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CDC Director Robert Redfield Admits to Congress that U.S. Covid-19 Death Numbers are Inflated.

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posted on Aug, 2 2020 @ 02:45 AM
It's worse than just juggling numbers to get money.

This is a novel virus, meaning it is new to science. We didn't even know this virus existed until late last year. When the Western world did find out about it, China was already busy covering up what had happened and changing their numbers around. So we literally had nothing to go on except that it was a corona virus and a partial list of symptoms, mainly pulmonary.

Whenever any new disease is found, time is of the utmost concern. Generic treatments exist, but they are always less than optimal. Witness the early use of ventilators: most patients placed on a ventilator died shortly thereafter. The ventilators were used to treat the pneumonia caused by a cytokine storm (a generic treatment for the symptom), but it turns out this virus has a major side effect if introduced into the blood stream via pulmonary infection. It infects lung tissue primarily, but produces a protein that replaces the iron in hemoglobin and renders the red blood cells useless. So despite the additional pressure helping the lungs breathe in oxygen, the contaminated blood cannot transport the oxygen and the patient dies of acute anemia. We don't have any experience with anemia this acute, so it manifests as organ failure.

So we need to find out as much about a new virus as we possibly can as fast as we possibly can. One of the things we can look at is hospitalizations and results for the various generic treatments. We can also look at deaths. Normally, this will give researchers some information they can use to develop treatments and possibly vaccines.

In this case, the mass hysteria and the confusion over the numbers has rendered all that data useless. If someone dies from a heart attack while being suspected of SARS-2, researchers will see a death certificate that reads "SARS-2." They will then look at the treatments given... which of course are all treatments for a heart attack! That not only wastes researchers' time, it can easily cause them to make improper guesses as to what treatment might be more appropriate. I believe this led directly to many unnecessary deaths because researchers were trying to figure out which deaths were really from SARS-2 and which weren't. They likely didn't make the connection to an actual cardio issue because they were used to overlooking cardio deaths as false reports. So the ventilators kept being used on contraindicated settings for a longer period of time.

And of course the rest of us were clueless. We certainly are not in a position to second-guess medical researchers before the final reports are out! We don't have the raw data they have, and we don't have the ability or expertise to analyze it.

And let's make this already bad situation even worse by bringing politics into it. The President had already been under attack over healthcare, so he (innocently, I believe) set up a program to ensure that this virus dd not also bankrupt anyone. In doing so, the hospitals and doctors treating patients had an incentive to inflate the numbers, and the CDC certainly didn't help that situation by specifying that inflating the numbers was acceptable. Now we have tons of raw data that is completely useless... contaminated in the extreme and therefore completely unreliable. Garbage numbers.

I remember back when the earthquake/tsunami caused the Fukushima nuclear power plant to melt down. I described it then as the biggest comedy of errors I had ever seen; everything that could have been done wrong was done wrong. Well, it may still be the biggest comedy of errors I have ever seen, but our performance dealing with this virus is giving Fukushima a run for its money!


posted on Aug, 2 2020 @ 02:46 AM
a reply to: deadlysyn
Good points...all of them. Including the reminder that many brave Doctors and Nurses in New York City were essentially "whistle blowers" exposing the truth. But unlike the fake Trump-Ukraine whistle blowers last Fall, the NYC whistle blowers were legitimate...and thoroughly ignored by 95% of the media.

posted on Aug, 2 2020 @ 02:46 AM
a reply to: carewemust

Most people are not "digging" into what's really going on, because they're not miserable. But, if the Congress doesn't pass the Stop-Gap emergency unemployment compensation continuance bill that President Trump is pushing, there will be 25 million angry out-of-work Americans demanding that their governors fully re-open....and re-establish things exactly as they were before March of this year.

I guess that's true. But I think also a lots of people are still Mind f%^$#d by
the use of all the CT propaganda. They don't see what an enabler that is.
It gives anybody that may conspire any scheme a kind of shut up avenue.
People care to much about being ridiculed and would rather be doing the
ridicule. Basically their so jacked in the head they don't even realize they're
just ridiculing critical thinking.

posted on Aug, 2 2020 @ 02:50 AM

originally posted by: deadlysyn
a reply to: carewemust

At the end of the day, it would be nice to have the real numbers. I would be willing to bet it's significantly lower than 0.04%. it doesn't help that we don't know how many actually died of other causes but still had Covid listed as the cause of death.

If HHS-CDC really wanted to, they could look at all 152,000 deaths certificates where Covid-19 was listed, and determine if it was listed as a primary cause of death, present at the time of death, or "suspected" at the time of death.

posted on Aug, 2 2020 @ 02:57 AM
a reply to: carewemust

If HHS-CDC really wanted to, they could look at all 152,000 deaths certificates where Covid-19 was listed, and determine if it was listed as a primary cause of death, present at the time of death, or "suspected" at the time of death.

I'm not sure of that. My mother's cause of death was "pneumonia" with "scleroderma" listed as a contributor. In reality, she died from stomach reflux into her lungs, possible because the scleraderma had caused esophageal dystropy and necessitated the use of a feeding tube. We never found out what caused her to vomit, but we had her at the hospital within a half-hour of the incident; all of the pneumonia developed while in the hospital. Yet, that is the official cause of death: pneumonia.


posted on Aug, 2 2020 @ 02:57 AM

originally posted by: carsforkids
a reply to: deadlysyn

Just think how bad it would be if venues like this didn't help keep em in check?

Without so much of the data existing on the internet, and forums like ATS, Twitter, etc.., for discussing that data and information, we would know no more than what the news media reports.

For all we know, much of what we were told about the 9-11 terrorist attacks, and major events prior, could be filled with lies. The average person had no way of learning for himself/herself what was true and what was false back then.

posted on Aug, 2 2020 @ 02:59 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

In this case, the mass hysteria and the confusion over the numbers has rendered all that data useless. If someone dies from a heart attack while being suspected of SARS-2, researchers will see a death certificate that reads "SARS-2." They will then look at the treatments given... which of course are all treatments for a heart attack! That not only wastes researchers' time, it can easily cause them to make improper guesses as to what treatment might be more appropriate. I believe this led directly to many unnecessary deaths because researchers were trying to figure out which deaths were really from SARS-2 and which weren't. They likely didn't make the connection to an actual cardio issue because they were used to overlooking cardio deaths as false reports. So the ventilators kept being used on contraindicated settings for a longer period of time.

Excellent information right there.

posted on Aug, 2 2020 @ 03:02 AM
This doctor is riding the horse hard. He's all in. I like it.

posted on Aug, 2 2020 @ 03:05 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck
Exellent post, as usual sir. You'd think our nations governors would have learned from the first Covid-19 lockdown that the economic and social pain generated by their "cure", was worse than just telling citizens to follow good hygiene.

Now, in-spite of Congress telling them that they will not reap billions of dollars to compensate for loss revenue during the lock-downs, many of the governors are in the process of of systematically locking down their states again.

posted on Aug, 2 2020 @ 03:06 AM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: carsforkids
a reply to: carewemust

CNN and MSNBC tell blatant falsehoods, and ignore any positive Covid-19 developments.

You think people really ignore/don't see this blatant conspiracy or are they just trolling?

People understand that the Covid-19 hysteria ginned up by the national outlets, and also by the local media, is baseless, but they go along with it.

They put on their mask when going into Target, but don't stop to consider if it's a good mask for protection, because Covid-19 is not affecting 99% of the U.S. population under age 70, in a significant way.

What people need to hear is what I outlined in the OP....and, the ratio of negative to positive tests....The number who have recovered...that only 4/100th of 1% of Americans have died of Covid-19......that FLA/TX/CA will recover like Arizona is now, and the Northeast/Midwest did in June-July.

Most people are really bad at math and only hear the headlines. You also have to consider that most people only get their info from biased news outlets. They also don't want to go against the grain even if deep down they don't really believe it.

posted on Aug, 2 2020 @ 03:07 AM
a reply to: carewemust

Even if that were to be done, we would still be left with useless numbers. The most it would tell us is certain treatments were for something that doesn't relate to the virus. There are plenty of illnesses that would have gotten the same exact treatment that they were using for Covid, so unless there was an explicit negative test result in the charts, we may still see skewed numbers. Especially with those very whistle blowers saying that the incorrect reports were done at the instruction of the CDC. Something like that would have to be done by a third party with no bias whatsoever. The problem is, there's not a lot of non biased parties to actually get involved with this mess. And I wouldn't trust the CDC or HHS to investigate themselves. We've seen how that works out plenty of times.

posted on Aug, 2 2020 @ 03:09 AM
a reply to: deadlysyn

We are like minded and that doesn't mean right all the time.

I like the word aware.

posted on Aug, 2 2020 @ 03:13 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck
But if the doctor wanted to, he could have entered Covid-19 on the third line, and your mom's death would have ALSO been added to the Covid-19 death toll.

This CDC Covid-19 weekly death count illustrates that even though a person can have a primary cause of death other than Covid-19, if Covid-19 is listed on the death certificate as being present (actually or suspected), that death is also in the stand-alone Covid-19 death column.

posted on Aug, 2 2020 @ 03:16 AM
a reply to: Edumakated

Even when posting a "source" online, most people don't bother to read past the headlines. I see it a lot here and on Reddit where someone posts an article as a gotcha, and all the replies to it are along the lines of "did you bother to read the article before posting? It contradicts nearly everything you're claiming."

posted on Aug, 2 2020 @ 03:20 AM
a reply to: PapagiorgioCZ

Holy crap if they take that video down you tube should
be liable for spreading hysteria!. And FB also if someone
posts it.
edit on 2-8-2020 by carsforkids because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2020 @ 03:29 AM
Right after the part you quote in your OP.

In our national health statistics group here in Hyattsville, we review all those death certificates, so I think it's probably less operable in the cause of death. Although I won't say it’s not some cases.

edit on 2-8-2020 by ScepticScot because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-8-2020 by ScepticScot because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2020 @ 03:32 AM
a reply to: deadlysyn

Even Dr. Birx on the White House CoronaVirus task force, says the CDC is inflating mortality numbers up to 25%...and that she simply doesn't trust them.

Source: ate-and-case-counts-inflated-by-up-to-25

The media liked Dr. Birx as much as Dr. Fauci, until she began subtly exposing truths.

The media totally dropped Birx like a hot potato when she revealed that the task force had been discussing ways to use disinfectants for killing the virus, a couple of hours before President Trump revealed that strategy at the podium. That he wasn't just spouting off some crack-pot idea...that it was science-based, and something the team had discussed.

MSM and Liberal Bloggers totally ignored what Birx revealed, and stayed on their "OMG..Trump says inject and drink disinfectants!" rampage for many days.

posted on Aug, 2 2020 @ 03:38 AM
a reply to: carewemust

It's all so way to bogus for me to take seriously.

posted on Aug, 2 2020 @ 03:38 AM

originally posted by: ScepticScot
Right after the part you quote in your OP.

In our national health statistics group here in Hyattsville, we review all those death certificates, so I think it's probably less operable in the cause of death. Although I won't say it’s not some cases.

This entire paragraph reads like someone who is just blathering to blather. Who talks like that? What is Redfield trying to say? Sounds like a nervous person covering up for their failure...and doing a bad job of it, LOL.

“In our national health statistics group here in Hyattsville, we review all those death certificates, so I think it's probably less operable in the cause of death. Although I won't say it’s not some cases. I do think though when it comes to hospital reimbursement issues for individuals, they get discharged, there could be some play in that for sure,” he added.

posted on Aug, 2 2020 @ 03:43 AM

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: ScepticScot
Right after the part you quote in your OP.

In our national health statistics group here in Hyattsville, we review all those death certificates, so I think it's probably less operable in the cause of death. Although I won't say it’s not some cases.

This entire paragraph reads like someone who is just blathering to blather. Who talks like that? What is Redfield trying to say? Sounds like a nervous person covering up for their failure...and doing a bad job of it, LOL.

“In our national health statistics group here in Hyattsville, we review all those death certificates, so I think it's probably less operable in the cause of death. Although I won't say it’s not some cases. I do think though when it comes to hospital reimbursement issues for individuals, they get discharged, there could be some play in that for sure,” he added.

It's sounds to me like someone saying something completely different from what your thread title claimed.

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