of this nocebo inducing bs are doomed, when its done and dusted and the weak minded are no more the remaining will be out for the blood of those that have caused the deaths of their friends and loved ones that were caught to deep in the web of lies to escape.

Its terrible to say it but the truth must be said, the world will be a much more stronger and united place because of those evil doers. But it will rise from their ashes and onto a golden age.

Im reading between the lines but this is what i see coming. I will try to turn as many as i can but no matter how much you tell people to ignore the peddling of fear and concentrate your mind on Strength they are still hooked in to the MSMs fear factory.
The battle has always been for your mind.

It is simply manifestation of the word.

You nailed it.

Yes,to the uninitiated it is akin to what they call for lack of an accurate term ---Majik.

Yes,the Body follows the Mind.

They work evil ways to make the Mind follow the Body.

The World grows Stronger and more United...despite these Parasites.

Remediation of these Parasites has already been actioned in this Epoch we are now ending.

Mother Nature is soon going to remediate to the required degrees....nothing will be considered nor spared....only the Planets balance shall be a vested concern......yes there will be survivors ....but not many....and those very very few shall comprise the Meek who shall inherit the entire one will be thinking vengence...not Post-Event....this is a Global Shock@Awe campaign by Mother Nature on an existential level.

Once you understand the concept of All Roads Lead to Rome....then you understand reverse-extrapolation....then you can understand how to unravel our bastardized history and by Proxy reality.

The real problem is the nature of the programming that must be broken to get through to People in General.....for example....the many people do you think know what this represents?....I mean REALLY KNOW?....I say very very FEW....however MASSES UPON MASSES of People have heard of the concept of a " Rapture"..... these masses have been Pre-Programmed to GO QUIETLY INTO THE NIGHT......what should have been a CALL TO ARMS....was bastardized into a Self-Immolating surrender.

On my line of vision the time is getting very short.....the Quickening is beginning......IMHO I have already given what knowledge I have stumbled upon in my Lifetime to those I could give to.... its time to sync up with Nature and the Planet on a vibratory level....those who will choose or be chosen to represent the Future shall be those who have found ways to turn the Worm on Mother Nature and the Planet long enough and accurately enough to ride out the Storm alive.

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