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Crop Circles --- Positive metaphor & open-handed deception in the movie 'Arrival'..?

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posted on Jul, 27 2020 @ 04:40 PM
Greetings ATS,

This thread is rightfully placed in the Skunkworks, following the hallowed ATS tradition of a complete 'conspiracy lockdown' on this topic, due to its significant 'Otherness' when placed alongside ordinary goings-on, day by day, week by week, here in the UK. It cannot be legitimately described with the exception of two principle conclusions - firstly, it is all a grand hoax perpetrated by a group of hoaxers who have been creating phenomenal fake crop circles for well over thirty years on a huge scale here in the UK, in particular affecting the South/South-West of England, around the area of Stonehenge as a more-or-less centre of the circle activity each year. These proposed hoaxers have learned how to literally weave wheat & various other crops in hugely complex geometric forms which pop up in the span of an hour on occasion, generally overnight but not always - appearing each year with the regularity expected of a seasonal change. When we get to April, May & June, the circles begin to show up, and thankfully a number of people have been doing an excellent job of recording the circles reported over a span of decades.

The best site for general viewing of the regular circles of greatest beauty, complexity & dimensional scale is a site named: Temporary Temples. These guys (a man & wife team) have been hiring helicopters for flyovers since around the early nineties, taking high quality photos from all angles & at relatively close-up perspective, often securing visual evidence of those wonderfully complex weave patterns in the crop which has been laid low, folded over & under in awesome ways, without the breaking of any stems. These circles are most often around 200ft in diameter, but some have been far larger in the past years. Due to the Covid outbreak the team haven't been flying as often due to various restrictions & hold-ups affecting their intended itineraries. Still, they've been able to upload a great number of circles this year which have been contributed by enthusiasts who happen to have invested in high quality drones with equally high quality camera equipment on board. So even if they can't get a helicopter to document the circle in question, they can usually find someone to contribute photos for the site.

Now I don't agree entirely with their theories regarding the origin of the circles, but they keep an excellent record of the events, and they analyse to some extent the geometry of each one they come across, which often yields some interesting correlations & connections to former circles, in the same or in different locations - the fact of the clear record they've kept makes it incredibly rewarding to go back through the older circles & refresh your memories of each, connecting them to more recent circles. Their viewpoint is a bit 'New Age' ('Temporary Temples' kind of gives that away somewhat). An interesting but unfortunate feature of the enthusiast community is that they've been subject to some bitter, angry & even violent disruption by persons alleging to be interested in the phenomenon, who enter a group as an alleged equal but then soon begin to poison the atmosphere between other group members, deliberatly stoking rivalries, ripping off copyrights, deliberately making the community into a toxic, frustrating place to attempt a civil discussion on the subject of the circlemakers, whomever they may be. I believe that there is a very specific reason for this, which should be clear momentarily.

From what I understand, the community had really bedded into the local area in which circles were appearing year on year by the early nineties, but then, infiltration appears to have occurred since that time, starting with the infamous tricksters 'Doug & Dave'. For more on that farce, please see Doug n' Dave. Things got worse progressively from there on, with persons relatively unknown sowing disinformation, filling the thought palaces of genuine enthusiasts with bitterness, uncertainty, causing a loss of trust in one another, escalating to punch ups on occasion. I believe this was orchestrated by the British governemnt in an attempt to whittle down the size of the groups interested in the phenomenon, ensuring that they couldn't rebuild &/or sustain the community membership at any significant level (which would otherwise grow exponentially, I believe - as new evidence & circles emerge year on year). This was therefore an unpleasant task, but perhaps a very necessary task, from the 'big picture' view of the phenomenon. This was happening in the sunny back yard of the nation, and what was actually going on, I believe is well-known & well-understood by our civil authorities. Politicians come & go, but the civil service lives forever!

So coming on to the first point - location. Where is this all happening? Well, it has been documented that circles have popped up all around the world - but only in England is it with a staggering volume & frequency/regularity in that one part of the country. One can also say with confidence that Stonehenge is roughly the centre of the phenomenon - principally, we see the circles in Wiltshire & Hampshire. This propensity for enhanced numbers of circles may indeed be deeply linked (on a local level) to another phenomenon known as ley lines, which are lines of supposed electromagnetic force (with some sort of 'unified field' connection to local gravitational flux (gravity is not a constant in all parts of the world - it can vary in strength, and this is now well documented). The underlying gravitational properties of this part of the English countryside may have some particular feature which keeps the circlemakers in town. This is also to say that local 'electrogravitics' (See T. Townsend Brown's work in the 1950's, before the subject became a matter of national security, promptly vanishing from the academic & commercial scenes as a direct result) - the local electrogravitics may be 'engineerable' in terms of some sort of harmonic resonance (See Dr Paul LaViolette for excellent research & experimentation in the engineering of electrogravitics). I believe that on some level there is a connection in this natural 'force', which the circles are tapping into on some level. What purpose this fulfils, and how it is achieved, is a matter which I intend to investigate further down the thread..

The forces of gravity & electromagnetism were unified in a theoretical & practicable (engineerable) way, although as yet this truth hasn't been fully documented in the open literature. This is the case alhough the Kaluza-Klein model of 1922, along with aspects of Albert Einstein's Special Relativity around 1928, between them made a very good start on the efforts to develop a unified field theory, which led to information & equations allowing for the engineering of electrical machines (notably by Gabriel Kron in the early days) based on the theory, having something to do with torsion tensor transformations (the mathematics is beyond me, but all this is really well expounded in JP Farrel's "Secrets of the Unified Field Theory; the Nazi Bell & the Philadelphia experiment"..


posted on Jul, 27 2020 @ 04:40 PM
All these researchers were censored to a degree; the electrogravitics of T Townsend-Brown, and of course Tesla's research was locked up tight by the US governemnt mere hours after his death. The trouble with the unified field theories in the 1920's & 1930's was that they didn't account for several of the quantum mechanical properties being worked out by the mainstream quantum investigation - such as the strong & weak nuclear forces. This meant that the unified field theories were ultimately discarded as 'useless' - despite the fact that the synthesis of gravitational & electromagnetic forces was demonstrably perfectly unified, and led to engineerable electrical machinery ; a fact that was not lost on the Nazis, as will be clear to the readership of any of JP Farrell's excellent books on the subject of Nazi secret experimentation & weaponry.

The crop circles themselves seem to involve a means of expressing mathematical statements through the medium of enfolded/enfolding actionable GEOMETRY as a correspondence tool based on the properties of legitimate mathematical objects in higher dimensional space.. In the movie 'Arrival' there are twelve machines which arrive from 'elsewhere', hovering in fields & promptly beginning to communicate in an incomprehensible 'language' which revolves around the expression of circles against a glass barrier between the aliens in their watery abode & the humans in the 'viewing chamber'. The circles are almost impossible to understand on the first attempts (spoiler alert - they manage to understand them in the end!) The movie was unique, I found, in that it had a legitimately satisfying conclusion - it was a 'complex yet manageable' outworking of the premise, and after watching it through once I suddenly realised that there was a connection, so it seemed, to the crop circle phenomenon - were the proper authorities making available to us, in the format of a movie, some truth about an aspect of our collective human experience? Some mysterious phenomenon which they had managed to decode, which held great promise for future benefits to mankind through the acquisition of technology, or perhaps a higher source of wisdom?

Playlist of interviews with Arrival (2016) cast & crew

Here's something interesting as well - in the link above, the director of the movie (Denis Villeneuve) claimed that he based the design of the twelve alien ships in Arrival on the 'asteroid' which caused a stir in November 2017 when it was first discovered by astronomers. However, the movie was FINISHED in 2016. So how the heck did he manage to spot Oumuamua a whole year before the science community itself became aware of it. This is clear evidence, in my estimation, that someone wants us to realise the correlations, that something 'funky' is going on with the statements made, with the plot & production values of the movie, and of course that initially incomprehensible CIRCULAR LANGUAGE FROM ALIENS HOVERING OVER FIELDS. Hmm... Are crop circles similarly being decoded by the British government, as with the movie? I believe so. The Oumuamua statement from the director is just too obvious, that something fishy is going on..

When I laid my 2018 (or 2019, can't quite remember) crop circles out in a line on Google maps, they stretched from Hampshire (near Portsmouth, where a massive & highly secretive naval base happens to be located) in a North-Westerly direction, up through Eastleigh, between (& around the area of) Salisbury & Amesbury, towards Trowbridge, Melksham & Devizes in Wiltshire. A perfect line stretching up towards another large estuary (and a military town) in Bristol, where the Bristol Channel separates England from Wales. Seeing the circle locations laid out so clearly I began to seriously wonder whether there might be a chance that the UK military had established an underland waterway (or less ambitiously, a high speed rail link) which separated underground bases established at points along that crop circle 'line of best fit'.. It is my contention that whether or not that underland waterway/ rail link exists, there are several DUMBs along that line of 'circle presence', from which they study the phenomenon, unfolding the details of the apparently intelligent language which is being forwarded to us by whatever conscious beings or AI system may be trying to communicate with us. Dr Jaques Vallee once dropped the ball at a conference. He allowed a French general to speak at a conference on various phenomena. But the general, when asked about crop circles, said: "Oh yes, we know all about that. They are generated by the orbiting mylar/melamine platform (? - can't recall exact type, but it was suggested that the orbital platform is a sort of plastic material & hence wasn't easily located by radar until advancements were made).. As the General tried to continue speaking, Jaques Valle suddenly shouted at him "Arretez vous!!" which means "Stop NOW!" It looks like the General may have accidentally given us a bit of a peek at what is creating the circles - a type of Artificial Intelligence, based in an orbital technological platform of some sort, designed to be unnoticed until we had advanced our technology to a certain point. It was triggered around 1980, and circles gradually became more prevalent, eventually with something like 30 circles a year in the Wiltshire/ Hampshire regions of South West England, close to Stonehenge, which is also a sort of calendrical monument with a bunch of really fascinating hidden attributes. The platform was likely left here aeons ago, now communicating with the human race, for good or ill, by the use of geometric sigils in huge scale crop fields - a method of communication which no government can afford not to understand, or to have a handle on, managing the public awareness by misinformation, disinformation & disruption of citizen enthusiasts who wish to record the phenomenon in a scientific manner.

Of course it's a lovely conspiracy connection between the watery aliens of 'Arrival' who communicate using a weird circle/geometry/allegorical language, seemingly totally alien & incomprehensible without the efforts of an incredible assortment of talented philologists, mathematicians & physicists, decoding the message of the 'Circlemakers'. I got the feeling over several years that there was more than one aspect of each circle which had to be interpreted, and that the very location at which each circle appears may have some important clue, some notch in the overall totem being built up by use of the place name, the coordinates, the road names & nearby monuments, historical events or places of spiritual significance, perhaps also phases of the Moon & planetary alignments (lots of Sun & Moon iconography in these circles) - various data adapted from OUR environment to create a message which is directly comprehensible to us humans.. Whatever it may be, this is an intelligent system of communication, a universal language of geometry, just as noted in the film's conclusion!!


posted on Jul, 27 2020 @ 04:40 PM
At the very least it seems able to harvest data from our society, to assess/weigh it & then to apply some sort of encryption to prevent unauthorised access to the data (which I imagine was hashed out in the eighties), ultimately putting out some multidimensional communique, bearing information for the authorities which perhaps is necessary for the overall progress of humanity - '100 ways to prevent Armageddon; an Alien Cookbook for Galactic Wellness'

As noted it's probably a fully automated AI platform, in orbit, possibly transdimensional, possibly connected to craft which dwell under the surface of our oceans. It may not be conscious, but it's definitely intelligent, and capable of sustaining a two way conversation. We owe it to our children to figure out what this all means. Per my theory re: the movie Arrival, we may already have done so. If so, kudos on the message translation & forwarding of substance onward to whomever is attuned with eyes to see & ears to hear.

I'm not worried by those who will claim it was all 'Doug & Dave', or whomever succeeded them in the years following, over & over, generations of people with nothing better to do, sustaining a hoaxing hobby for decades just to mess with people. Total nonsense - it's far too complex, multipotentate & in some ways a glorious & transcendental phenomenon, so I don't think that anyone coming to the subject with the right mindset can ever be fooled by such blatant crap. After all this time, it shouldn't even be dignified with a response. As far as I can tell there has been a deliberate suppression & campaign of ridicule, including the watering down of true research by the generation of weak websites which are light on facts & full of 'gentle skepticism' which serves to bore people to death Doug & Dave - some mild mannered skepticism which does nothing for the cause Sorry Croppie, but you need to shake it up a notch, otherwise people are just going to swap tabs to Netflix after a half page of your 'light-on-the-facts' article, coupled with zero analysis of the broader implications.

In this case it seems that the debunking was dreamed up by an elect group of civil servants who knew that somehow they had to put the dampeners on the phenomenon, so that people don't wake up tomorrow, quit work, withdraw their savings & buy a campervan to go touring round the circle sites drinking Ayahuasca!

I personally think that the actual circles when created have the effect of altering the local spacetime medium, the aetheric quantum foam which underlies all dimensions of Reality, applying geometric tensor transformations which are at minimum electrogravitic, with possibly more layers of integrated geometric/radiological solutions that act like keys in the minds of those who study them carefully, unlocking doors of perception which may be for good or ill, I haven't quite made up my mind as yet.

Just after midway through the movie, the narration by the lead male actor, Jeremy Renner, begins. The narration is geared to be in the style of a public broadcast or school presentation for the general population. It focuses on a number of key questions, concerning things which are NOT known regarding the aliens (named 'heptapods' as they are octopus type creatures - a cephalopod - with seven tentacles/feet instead of the eight we would be familiar with in our octopus population..) Note also that there is correlation between the representation of the aliens as a form of cephalopod (octopus, cuttle fish, squid), and the reality of the world we inhabit, because cephalopods are, aside from humans, the one creature which diverged millions of years ago from human evolution, actually evolving along a path which is suggestive that if they were not subject to mothers facing early death after gestation (female octopi are killed by exhaustion due to the birthing process of the eggs of the next generation) - if the mothers were able to TEACH their young, rather than each generation having to figure everything out from scratch - then each generation would have become successively more complex, more intelligent, more capable of evolution towards self awareness. In another world they would have evolved to consciousness absolutely rivalling our own intellect in complexity & capacity for understanding their place in the universe, truly self-aware beings.

Question 1 - Why have they come? Are they scientists or tourists? Why are they asking no significant questions? In terms of translating the movie as metaphor into what we appear to be seeing in the crop circle phenomenon, then it seems that they are sharing as their base philological communication method a form of the specialist higher dimensional geometric mathematical tensor analysis, along with progressively lower complexity layers of correspondences (data relating to each other, which share a sort of scalable concept mapping feature - more subjects in less space..)

Question 2 - Why did they land where they did? What is the significance of the geographical locales in which they appear? This question absolutely translates into my own observation of the crop circles here in the UK - that there is this layered complexity method to their every single choice of location & circle type, in regards to the exacting positions in geographical space in which their circle-making endeavour/ behaviour is manifest. They seem to utilise a form of encryption which depends, at least partially, upon the names of local towns, villages, hamlets, roadways & public sites of historical interest or what we now call 'sites of outstanding natural beauty' (places set apart & protected in law by the longstanding inter-governmental mandate to preserve the countryside's habitats of beautiful natural landscapes, ensuring that (for example) any 'new build' or regeneration projects follow strict legislation preventing damage.

Each circle can thus be considered to be a multidimensional potentate cypher of sorts, which requires picking apart in a loose translation process (a process which depends at least by half upon creative/ intuitive decryption 'skills', which by necessity can only be decoded by someone with acute lateral thinking skills, a mindset predicated upon abstract & innovative modes of thinking, general observational thought processes, possessing a natural enjoyment of lengthy, complex lines of speculative inquiry, in a very much 'right-brained' thought process (as opposed to mathematical thought).

That's all for now - I will be adding some more thoughts later on. Thanks for reading! And keep an eye on the fields - it's fascinating if nothing else. And ignore those who ignore the evidence! If you want the evidence, go search it out. There's a number of great sites which really do a good job of cataloguing the strange features of genuine circles (versus the ones which are obviously made by poor quality hoaxers).

Cheers, FITO.

posted on Jul, 27 2020 @ 08:13 PM
I haven't read your entire thread yet, though I I don't know if you mentioned this but if you overlay a map of UK crop circles on a map of underground water they match up.

posted on Jul, 27 2020 @ 10:55 PM
Good analysis and questions.

The clearest crop circle case of communication I have found so far is the Chilbolton Arecibo message, link

The last part of this message references the transmission method and links to a crop circle in the area a year earlier. Being able to link how crop circles evolve over time in a region is an important part for trying to make sense of it all. Having access to many years worth of satellite imagery will aid in attempts to decode.

Taking the approach that crop circles are some form of communication seams reasonable to me. Looking at some of them it is like describing the fabric of reality, different pieces of the puzzle.

Sure some crop circles are man made, Doug and Dave will do one for a carton of beer. Some are not, at least with the technology we do know about. The effects on the plants can be reproduced with microwaves with how they bend. Having such EM radiation mastery over such a large area is out of my league.

From one videos I have seen, it only takes a few seconds and looks like a wind sweeping over the land to produce these more advanced crop circles. In this video there was a ball of light over the area at the time and took off once done. The ball of light was followed for a little while until losing track of it.

posted on Jul, 28 2020 @ 03:42 AM
a reply to: MissSmartypants

Thanks for the contribution, that sounds interesting, a possible validation of my assessment, with regards to underground waterways. Interesting stuff!

posted on Jul, 28 2020 @ 03:46 AM
a reply to: kwakakev

Thanks for youur response - the Arecibo crop circle was hugely meaningful to me when it came about back in 2002. I was a teenager, going through a difficult time, and seeing the circle & reading about the message it contained, was actually a bizarre comfort to me, reminding me that there's a bigger picture, that there is an element of mystery to life, and that there might be anonymous, unseen hands helping us to overcome difficulties. Part of my theory, which I haven't yet discussed, is that the circles are the work of Elohim (the plural version of the term) - the spiritual beings behind the events are part of the community of Heavem, perhaps. This seems to me to be something which civil service would assess as being 'on the side of the angels', a really top secret relationship between the national governance & the realm of spirit beyond this earth. I will add more on my Elohim theory later, I genuinely believe it's got some real applicability here.

posted on Jul, 28 2020 @ 05:02 AM
All crop circles are all man made imo.

Here's one I did earlier:

posted on Aug, 7 2020 @ 10:36 AM
a reply to: MissSmartypants

You don't think that's a product of the same sort of geology that favours underground aquifers as a water source also making for good arable land?

posted on Aug, 20 2020 @ 04:32 PM
Really cool thread I appreciate you putting it together so well, thank you.

posted on Nov, 5 2020 @ 07:12 AM

Sure some crop circles are man made, Doug and Dave will do one for a carton of beer.

Definitely not.

There are no 'man-made' crop circles, as the term is understood. Actual, real crop circles have properties and quality that is impossible to do, especially in the time required even by a large team of people using the most high-end tech of 2020 that's publically available.

Crop circles are BENT, not broken. You can't bend them by force, especially considering they're not only just simply bent, but they're bent from their 'joints', and in a natural, unbroken way. How do Doug and Dave intend to replicate that feat? How about the radioactivity and the aging of the plants? How about the beautiful interweaving of the plants? How about the fact that there are no footsteps, there are no signs of 'force', like broken plants, etc.

Just using some board and walking around would:

a) Produce effects that are originally absent from real crop circles
b) NOT produce any of the effects that are present pretty much in all crop circles

Not to mention the large size combined with the beautiful intricacy of the stuff.

Not to mention the 'feel' of genuine crop circles - many of them radiate some kind of 'spiritual force' so powerfully that even a friend of mine that is as 'dull' as possible when it comes to these things (that friend basically never feels anything 'sensitively'), gasped at one certain crop circle and told me what he feels from it. My feeling was the same, so that's QUITE a feat Doug and Dave have been able to do..

To add to all this, crop circles often appear to very 'signifigant' places, when you consider how Earth's magnetic field flows - some of them follow it nicely, and of course there's the whole Stonehenge-thing. Did Doug and Dave also build Stonehenge, that has felt mysterious to people for as long as people have known about it..?

There are more mysteries in existence than the deniers of this world have ability to smugly laugh at.

The only way you can say there are 'man-made' (and I'd say that's pretty narrow-minded view - why not human-made, or entity-made?) crop circles is to recognize that these crop circles have been designed, planned and created by intelligent people and entities.

The reasons why crop circles exist.. there are many. Some are esoteric, some are very easy to understand.

They are messages to us, they are signposts for other visitors (how this planet's energy fields work and flow, and so on), they have properties that contact a human soul when you look at them, they have energy-manipulating, stabilizing and harmonizing effects, and keeping this planets' people's interest towards mysteries, otherplanetary people and intelligence and realization there's something greater than them alive. Whatever you get out of a given crop circle is also a beneficial effect.

They also remind us of the order and beauty that exists in the Universe.

I think they might also have small healing abilities, as you can feel more hopeful after looking at the beauty of those crop circles than before. (This could be just me, though)

When you go through a few dozen of the biggest and the most beautiful ones, I think even the thickest mind among us would have to admit, it's impossible for "Doug and Dave" to replicate them with such accuracy and vast size. Remember that the two tracks you see in the crop fields are tractor tracks, so a human being would be pretty tiny there in the middle of the tracks.

Here's one simple example that I doubt Doug and Dave could replicate (the small smudge in the middle is a bunch of people - that's how small people are).

( I don't know how to embed images to posts.)

Anyway, please note that in genuine crop circles, the crops -always- form a beautiful pattern, they're not randomly messed up or just pressed down - they always form a beautifully interveawed circle out of themselves. They have individually bent to form a pattern that follows the shape of the crop circle. Just this little detail alone would be impossible to reproduce by methods available to Doug and Dave, especially on this scale.

edit on 5-11-2020 by Shoujikina because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 5 2020 @ 09:46 AM
a reply to: Shoujikina

On the top bar there is a circle with a down arrow. Click that and an upload option comes up. Click that and it will let you upload images and provide the code to insert that image into a post.

All documented scenes of luminous orbs causing crop circles

Some of the videos from the Redstone Youtube channel has been explained on these boards before. As for the last scene in this compilation, it does look similar to other footage I have seen of a crop circle forming. It only take a few seconds to make.

posted on Aug, 28 2021 @ 03:10 PM
a reply to: FlyInTheOintment

In the movie 'Arrival' there are twelve machines which arrive from 'elsewhere', hovering in fields & promptly beginning to communicate in an incomprehensible 'language' which revolves around the expression of circles against a glass barrier between the aliens in their watery abode & the humans in the 'viewing chamber'.

This statement was made by myself back in July 2020, when I authored this thread. Recently I've been delving into 'flat earth' research, as I felt that I had witnessed several anomalies in the official narrative, through agencies such as NASA, which could be starkly seen as indicative of a plot to disguise aspects of our reality - features of the cover-up are uncompromisingly shoddy in places, and thus one wonders if it is deliberately so, in order that we would question & seed the answers from of our research into the collective consciouesness. Particularly evident is that absolute joke, the International Space Station & the astronauts who allegedly populate it. The women, for example, blatantly use hairspray to creating dramatic FAKE 'antigravity' hair, this is obviously so - why are they recording 'scenes' from the ISS in a clearly gravity-bound environment? Does 'space' exist?

In reality, in true zero gravity, long hair would float around gracefully as though the astronauts were swimming underwater, shown in 'Arrival' where the actress meets the aliens 'Abbott & Costello'.

There's a lot of evidence of deception being peddled by the NASA videographers & producers of the ISS 'show', such as the obvious use of harnesses, green screens, a limited range of supposedly 'sero-G' actions/positions which astronauts can accomplish for the benefit of the camera, etc.

This led me to be mightily suspicious regarding anything connected to NASA & the various space programs around the world. But what could they be hiding? Why do they apparently have no access to zero-G space itself? Surely if they landed men on the Moon in the sixties, there would be no difficulty in maintaining a low earth orbit space station..? So what is the meaning of the deception?

My quoted text above could indeed obliquely indicate the existence of a 'dome' firmament overhead, with the Earth as a flat plane, an artificial environment into which we all have been translated somehow. Who therefore is making the crop circles, if we assume it is not the government? Who is looking down as though peering through the firmament itself, to leave us these remarkable geoglyphs?

We should bear in mind that we are NOT describing a reality in which ONLY a 'domed, flat earth' exists..

Who's to say that this world is not a spiritually integrated mega-engineering project designed by a superior power, a mind that we could barely begin to fathom? Is it directly engineered by the hand of God, or was it created by the angelic beings who attend to God's works in the Cosmos? When we are liberated from our bodies at death, do we face the likelihood of reincarnation within the dome if we have not reached the zenith of human religious experience (friendship with Christ)..? We potentially reincarnate through many lives here, with great spiritual significance in the journey - we potentially find communion with God in one particular lifetime & exit the dome environment, either permanently, or for a heavenly sojourn..

Incidentally, I'm certain that rebellious & evil souls, those which willfully cause pain, death & destruction, which steal, abuse the innocent, which agitate & fracture society, inciting illegitimate warfare (etc) - will enter a hellish domain after their death - a dry & barren place, the underworld, where evil spirits contend with & seek to abuse & ensnare one other - ultimately given to the task of destroying any human meandering too close to the precipice formed of evil rooted in the heart. Emmanuel Swedenborg stated that souls which are evil actually cast themselves into the 'Hell' domain, because they cannot bear to come before the Light of God & have their hearts exposed. They literally dash off the precipice as fast as they can, to remain there in misery - though potentially further opportunties may exist in which they can still be redeemed, but I do not know for sure, and would not like to speculate too far into that hornet's nest.

I firmly believe that God is far more merciful than most humans would give Him credit for; I believe that the vast array of near-death experience & confirmed past life testimonies which have filtered into research/popular literature/ TV documentaries, over the past several decades, provide solid proof of that mercy (in that people who find themselves in the underworld as they are in the process of dying, actually call out to God for salvation, and they are indeed rescued from that place). Never let anyone tell you that they know the exact standards by which God judges the hearts of men & women - there' a wealth of contextual experience involved - trauma over years, decades, generations - suffering in many ways, if unfortunate to be born in a failed state, an abusive family, etc.

God is merciful, just & gracious.

The 'domed Earth realm' concept of Reality folds completely into the human story of redemption, and can't be separated from God's grace towards us in Christ.. It's a protective environment - an unbreakable 'training wheels' world, the realm of material substance & natural forces, potentially established after some sort of cataclysm involving the original Earth. In fact it seems to be a benevolent SIMULATION of the original Earth ('evidenced' by the Mandela Effect), in which we are tested & refined "..the crucible for silver, the furnace for gold", even in the presence of the 'dark ones' cast out of Heaven (the hidden controllers of all truly evil powers on Earth). This is also therefore a sort of prison environment, in which fallen angels are trapped, bound by striated & unbreakable laws minimising the harm they're able to cause. But we're not permanently trapped here.

Humans seek redemption here, testing their mettle in the presence of the adversary. We are instructed to 'overcome the world', developing self-control, loving one other, seeking God. Are the 'sacred geometry' crop circles cryptic messages from Elohim/angels?

" When Adam fell from grace, his divine soul shattered into billions of pieces, which then became the souls of men & women down the ages. We are from below, not above. We are elevated by grace, required to present ourselves before God having lived by adherence to the law."

(Talmud ~ paraphrased)

"having lived by adherence to the law" Judaic view, should be substituted with the fulfilled Judeo-Christian view "having lived a life in search of redemption.." Redemption, born of the grace of God, is established at the moment a lost/broken soul looks to Christ for liberation from the snare of sin & its consequence. It can't be 'earned', it's a free gift.

Christ provided for the undoing of damage from a universal curse, that we vaguely understand as 'the Fall'. Since the time of His ministry on Earth, He has liberated captives from the underworld, elevating Mankind heavenward by way of His presence, teachings, signs & wonders, from all those who followed in establishing His legacy (which is indeed all of Western society - & the universal fellowship of churches).


edit on AugustSaturday2118CDT04America/Chicago-050059 by FlyInTheOintment because: important clarification

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