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God, If You Are Listening...

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posted on Jun, 29 2020 @ 10:03 PM
a reply to: spiritofsoul

Spiritofsoul, I sent you a PM.

posted on Jun, 30 2020 @ 03:02 AM
a reply to: StallionDuck

Yeah, sciatica. I have it. I believe I found a solution. Let's deal with your 20 years of sciatica when the dude with only 10 years is gone. 🙂
Is it squeezing one nerve at time, pain is in one butt half?
Then sleep with this half an inch higher.

Of course if your spine is FUBAR, some weirdness is visible even on Xray scanner, it may not work for you. Still, if you have pain free days there's a possibility of strengthening it with exercise and supplements like collagen, boron, vitamin D, getting rid of bad biofilm on teeth... Buckin Billy Ray had a tree landed on his lower back and he's chopping trees again. He exercises with that yoga ball.

Btw CBD allows me to switch off pain signals. Actually the most effective was one of my 1:1 indicas but it's the CBD no question. It's still there unlike with other nasty drugs but my mind can ignore it to the point that it disappears and even enjoys it. It's so good that I stopped using it as it can get worse over time when you ignore the pain warnings and relax your spine too much in bad positions etc. It can also mess with my ability to reach the center of the pain in order to heal it and with spirituality. But yeah, it is a hack

posted on Jun, 30 2020 @ 10:45 AM
a reply to: spiritofsoul

There is no god.

Karma is not real.

The only one that can help you is yourself or a doctor.

I suggest trying marijuana for the pain.

posted on Jul, 1 2020 @ 02:31 AM

originally posted by: DAVID64
a reply to: spiritofsoul

If you are honestly at your wits end, please see a mental health professional. Talk to a friend, talk to us, get it out of your system.


We have plenty of folks here who are ready to listen and help in whatever way we can.

Mental health? Nothing about my mental health needs fixing and everything I have is unfixable, do you know what I did after I posted this? I went and laid down on the bed and closed my eyes, I was on my back first, then my left side, then my right, back to my backside, one pillow between my legs, one under my arms and I never fell asleep, I was just so exhausted I just had my eyes shut for 12 hours, every time I get in bed for 10 years I am lucky if I get 1 hr of uninterrupted actual sleep, I have a built in "pain" alarm.

The folks here are great supporters of my misery and I thank them all, if I could put a morphine drip in me that would be awesome, but spiritually, I am not capable of assisted suicide or ending this journey prematurely. I still have much to learn. The energy I put into writing this is why I have not replied sooner or why I will not reply to all.

So I picked the first one and I hope the rest will understand, if I could multi-quote that would be so nice, but that is not an option. Thanks to everyone who has replied, stars and flags included, it is amazing how much so little can help.

posted on Jul, 1 2020 @ 03:03 AM
a reply to: spiritofsoul

I'm not one to advocate pharmaceuticals generally but they have their place. I don't know the cause of your pain but sleep is fundamental to your well-being, I know, I'm preaching to the choir, but talk to your doctor about whether they can give you some kind of knock out drop every so often, let you have at least one good nights sleep once in a while. Nothing you'd want to be doing regularly but if you've tried doing it on your own, tried every natural aid available...

I perfectly understand your not replying directly. Take care and I'm wishing hard for you to get some sleep.

posted on Jul, 1 2020 @ 04:41 PM
a reply to: spiritofsoul

There is absolutely lot of choices between "nothing" and a bag of "morphine"
I had a sleepless sciatica night like this too, crawling from bed to a toilet using only hands and slow like an earthworm... It was bad 3 days, then it got better and I could move like a dog, pause and after the squeezed nerve healed a bit I started to exercise and try to crack-fix the spine. It rarely doesnt make it worse. One night during the sleep the spine fixed itself. Yeah, then it moved into the other leg anyway. It's not funny and it was not funny on the toilet either. But I keep trying a lot of things. Comfrey rectal douche seemed to help a bit once. Aspirin (and Willow bark). Cannabis. Collagene. Coconut oil and dozens of various herbs and stuff to kill possible lyme disease. Changing the diet to heal the intestines. Not using alcohol rectally helped a lot. Nerves dont like it. One of my favorite herbalist hobbies had to go. Leaky gut causes inflamation too. There are ways to fix it - avoiding sugar, lectins, drinking clay water, tannins,... Unless you had an injury or multiple sclerosis but lot of people like this use cannabis as the ultimate hack. Do you enjoy the spiritual part of suffering? I'd want to try something new every month. There's a Cannabis-free "Knock-Out" sleep aid on Infowars - Valerian root, Chamomile, melatonine,Lemon Balm... it has good reviews. Why not? You can get some of the herbs and try a tea to save cash. If it gives you an extra hour of sleep it's a 100% improvement. Many times people think they slept for an hour when it was 3 or 4 hours though.

When you refuse to be specific about your condition it's ok I guess, but showing little interrest in any treatments...
What if God is giving you answers in this thread but you keep praying?

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